dogaradon · 2 months
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dogaradon · 2 months
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Some old Stygian doodles. Might come back to do a full design along with the Pillars
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dogaradon · 3 months
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scrapped drawing of Starswirl and his friends. I was too into making stuff "cool" at the time
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dogaradon · 3 months
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Said I was gonna tweak some of these designs and here I am. Pegasi needed a more greek look while still being modern, so a sash and a tunic turned T-shirt should do just fine
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dogaradon · 4 months
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head empty have an old Pinkie mini comic.
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dogaradon · 4 months
Reminder that I am indeed taking requests for anyone whose interested
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dogaradon · 5 months
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Human Twilight Re-redesign Small tweaks here and there
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dogaradon · 6 months
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More "human" designs. Here are some dragon heads
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dogaradon · 7 months
There seem to be some things I haven’t properly established when it comes to the alicorns. Next post will establish that (+twilight tweaks) drawing ponies is fun!
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dogaradon · 7 months
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Nightmare Moon design. Wanted her look to be more like how I designed Celestia mixed in with Maleficent. Might work on it more but this is pretty good
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dogaradon · 8 months
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Quick comic about the whole infection AU stuff (I don't like it).
This is what I would think would actually happen
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dogaradon · 9 months
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Future Princess (Queen) Twilight Sparkle
Wanted to try out a design for what she might look like based on her original time-skip design
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dogaradon · 10 months
Cool arts
Thank you 🙏
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dogaradon · 10 months
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Fun little comic. I been meaning do start doing these
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dogaradon · 11 months
Anyways here’s the gist of how I see these 2
Clover: a highly skilled mage, and Starswirl’s only apprentice at the time. Clover finds himself leaving Starswirl’s side as he rises within the ranks of the Unicorn kingdom as the princess’ magic instructor. Thanks to his previous mentor he is able to teach Platinum many advanced spells and techniques that would aid her in becoming a great leader. On the other hand, Clover always finds himself in messy situations due to the princess’ attitude and demands.
Platinum: Born into the main branch of the unicorn kingdom’s royal family, she is expected to lead the world as their new queen. She was blessed with a bountiful amount of magic, which she lacks proper control over. The royal family tried to ask Starswirl to become her tutor but after seeing the kind of person Platinum was, he declined. He did however pass the offer onto his apprentice, who was known for his likeness to Starswirl himself when it came to magic. Platinum thinks very highly of herself, and doesn’t wish to sway from her royal inheritance. This can lead to many instances where her tutor is left to do all the unsightly duties placed upon her, like most servants would. As a student, Platinum progresses very quickly in comparison to other unicorns, in part due to her enjoyment for magic (and praise).
Clover is slightly above the normal height of a regular pony, and Platinum is close to either Luna or Cadence’s height (important trust me)
Clover’s horn is shaped that because I want to change Starswirl’s design to have a horn like that too, to show off how similar they are in terms of magical ability
The story would be like, “two unlikely characters find themselves stuck with each other and closely bond through a shared interest, leading them to find interest with each other, blossoming into beautiful love”
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Made up a design for Princess Platinum and Clover the clever after making rough designs of other ancient equestrian characters. I feel like these 2 would work really well for a love story but I’m too lazy to follow through lol
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dogaradon · 11 months
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Made up a design for Princess Platinum and Clover the clever after making rough designs of other ancient equestrian characters. I feel like these 2 would work really well for a love story but I’m too lazy to follow through lol
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dogaradon · 11 months
I don’t know what it’s called between mlp fans but I’ve been having fun drawing cozy glow, chrysalis and tirek as a family I should clean up some of it to show in here
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