facepickingsucks · 9 years
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It’s been a while, I dont post stuff more often cause Im currently working as a teacher for kids in an elementary school, it’s been so great, I’m kind of busy all the time wich is good for my skin as you can see, I do not pick my face in a compulsive way, I still pick my chest and abs.
my scars are like 96% gone, some are copletely gone, it is so great!!! I’m happy for that but my chest and abs is covered with scars and hyperpigmentation that I cannot wait to cover!! I’ll get a big tattoo to cover that stuff.
it’s almost 5 months since I started the challenge to stop picking, I didn’t find the cure for dermatillomania, I still pick and get anxious, but now is more under control and I’m aware of it.
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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UPDATE: This is me and my pretty and clear face at the library working in my degree thesis, I’m so happy, I’m not picking lately and haven’t feel anxious neither, I’m so happy I’m working on my stuff again and not hiding myself in my bedroom. My dark spots and scars are like 80% gone, I just have a few hardly noticeable Also the witheheads I used to wake up with everyday on my jawline suddenly stop, I don’t get up with anything new on my face, still have oily skin but I don’t care too much bout that
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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💦Here we go again #tattoo #truetraditionaltattoos
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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I'm going to bed, I'm happy cause tomorrow I'll get a new tattoo, tattooing is something that made my skin looks good, I love getting tattooed because that hide what I've already picked on the past, I don't know why but I never pick at tats
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
It's been a while again, I haven't post anything here recently because I don't know what to do with this blog, at the beginning I did it because I wanted to share with you people on internet about my derma 30 days challenge that I did and thanks to that I'm not destroying my face anymore, right now my skin is perfect, no wounds, no blemishes, no oily skin, no redness or swollen, the 30 days challenge made me realized I can fight this illness hard, I know now i can get whatever I want in life, all my scars and dark spots on face area are 90% gone, it took two months and a half to fade almost completely or completely in some parts, I owe everything to the challenge and the changes I made in my routine, I'm still not using cleansers or soaps or chemicals on my face, I just splash water on it twice a day and use a light lotion to moisturize at night, my chest and abs area is full of dark spots because I'm not moisturizing there, I'll get that part of my body tattooed soon so I'm not ashamed of those scars. Did I cure my dermatillomania? No! I don't think this have a cure, I guess we are going to live with this out whole lifes, I still pick but I can control it easy and can talk to me and say picking is not going to solve anything, and I listen to myself and stop. When I feel so anxious what I do is a good exercise; have you notice that when someone is sleeping, his or her stomach moves while it get full of air? It is because when we are so calm the air go direct to the abs or stomach, but if you are awake all the air goes to the lungs. If you try send the air to the stomach and you see how it get full or it and move, the levels of anxiety are going to go down slowly. I'll try to post pictures and stuff here.
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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It's been almost two months without picking in a compulsive way, it means I've picked but just withe heads or pimples ready to go out, also I got a mentor who has helped me a lot with my picking, I talk to him every time I can on Facebook, if you want or think need that kind of help, write to Canadian body focused repetitive behavior network they are really good people, I'm trying to focus my energy in different stuff instead of picking and I feel good today cause I can take photos of myself without feeling shame, recovery is a step by step, first let your wounds heal and always be kind to yourself
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
Fuck this
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anxiety again
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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I know its been a while, I’m doing ok I’m not the same picker I used to be, but I’m not going to lie I still pick, but I can control it easier, my marks are still there but the improvement is huge if I compare with the pictures of last year, everything is fading slowly but for sure it’s fading, what I hate these days is the fact my face is really oily, I guess it is because I have been smoking so much (cigarettes) when I feel so anxious I smoke a bit of weed and that disappear the urge and anxiety a lot!!
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
I'm back to my sister's place for a few days, we went to the pool and party so hard these days with her and my friend R. I havent picked and my marks are fading by the time goes by, that's great! I'll post a picture asap be good to yourself! 
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
My dream isn’t to become the best , its to be someone who I’m not ashamed to be
SHINee Key (via staypozitive)
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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I promised that I was going to do updates, well, this is how my skin looks now like 10 days after I finished my no picking challenge for 30 days, still have scaring but everything is fading
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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Sooo we went to this beach with this beautiful girl, their friends and my friend R. The trip was great we had so much fun we stayed there for 4 days I didn't feel the anxious that made me pick my face, and that's was because we got stoned and had a beautiful time there just joking and playing, was really relaxed there I enjoyed so much the sounds of this lake. I noticed something I already knew about my anxiety, weed cure this completely for me, I don't need to get stoned or something, just take a little bit of it and the urge to pick is completely gone 100% So yes! I'm going to try relieve my anxiety using weed in a medicinal way, later I'm going to tell you my experience with it. I think this is a great idea
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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Yay! #InstaSize #fisheye #camping #felicidad #colombia #playa #playablanca #trip #fun #l4l #instagram
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
Last couple days it's been hard to handle the pressure, I'm not picking again yet, today I'm going to this trip with my friends I hope I'll have a good time there
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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She is my friend T. I met her 3 years ago, at that time she was crushed on me but I never give a fuck about her, I was a bad person with her, now three years later I’d like to be with her in a romantic way, but now she doesn’t want that and that made me feel bad and sad, yesterday we talk about that, we were drinking and today I feel so awful because tomorrow we are going to a trip with her and some friends and now I know I won’t have any opportunity of being with her the way I want :( This taught me I can’t have what I want whenever I want ..... I want to pick so bad right now because I hate myself for being an asshole
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
Now that I’m living in my place again I’m returning to my old patterns, I’ve found myself scanning my skin and feeling the urge to go to the mirror, I don’t want to screw everything up, in two days I’m going to camping with my friends and that made me anxious too, I don’t know how to control it, I haven’t picked yet because im conscious about it, 😭😭😭😭😭
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facepickingsucks · 10 years
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#InstaSize #vcsocam #olloclip #fisheye
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