Got chapter 4 of Nox Noir to the point in mainly just needs final edits. Debating on whether to edit/type out more chapters before posting it, so I can have more of a buffer while I type up chapters, or to just post ch 4 when it’s finished.
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Ch 3 up!
Guess what? I finally posted the first chapter!
Nox Noir - Chapter 1 - shadow_oblivion - Villainous (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
I am now going to pass out in bed is very late for me. Stay tuned for updates on this fic, since the posting schedule is going to be all over the place this time around.
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Lunchtime update of ch 2!
Guess what? I finally posted the first chapter!
Nox Noir - Chapter 1 - shadow_oblivion - Villainous (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
I am now going to pass out in bed is very late for me. Stay tuned for updates on this fic, since the posting schedule is going to be all over the place this time around.
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Guess what? I finally posted the first chapter!
Nox Noir - Chapter 1 - shadow_oblivion - Villainous (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
I am now going to pass out in bed is very late for me. Stay tuned for updates on this fic, since the posting schedule is going to be all over the place this time around.
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Nox Noir update:
Editing is going well, and I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to post the first ch on august 27/28. I’m just trying not to be impatient because I really, really want to just start posting it already but don’t want to rush the editing process.
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Ok, update time.
My plan (option 2 did sound best) is to post the first chapter either this month, or sometime early to mid September, depending on how edits go. Then, I have enough of the outline written out to where I would be able post one or two more chapters before the year ends.
I’ve also been reading through Lux Noir and desperately wanting to revamp the whole fic/edit grammar/odd sentences/any inconsistencies that do not make sense to what happens at that point in the fic-I will focus on the new but may periodically go back and update older stuff.
Progress! Got a rough draft of ch 1 for Nox Noir in the works.
*whispers* I have also been outlining the sequel to Nox Noir, as I planned to have an even more super self-indulgent fic. I just happen to be writing out the sequel of the sequel outline a bit more at the moment XD
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I felt like sharing a little in-edit snippet. Feeling more up to working on this fic to get it ready to begin to post (planning to aim for a few chapters this fall-winter). As an fyi venomous is one of the villain ocs I made for occasional appearances.
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Update on this feb 20, 2023
Obviously I got distracted again.
So my question (no polls yet smh):
1- post a single chapter once it’s edited (post within a month and or so-it’s close but needs a little more work but then it’ll be longer before an update again)
2- wait until I get more chapters written out. (I do a few updates toward the end of the year, but again will then have to take more time to work on more)
3- wait until I get everything written out as a complete rough draft to edit through.
(TBD-but possibly this would take me to next year, if I set some time aside for this to work on, but then it’d be slightly more consistent updates)
Progress! Got a rough draft of ch 1 for Nox Noir in the works.
*whispers* I have also been outlining the sequel to Nox Noir, as I planned to have an even more super self-indulgent fic. I just happen to be writing out the sequel of the sequel outline a bit more at the moment XD
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Progress! Got a rough draft of ch 1 for Nox Noir in the works.
*whispers* I have also been outlining the sequel to Nox Noir, as I planned to have an even more super self-indulgent fic. I just happen to be writing out the sequel of the sequel outline a bit more at the moment XD
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Oh wow hi geez here’s an update, 2022 edition
Let’s pretend I did one in 2021
I am usually better about keeping up to date with what I’m up to fic-wise. But I Kinda hyper fixated on undertale aus since mid 2020, so I’ve been writing stuff for that under a different pen name, because I didn’t realize I could create a new one on the account I already had.
I still plan on typing up/ starting to post Nox Noir even though it’s been like. Almost 2 years. I want to work on it I just got distracted by other stories. But I think stepping away from it helped me want to get back to it more than before.
Last month I reread Lux Noir and with the villainous episodes popping up before that, my motivation has been a little better over the thought of actually sitting down and *working* on Nox Noir. After all, I do have most of the outline done and have occasionally made tweaks to it since my last post to this blog. I can’t say when I’ll post the first chapter but I’m optimistic that it will be at least sometime this year. I’d like to be specific but it kinda depends on how typing goes. (When I do start to post the updates aren’t going to be any scheduled times. More when it’s done it will be posted kind of a deal)
As to the other aus, I am not as certain if or when I’ll touch on them again.
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Update 2020
Wow, I was completely off with my estimates.
Just posted the second chapter of United and Divided (bridge between Lux Noir and Nox Noir).
Nox Noir’s whole outline is currently in 5 separate notebooks, and I hope to get it sorted out enough to perhaps start posting in the fall (and maybe work on it more during nanowrimo this year). Some changes have been made since initially writing the sequel.
On a Promise is definitely on hiatus, until I get around to working up energy to type it again. I’ll make that change on the fic’s ao3 summary. Any Priest Hat au stuff is on hiatus as well-still frustrated I lost a long one-shot that had been almost ready to post.
I have also delved into other fandoms recently, so there has been that kind of distraction too.
Edit: There will be random updates for Sleeping with the Enemy, since that outline is a little more detailed and in one single notebook (the BHxWH one)
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Another update
I’m still kind of obsessed with the other au, the one that I’ve been working on, however, I have also been working on:
The second part of Unified and Divided, because I would like to start on Nox Noir sometime before the end of the year, unless it takes me until January/February. If it’s January or later, I’ll probably have a handful of chapters that I’ll post all at once.
As to the next chapter for on a promise? I have the next chapter roughly written out and I’ll be able to post it hopefully by the end of September/early October, well...
As a note for this au, I was so excited about it that I did not take the time to write out the story as I wrote out lux noir (and most of Nox noir, as well as the second chapter of Unified and divided (it’s literally 12 pages and probably needs 2-5 more to wrap that chapter up). The story for On a promise is only 4 pages of really vague outline. After the next update, I may decide to put that on hiatus to better outline the summary and make it easier to write the chapters. As much as I enjoy on a promise, taking a bit more time to flesh it out might be a good idea (I even have Nox Noir’s sequel 1/2 to 3/4 planned out already).
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I thought I out to let you all know that I tumbled down yet another au hole.
I do plan ro work on my other aus, but I’m currently following a tangent at the moment. Kind of like with the dark au idea only with me being more obsessed.
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Update again:
Posted part one of a two shot on ao3. The transition fic that takes place between Lux Noir and its sequel.
Basically, it is just BH and Flug because BH decided that he was feeling a lack of Flug at the end of Lux Noir.
As an FYI, I plan to work on the next chapter of On a Promise before the second part of this two shot.
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Scribbled initial idea of Echo, who will make a brief appearance in the 1.5 transition fic and show up on occasion in Nox Noir.
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Here’s doctor Flug’s appearance (in my head, at least) for my Lux Noir sequel/1.5 two-shot fic (until the sequel, where an incident occurs early on, resulting in the loss of most of the hair). Flug still gets flustered around BH even after the events of Lux Noir and it amuses BH.
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Y’all are gonna get a 14k chapter tomorrow (but sometime after ao3 does its maintenance). Editing that much at once takes awhile.
Is an over 10k chapter for a two shot too long? Trying to decide if I need to split it in half or just finish edits and post it once it’s finished. I personally love long chapters but at the same time know that sometimes people can have trouble with them.
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