fairytailfanfic ¡ 3 years
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Too close 💖
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fairytailfanfic ¡ 3 years
The Concept of ‘Ready’
A short, Nalu Segment inspired by the recent Chapter (43) In 100 Year Quest. I know, surprise surprise- I don’t even read it and yet I had a plot bunny! There will be references to 100 Year Quest, as well as references to a few scenes in the Original Manga. Enjoy! Pairing: Nalu
~ Tag List ~
@pbfanart @cobblepottantrum @yuldragneel @bearpluscat @millennial-star-gazer @caandleworks  @kaycha1989 @furidojasutin @eragonsoul  @just-another-dream-girl @whatdidyasayiamdaydreaming  @hanahathefluffydragon @softscream @dlshieldss @ctay21 @acidrain1698 @lovelyluce @clockworkassassino  @celestialwolf24 @unwei  @jem-hamster-chan @melissa827  @meilynalu @littlejinxed @moonlitstargazerforever @trollka21     ~~~~
Apparently, she has a thing for Natsu, too. 
Most wouldn’t expect a laugh, but a short burst of empty amusement was Lucy’s only response at the time. She wasn’t the greatest at hiding her feelings, especially from a Mage who could read her with a swipe of a card or just with her observing dark eyes. The Celestial Mage knew what Cana was doing when she said ‘too’ - and while it may have escaped Juvia’s notice, it hadn’t missed hers. 
Emotions often burst through Lucy like over filled cups. So difficult to hide, so easy to replace with another to cover up true intentions and wants. Her denial through the past couple of years was something she prided herself on, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know the truth. 
Better hurry.. She’s gonna take him!
Take him? As if. Lucy knew better.
She’s your love rival!
That couldn’t be further from the truth. 
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fairytailfanfic ¡ 4 years
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fairytailfanfic ¡ 4 years
Burning Heart Re:Write (NaLu/ENDLu)
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Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: NaLu (Natsu x Lucy)/ENDLu (E.N.D Natsu x Lucy)
Genre: Angst, Canon Divergent AU
Word Count: 1461
Beta Read by @the-fairy-dragon
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Ba-Bump... Ba-Bump... Ba-Bump...
A moment ago, Lucy Heartfilia was rewriting the missing letters that disappeared from the swirling lines of words emerging from the book of E.N.D, having memorized them. She saw the words disappearing as a sign that Natsu had been injured in his fight with Zeref and, as such, she didn't hesitate to take action. To ensure Natsu's safety.
Ba-Bump... Ba-Bump... Ba-Bump...
Gray and Happy were beside Lucy, watching in awe with Happy in particular in a celebratory mood. She was about finished writing the last missing word.
And that was when it happened.
Her body suddenly froze up and began shaking as sweat started to take form and dripped downward. Her eyes widened and her breath seemingly began to come out in small gasps. Before she could say anything, she felt it.
The painful pounding of her heart as vein-like and molten liquid-like markings began to spread on and inside her body. On her arm. On her chest. On her neck. On her face.
On her pounding heart.
"Hey Lucy! What happened?!"
"Lucy! Stay with us!"
Gray and Happy's concerned voices briefly made themselves heard in Lucy's ears, only to be drowned out by the erratic pounding of her heart.
The burning sensation that accompanied the markings was one that Lucy never felt before. And it was starting to become too much for her. She hunched over, clutching her chest in pain, struggling to breathe.
Not hesitating, Gray immediately rushed to her side. "Hang on!" He says in a deeply concerned tone. But he placed his hand on her shoulder, he immediately removed it when he felt the intense heat that was consuming her. "You're burning up!"
Lucy's heart was practically overworking itself against her ribcage from the markings that were spreading on it, just to keep her alive. The sweat on her body had increased. Her lungs were heaving so hard that it's a mystery how they haven't imploded inside her chest yet. Her hands still clutched to her chest as she tried to calm down, trying to fight off the demonic energy flowing into her physical heart.
"I... I feel hot," Lucy says, her words coming out in the form of shaky breaths. "Something's burning inside my body... Urgh..." She was definitely feeling the markings on her heart spreading more and more, causing her body to heat up even more. Gray and Happy looked on in concern.
"Natsu's fire," the blue cat said. "The flame of the demon..." Gray continued, undoubtedly worried about Lucy's current condition.
"But this...could be another clue..." Lucy says, struggling to breathe properly "if I can understand this magic, maybe I could...help Natsu."
"You could rewrite the demon within Natsu?" Happy said in a worried tone, knowing just as well as Gray does that nothing would stop her from keeping Natsu safe, even at the cost of her own life if need be. "But Lucy, you'll..." "I'm fine," Lucy replied, trying to reassure Happy that she was alright despite the fact that she wasn't.
The red-hot markings continued to spread, latching themselves onto the violently pulsating organ in Lucy's chest. Without hesitation, Gray used some of his ice magic to create a blizzard-like mini-storm, allowing Lucy's body to cool down somewhat. "So cold," she whispered as she felt the cold of Gray's magic collide with her overheating body. "Let's save Natsu together," Gray says as he turns his attention to Lucy. The ice mage wanted make sure that she would come out of this unscathed. "Yeah," the celestial mage replied, giving a reassuring smile.
From there, she turned her attention to the book itself. With the missing words now restored, she now hoped to rewrite Natsu's very fate. She prepared to write on the book. But then...
The erratic pounding of her heart nearly doubled as soon as her pen touched the book's pages. The pain became more excruciating than ever as the markings even more. And yet, she powers through the pain. Nothing was going to stop her from protecting Natsu.
Lucy continued to write on the book, making many alterations as she went along. But handling a demonic tome such as the book of E.N.D was beginning to take its toll on Lucy's body and on her heart, which by that point was already dangerously close to potentially exploding and giving out on her.
Still, she wouldn't stop until she was absolutely sure that Natsu would be alright. Her breathing was an indication that her body couldn't handle it any more if it tried. Just as she was finishing writing, the book suddenly glowed. Within seconds, the letters and words that were previously swirling around the group were now returning to the book.
"The book...what's going on?" Gray asked, confused as to what was happening. "The letters are going back in!" Happy replied, unsure about what to make of it. "I've done everything I can," Lucy says to them, the strain on her body evident in her breathing as she slams the book shut. "I wrote in everything we could remember about him. Natsu is...the Natsu that we know is..." "He's no demon!" Happy stated.
Immediately after, Lucy's eyes rolled up into her head as her heart slow down. Her body, unable to handle E.N.D's demonic energy any further, became limp and fell into Gray's arms, as if her soul had left her body. Her breathing stopped. Her heart stopped. Everything went black as one last thought entered her mind.
"Come on, Lucy! Wake up! Wake up, dammit!"
All she now saw was a near-infinite pitch black void. All she now felt was complete nothingness, save for the strange feeling of something or someone pushing rhythmically on her chest and filling her lungs with some much needed air. All she now heard was a panicked and distraught voice that wasn't Gray or Happy calling out to her.
"Lucy! Please...wake up! Please!"
She wasn't entirely sure who the voice belonged to, but whoever it was, this person was now fighting to keep her alive, as evident by the fact that she still felt the rhythmic pushing being placed on her chest.
"I'm not letting you leave me, Lucy! Not again!"
Then, like a flip of a switch, Lucy's heart began to resume its beating, slowly at first with its speed picking up within seconds. Suddenly, she began coughing violently, gasping for air. Her body jolted upward and her eyes widened as she began breathing erratically. After a few moments, she calmed down somewhat and attempted to take in her surroundings.
These attempts would be cut short when a certain someone begins hugging her tight. A certain someone with pink hair and who was in somewhat more bad shape than she was.
Natsu Dragneel was practically crying tears of relief at the sight of his closest friend being alive again. Gray, standing along side him, felt the same way. "D-don't make me worry like that," Natsu tearfully says as his tears fall onto Lucy's skin. "N-Natsu?" Lucy said, blinking in slight confused before it became clear to her that Natsu had given her CPR to restart her heart and save her life.
Her heart pounding at the thought of this and she started blushing as a result. Not wanting to look embarrassed, she simply asked one question: "What happened?"
"Gray and Happy told me everything," Natsu replied as he wiped some of his tears from his face. "You altering the book must have caused your heart to give out. Happy went to find Wendy and she'll..."
Natsu stops for a moment to hold Lucy tighter around him. "Oh god. I'm...I'm so happy you're safe," he says as he buries his head into her shoulder. Lucy could tell that Natsu was scared. Scared of losing her, the person closest to him, his best friend. Maybe something even more than that.
She didn't have time for wonder about that right now. Right now, she comforted the Dragon Slayer, placing his head onto her chest, where her heart is. "Me too, Natsu. Me too," she says as Natsu listened to the pounding of her once burning heart, reassuring him that she was alive and she was not going anywhere.
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fairytailfanfic ¡ 4 years
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Chapter 1
Smelling was as natural to a Dragon as breathing was to human. This was no different for Dragon Slayers. It was how they perceived the world. Their eyes were almost secondary to their sense of smell since they were able to smell people and things before they actually came into vision. Eyes were just a way to visually see the images they had already seen through their nostrils.
Their noses were so highly sensitive that they were able to recognize any scent changes. Every person and thing had their own unique scent. People scents, however, could change like, as people grew older their scent became more intense in a sense, a more defined and stronger version. Another way your scent could be altered was by spending enough time with someone else, their scent would cling to yours like an after taste. Scent served as an ID for Dragons Slayers. This is how they knew exactly who had been with you simply by smelling you.
Normally, their heighten sense would be a strength, especially in missions. They could easily know where their enemy or partners were. It was mostly a win-win situation. But... that just didn't seem to be the case right this second to any Dragon Slayer. It was mating season, and boy did they all get caught off guard. This year was different. This year it came early and it hit them like a wall of bricks. All preparations they had arranged had gone out the window, especially Natsu, he had it worse than any of them. Wendy was really the only exception, too young to get wrapped in it, she would only experience all her sense tenfold and feel a bit overwhelmed.
Natsu, on the other hand, had never been hit with it as strong as he had this time. It wasn't his first time but, this time, it was different and he could feel it deep within his bones. Of course, he knew why it was different but that didn't mean that it didn't feel like someone had it out for him. He was agonising as he held as tight as he could to his last thread of self-restraint. His eyes set on the entrance of the guild. He knew what was coming and he was not prepared for it.
As if on cue a particular busty blond walked into the guild making him growl. She waltzed in with one of her damned miniskirts dancing seductively around her creamy thighs. He wasn't sure that anyone could call that a skirt, it was as if she was taunting him and he hated her for it. It had taken him enough just to keep a straight face when he had smelled her scent coming in through the guild's open windows. She smelled delicious as if she had been doused in honey and a summer morning.
Why did this have to happen to him today out of all days? He had had the perfect plan which involved tiring her out in a mission so that she would want to take a break leaving him a whole week to leave and deal with this. He growled again smelling her familiar fiery ambition. Normally he would be thankful for having her around since she did smell nice but, not today, today he cursed her because nice didn't cut it. She smelled heavenly. She smelled so damn holy that he could drown in her scent. He was going mad with want and seeing what his nose was smelling just made it worse. She was just walking around saying hi to everyone as if she had no care in the world until her eyes fell on the defeated Dragon Slayer.
Sure, he had known her smell was a little different when they met. Later on he had understood that her smell had triggered something primal inside of him. But, never could he have imagined she'd manage to pull out of him this level of desire. If he had to condense it, they had a...complicated relationship. He knew he was attracted to her and she was attracted to him. They just hadn't really done much about it. It was more like they had just started doing something about it. Her chocolate eyes made contact with his onyx ones from across the room “crap”, he thought. Unwillingly he gulped down the bulge of nothing that had formed on his throat. He was trapped knowing that he couldn't just leave without an explanation and he had a feeling that "Oh it's horny season" wouldn't cut it.
He knew that there was a line between them. He just didn't understand the line anymore. It wasn't like they hadn't kissed because they had, a lot, especially lately. Recently it seemed like they had been crossing that line between friends and lovers a little too often. The last few nights they had started to venture and explore, nothing too crazy. But he did know that if he licked her inner thighs and side of her neck, she would say his name in ways that could make him kneel at her feet. Was this the reason he felt like he was going haywire?
Her eyes questioned his defeated like posture. He groaned as if in pain. His eyes were stuck on her figure watching her every movement. And, then something clicked inside her head. She smirked slyly at him. "Fucking Hell", he rumbled reading her mind. He knew what would happen next and his draconic side would not allow him to turn away from her.
She grabbed her celestial keys and twirled them on her index finger. She knew he was looking at her waiting for her to make a move. With her eyes still on his darkened ones she dropped her keys behind her. "She. Wouldn't.", Natsu thought as she turned her back to him, "Fuck". She bent down, her skirt riding up her legs teasing him until he could see much more than what he had bargained for. She had given him a first-row view to what she was wearing: a red velvet thong. He loathed her.
Lucy was no saint and no one knew that better than him. Natsu had had an excruciatingly long battle against himself to force his hands to stay put. But, the celestial mage had a very different plan, her hands would always find themselves somewhere on him. Sometimes they would tangle themselves deep in his salmon locks, other times she would touch his arm lightly. But, the worst times, those times were when her body was pressed firmly against his back when he would carry her. He could feel everything and it was the most addictive feeling he had experienced. She had tried just about every trick in the book to make him lose and it had worked, magnificently if she could add. This little game she was devising was no different, she knew she would win. It was just a matter of time.
After she, finally, stood up he looked around and sure enough, she had garnered a fair amount of attention. He could even hear a few comments coming from the older males to his right. This awoke a whole different set of dragon-like feelings, he wanted to melt their eyes off their faces. He forced himself to cling to the fact that only he had could have seen inside her skirt and they were his friends. "Friends my ass", he unwillingly thought.
He could feel his body burning, too overwhelmed to react. It felt just like the day when she had finally broken him. The fateful day he quite literally had enough and pinned her against the nearest wall and devoured her mouth before realising what he was doing and stopping. That day had changed their relationship into this ambiguous mess and if he was being honest he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to make it anything but what it already was. Lucy from her part turned to look at him licking her lips. "Fuck that", Natsu thought changing his opinion on all his reservation. He wanted her and it wasn't like she wasn't offering herself in a golden platter. She wanted to be taken and he just about had it with all the stupid restrictions he had imposed on himself.
He might have seemed like a dense idiot at times but Lucy had no clue what a dragon in heat was capable of. He had wanted to take this, whatever it was, slow. He wanted to make sure they wouldn't change if they decided to step into the other side of the damned line. "I swear to Mavis if she does one more thing", he cursed, his teeth grinding against each other as he watched her approaching him. He was so fucked.
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