Why Does This Happen?
Nicole and I are having a problem and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s weighing heavily on me and I had to talk to my brother about it last night.  Whenever I go out and drink, it’s like she’s a completely different person. We go from talking how we normally talk to her barely saying anything to me. She NEVER wants to talk after I get back or the day after. We talk all the time, every day,…
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Living my Life. Ready for the Distance to be over.
It’s been awhile. I’m sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve been living and it hasn’t been a priority to blog lately. Writing is better for me when I’ve actually lived my life and can go and write about everything, as opposed to always writing about my feelings, which I still love to do. I went on random rode trip to Atlanta and saw Lauryn Hill perform, and I went to my brother’s campus after we…
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It Feels Like True Love.
I’ve been staring at my phone thinking about how to start this off for pretty much the entire day. When I was riding in the truck making deliveries at work, I’m working for LightHouse Pool and Spa as a drivers assistant for the rest of the Summer, I would just sit and think of what to write. Now I’m back home and I still don’t know how to start talking about how I feel about Nicole and our…
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Should I Fall Back?
I’m in love with Nicole, and that’s why this is so hard for me. We’re not breaking up or anything like that, we just can’t talk as much and I honestly think I need to stop trying to talk to her while she’s away at camp. You’d think it would be the other way around right? That I should try to talk to her as much as possible. So would I normally, but it isn’t working at all. I just come across as…
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I usually don’t post about stuff like this because I think it’s not appropriate, but bear with me because this is bothering me.  I really love making love. It’s the best feeling in the world. I wish I could every day if I’m being completely honest, and I know I’m not the only one that feels that way. I can’t just be with any girl though. A lot of my friends can, but I have to be in love with…
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It's Lit.
It’s Lit.
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Yesterday was just what I needed.  My family from Georgia came up to Cleveland this weekend so we could all get together and have a good time in some nice weather. They usually only come in the Spring or Summer because they can’t stand the cold, and honestly I don’t blame them at all.  I love when my family gets together. It’s good seeing how everyone changed, how/what they’re doing and just…
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It's been awhile.
It’s been awhile.
I haven’t posted in months, and I apologize. I stepped away from my blog for a bit because I wanted to focus on other things that were going on. When I write, it’s very time consuming and I like to write a lot and be as honest as possible. I’m not going to write anything if my heart isn’t in it. I’d be doing myself a disservice and a disservice to anyone who takes the time out of there day to…
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I hope things aren’t always going to be like this. It’s just weird when we talk now. I…
I hope things aren’t always going to be like this. It’s just weird when we talk now. I won’t say anything else about it to her, she’s going through a lot. It’s just really different now. Everything is different. When we were together it was great but it felt different. When I text her it feels like she doesn’t want to talk to me.
I think I’m going to stop and take a step back. I honestly don’t…
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So here's where I am.
So here’s where I am.
We talked last night, and that’s good. I don’t like us not talking but we’re fighting a lot. We’re arguing a lot and we don’t normally do that. It’s stressing me out and I feel like I should have just left certain things alone, but I can’t do that. I couldn’t. Certain things piss me off and hurt me, like when she shuts me out or when she says “You don’t know if you’ll always love me.” and things…
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This Sucks.
Nicole isn’t talking to me. She’s really mad at me about what happened last weekend. I posted a video on snapchat of girls dancing and she saw it. She saw it and said she wanted to take a break. My initial thought was, “It was a video and I didn’t even do anything.” Everyone I talked to about it said it could have been 100x worse. I was really drunk too but that’s not an excuse. Now…I understand…
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This Sucks.
Nicole isn’t talking to me. She’s really mad at me about what happened last weekend. I posted a video on snapchat of girls dancing and she saw it. She saw it and said she wanted to take a break. My initial thought was, “It was a video and I didn’t even do anything.” Everyone I talked to about it said it could have been 100x worse. I was really drunk too but that’s not an excuse. Now…I understand…
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God Has Control.
Last night I was at my weekly Man of Action Group, it’s for all the male leaders in Cru, and we talked about surface sins and heart idols. Surface sins being the sins we commit everyday, such as lying or hurting others, and heart idols being the reason why we commit these sins. There were about 8 heart idols we talked about, but the one that stood out to me is control because I struggle with it…
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Friday Night With the Fam.
I missed my family a lot! I got to spend the night with everyone for the first time in what seems to be forever, and it was nice just seeing everybody.
We went to a hookah bar, I love hookah even though it’s horrible for me, and a few of my cousins shot pool.  I would have, but I’m horrible and these games seemed really competitive. If they were for fun and so I could get better, I’d be all for…
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You Have to Love Yourself.
You Have to Love Yourself.
It’s important to love yourself. It shouldn’t be the most important thing to someone, there’s no need to be narcissistic, but it’s really important to love yourself because if you don’t nothing will seem good in your life. 
That’s what I need to work on more, just loving me. Doing things for myself and not for anyone else. That might be selfish, but it’s important. It’s just as important as…
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I'm tired of fighting.
I’m tired of fighting.
Nicole and I were arguing, and it’s always about the same thing. Just that we don’t talk as much. I don’t want to be needy and controlling. That’s not my thing at all, I don’t care that we can’t talk all day. I get upset because when we do, it’s like I’m talking to a wall. Our conversations used to be great, even the pointless ones. That was all I needed when she’s 500+ miles away. If we can’t…
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Jacolby J. Hart:
I couldn’t agree more.
Originally posted on World map, cheap coffee and cigarettes:
I just saw a girl’s tweet about how her boyfriend is the jealous type and how lucky she is. Girl is crazy but it got me thinking what is love and do I want that kind of love?
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Love. I don’t know where to start. What IS love? What do I know about love? I wouldn’t recognize love of it hit me. Is…
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You Got to Have Faith.
This is a post about my relationship, but it’s going to be different. I usually talk about how worried I am and everything like that. How I don’t want things to ever end, and how much I love Nicole. I’m still in love with her and I still never want us to end. I’ve been thinking and feeling differently about certain things.
When we talk, it feels different. Like she doesn’t really want to talk to…
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