fat-study · 7 years
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Ashley Graham
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fat-study · 7 years
hey if you’re not a lesbian maybe don’t fight lesbians on lesbian issues lmao
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fat-study · 7 years
Shit No One Told Me About My Period
I knew the basics before I got it, but I had no clue…
* The blood wouldn’t necessarily be red. When I first got my period, I spent a few min looking at my underwear wondering how I shit myself. I didn’t know the blood could look brown, or be thick.
* That tampons weren’t a good idea yet. I was 10 or 11 when I got my first period and physically smaller than an adult woman. My first attempt at inserting a tampon was very painful and unsuccessful. I wouldn’t use them until I was around 14 or so.
* That when you use pads the blood can get on your bottom and I’d have to occasionally clean off the toilet seat after using it.
* That getting your first period DOES NOT mean you’re fully developed and fully able to bear children. I could have technically gotten pregnant at that age, but I was still a child and pregnancy would have put my life in danger because I was still physically immature.
* That it wouldn’t be regular for another few years.
* That very painful cramping is NOT NORMAL once you reach your 20s and is cause for concern.
* That the blood and tissue you pass can look chunky or stringy and not like blood from a cut.
* That stress can halt your period for months BUT
* That doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant
Feel free to add your own
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fat-study · 7 years
“skip dinner and become thinner” more like “skip dinner and you have an eating disorder please get help”
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fat-study · 7 years
Petition to change “he looked at her like she was the sun” to “he looked at her like she was the moon” and any other variation bc I look at the moon in wonder and love and amazement while I’ve only ever just squinted angrily at the sun
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fat-study · 7 years
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Queen Latifah in her Maleficent costume (2014)
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fat-study · 7 years
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never forget that australias first ever winter olympics gold was won because the guy was coming dead last and everyone in front of him fell over
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fat-study · 7 years
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fat-study · 7 years
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fat-study · 7 years
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Today at therapy was really hard. I was sitting here crying, and generally being miserable, when I felt a nudge at my knee. I looked down to see that Zeus, my service dog, was doing his job… and brought me a potato. it is very hard to cry with a gift of potato.
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fat-study · 7 years
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fat-study · 7 years
I hope our daughters are born with so much fire in their souls, they could put volcanoes and stars to shame.
Nikita Gill, Girls Made of Fire (via wordsnquotes)
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fat-study · 7 years
“You fight like a girl.”
I’m sorry
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I didn’t
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fat-study · 7 years
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the Onion is at it again
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fat-study · 7 years
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Zelda is having none of your nonsense today, Tate.
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fat-study · 7 years
“Yes, being in a female dominated field, I do know what it means to be marginalized. “
oh my fucking god
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fat-study · 7 years
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