dndfromthevoid · 2 months
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dndfromthevoid · 2 months
The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download
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dndfromthevoid · 2 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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dndfromthevoid · 3 months
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The living rainbow is a bizarre and deadly creature, a living body of colour hungry for more 🌈
Find the PDFs for this creature free to download here!
And while you're there, consider becoming a community cupcake supporter, you'll get access to everything 6 months earlier and to exclusives as well.
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dndfromthevoid · 4 months
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Friends, can I share one of my favourite bits of 5e homebrew?
This system (specifically the concept of a depletion die) has been a FANTASTIC addition to my campaigns, as it really breaks players out of that habit of hording consumable items and never using them for fear of needing them more at some point in the nebulous future.
You know what else this system is great for? ADVENTURING SUPPLIES. Now rather than expecting my party to go shopping and fiddle with small change and encumbrance, I just say they have a group "supply die" that's split across all their packs and baggage. How large is that supply die? Tally the group's collective strength bonus and compare it to the "average remaining uses" section of the chart. How much does it cost to resupply? There's a handy-dandy "cost" chart that you can just multiply by 10.
Rather than tracking rations, we just roll the supply die once at the end of each long rest. Whenever my party needs a random doodad that they that they could've picked up in town, they can roll the supply die and take it out of their bag, after that it's added to their permanent inventory until they lose it. Beasts of burden and carts act as a separate strength tally, with a beast able to carry 2x it's base strength bonus by default, and a cart multiplying that number by 5.
I've been looking for a system this elegant FOR YEARS and and finally I have it. Enjoy friends, let me know if you end up using it in your own campaigns.
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dndfromthevoid · 5 months
The Conduit
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So heres the conduit! I'm very happy with how this turned out.
The conduit as a class is best described as a "Con Based Martial with spellcaster aesthetics", since, mechanically, it fills a martial role, being a class that doesnt use resources, with a primary party focus on dealing damage, while flavor wise, it goes around slinging blasts of energy at people.
This class mechanically is very much based on the warlock of 3rd edition, with flavour and some mechanical inspiration from the Kineticist of Pathfinder 2e.
The two core design elements that I tried to stick to with making this were 1. Being resourceless and 2. Customizability.
For the first point, none of the class features are limited in uses per day. No feature adds an additional resource for the player to track, nor uses spell slots nor etc. The closest it comes to a resource is its Exertion mechanic, where certain things tire out your conduit character. Though, this serves less as a resource, and more as a temporary debuff, reducing your damage output whilst its in effect, before being easily removed.
The second point is customizability. The first element of this is subclasses. Of course, theres the variety of subclasses to pick from, but notably, is that unlike other classes, you aren't bound to picking just one subclass. From 7th level onwards, whenever you reach your subclass feature level, you can choose to continue advancing in your subclass, or you can take the initial features of a different subclass. This means while you can do a more traditional route of going "I'm the lightning guy, I'm taking lightning every level", you can also do an avatar style "Master of 4 elements" and have 4 different subclasses by level 20. Mix and match them as you like, be the "Fire and Lightning" person, be the "I control water mostly, but also a little bit of ice", combine your elements and so forth.
The next part of customizability is in talents. Talents are very much your classic invocation style feature, of which there are... like. 60 of them at this point. But! Theres a lot of variety in what they do. While you have your choices of ones that give additional powers, like flight or teleportation or whatnot, a large bulk of them are dedicated to one thing: Reshaping your elemental blast. Go out there as a fire guy and blast people with fire, then turn around and literally explode everything around you in flames, then focus your blast into a roaring line of fire that pushes everything within it towards you, and then rush the last man standing with a spear made of literal fire.
The talents are designed around not just being able to reshape and modify your blast in a bunch of different ways, but you can combine them together and do cool stuff.
Because at its core, I wanted to design this class to fill a very specific style of fantasy, and thats of the type of magic you see in some settings where its just "I control this one element", and then from that the mage turns that into a billion different things.
A fire wizard will say "I can cast fire bolt, fire ball, and scorching ray". A fire conduit instead just has an elemental blast, but they can turn that elemental blast into a bolt that is hurled at one person, or have it explode into a ball of flame, or split it into multiple beams.
Its very much a creativity first subclass, and thats whats behind its capstone! The capstone is all of this at its epitomy, the ability to freely reshape your elemental power (By freely, temporarily learning talents) into whatever form you imagine.
Hell, customizability is built even into the very core of its flavour
Yeah <3
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this class as much as I enjoyed writing it and as much as I enjoy talking about it <3
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dndfromthevoid · 6 months
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Recursive Magic Items
I've been working on a number of projects, but none of them are ready to be revealed quite yet. So, have something silly instead.
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dndfromthevoid · 8 months
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Introducing the Vessel class version 2.2!
It's been a long time for all of us, hasn't it? About 2 years ago this project started and now, slowly and surely, it closes in on its fully realized state
I already posted up the original subclasses: elder dragon, deep one, and primordial beast for all of your draconic, sea monster, and fuck off huge animal needs
Aaaand here we are with the 2nd batch!
The Destroyer, for ascended demons and rampaging angels
The High Fey, for the various tricksters of the Fey Wilds
The Dire Bloom, for supernaturally powerful flowers, trees, and what have you
As always I simply must thank my friend PJ, my collaborator, tester, and DM
My gf, who helped spark the Vessel class and plays the first ever vessel, Nia Rivers
And a special thank you to my dear friend Rowan who I lost very recently. The act of creating will save you. <3
As always you can find the full homebrewery document here: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/n_swReh_PBe6
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dndfromthevoid · 9 months
Cool titles to give your big ass monsters in DnD
Serpent of the Fell Flame
The Blazing Sky
Thunder Scourge
Eternal Blizzard
Blizzard Lizard
The Swamp’s Vengeance
The Winged Shadow
Dragon’s Bane
The Cloud King
The Storm’s Wrath
Frostborn Titan
The Lumbering Glutton
The Infernal Colossus
Crater Maker
The Mountain’s Child
Krakens or other sea creatures:
Devourer in the Deep
The Hungering Maw
The Depth’s Fear
Ship Taker
Lord of the Waves
Wrath of the Sea
Aberrations and other cosmic horrors:
Secret Stealer
Star Devourer
The Forgotten Terror
The Dreaming Nightmare
Mind Feaster
The Endless
The Inevitable
Wrath of the Stars
Bane of Creation
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dndfromthevoid · 10 months
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If you've ever wanted to play a humanoid version of the cutest cat monster in dnd check out this lineage! Additionally, if you want downloadable pdfs click here!
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dndfromthevoid · 10 months
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Good news y’all, Abbadon dropped a new RPG.
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dndfromthevoid · 11 months
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I might've added the BG3 Art Book to my dnd assets stash
It's got stuff like the 5e players' handbook, the dm's guide, critical role's explorer's guide to wildmount, baldur's gate and waterdeep city encounters, 101 potions and their effects, volo's guide to monsters, both of Xanathar's guides, a bunch of other encounters, one shots, class builds, and other fun stuff!!
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dndfromthevoid · 11 months
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✨New item!✨ Ki Blocker Dart Weapon (dart), uncommon
This dart is charged with ki-disrupting energy capable of temporarily severing a target’s connection to its ki. The coiled tip of each dart is compressed until it’s embedded into a target, where it expands outwards to maximize damage. Once a dart has been thrown, it must be rewound with an action before it can be thrown again.
A creature hit with this dart cannot use any ability that requires the creature to spend ki points for 1 minute. At the end of each of the creature’s turns, it can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
Stun Dart (monks only). When you make an attack with this dart, you can expend 1 ki point to amplify the dissonant energy within it. On a hit, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your ki save DC or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
The Order of the Sunken Path use ki blocker darts to disable their enemies in the Order of the Soaring Mind. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 190 magic items, printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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dndfromthevoid · 11 months
1d12 NPC Secrets
1. Is immortal. 2. Used to date the big bad. 3. Is cursed to die at the hands of a member of their own family. 4. Is actually a pair of identical twins who switch off being this person. 5. Has been offered a reward to betray the party, but has not decided whether to take it. 6. Is pretty sure they remember one of the PCs from somewhere but can’t remember where. 7. Is a wanted criminal, introduced themself with a fake name. 8. Is a shapeshifter (and is also one or more other NPCs the party has already met). 9. Is a member of the royalty/nobility/ruling class in disguise. 10. Has been possessed by a demon or other entity and is constantly wrestling it for control. 11. Can’t read. 12. Is having an affair with one of the other NPCs the party has already met.
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dndfromthevoid · 11 months
I forgot to write an update woops
and I don't really know how to put it to words with a nice story so have a tl;dr bulletpoint list instead:
we reached a semi-selfsustaining city
talked to some city merchants and the mayor
won 300kg of cheese at a dance-off
flexed my trading skills by selling said 300kg of cheese with a great profit
struck a deal with the mayor that will help us later on with our country's expansion
felt cute might betray the mayor later idk
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dndfromthevoid · 1 year
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THE EMPIRE - WARLOCK SUBCLASS Created by rain-junkiednd GM Binder and PDF versions more of my work artwork by kiwee kiwee & Domenico Sellaro
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dndfromthevoid · 1 year
I know what to ask my brother to print now lol
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I 3d printed and hand painted a pipped d20 last week. My family refuses to use it and calls it an abomination. They're right of course, it would be awful to use, but I still think it's hilarious
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