ellievator114 · 4 years
Can someone please make a non-toxic version of bleach? I’m craving it.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
Katy Perry has never been more relatable. I wish I was a plastic bag, becuase they don’t have to write arugumentatige essays for their Comp class in college.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
Chiropractory is really just karate chopping bones.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
I want to compose music for the piano, but I don’t know how to play the piano. And I want to know how to play the piano, but I don’t have access to a piano or instructor. I want to have access to a piano or instructor, but that involved money, and I’m broke. Why.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
Everytime I try to think of the word furbie, the freaky demented monstrosities, the word ‘furry’ just reverberates through my mind repeatedly instead
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ellievator114 · 4 years
When in doubt, just make some blueberry pancakes
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ellievator114 · 4 years
In the spirit of, I don’t know, Halloween? Please, feast your eyes on an awful, for fun poem, I just found that I wrote my sophomore year of high school. And I was only allowed to use a limited amount of words.
“My Fat Fire Boy”
By ellievator114
Our eternity breath
Devours the decaying naked men,
Who bring the broken stars,
And poison the flower girls.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
True sibling love is your brother FaceTiming you in the bathroom wearing a Napoleon Dynamite costume, and acting like him.
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ellievator114 · 4 years
Why is it so hard to drink out of a straw when you first wake up? I mean, just come on, drink the dang Vanilla Dr Pepper!
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ellievator114 · 4 years
Welcome New Readers!
Hello all!
My name is Ellie and basically I created this chaos of a blog to just make some sort of coherent synopsis of my life, random thoughts, and even the occasional terrible poem. Posts will be random, and, hopefully, humorous and to your liking. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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