destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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                                   fingers drum lightly on the blaster at her side, chin high  &  grey hues meeting the eyehole of his mask without fear.   ❛  is the presence of the first order meant to intimidate me ?  ❜   the square set of her shoulders show  IF  this was his intention,  it wasn’t working.  the bounty hunter always knew her pride would kill her one day–  logic told her that day had  f i n a l l y  come.
             incoming !  @destroyedhim
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    her words are met with only cold breathing, at first, the man standing, staring unfazed at the woman who so foolishly stood in his path. perhaps he should have known; tales of the smuggler’s stubbornness ran far and wide across the galaxy. when he finally speaks, the timbre of his voice is only deepened by the rebreather, his tone is nothing but indifference.
            “  the order doesn’t care for the emotions of a single pitiful smuggler.  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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“Your son, is dead.”
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
QUESTION: Where are the gods? ANSWER: The gods are silent. The gods are lost. The gods are helpless. The gods are us.
query #23 | fio huang (via empyrreal)
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
my mother’s trust issues are leaking into my chest and I’ve got my father’s nose and his tendency to stop calling back so I’m sorry about the 9 missed calls I have from you and the 6 voicemails I never played I swear I’d love you if I could
(via extrasad)
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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“I couldn’t find this little girl’s parents so I trapped her with dinosaurs so she wouldn’t run off while I find them.”
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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               ❛  you  QUESTION  my loyalty ?  ❜
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     “  i am simply noting that your loyalty         should not stem from a constant         reassurance of my power.
            or do you need a reminder?  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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             ❛  GOOD.  – you have  b e t t e r  things to do with your time, commander.  ❜
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     “  i shouldn’t have to impress you to win your loyalty.  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
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                  ❛  – –  i hope you know that what you’re saying  ISN’T  impressive.  ❜
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     “  i am not saying this to impress you, paral.  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 8 years
“Half bumper car, half go-kart, ALL BALLS!” “I’ll be like Al Capone with breasts.” “Hard to hate a guy who gives you raisins!” “If I’m online, I’m looking at sloths!” “One hall pass to rule them all!” “I don’t think you can handle how much I can handle this.” “I guess when you’re hall monitor, you have to leave your feelings in your locker.” “It’s all interesting! Each pile tells a story. For example, last night Rena had chicken. The end!” “That’s my stage name…Cookie Secrets!” “Stronger and gayer than ever. That’s our motto.” “Don’t you cankle me!” “BOB MARLEY, GIVE ME STRENGTH!” “A no is a yes turned upside down.” “There you are my stinky princess!” “I decided to go join the birds. I eat lots of bread already and I’m tired of fighting. Goodbye!” “I’m allergic to geese and ducks!” “It’s the turkey’s turn to rule the Earth now. We had our chance and we blew it!” “They closed it, remember? That guy died.” “The real tragedy is that I don’t have time to get nachos before we start.” “Sturdy and purdy!” “All the losers get stickers! Stickers of shame!” “Why are you running if you don’t want to? Just tell the teacher you have sciatica.” “My butt is dry and strong.” “She got catfished by a box!” “He dumped you? I’m gonna kill him…again!” “Are we holding hands? I can’t really tell.” “Two days until trick or treating. What am I supposed to eat until then? Other food?” “Never trust a boy with a skateboard! They’re too fast!” “Why is no one singing? Why is no one dancing? What’s wrong with Hollywood?!” “I’m the alpha turkey!”
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
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                                                                              his question is answered by the vibration of her hands– they    SHOOK    so badly she could hardly get her own cigarette out. she fished around in her jacket for her lighter  ( she didn’t have it. it was inside, she’d used it to light candles last night    & never put it back. )  the witch couldn’t find her voice right away.   olive hues look up at him. everything she can’t say, everything she needs, was all in her eyes– she couldn’t hide her emotions like he could. she never was good at wearing that mask, not when things were so fresh. 
the dream was   STANDARD    since pietro died in it. but it wasn’t in this life, but in one of the countless others they’d had together in her dreams. this one was in 1853, they lived in england. pietro had died slow of a  f l u  of all things, the fever had taken him    & there wasn’t a damn thing she could have done about it. she got to watch her brother slowly lose his grip on reality     & be overtaken by something that could have been beat with ice. she still couldn’t shake the feeling of utter uselessness.
her breath    SHAKES    as she lifts her cigarette to her mouth– stopping just shy of her lips.     ❛  do you have lighter ?  ❜
             hexing;  @destroyedhim from x
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     she’s shaking. (she always is, but this time,      it’s worse.) he’s never good with comfort,      whether giving or receiving, so he pauses,      long fingers dipping beneath the opening      of his leather jacket and pulls out his own      lighter (disposable, but it’s black. they      always are. it’s an odd quirk of his, but      he refuses to have anything but a black      lighter.) he holds the flame up, shielding      it from the wind with one hand, eyes shifting      between hers as she lights her cigarette.
          “  what was it this time?  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
   || meme
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     “  You’re up early.  “
     long fingers lift the cigarette to     chapped lips, dark hair falling     in his eyes as he looks up,     taking a drag and blowing the     smoke out into the wind, watching     it dissipate over the city.
             “  Nightmares, again?  “
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
Send in ‘🚬’ to catch my muse smoking.
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
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      i’m only a  F O O L  for you                &&  maybe you’re too  G O O D  for me
      ship aesthetic  wanda & kylo    for @destroyedhim
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
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destroyedhim-blog · 9 years
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                                                                                               SHE FELT THE disturbance in the force like an icicle stabbing down the length of her spine. the pain caused her to grab at the table in front of her. hux’s voice was like a mumble in the back of her mind, a  c o n c e r n,  but she ignored it. shaking fingers grabbed for her cloak. her feet were carrying her away without her permission towards the exit. black fabric swung around her with a grace that could turn one of the dancers of coruscant green with envy. her fingers were colder than the winter air that stung her soft cheeks as they fastened the outerwear around her neck.
she heard the call of stormtrooper behind her, however the danger of the starkiller exploding was far from her mind. there was one thought at the forefront, something she hated herself for being unable to let go of.  k y l o.  she needed to find him. so, sprinting through the snow and trees she called to him.
it was  u n u s u a l  for her voice to be so loud– it sang above the howling wind and snapping of trees. steady hands drew her saber to cut through trees that were falling in her path. the red glow of it nearly blinded her to the sight further off to her left.
the blue was  s t r i k i n g.  it glowed brightly and hurt her heart– for it was the color of her own saber before she had joined kylo and the knights of ren. she had chosen it because it reminded her of her brother.  b l u e  was his favorite. she was overtaken for a moment in memories that the flashing of red, blue, and purple almost didn’t register to her.
she began sprinting again. fate was cruel, however, painfully reminding her she was never fast enough  ( never as fast as her brother )  to help. she watched the scavenger strike her darling in the face. 
the brunette threw her hand out and the ground  s p l i t  between the two– pushing the desert dweller away  ( why wanda didn’t kill her, she doesn’t know. the lost opportunity will haunt her for weeks to come. )  and successfully ending the fight.
cloak flying behind her, she ran to reach him. it swung around as she knelt beside him, covering him from the wind and snow. the bright glow of the millennium falcon behind her shrouded her face in darkness.
                                                               ‘   kylo –   we need to go. now.
         hexing; @destroyedhim
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     the ground quakes and shakes beneath his body, though his      mind is far from his earthen form. the cold snow numbs his      weary flesh, once agonizing limbs now unfeeling with the cold.
        the ground splits, tearing him away from the scavenger girl         and her rage (he refused to admit to himself that even         untrained, the scavenger had bested him). 
     distantly, he hears her, his lady scarlet, call for him, and he      pries his eyes open, blinking blood and snow from them as      he forces himself into a sitting position, bones creaking and      limbs groaning in protest, an agonized moan escaping his      lips before he could help it. (keep your pain to yourself, boy.      there is no one here to coddle you like mummy.)
            “  she’s escaped.
                                      i failed.  “
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