"Oh, Don't worry about it, Matt." Edd assured the guilty ginger. In that moment as he patted Matts back, something weird happened.
It was like, he suddenly did not have control of his body. His arm quickly rose from Matts shoulder and his hand formed a fist. Before he knew it his fist nailed Matt in the face so hard, it shattered his jaw and blood spewed from Matts mouth and his face became swollen and purple as he fell onto the ground. Toms expression grew panicked and angered and Edd was in a state of shock----------------
but then, everything was fine. His hand was still on Matts shoulder and he was still fine, but Edd no longer was.
This was unlike any experience he ever had before. He felt sick, the scene was almost traumatizing. How could he ever do something like that, it was awful. He would never do something like that!! ... would he??
Edds bright green eyes became dull, he froze for a moment and his eyebrows curled together in both fear and sadness. He smiled and drew his hand from Matts shoulder.
"I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." Edd said before he quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom.
The Aftermath [ CLOSED RP ]
It had just been one of those nights where the three had just hung around watching a movie with one another. Edd, Tom and Matt had currently been viewing a horror classic together making dumb jokes during it. 
Edd on the other side hadn’t really been paying attention to the film and more to his friends as he felt weird lately which he couldn’t tell from what was causing it and these two had been the ones to distract him from going deep into thought. 
Tom and Matt seemed to be alright seeing as they were laughing loudly. Tom took a chance to glance at Edd to see him laughing along with them, although his laugh felt kind of forced to him. Maybe he was just tired is all. It was 2 AM after all. “Matt, you’re dropping all the popcorn.” He said to the taller clumsy male making him look down at the floor letting out an ‘awh’ as he realized that it was all over the carpet. 
“Sorry Edd.” Matt spoke out apologizing to the shorter one next to his left. Getting no response from the male, both Tom and Matt turned their heads to him.
“Edd?” Tom asked hoping to get his focus.
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Edd had been somewhat half way spaced out at the time. He began to think more and more. These thoughts becoming really negative and somewhat unpleasant.
He would turn his attention to the past quite often. He'd think over about when Tord came back, the times he spent with him and the times in between. Sometimes he remembered something good but he began to look behind the scenes in his life. Some of the times he made small mistakes.
The more he dwelled on it the worse he thought, and began to think of himself. He did not know how he was supposed to cope with this or what it was. Why he was having these thoughts. They hurt, they were unpleasant. He wished they would stop but at the same time, he felt it was the only reason to justify his sadness since he did not know where to pin point it.
He still liked himself though, but noticed himself slowly slipping. The thought began to effect his mood and reactions. Very mildly though. It was not something he thought was concerning despite the worsening condition.
At the 2nd mention of his name, Edds bright green eyes widened. He looked up and sat up straight staring at Tom and Edd as if he were startled. Though the room was dimly lit only from the lights of the TV, he made out mildly concerned expressions upon their faces. Edd quickly smiled and relaxed his shoulders and face slightly to seem calm.
"Oh! Sorry, I was spaced out, whats up?" He asked. He did not really hear what just went on but had an idea.
The Aftermath [ CLOSED RP ]
It had just been one of those nights where the three had just hung around watching a movie with one another. Edd, Tom and Matt had currently been viewing a horror classic together making dumb jokes during it. 
Edd on the other side hadn’t really been paying attention to the film and more to his friends as he felt weird lately which he couldn’t tell from what was causing it and these two had been the ones to distract him from going deep into thought. 
Tom and Matt seemed to be alright seeing as they were laughing loudly. Tom took a chance to glance at Edd to see him laughing along with them, although his laugh felt kind of forced to him. Maybe he was just tired is all. It was 2 AM after all. “Matt, you’re dropping all the popcorn.” He said to the taller clumsy male making him look down at the floor letting out an ‘awh’ as he realized that it was all over the carpet. 
“Sorry Edd.” Matt spoke out apologizing to the shorter one next to his left. Getting no response from the male, both Tom and Matt turned their heads to him.
“Edd?” Tom asked hoping to get his focus.
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Unexpected Babysitting [Closed RP]
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“Lunch is ready!” Edd exclaimed. He cooked some ravioli and poured some cola ontop. His favorite thing for lunch. Edd served the ravioli on white plates. The sugary steam was visible, and a small pool of cola sat on the bottom of the plate. Edd left the plates on the counter and looked over his shoulder to see Tom was absent from the room. Edd went out into the hall and towards @tomaholic room. “Tom! Lunch is ready!” He called. Yet no reply. “Tom?” Edd called once more approaching the room.
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Edd smiled at the two and stood up from his chair. He walked over and pried Ringo from his pant leg, petting the cat as the furry feline let out of soft purr. “No wonder he wants affection so bad. I think he wants some cat treats.” Edd commented. “Why can’t you just give him a few minutes of attention? It’s not that hard and somewhat pleasant.” Edd continued to suggest.
closed starter for @edd-the-cinnamonroll
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     “Edd!” Tom poked his head into his friend’s bedroom, knocking on the open door. “Where are you? Ringo won’t stop climbing on my lap when I’m trying to play base, and it’s annoying the shit out of me.”
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Edd was slightly started by the knocking, he was spaced out while coloring in a few space cats he had inked just a few minutes ago. Edd put down the marker and turned his head towards the open door. He looked at Tom’s feet to see Ringo. “Tom, he just wants some affection, maybe try giving him a few minutes of your attention and he might leave you alone.” Edd suggested. 
closed starter for @edd-the-cinnamonroll
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     “Edd!” Tom poked his head into his friend’s bedroom, knocking on the open door. “Where are you? Ringo won’t stop climbing on my lap when I’m trying to play base, and it’s annoying the shit out of me.”
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Here is my part of my art trade! :D @sourapplesoda
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Its a WIP I am doing with Red Army Tord! :3 Read the YouTube disc for the rest of the details. :P
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Edd looked out the window the whole car ride. He quietly played with the bike chain, until they arrived at the store. Upon arriving Edd turned to Tom with a smile. He pocketed the chain and unbuckled his seat belt, hopping out of the car. He paced over to the front of the car, waiting for Tom to reach the side walk he was standing on.
You stole the f***en cOKE! [Closed RP]
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     “And, uhh….what happens when Tord wants to ride his bike again?”
     He was pulling out of the driveway, glancing at Edd with his brow furrowed. Sometimes he wondered about this man.
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“I doubt he will. It’s been sitting in the backyard for a while now.” Edd insisted calmly.  Edd crossed his legs and glanced at the dog across the street. He continued to fidget with the chain as he sat quietly for the car ride.
You stole the f***en cOKE! [Closed RP]
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     “And, uhh….what happens when Tord wants to ride his bike again?”
     He was pulling out of the driveway, glancing at Edd with his brow furrowed. Sometimes he wondered about this man.
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Eddsworld reminders
Honestly I hate living in fear of popular fandoms turning to shit.
Eddsworld especially. Because the show has a special place in my heart as I have known it for a few years now and it would pain me to see it being bashed and hated upon. Edd wouldn’t want his show to become what FNaF and Undertale became…
But there are other problems that I have picked up on a lot. And there are ways around them and they really aren’t difficult to fix.
Please, when you make ‘sin’ for Eddsworld, post it to the SINSWORLD tag; NOT the main Eddsworld tag. The Eddsworld tag is to be kept clean and safe for the younger fans and those who dislike the sexual side of the fandom.
STOP BASHING SHIPS AGGRESSIVELY. It’s fine is you hate a ship or take a strong disliking towards it, but it is NOT okay to threaten the person for shipping what you don’t. Seriously don’t do it.
And please do try and refrain from using any of the characters’ last names from when they were counterparts because Tom said himself they were no longer counterparts and they didn’t want their real last names being used for the main cast anymore (Paul and Patryk + other characters may be an exception in some cases but it is unsure).
That’s really it. I don’t see any other issues on this subject. Just please be considerate and take into mind that people love this fandom as much as I do and they don’t want it to be ruined like the other highly popular fandoms.
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Things that are  COOL
not formatting
using icons 
not using icons
having fancy tags
not having fancy tags
having fancy backgrounds/edits
not having fancy backgrounds/edits
Things that are NOT COOL
Treating anyone like less of a writer or PERSON  just because you don’t like how they run THEIR BLOG
TL;DR:  Don’t send hate. We’re all just nerds writing about fictional                 characters here, aren’t we? 
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Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
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Reblog if your muse is Ace/Aro!
(I gotta see how many muses are ace/aro)
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Hey guys! Some of you are new and may not know, but;
Please keep sin and NSFW content out of the main “Eddsworld” tag.
Many of the fans are underage, so please help keep our community clean by using the “Sinsworld” tag instead and not tagging the main tags.
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