disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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little colour test/sketch.
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Hi! If you’re taking requests, can you do Donald finding out Fenton is Gizmoduck? (If you don’t want to draw the suit you could have him holding the helmet maybe?) Btw I love you and your blog!!
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I decided to combine these two Fentonald requests in one~ Sorry it took so long, anons!
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And that should be the last of the request batch! Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Are you still takeing requests? If so, can you draw fenton and Donald? It can be romantic or just platonic. Only if you want to though. Love your art!!
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i imagined them being coffee buddies!! 
i ship them tho
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Fire Escape
He sees the smoke in the distance, it’s hard to miss. The gray and black clouds are stark against the bright blue of the sky. He doesn’t know what has caused the smoke nor does he know if Gizmoduck is really needed. He still dons the suit with his signature catchphrase and speeds downtown. 
He arrives at the scene of a big fire. The entire upper half of the building, from the third floor all the way up to what has to be the fifteenth at least, is engulfed in flames. The red and white of multiple ambulances are scattered around the area, not far from the blockade the police have up for the firefighters. 
Keep reading
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Can you draw Fenton being a bit possessive of Donald?
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Local man attempts to impress his hyper-competent boyfriend by squaring off with grocery cashier– claims he “was about to be robbed”
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Do you have any Fentonald headcanons??
That’s a good question! I haven’t thought too hard about headcanons prior, since I tend to envision Fentonald in a big conglomeration of continuities. So, now that you bring it up, I’ve listed out things that tend to be the same across the board:
Donald is older than Fenton. In Ducktales-verse, I’d say Donald is in between 30-34 years old, while Fenton is about 25. In other settings, like Papernik, I think Donald is quite a bit younger than his Ducktales 2017 self (just based on his general maturity).
Donald is endeared towards Fenton for his kindness and how willing he is to help out. This is amplified in Ducktales 2017 universe, since Fenton’s unwavering dedication appeals to Donald’s family-oriented side.
Fenton appreciates that Donald, having raised kids as a single parent, is very mature and grounded, even for his age. It helps him remain grounded, too, rather than being too quick to jump onto what impulse flashes through his mind.
When he first introduced Donald to his dear M’ma, a tightness in her heart was relieved. She knew her son was in responsible hands.
Likewise, HDL and Webby adore Fenton, and that pleases Donald. No matter what, his partner must be good with the kids. Ducktales-verse  Scrooge thinks Fenton can help his poor, tired nephew lighten up.
The two of them can be, well, a disastrous duo, particularly during the early stages of their relationship. Being clumsy, impulsive, nervous-wrecks, and messing up date plans…
Fenton is highly aware of Donald’s inner-badass (especially in Paperinik universe). Raising three nephews on little money, and all alone? He’s incredible.
Between the two of them, Fenton is the one who often likes to try out new things and arrange surprise gifts, meetings, etc. Donald appreciates the fun, and in Ducktales 2017 verse, it even makes him feel a bit young again.
Fenton likes to talk a lot. Donald loves to listen to him— watch the glimmer in his eyes as he gets a new idea or follows a trail of logic-and-synapses into a brand new connection.
After getting to know him and the type of work he does, Donald learns what kind of things Fenton needs before it’s even said: “Don, could you get me more screws from the depot store, I—” “Already taken care of.”
HDL have all called him “Uncle Fenton” on accident at least once. 
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
May I request Fenton and Donald holding hands for the first time and being all anxious about it? Have a nice day!
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Yes, you may! Thanks for sending a request!
I’ve got a few more asks to get to in the inbox, and they are all great!
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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*vibrates in excitement* yesssss
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Reminder that I take Fentonald Requests!
As the title says, my inbox is OPEN to drawing your Fenton/Donald requests. Also, feel free to submit your headcanons or AU ideas, and the like. They’re always welcome here!
I’d also like to apologise for the two unannounced missed Fentonald days! The good news is I’ve finished school just yesterday, and I’ve been working on a big project! So expect the regular updates next week.
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
"You love me?" "Of course I do you dork." With Fentonald please?
(*rubs hands together* hehe… a ship prompt. Wonderful. This one is probably one of my favorites I’ve written. As with all my other prompts, I’m open to requests for continuations! Enjoy!)
#100 “You love me?” “Of course I do, you dork.” Fentonald
Sometimes Fenton really didn’t know how he did it. It seemed like no matter how hard Donald tried, life just never seemed to want to cooperate with him. He had been through so much, and the world decided it still wasn’t enough. His…boyfriend tried his best to stay on the positive side of things, even thinking up a little slogan for himself to say whenever he got frustrated: “Who gets stuck with all the bad luck? No one but Donald Duck!”
It would be endearing if it wasn’t so sad.
Today especially was just not one of his good days. Huey had a stomach bug and had to be picked up from school, the other two triplets had escaped to come home and try to look after their elder brother, only causing more trouble by crowding the sick duckling and then getting in Donald’s way, causing him to drop hot soup and medicine all down his front more than once that afternoon. Eventually, he had had enough, sending the two out to find Webby with the strict rule of don’t come back.
Fenton had come over for a day of television re-runs and lunch, only to find himself all but ignored as Donald rushed around caring for his nephew. He helped out where he could, taking the empty glass of water or melted icepack his date handed him and getting fresh, cold replacements for the red-clad duckling. He was pitiful looking, sleeping on the cot Donald had made for him in the boys’ room (heights, when he was already nauseous, was not a smart idea).
Finally, blissfully, Huey fell into a fitful sleep. Fenton remembered his M’Ma telling him when he was little that sleep was the best way to beat off sickness, as well as sweating, and was grateful that the duckling had finally drifted off. He waited in the living room as Donald cleaned himself up and disinfected everything Huey had touched that morning, eventually dropping into the loveseat beside him, smelling fresh and looking exhausted at the same time.
Silently, Fenton turned the television to mute, facing the duck beside him, “Are you hurt?” He motioned to the bright red patch on his neck where soup had been spilled trying not to trip over Dewey.
He frowned, reaching a hand to gently touch the warm feathers and skin, causing the duck to hiss and flinch back. Fenton got up silently, going to the kitchen and finding a tube of antibiotic ointment and a cold compress.
He came back, sitting in front of Donald and pushing the shirt off of his shoulder to better rub the cream into his skin and feathers, making sure to be gentle and not cause more pain.
“I’m sorry that our date was ruined.” Donald eventually spoke up, watching the other with a small frown as he finished spreading a thin layer of cream over the burn.
“It isn’t.” Soft eyes looked up at him, hesitant and then smiling, “I’m still here, aren’t I?”
Donald went quiet again, taking the cold compress that was handed to him and winced as he held it to his burn.
“Do you want to start this episode over again?” Fenton asked cheerfully, sitting beside his date and being careful not to lean on him too much, “Or we could find a different show, I think Ottoman Empire started a marathon today, or-”
“I love you.”
His voice slowly fumbled to stop, a light blush spreading over his beak while he stared at the tv, remote in hand. Slowly, his head turned, to find Donald looking at him with a fond smirk on his face that hid the nervousness that he could see underneath.
“Um. You love me?” Stupid! You’re supposed to say it back! You’re ruining the moment!
Donald laughed breathlessly, leaning back against the ratty old couch, “You put up with my temper, and the boys, my uncle, and let yourself get dragged into my bad luck without even a grumble. Of course, I do, you dork.”
“…Cool.” Fenton cringed at himself, pulling himself to sit up straighter and face Donald, “I-I mean, yes! I love you too!”
He watched as his boyfriend’s eyes crinkled in the corners, the way they do when he was seriously happy, and pulled him into a hug- only to pull away when Donald groaned at the pain it caused his shoulder.
A few minutes of apology and fretting later, Fenton turned the show back on to watch, resting against Donald’s non-burnt side carefully, his free hand curled around the other’s.
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Could you draw Fenton and Donald please?
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One stressed out intern plus one totally done nephew equals lots of shared misery. 
I’m taking requests until 3pm Feb 25! If you got one, send it my way! 
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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Pen Sketches
Still busy with school, so unfortunately I haven’t the time to invest into a full-quality drawing. Take these pen sketches though!
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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Based on a true story.
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Can you do more Fentonald? Please? I love they way you draw them in your style. It's so cute!!!
literallyt thank ya’ll so much for requesting fentonald as often as ya’ll do . you remind me what’s Really important in this world
also i drew this really cute fentonald hurt/comfort with them as normal ducks but like an Dumbass . i deleted the file . whoopsie doopsie ;v; so have this sketch of them at karaoke
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they singing money won’t pay by bo en cuz if that aint the most Fentonald song ever.
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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i dont know how to color ;;;A;;;aaaaaa
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
Fentonald number 5 for the prompt thing
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
Donald glares from his seat in front of the television.
“No.” He lies.
Fenton puts a hand over his bill when his attempt to fight down a smile fails spectacularly. His boyfriend is pouting in his chair, stewing in his seat as the reporter on screen gushes over Gizmoduck.
“You know they’re not talking about me, right?” Fenton walks over to Donald and sits next to him. The chair is too small for the both of them, but neither care.
“What?” Donald wraps an arm around the Latino’s shoulders, “Of course they’re talking about you, you’re Gizmoduck. Did you get hit on the head while you were out?”
Fenton chuckles and curls into the duck’s side, throwing his own arm over Donald’s waist. “What I mean is, they’re talking about my persona. Not me. Surely you had people do the same over Paperinik?”
Donald snorts, “Yeah, but most of the time it was to blame me for something.” Donald gives him a soft look, “I guess I’d rather have them squealing over you than dragging you through the mud…” Fenton shifts so their legs are tangled together atop the leg rest.
Donald grumbles, “It still irritates me though.”
“Why?” The hero asks, genuinely curious. Donald can get mad at almost anything, going from a serene calm to a force of nature at the drop of a hat. Usually, for good reasons.
Donald hesitates, “You’re a good duck, Fenton. You’re handsome and charming and you work so hard for people you don’t know. You deserve better than me…”
Fenton blinks once, twice and gives his boyfriend an incredulous look, “Are you serious?”
Donald’s brows furrow, upset Fenton believes him to be joking, “Of course I’m – “
“I thought you were too good for me.” Fenton blurts out and now Donald is the one reeling, “You do so much for your nephews, you’re so brave and caring, and you know the first thing I thought when I saw you was that you were the handsomest duck I’d ever seen in my life.”
Donald’s white head is scarlet, but not from anger. Fenton somehow always knew exactly what to say to get him flustered.
“How about this?” Fenton suggests and raises his right hand, “I solemnly swear that I will stay by your side until the day you don’t want me anymore.”
“Fenton-“ Donald laughs, shocked.
“You will never have to be jealous of other people, because I swear right here and now that I will stand with you through thick and thin for as long as you want me. No matter who tries to woo me or how good you think they are.”
Donald huffs, amused, and raises his right hand which is still around Fenton’s shoulder, “Then I solemnly swear the same.”
Fenton gives him a large smile that Donald returns. They lean into each other, the two ducks consumed with love and they bask in the rare, private moment with one another, before they’re interrupted by a voice in the vents.
“Did you two just get married?”
This was so much fun to write, I hope you like it!
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disaster-hero-duo · 5 years
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Inspiration From Heart
To make up for my lack of post on Friday, here are 10 Fentonald scenarios I sketched up! I dedicate them to @fiederspiel and @feckle-queckle because of their lovely, inspiring Fentonald content. Just as their ideas did for me, I hope these little doodles will inspire you to create as well!
Title of each sketch in the captions.
BONUS exchange with feckle, “Above and Below”:
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Donald: H-how..?
Fenton: Well, I-- huh? Good question!
Fenton: ...Anyways, a special delivery for you! (showering Donald with roses)
Donald: Oh! I dropped one!
Fenton: Here, let me-- (falls)
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