dreamychalamet · 1 year
timmy: I am your paolo!!!
timmy: I WILL!! we will ask everybody we know, when we become dads, and they'll all say you're the cuter dad. even my mom.
text @ fiyero
shawn: sing it to me, king xxx shawn: I DARE YOU TO TRY
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
I feel that. Sometimes it's nice to just keep it a you thing and let people find out slowly! No need to plaster that shit everywhere. Damn now that's another wedding for me to look forward to. Me and Shawn are clearly trendsetters.
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Don’t even worry about it Timmy! We didn’t make a huge deal out of it anyway. Or I tried to at least….you know me…dealing with all the attention on myself has never been my strong suit. Thank you, thank you! It really feels so amazing.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
We got a bunch! Different ears for each day and park, because we're extra. All of them looking super cute, obviously. And always matching. Gotta show we're married with not just the matching rings, right?
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It’s not that big of a deal, really… I try not to think about that stuff anymore. Ah, perfect! Did you have the best time? What ears did you get, did ‘ya match?
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
I forget that shit all the time, then somebody reminds me and I'm like "oh yeah, holy shit?!" Also why couldn't you have blonde hair for Fred, man? Otherwise you were great, but that shit was missing.
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okay ... this is going to sound really weird but has anyone ever done something in the past that you sorta blacked it out ?? it's nothing embarrassing or something you regret it's just something that you completely forgot you did until bam ! someone reminds you and suddenly you're hit with all that nostalgia ?? please tell me i'm not the only one because i already feel bad forgetting the fact that i played fred jones in a couple of scooby doo movies. don't ask me how i forgot that , but i did. anyway ... who missed me ?? if one of you says no i will cry ... and you won't like me when i cry. not seriously you wouldn't , i'm an ugly crier. for those who don't know me , you get a pass because apparently i don't know myself any more. i do know that i'm robbie , the better amell cousin and as you can tell former fred jones.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
At least you already know what costume you'd look good in, though, right? That's something.
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——- some of you guys may know this , some of you may not -- but , i'm literally haunted by spirit halloween and costume stores everywhere around this time of year . why , you may ask ? because my face was sold illegally to a company which in turn used it on costume packaging and now i see my face everywhere . i'm a doctor , a priest , a clown , and a greek god . i'm also captain america so. . .somebody needs to tell marvel . sorry to anthony mackie , if nobody's filled him in yet . but how this company keeps getting away with this , i'll never know . somebody save me . @cityofdreamsstarters
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Sirrrrr, I miss you. @ch3rrystyles
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
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me in literally any situation
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Timmy: I will wait for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...... Timmy: I WILL FIGHT YOU OVER THIS!!!!
text @ fiyero
shawn: the waiting game is going to be the biggest struggle but i WILL WAIT IF I HAVE TO shawn: nope YOU are gonna be the cutest dad to ever exist, bye
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Right?!? Feels like they're ripping out a piece of my soul with every strip. I think about this shit all the time! How'd they keep their teeth clean? How'd they have a balanced diet? How'd they cut their hair? Join me in my wormhole.
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They're the fucking worst. And those blackhead strips that you use on your nose were designed to cause a specific, horrid pain. I feel like if we did our time as teenagers, we should be exempt. Honestly, I'd love to know their secrets. Like... did they have flawless skin or did they just vibe? What did the cavemen do before we knew about things like lotion? This is a wormhole you've opened.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Definitely! You can play it anywhere, whether it's at a world class stadium, a favela, a private school ground, wherever you can. That's the beauty of it. It's so accessible. You're not? I totally pegged you as a coaster junkie. I heard that you proposed! Congrats, man! You're gonna love being married, it's fucking awesome.
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Must be why it’s such a popular sport in so many different countries! Ah, got it. Sounds like you always had a fun time doing that during the summer. For sure, the parks are always adding new rides and attractions. I’m not a huge amusement park fan, but I’ve heard that’s how it works. Did you hear I’m not an engaged man?
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
You haven't? Well, then it's definitely good that you got to have that break! I feel like I'm always seeking that state of relaxation, almost to a fault. Yep, music is where all the travelling is at. With acting you get to travel to some cool places if you're lucky, but more often than not you're just stuck on a soundstage for months on end. Or in Ohio.
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Its definitely on my list of places to revisit for sure. I just fell in love with the atmosphere and the peace that it brought. I haven't been that relaxed in a really long time. I was just telling a friend of mine that for someone who loves to travel, I don't get to do it a lot and I was envious because he's visiting all these amazing places. I picked acting so I could travel but apparently I should hav been a musician. Sorry to disappoint you but had my life been where it is now, there might have been some.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
How dare you invite me then go to New York, huh? The nerve. Strike two.
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I can imagine. Soaking up all that cute wedding goodness. Please, once Rudy and I get back from New York, we would absolutely love to have you.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Holy shit, Nat!! Sorry for not knowing sooner, I've been totally out of sync with everything lately. I'm so happy for you guys.
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We knew it from the beginning, so yeah, it’s gonna be fine. And yes, he sure did!
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
Nope, sorry. This is me eternally now, Laura. You better get used to it.
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Ugh, too much cuteness. You need to stop this Timmy.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
You won't hear any arguments from me. He was one of my childhood crushes. I still get the soundtrack from that movie stuck in my head all the time.
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Jeremy Sumpter was the best Peter Pan and you cannot tell me otherwise.
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dreamychalamet · 1 year
You'll experience it sometime, Troye, I'm sure of it. We did! A week at Disney World. Could there be a more perfect honeymoon for me and Shawn?
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I can pretend I know what you mean. That does sound really nice. Did you guys ever get that honeymoon sorted?
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