fear-115 · 5 years
The doctor
3 years ago I lived through hell on earth, it was the scariest few months in my life and I needed to get it off my chest. I was about 10 years old and I was at home watching some videos when my mum asked me to go down to the store about 2 blocks away because we were almost out of milk. I was about 100 meters away from the store when I was stopped by a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes, he had a relatively attractive face and a huge smile. “Are your parents nearby?” “No” I responded, he suddenly to get very close to me and he had a slightly crazy look in his eyes “My names Dr Wolsted” “ I'm a pediatrician do you know what that is?” I shook my head “Its a doctor that specializes in children” I was very creeped out at this point so I started walking away, he looked very annoyed but didn't try to stop me. I walked out of the store and instantly started looking around, at first I thought he was gone but when I turned around I saw him just standing in the middle of the pavement and staring at me and smiling this huge slightly crazy smile.
I got home and told my parents what happened, I didn't think it was that bad I thought it was just a bit creepy but after I told my parents they looked very concerned and they told me that I didn't need to worry but instantly started making phone calls and they looked very worried.
It was few weeks before I saw him again, me my sister and my brother were home alone, and we heard a knock at our front door. my brother went to answer the door I was in near the door and curios about who was there so I looked and nearly screamed, it was the same man who had stopped me in the road a few weeks before. He had a huge grin on his face and started looking around, There were hundreds of thoughts in my head such as how on earth he found my house. I tried to scream but I couldn't I sort of just opened my mouth and raised my hand pointing at him. He took a step into the house but my brother had noticed my reaction and shoved the man backwards slamming the door in his face and locking it, he started calming me down and asking me what was wrong I told him that he had stopped me on the road while I was near the shop and after I had left the store he was just standing there staring at me. my brother called my parents and they told him to keep the door locked and not open it to anyone and that they would be back in about 5 mins. When my parents got home they called the police who said they would send a car over to patrol the area. After that there were multiple occasions where we saw him driving by or just standing there smiling and staring at my house.
It was getting to the point were I wasn’t even allowed to leave the house without a police man either with me or nearby, i was escorted to and from school in a police car. I thought this was all a big waste of time and people were making a big deal out of nothing. However this viewpoint changed when a call came into the school apparently from my father saying that he was meant to pick me up from school today and that his car would be outside the school gates. After school a teacher escorted me to the point were my dad said he’d be waiting,I was very confused as the car wasn’t my dads, I mentioned this to the teacher and her face when very white and she grabbed my arm, we went back inside the building where she called my mother, it turned out that my dad was still at work and wasn’t supposed to pick me up that day. There was a police patrol car that was coming to pick me up in about 5 minutes so we went to wait outside for it. We noticed that the car was still there and i managed to get a closer look, it was him. that night i woke up, i’m not 100% sure why but what i did know was that i was very thirsty, I made my way down to the kitchen but i dint expect to see what i did. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table crying, it took me a few seconds to notice the gun on the table. I sprinted to him and threw my arms around him. we stayed like that for a long time before he broke away from the embrace and told me to take a seat, we started talking about what was going on. He told me that he was so scared for me and for my brother and sister, it was so stressful always worrying if that man was near me or if he was about to hurt me. He said that the stress was so much that he was thinking about taking his life, now it was my turn to start crying. We must have sat there for almost an hour talking about everything before my dad told me to head up to bed.
This went on for a few weeks and then all of a sudden it just stopped, I stopped seeing the man, I was allowed to leave the house without the police and everything started going back to normal. The thing that really makes me sick is the fact that that man is still out there, probably still praying on young children like me, and that fact more than any other, the fact that other people might be hurt, raped or murdered by this man, that is the thing that keeps me up at nights. 
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fear-115 · 5 years
the intruder
Caller: hello
911 Operator: hello what's your emergency
Caller: please can you send help there's a man standing in my backyard
911 Operator: what is he doing
Caller: um I don't really know he's kind of just standing there smiling
911 Operator: ok I'm sending a patrol car, I want you to perform a lock test can you go to every possible entrance and make sure its locked
Caller: ok give me a second
Caller: ok everything is locked
911 Operator: good there will be a patrol car there in about three minutes
911 Operator: sir what's happening
911 Operator: ok calm down and lock your self in a room or a bathroom
911 Operator: sir are you there
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fear-115 · 5 years
Don't let her in
I had just moved in to a new house, I was renting from the owners for a few weeks while they were away. Anyway the house was nice, it had 12 rooms and was pretty old. I had been at the house for about half an hour when I heard the doorbell ring which put me on edge because the house was very out of the way, lets say you had to be looking for it if you wanted to find it so the fact that somebody had already found my house was a bit weird but I opened the door to find an old woman standing there with a creepily big smile on her face staring straight in to me. She then said something about being with the local council and asked if she could come in. my gut instinct was to slam the door in her face but I didn't, looking back I really wish I had. She walked into my living room and sat down without saying anything and just sat there for at least 30 seconds in scilence. After an almost umbarible amount of time she took an old sweet out of her pocket and placed it on the table, it was the type of sweet that had the clear plastic wraping. I wasent sure what to do but i unwraped it, it was a dark red almost black couler, and poped it in my mouth. Imagane the big bins at the back of schools that they put all the gone off food and rotten meat in, now imagane that smell think about how it would smell on a hot summers day, now imagane that as a taste. Thats the only way to describe what this thing tasted like, it was all i could do not to spit the thing out right in the old womans face. I managed to swallow and told the scilent woman that i was going to get a drink of water
I must have only been gone for about 30 seconds but when i got back the woman was gone. I might have assumed she had gone to the bathroom but i started to panick. I locked all doors and windows and started a search of the house, i checked every closet and under every bed but found nothing. I started to relax but that night when i went to sleep i decided not to take any chances and locked my door. I woke at about 2 in the morning confused as to where i wad then i remebered and sat up. I had been woken by a noise but couldent figure out what, i froze, the door handle had moved then it happened again as if someone was outside trying the handle trying to figure out if the door was locked, then it stoped and i heard footsteps walking away from my room. I didnt get anymore sleep after that. In the morning i went down to the living room and found another one of those sweets on the table and ill tell you the same thing i told the police, im just glad that i locked my door. The police did a thourough search of the house but like me found nothing and reasured me it was ok telling me to call them if anything else happened. The rest of the day i saw nothing of her but that night at about the same time i woke again. At first I couldent see anything but as my vision cleared i noticed my door was open and i saw an indistinct shape, i turned on the lamp and nearly screamed. The woman was just outside my door a stupidly big grin on her face just staring at me almost as soon as i saw her she retreated out of view and my door slamed shut. My body went into complete shock and for a few seconds i was completly frozen but eventually my mind took over and i started thinking of possible escape plans. I could jump out of the window and risk a broken ankle but I decided against it, I had a horrible image of me pulling myself towards the road while she sprinted at me with that grin planted on her face. I decided on the front door as my best option. I got up from my bed and started preparing myself for what was about to happen. I opened the door and started sprinting down the stairs, I was sure that I could hear hoarse breathing right behind me but I didn't turn to check. I reached the door and started undoing the first lock.I undid the second lock and there was only the chain left now. I turned back to see her half running half throwing herself down the stairs with that stupid grin still planted on her face.
I dont remeber the exact moment i undid the chain, im not even sure if i did undo it or if in my panic i just ripped it open. I remeber her face right next to me then slamming the door in her face
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fear-115 · 5 years
The infection
I remember everything about that day. It was my first week of working at the new hospital, I was a junior doctor in A&E and I was already used to all the blood and stress of the place. This day was at first like any other but it all happened in the last hour of my shift. I was looking after this old man when he lent towards me and then I realised that the whites of his eyes appeared to have changed colour to a dark reddish brown almost black. He started to mumble something to his shoes which I couldn't hear so I leant forward and said "Sorry I didn't quite catch that." He looked up and made eye contact and said in a much louder "We all have it now." 
"Have what?" I asked he looked at me again and I swear his eyes bore deep into my soul, in those moments I felt scared and desperate I tried to yell out but I couldn't, he must have been staring at me for at least 20 seconds when he finally said " The infection." I was about to ask him what he meant when all the readings such as his heart rate and his breathing just fell to 0 I he fell to the bed and I jumped up to check for a pulse or anything but nothing. He was dead. 
I got home that night and I didn't know how to feel I wanted to feel sad after all he was the first patient to die under my care but somehow I couldn't. It was like something inside me was tugging at my mind making me think only of the two words that man had said "the infection" those two words seemed to echo in my brain. I could feel those words flooding through my body washing away everything else, I was completely absorbed with them, those two words were the only thing that mattered. I fell to the floor coughing and spluttering, my heart rate was dropping and I couldn't breath but I barely noticed. I couldn't stop those two words they were coming but I wanted them I wanted to absorb them more. They were all that mattered  
The infection
The infection 
The infection    
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fear-115 · 5 years
The smiling man
Ive always been a night person myself which is annoying because my room mate is decidedly not a night person was always asleep leaving me to wander around the city alone. I was never scared when i went on my walks it was a running joke that even the drug dealers in my city were polite. However there was one experience that change it all. I was walking down the street in a quite area there where no people around when I saw him. A man dance walking down the road it was a graceful almost waltz but walking down the road just staring at the sky and smiling. Decideing he was drunk I moved over to give him most of the side walk but as he got closer i got a creepy feeling so i crossed the road. In the few seconds that i had turned turned away to cross the road he was standing parrallel to me one foot in the road still staring at the sky smiling. I was quite creeped out by this so i started to walk a bit faster. I took my eyes of him again for a few seconds and when i turned around he was standing on the same side as me crouching down, staring straight at me but still with that horrifying smile on his face. He started tiptoeing towards me but not normally really exagerated almost like how a cartoon charecter sneaks up on another. He was about 2 steps away when he stopped still just staring at me. I meant to say "what the fuck do you want" but it came out more like "what the fu... uh what do you want?" Regardless of weather humans can smell fear or not they can definatly hear it . He diddnt answer he just stood there with that horrible smile plastered on his face and started to laugh. Not a nice laugh like you use responding to a joke this was a horrific noise that cut deep in to your soul it was the sound of nails on a black board or a metal fork on a china plate, it was a laugh of pain and torture, it was a laugh of doom and despare and it filled me with an instense feeling of discomfort and suffering. He turned around and started dance walking away staring at the sky and smiling again. I was just about to turn around when i saw that he wasent walking away anymore he was coming at me and he was coming at at run. I turned and sprinted as fast as i could i must have been running full pelt for about 5 minutes when i finllay reached a main road with other people around. Only now did i stop and look behind me. Needless to say i never whent out for anymore night walks after that.
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fear-115 · 5 years
The road trip
Im scared. My brother is scaring me. Well at least he looks like my brother but im covinced hes not. He used to be kind, caring and funny but now... he has been acting weird ever scince the road trip. It started one saturday in the christmas holidays when we set out on a 6 hour road trip to see my grandmother. About an hour into the journey my brother started complaining about how he needed the toilet, he started to get really annoying so my parents said they would stop at the next bathroom. We stopped at this shitty looking building, my dad stopped the car and my brother got out. He ran into the building and a few minutes later another car pulled up and a man ran into the building he looked like a homeless man and my dad wanted to go check on my brother but my mum convinced him it was fine. We sat in the car for what felt like forever before my brother walked out the doors of the building. I noticed he was acting strangly he climbed in the car and said rather forcefully "drive." At that moment the man ran full speed out of the building and stood infront of our car screaming "STOP! THATS NOT YOUR SON!" My dad looked at him like he was insane and pulled out of the parking space and drove down the road forcing the man to dive out the way. I looked at my brother face there was something red on it, "hey whats that?" My mother turned to look at my question as my brother tries to cover his face " Jeremey is... is that blood?"
"No its just mud." My brother responded as he gave me a death glare for bringing mums attention to it.
When we got to grandmas house things got even weirder instead of eating dinner he went outside and just sat on the ground under a tree staring at me. We were sharing a room so i decided to go to bed straight before my brother did anything else. I woke up at an odd hour of the night to find my brother holding a large kitchen knife making small cuts on his arm and staring at me
"If you tell anyone your next" he said smiling
Please help me I dont know what to do.
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