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7hank y0u bu7 i assure y0u im n07 a77rac7ive. 
al7h0ugh my bl00 li77le ba7 (<3!!) w0ulδ say 07herwise. 
i shall 7ake i7 h0wever. s0 wha7 is y0ur name??? mine’s 7amaar!!
0h!!!! a fell0w vi0letbl00δ!!! hell0000000~
eyy, vwould ya look at that, fellowv royalty. howv you doing, my finned friend? my higher caste companion? my amiable aristocracy?
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>you look into his eyes and despite the hollow whiteness your own, you know your mate can see they are love and utter affection that you gush, straight from your bloodpusher.
i missed you too, baby batty~ and i love you so!!!!!
>your fins perk at the sound and you blink, wide eyed at your love and give him a questioning look when he laughs. but that is soon overtaken by the blushy nervousness you now find yourself showing. you bite your lip and nod as you look over his face. you are totally looking forward to this.
TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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>you squeal and hop up, tackling him and doing just what your matesprit didnt do. you smother him and love him up and wrap your arms around his neck before giving him a nice big passionate (and slightly needy) smooch on the lips before breaking away
i missed you so much marmor~ 
TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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i δ0n7 unδers7anδ why y0u are giving me all 7hese names. anδ all 7he alli7era7ion 700!!
0h!!!! a fell0w vi0letbl00δ!!! hell0000000~
eyy, vwould ya look at that, fellowv royalty. howv you doing, my finned friend? my higher caste companion? my amiable aristocracy?
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0h yes 0h yes!! weve been 70ge7her f0r a few m0n7hs n0w!! he is s0 gooδ 70 me~ i l0ve him very much~~ <3 i h0pe we s7ay f0rever 70ge7her!
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oh! you’re his matey sprite, i’m guessing? well, small world, isn’t it?
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0h! alrigh7 ill be here when y0u get here. heheh!!!
TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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“cerulean newbie”..?
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anon? hah!
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you’re looking at an all natural demon, 100% real, thank you very much!
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but i guess that sort of thing is going around. i remember having to help this anon turned cerulean newbie. he’s waaaaaaaay too innocent to be a real demon though!
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UM.......y-yeah... sure jus7 c0me 0n 0ver.......!!!
TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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y0u kn0w y0u wan7 i7, ba77y~ <3
TN: |>-' Your body is 75% water, and I'M thirsty
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well δeary, why δ0n7 you c0me δrink up ~? 
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0h my g00δness!! aren7 y0u jus7 7he cu7es7 7hing!! i like y0ur h0rns!! very nice!
my name is 7amaar!! nice 70 mee7 y0u j0hn!!
y0u have li77le bi77y wings jus7 like my ma7espri7 righ7 now~ δiδ you ge7 hi7 wi7h an anon 700???
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aw, thanks for the compliment!
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i’m john! nice to meetcha!
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delinquentdemon started following you
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0h!! wh0 are y0u?? y0u l00k cu7e wh0ever y0u are!!
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TN: |>-' Your body is 75% water, and I'M thirsty
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well δeary, why δ0n7 you c0me δrink up ~? 
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sin? why sin?
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................0h. 0h my- hehehehehehe
TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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TN: |>-' TaMaar! I know how this is going to sound, but I... Well, for starters, due to soMe events outside My control, I've been turned into a deMon for the next three days. During this tiMe I'M only going to be able to eat, uh... SoMething horribly specific, love...
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0h?? wha7 is i7?
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im 0nline f0r 0nce. YAY.
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babe..... if 7ha7 an0n δ0esn7 leave y0u al0ne, im afraiδ i migh7 have 70 cu7 a bi7ch.
7here shall be bl00δ
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yeah yeah sure wha7ever... jus7 7ell 7ha7 anon 7ha7 y0ur rear enδ is MINE.
mmk baby~?
l0ve y0u~!
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TN: |>-’ Oh, uM *aheM* everyone, I’d like you to Meet My Matesprit. (TaMaar, please don’t be Mad, they didn’t Mean it seriously!)
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