dxsies-coffin · 6 days
"you're the writer, you control how the story goes" no not really. i wrote the first sentence and then my characters said "WE WILL TAKE IT FROM HERE" and promptly swerved into an electrical fence.
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dxsies-coffin · 6 days
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dxsies-coffin · 6 days
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dxsies-coffin · 7 days
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dxsies-coffin · 7 days
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Pray, Love, Bleed
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dxsies-coffin · 7 days
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Pleading Prayer - daisy (me)
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dxsies-coffin · 7 days
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White Petaled Flower - daisy (me)
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dxsies-coffin · 1 month
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
Tell me you'll say hi.
I'll light myself on fire for you; If it means that you'll come running through. I'll jump as high as I can; If it means you'll come flying by. I'll learn your favorite song; Because maybe then you'll linger around. I'll stand as still as I can; If it means you'll hold my hand.
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
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— Leo Tolstoy
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
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Elton Glaser, from a poem titled “And In The Afternoons I Botanized,” featured in Parnassus
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
sorry I say weird shit sometimes I’m just so excited to be alive
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) dir. Joe Wright
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
Killer of Myself 🗡
Sometimes I dislike myself very much,
Purely because there's a hatred in me that I refuse to cast on anyone else,
So the only answer is to cast it on myself.
It's like casting a veil on someone's head, but why would I make anyone but myself the bride?
It's like casting a sheet over the body at the scene, but who else should die if not I?
It's like throwing a penny at seam but who else should sink
and sink
and sink
...to the pit of despair and finally have a place to call home but the wanderer,
It's like closing the casket on a loved one,
but it's you,
at 3.
You've been dead for a while now,
couldn't you see?
It's like throwing dirt on the casket because you don't belong,
you never have,
you're shunned,
unpleasing to the eye.
And by that,
I mean:
You weren't even invited to your own "in loving memory".
But your memory wasn't loving,
not by yourself nor by them.
Because you,
a corpse bride,
wanderer of the sea,
dead at 3,
died by the hands of the hatred given to you by me.
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
reminds me of growing older; totally gonna write about that
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Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase
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dxsies-coffin · 2 months
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— Anaïs Nin, from The Voice
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