demvrtel · 4 years
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     eloquently dressed, charming – surely this man had to have women swooning at his feet wherever he went. the moment ‘klaus mikaelson’ left his lips – katherine’s interest was piqued. her darkly colored orbs remained on tristan’s features, head cocking to the side as the smallest hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. “that would be me, yes,” she confirmed with a small nod of her head. “eluded that man for over five hundred years. if that isn’t something to be proud of, i don’t know what is.” of course eluding the man for so many years had come with its own set of consequences, but she’d survived & that was all that mattered.
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                     he  knew  how  to  work  his  charm .  after  all --  tristan  always  got  what  he  wanted  in  most  cases .  he  took  another  step ,  gazing  down  at  her  with  a  slight  smirk  at  his  lips .  “  impressive .  well --  seems  like  we  have  a  common  enemy .  “  tristan  replied .  “  him  and  his  siblings --  we  have  quite  the  past .  elijah  sired  me . “  he  leaned  against  the  wall  ,  folding  his  arms  over  his  chest ,  eyes  slowly  trailing over  her  figure  once  again .  “  out  of  curiosity ,  what  was  the  reason ?  i  mean  i don’t  blame  you .  klaus  is  a  monster  that  shouldn’t  be  trifled  with . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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     darkened hazel hues lifted to meet his, a questioning look overtaking the brunette’s features. she was certain she’d never met this man before, as it was highly unlike her to forget a face. “i’m sorry – have we met?” he obviously knew who she was, but she knew absolutely nothing about this man. hayley’s arms remained crossed over her chest, keeping her defenses up as she still had no idea who he was. “you obviously know who i am, but i’m afraid i have no idea who you are.”
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                       he  knew he  had  to  be  careful  as  she  wasn’t  just  some  werewolf  now .  she  was  a  far  more  powerful  now .   “  forgive  my manners  as  we  haven’t .  i’m  tristan  de  martel .  we  have  a  common ---  friend  you  could  say .  “  he  replied ,  taking  a  step  closer .  “  elijah  mikaelson .  at  least  that’s  what  i’ve  been  told . . . “  tristan  was  informed  about  most  details  concerning  her .  and  elijah  had  taken  a  liking  towards  the  little  wolf .  not  that  tristan  blamed  him .  she  was  pretty  and  powerful .   “  sorry  for  meeting  you  like  this ,  love . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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     this man was far more aggravating that what she’d expected. the stories she’d heard of him definitely portrayed him as being arrogant, but they just didn’t truly do him justice. jane could feel herself growing more & more irritated by the minute – & while she was typically a highly irritable person, nothing had succeeded in making her this irritated. “i don’t care about your private jet,” rolling her eyes at his words. if he was trying to push her buttons, he was doing a damn good job.
     “the volturi’s agenda is none of your concern.” it was situations like this that caused the very well put together façade she put on to fumble & that immense amount of power she held within her to slip. jane was rarely alone, so she always had someone to pull back on the reigns & bring her back to reality – however, now she was alone. the person that had to pull back on the reigns was herself & she didn’t know if she held enough trust within herself to do so. “stop,” she instructed, rising to her own feet as she eyed the other vampire. “either you sit & we have ourselves a nice little chat – or this will end very poorly for you.”
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            she  was  insufferable  and  tristan  wasn’t  amused  by  a  long  shot .  that’s  one  reason  he  wasn’t  thrilled  with  the  volturi .  arrogance  and  the  need  to  have  others  bow  down  to  them .  other  who  weren’t  even  cursed  in  the  sort  of  way  he  and  his  sister  were  .    a  soft  chuckle  came  from  him --  one  that  was  more  on  the  dry  side .  slowly ,  he  turned  around  to  face  her   ,  eyes  narrowing .  
               “  and  what  makes  you  think  i  give  the  slightest  care  about  your  agenda  hmm ?  let  me  repeat  myself ,  love --  i  don’t  answer  to  you .  i’m  not  one  of  your  little  vampires  who  walk  about  having  to  follow  some  sort  of  code that  you ,  yourself  do  not  even  follow .  “  tristan’s  eyes  grew  black  .  “  what  are  you  going  to  do ?  kill  me ?  because  love ,  that  will  be you’re  biggest  mistake  given  i’ve  already  signaled  the   strix  to  come .  “  slowly ,  he  walked  over  to  where  she  was .  “  however --  i’ll reframe  from  reacting  as  long  as  whatever  this  discussion  you  wish  to have  is --  civil . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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demvrtel · 4 years
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                 well, shit. she shouldn’t have expected it to work. especially because she had no idea what half of the people going to the party really were. she recognized his voice from the beginning of the evening, the host. so much for getting on his good side to be invited back to the mansion more often. at least she had a good look around before she got caught. sheepishly, she poked her head out from the curtains with an apologetic, lopsided smile that didn’t reach the haze of intoxication over her eyes. guess getting caught hadn’t done much for sobering her up a  bit late.  
                “i’m sorry – i had to pee – and then i got curious. pretty sure the bathrooms are bigger than my motel room…” she rambled on, because of both the champagne and the piece of her that had the common sense to remember how she was in danger right now. “not exactly the best party guest but i could already use a nap.”
               comments that would be looking for her swirl around in her mind. maybe she would toss one out if he grew angrier, rather than what she would classify as disappointment or annoyance.
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          she  was  so  obvious  with  her  racing  heart  and  her  scent .  tristan  was  amused  and  he  couldn’t  deny  it .  his  hands  were  tucked  inside  of  his  pockets ,  waiting  for  her  to  finally  peak  out  from  behind  the  curtains .  and  just  a  moment  later ,  there  she  was .  clearly  she  was  drunk  and  tristan  rolled  his  eyes  in  a  sort  of  playful  like  manner .  
               “ well -- you’re  not  the  first , love . “  the  vampire  replied .  of  course ,  a  nap --  was  she  being  truthful ?  tristan  couldn’t  tell  yet  but  he  was  a  gentleman .  he  took  a  few  steps  closer  to  her  ,  and  gestured  to  the  large  double  doors  that  were  to  the  right  of  them .  “  that’s  the  guest  room .  there’s  a  bed  in  there .  make  yourself  at  home  but  i  do  suggest --  that  next  time ,  perhaps  asking  would  be  wise .  not  just  anyone  would  allow  you  to  wonder  about  in  their living quarters . “  his  lips  formed  into  a  smirk .  “  i’ll  have  my  men  keep  watch  .  go  sober  up  and  if  do  need  anything ,  let  one  of  them  know .  “  
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demvrtel · 4 years
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                    right. the part of the invitation that made her worry more about the tense feeling that rolled through the town. was this party a ruse for targeting hunters? she had to hope that the packed ballroom didn’t mean that everyone apart from those that might be human were in agreement to use the beautiful marble floors as host to a mass murder. she knew that if nothing happened tonight that she would have to keep her eye on him and the people serving as the bodyguards for the event, no matter how her optimism made her hope that this party served simply as a distraction for them all. 
                 “ you have a stunning home, tristan. i was surprised by the invitation and even more surprised that you know my name. ”
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                            perhaps  by  the  end  of  the  night ,  the  hunters  would  realize  just  how  outnumbered  they  were  and  some  perhaps --  even  fallen  victims  to the  very  things  they  despised .   tristan  eyed  him ,  listening  in  on  her  heartbeat  that  seemed  to  skip  in  the  worried  manner .   something  that  seemed  to  bring  a  slight  chuckle  from the  vampire .  there  was  nothing  like  hearing  that  sound .  knowing  what  it  meant  and  the  fact  that  he  could  perhaps  use  it  to  his  own  advantage . 
             “  i  appreciate  it , m’lady .  let’s  just  say --  it’s  a  small  town  and  i’m  well  informed  by  the  majority  of  those  who  aren’t  locals . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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     the dress was definitely her style & while she wasn’t typically the type to ask for another’s opinion – he was definitely an attractive man & well, she simply couldn’t help herself. “you have impeccable taste,” the brunette commented. not that she was surprised at all, especially given his own attire. “i don’t believe we’ve met – i’m katherine.”
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                    she  seemed  like  a  woman  who  didn’t  need  someone  else’s  opinion .  her  vibe  practically  screamed  arrogance .   tristan  leaned  against  the  door frame ,  eyeing  her .  a  smirk  playing  at  his  lips  .  “  i’ve  been  told .  “  he  hummed ,  tucking  his  hands  into  his  pockets .  “  and  obviously  you  do  as  well .  “  katherine .  that  name  was  familiar .  and  after  a  moment ,  it  came  to  him  as  to  why .  “  pleasure  is  all  mine ,  katherine .  tristan de martel .  “  he  pushed  himself  from  where  he  was  leaning  and  walked  closer  to  her .  “  do  you  happen  to  be  the  katherine  who  klaus  mikaelson  was  once  after ? “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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demvrtel · 4 years
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emma  chewed  at  her  lower  lip  a  little  anxiously  .  she  wasn’t  used  to  kindness  without  some  kind  of  ultimatum  .  that  just  wasn’t  how  it  worked  .  but  ,  it  was  in  her  best  interest  to  accept  this  offer  ,  and  so  she  did  .  “ o  -  …  okay  .  i  don’t  totally  get  your  angle  ,  but  okay  . ”
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              his  lips  curled  more  as  she  spoke .  she  was  buying  it  and  while  he didn’t  exactly  plan  to  use  the  girl ,  perhaps  she  could  at  least  enjoy  a  night  like  the  rest  of  the  town .  “  good .  i’ll  get  one  of  my  drivers  to  pick  you  up .  “  tristan  replied .  “  i’ll  have  one  of  my  finest  help  you  out .  her  name  is  aya .  she’ll  take  care  of  you . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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  within a moment lilith’s attitude returned to the sweet and innocent persona she displayed around devil hills. her blue gaze nervously shifted around the room, making sure none of the wrong people caught a glimpse into the private interaction she was having with the party’s host. a cocky grin passed over her red-painted lips as she saw realization within tristan’s eyes.
                            ❝ i’m sure. ❞ lilith replied, enthused about the possibility of a professional relationship with the vampire. 
     the way he described his self-built empire peaked the attention of the original demon even more, head slightly tilting as he spoke. ❝ thank you. it comes with centuries of work. ❞ the demon retorted, mimicking the sentences tristan had said to her just moments before. ❝ i must pick your brain… but, this isn’t my preferred setting. too many paranoid hunters who would desire my head on a platter should they know i’m here. i don’t think i could risk it, it being so pretty and all. ❞
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                     she  was  good  with  faking  such  a  persona .  and  tristan  was  impressed  by  it .  even  he  did the  same  thing .  a  serpent  .  tristan  stepped  closer .  “  don’t  worry  about  them ,  lilith .  “  he  gazed  around .  “  either  those  who  have  seen  your  true  nature  will be  killed  or --  compelled  to  forget .  “  he  tended  to  murder  them  honestly .   blue  hues  gazed  down  at  her .  “  and  what  do  i  owe  this  pleasure  hmm ?  “  he  reached  for  a  glass  as  one  of  the  waitresses  stopped  next  to  them .   “  i  relate .  though  it  hasn’t  been  easy .  given  some  of  the  circumstances  .  “  tristan  said , taking  a  swig  from  his  glass .  he  raised  an  eyebrow  at  her  next  words  which  caused  him  to  grow  a  bit  more  curious  yet  uneasy .  “   perhaps  another  place ?  i’ve  got  plenty  of  space  here  and  i’m  sure  to  have  security  keep  a  watch . “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
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375 notes · View notes
demvrtel · 4 years
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             the lack of a costume and a mask were clue ins to this man being the mysterious tristan de martel who had sent out the invitations to the party. looking around the growing crowd, she saw some scattered looks of recognition and light claps as he descended the stairs. she was genuinely curious why the invitation had been slipped under her motel room door, but she wasn’t about to ask either. staying lost in the crowd would probably be the smart move with the possibility of him knowing she was a hunter, but if she got anything from her father it was certainly his foolish bravery and impulsive nature. 
              “ you must be our gracious host – or deserve a bit of kudos for getting in without following the dress code.”
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                       tristan  stuck  out  compared  to  everyone .  a  host  breaking  his  own  rule  .  he  had  his  reasons .  after  all ,  he  wanted  himself  to  be  known .   once  the  claps  had  stopped ,  things  went  back  to  normal .  and  he  made  his  way  around , greeting  those  with  his usual charming  smile .  her  voice  stood  out  though .  and  he  turned  towards  her .  a  hunter .  though --  how  he  could  tell  is t hat  she isn’t  the  first  he’s  ever  encountered.  after  all , he’s  ancient  and  they  carried  themselves  in  a  certain  manner .  plus  their  scent  of  metal  and  gunpowder  gave  them  away . 
           “   gracious  host  .  “  tristan  replied .  “  and  you  must  be --  the  lovely  rissa .  “ 
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demvrtel · 4 years
@demvrtel​ closed starter
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           her trek had started out innocent enough, desperately needing to use the bathroom with how much she had hit the open bar. it would be a terrible decision, in hindsight, to get hammered in a ballroom teeming with monsters, some of whom would no doubt love to kill her to prove some point to sam. after exiting the guest bathroom and nobody around at the top of the stairs, a drunk jessica decided that nobody would miss cher horowitz while she did a little exploring to imagine what living with this much wealth would be like.
           assuredly, her footsteps were anything but quiet as she was only another martini or glass of champagne away from staggering. the bedrooms in the place were as immaculate as the rest of the house and the beds were quite inviting for the giggly drunk, but she still had enough of her wits about her to know better than partake. taking the hallway the same way she came, a shadow at the end of the hallway let her know somebody was coming. a soft gasp blew from her lips as she twisted behind some of the large curtains leading out to a balcony, her cheek striking off the corner of the wall in the process.
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                            things  were  going  smoothly  and  he  couldn’t  have  been  more  pleased  with  it  all .  everyone  seemed  to  be  having  quite  the  time  and  even  he  himself  was  as  well .  up  until  the  point  when  one  of  the  strix  members --  security  informed  him  of  a  human  who  seemed  to  be  lurking  around  where  she  wasn’t  suppose  to  be .  he  didn’t  have  too  much  to  hide  but -- he  also  didn’t  want  just  anyone  lurking  around  his  home .   he  nodded  to  the  other  before  finishing  his  glass  of  champagne  and  setting  it  down .  
                aya  remained  watching  and  socializing  while  he  took  care  of  this  little  situation .  tristan  followed  suit  ,  slowly  .  her  scent  told  him  that  she  was  close  by  and  it  seemed  as  if  she  was  trying  to  hide  once  she  heard  that  he  was   approaching .   he  stopped ,  a  few  feet  from  the  curtains  and  sighed .  
                            “  forgive  my  manners  but  isn’t  it  a  tad  rude  to  intrude  in  parts  of  someone’s  home  that  you  weren’t  invited  in ? “  
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demvrtel · 4 years
❝ *ˊ✑ repo !  the genetic opera : prompts
❝   i’ve made my peace ,  i hold no grudge .   ❞ ❝  make it fast !   ❞ ❝  commence your grovelling .   ❞ ❝  i’ll keep those vultures guessing .   ❞ ❝  my legacy is too great to throw away on ingrates .   ❞ ❝  i guess i’ll take it to my death !   ❞ ❝  you never should have left me .  i would’ve given you the world .   ❞ ❝  you cannot be reckless !   ❞ ❝  no ,  i don’t think that i can be fixed .   ❞ ❝  i want to go outside .   ❞ ❝  my burdens ,  i can’t erase .   ❞ ❝  i’m the monster .  i’m the villain !   ❞ ❝  industrialization has crippled the globe .   ❞ ❝  for every market ,  a submarket grows .   ❞ ❝  it’s quick !  it’s clean !  it’s pure ,  it could change your life - rest assured .   ❞ ❝  it’s the twenty - first century cure .   ❞ ❝  what if you could have genetic perfection ?   ❞ ❝  would you change who you are ,  if you could ?   ❞ ❝  where the fuck is [ name ] ?   ❞ ❝  you ain’t got the guts !   ❞ ❝  all bark ,  but no lungs !   ❞ ❝  i can’t feel nothing at all .   ❞ ❝  sometimes ,  i wonder why they need me at all .   ❞ ❝  sometimes ,  i wonder why i even bother .   ❞ ❝  so you think you’ve got heart ?   ❞ ❝  so you think you’ve got balls ?   ❞ ❝  it’s a thankless job ,  but somebody’s got to do it .   ❞ ❝  no one ever thanks me when i’m done .   ❞ ❝  how self - absorbed people can be !   ❞ ❝  with a slice !  or a snip !  eenie - meenie - miney - mo !   ❞ ❝  can i talk to you ?  can you come down please ,  so we can speak ?   ❞ ❝  i thought i’d seen a ghost - your resemblance is striking .   ❞ ❝  state your business .   ❞ ❝  you can learn from all my failures .   ❞ ❝  i’m not supposed to talk to strangers .   ❞ ❝  don’t forget a sheltered rose needs a little room to bloom outside her bedroom .   ❞ ❝  don’t look back ‘til you’re free to chase the morning .   ❞ ❝  [ name ] ,  you’re hurting me !   ❞ ❝  can you forgive me for this ?   ❞ ❝  here’s my prognosis :  will they live ?  doubtful .   ❞ ❝  remember what you did to [ name ] .   ❞ ❝  hope you have my money .   ❞ ❝  i remember every dying whisper ,  every desperate murmur .    ❞ ❝  i’ve always longed for true affection ,  but you compare me to a corpse !   ❞ ❝  you cannot control me ,  [ name ] .   ❞ ❝  you know you want it .   ❞ ❝  didn’t i say the world was cruel ,  didn’t i ?   ❞ ❝  tell me how this happened ,  what i did wrong ?   ❞ ❝  why can’t we just go home  &  forget this dreadful night ?   ❞ ❝  didn’t you say that you were different ,  didn’t you ?   ❞ ❝  say you’re not that person ,  say it .   ❞ ❝  didn’t you say that you’d protect me ,  didn’t you ?   ❞ ❝  someone has replaced you .   ❞ ❝  sometimes i wanted to cry .   ❞ ❝  i didn’t know i love you so much .   ❞ ❝  sometimes i’d stay up all night wishing to god i was the one who died .   ❞ ❝  [ name ] ,  i will not leave you here - you will live .   ❞ ❝  we’ll always have each other in our time of need .   ❞ ❝  you’re the world to me .   ❞
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demvrtel · 4 years
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  murder,    emotionally  manipulative  language  and  mentions  of  death.    mostly  angst  (  if  not  completely  ).
‘  you  killed  her!  ’
‘  i  don’t  deserve  you!  ’
‘  this  is  the  end!  ’
‘  i  hate  you!  ’
‘  you  left  me!  ’
‘  you  can’t  tell  him!  ’
‘  it’s  too  late!  ’
‘  don’t  hang  up!  ’
‘  you’re  wasting  my  time!  ’
‘  you’re  a  horrible  person!  ’
‘  you  should’ve  left  me!  ’
‘  don’t  leave  me!  ’
‘  stay  right  there!  ’
‘  i  wish  i’ve  never  met  you!  ’
‘  leave  me  alone!  ’
‘  you’re  the  worst!  ’
‘  there’s  no  where  to  run!  ’
‘  i  can’t  believe  you!  ’
‘  you  were  my  everything!  ’
‘  i  still  love  you!  ’
‘  i  can’t  forgive  you!  ’
‘  i  can’t  love  you!  ’
‘  you  forgot  about  me!  ’
‘  you  did  this  to  me!  ’
‘  you  made  me  like  this!  ’
‘  don’t  say  that  to  me!  ’
‘  he’s  gone!  ’
‘  shut  up!  ’
‘  you  weren’t  any  better!  ’
‘  you  were  all  i  had!  ’
‘  this  is  all  your  fault!  ’
‘  get  out!  ’
‘  i  trusted  you!  ’
‘  enough!  ’
‘  you’re  not  getting  away  with  this!  ’
‘  i  swear  i’m  fine!  ’
‘  you  need  me!  ’
‘  i’m  not  good  enough  for  you!  ’
‘  you  scared  me!  ’
‘  go  on  without  me!  ’
‘  you’re  all  i  have!  ’
‘  you’ll  be  okay!  ’
‘  go  away!  ’
‘  i’m  talking  to  you!  ’
‘  i  won’t  fall  here!  ’
‘  i  don’t  ever  want  to  see  you!  ’
‘  i’m  sick  of  you!  ’
‘  i  was  always  your  second  choice!  ’
‘  answer  me!  ’
‘  stand  up!  ’
‘  let  me  go!  ’
‘  i  can’t  help  it!  ’
‘  don’t  raise  your  voice  at  me!  ’
‘  i  don’t  need  you!  ’
‘  this  isn’t  real!  ’
‘  i  don’t  need  anyone!  ’
‘  listen  to  me!  ’
‘  i  should’ve  left  long  ago!  ’
‘  you  took  everything  from  me!  ’
‘  leave!  ’
‘  i’ll  kill  you!  ’
‘  don’t  ever  come  here  ever  again!  ’
‘  go!  ’
‘  you  don’t  understand!  ’
‘  it  was  all  a  lie!  ’
‘  i’ve  seen  enough!  ’
‘  you’re  so  annoying!  ’
‘  talk  to  me!  ’
‘  listen  to  me!  ’
‘  stop  right  there!  ’
‘  get  lost!  ’
‘  just  do  it!  ’
‘  i  should’ve  never  trusted  you!  ’
‘  there  was  never  anything!  ’
‘  i  can’t  protect  you!  ’
‘  i’m  a  failure!  ’
‘  kill  me!      kill  me  now!  ’
‘  no!      keep  your  eyes  open!  ’
‘  don’t  make  me  come  in  there!  ’
‘  you  promised  me!  ’
‘  wake  up!  ’
‘  i  just  need  some  time  to  think!  ’
‘  let  me  explain!  ’
‘  i’m  leaving!  ’
‘  sit  down!  ’
‘  i  need  you!  ’
‘  you’re  a  disappointment!  ’
‘  stop  running!  ’
‘  we  can’t  fight  any  longer!  ’
‘  you  deserved  it!  ’
‘  we  were  perfect  together!  ’
‘  i  can’t  do  this  anymore!  ’
‘  no  more  lies!  ’
‘  move  on!  ’
‘  don’t  look  back!  ’
‘  i  can’t  do  this  again!  ’
‘  save  her!  ’
‘  i  never  loved  you!  ’
‘  be  strong!  ’
‘  i  won’t  cry!  ’
‘  i  won’t  mourn  you!  ’
‘  you’re  lying!  ’
‘  not  this  way!  ’
‘  hold  on!  ’
‘  wait!  ’
‘  time’s  up!  ’
‘  there’s  nothing  to  say!  ’
‘  you  were  meant  to  be  mine!  ’
‘  i’ve  been  worried  sick!  ’
‘  i’m  sorry!  ’
‘  help  me!  ’
‘  say  it,    now!  ’
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demvrtel · 4 years
           —        requested  by  anonymous
i don’t need your help.
leave me alone.
i don’t care what you say!
i’ve had enough of you.
i can do this on my own, just as i always have.
leave, it’s what you always do.
it’s not like anyone ever stays.
all you’ve ever done is prove to me that you don’t care.
just when i thought we were getting better, you showed me the truth.
once again, your true colors come to light.
just let me go!
i hope you find peace someday.
i’m sorry, i really am.
i care about you, whether you think so or not.
believe me, i understand what you’re going through.
please, let me help you.
don’t move, you’re going to hurt yourself more.
let me try and heal your pain.
i’’ll listen, if you let me.
do you need anything?
if there’s anything i can do, let me know.
just know that i’ll always be here for you.
i’m ready to talk when you are.
i wish i could take your pain away.
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demvrtel · 4 years
✂︎ ━━
maybe this was the ‘rich yahoo’ who was throwing the shindig.  or maybe just another posh-boy vulture flocking to wherever there was a bit of coin flashed to see if there was any trust fund loot going spare for bad investments.  either way - dean gets a ‘vibe’.  spidey senses.  whatever.  he’s never really been overly well spoken at the best of times… sure, he can pass himself off as a variety of things - fbi, park ranger, priest, yaddah yaddah… but ‘upper class’ wasn’t in his repertoire.  which makes something of the rebellious side of him elbow to the fore… and perhaps he’s a little more crass than usual…
there’s a grin - wide and bright - something made even more striking in contrast to the black mask and shadowed eyes.
“i dunno - i enjoy a wet t-shirt competition as much as the next guy.  but the participants have to consent to those – so - sure…  ‘admirable’.  or y’know - just helping someone out.”
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‘we’.  the guy says ‘we’ and dean is attempting to figure out if that’s a ‘royal we’ - a random all encompassing thing.  or a specific ‘we’ - which infers personal interest on his part.  
“i’ll take a wild stab in the dark and guess you’re the one throwing the party.  doubt anyone else would be too concerned about a tray of champagne ending up on the antique rug.  unless, o’course, you’re invested in protecting peoples… modesty.  which - given some of the outfits here - y’might’ve already missed by a mile.”
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                  tristan  always  took  pride  in  himself  and  his  accomplishments .  one  being  taking  over  the  strix  when  elijah  abandoned  it .  he  had  gained  so  much  more  than  he  already  he .  and  by  that , he  had  potential  of  taking  over  any  place .  with  money ,  charm -- compulsion  and  the  brilliance  that  seemed  to  out  do  most  anyone  elses .  but  he  had  a  downfall .  his  sister.  his  beloved  aurora  whom  he  would  do  anything  for .  she  was  everything  to  him . 
         the  ancient  couldn’t  help  but  crack  a  small  laugh  at  his  words .  “  i  meant  that  as  most  within  this  room --  probably  would  have just  allowed  the  drinks  to  spill  all  over  that  poor  woman . “  tristan  replied .   his  eyes  remained  on  the  hunter .  closely ,  not  daring  to  break  from  him .  the  sound  of  his  heartbeat  was  loud to  his  heighten hearing .  but  he  wasn’t  like  most  other  vampires .  it  took  years  of  training  to  nail  patience  and  re-frame  from  making  anyone  a  meal . 
             tristan  held  out  his  hand  towards dean .  “  yes ,  i  am .  tristan  de  martel  and  you  are ? “  he raised  an  eyebrow ,  giving  him  a  sly  smirk .   “  i  will  agree .  though -- i’m  sure  their  night  will  turn  out  rather  intriguing . “  he  looks  over  at  a  woman  who  seems  to  be  sweet  talking  a  man .  “  that  for  example .  while  the  majority  of  the  costumes  aren’t  anything  of  my  interest ,  it  does  make  for  a  rather  cozy night  for  some . i  like  my  guests  to  be  happy . perhaps  that  man  is  finally  getting  the  lady  of  his  dreams . a  true  cinderella  night -- but  with  the  tables  turned in  this  case . and  who  knows ,  perhaps  in a  year or  more ,  they  tie  the  knot .  “ 
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