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We’ve all suffered through an almost relationship or two, because we hesitate to use titles.
Once we call someone our boyfriend or girlfriend, once we change our relationship status on Facebook, everything changes. If we flirt with someone else, we’re a player. If we kiss someone else, we’re a cheater.
But, as long as we haven’t given a title to our relationship yet, we feel like we can do whatever we want. If we flirt with someone else or even kiss someone else, it’s okay because we’re technically single.
And if the person we’ve been casually seeing gets pissed at us, then they’re the one at fault. They’re the crazy one. The clingy one. The one that fucked up by loving too hard before a relationship officially started.
As long as we aren’t in a serious relationship, we feel like we have permission to do whatever we want, to hurt whoever we want, without taking responsibility for it.
We hold off on naming things, because names give meaning.
That’s why we don’t have exes anymore. We have guys that we hooked up with. Girls that we once had a thing with. People that we once had feelings for, once imagined a future with, but nothing actually came from it.
We shy away from the idea of commitment, because we’re surrounded by options. Even after we find someone that we want to keep around, we still have dating apps on our phone. We might not use them, but they’re there — even if we decide to delete them from our screens, they only take a second to download again and our account is still alive, ready to use.
We’re the generation of divorced parents. We know that love doesn’t always last, that even once-happy marriages can end, so we think before we commit. We don’t want to make the same mistakes as our family members. So we’re extra careful. A little too careful.
Whenever there’s the slightest problem, we leave. Whenever we get bored, we leave. Whenever the spark fades, we leave.
We only want those sparks. We want to feel the heat as we sit next to someone we find attractive and get butterflies from their texts. But we don’t want to put in effort to keep the heat high. We don’t want another task on our already long to-do lists. We’re already busy enough. We don’t have time to commit.
That’s why we settle for making out while Netflix plays in the background. Why we’re used to the idea of talking to someone for weeks and then never hearing from them again.
If we admit that we want something real, that we really like the person we’ve been texting, we’re the weird ones. Everyone else is playing it cool, acting emotionless.
We shouldn’t be ashamed of having feelings, but for some reason, that’s exactly what happens.
We’re surrounded by almost relationships, because there’s nothing intimidating about them. You could end them at any time. You could even be in multiple almosts at once.
But serious relationships? They take effort, passion, dedication. And some of us aren’t ready for that.
But some of us are. And eventually, we’ll find each other.
(Source: thoughtcatalog.com)
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Wedding : Website Design by Sunny Rathod
Web Design
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It’s okay to let go, that’s its all right to say goodbye. It’s a cruel truth within our lives that like the leaves of a tree, love disappears into the wind easily. How do you survive experiencing the most beautiful love and then suddenly finding it diminished or gone? You learn that love is, like sadness, like joy, seasonal. You learn that the only love that truly lasts in the love you hold in your heart for your family, for the chosen few and you forgive others for forgetting you. I want you to remember not to assess your worth by how temporary others have been in your life. Even if someone was wonderful, you need to realise that wonderful people have the right to walk out of your life too. In the same way, you have the right to walk away from a wonderful person because you have outgrown them. Recognising this fact will not just allow you to grow, it will help you breathe freer every single day. Stop assessing your worth by how many people have walked away from you. You have not walked away from yourself yet. And that is what counts most of all.
Nikita Gill, Why Saying Goodbye Doesn’t Need to be Sad (via meanwhilepoetry)
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I hope you find the kind of love where a single touch can calm your tormented soul.
Nikita Gill (via thelovejournals)
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I have always liked my people a bit damaged. A bit rough around the edges. A bit difficult to stereotype. A bit stranger than the normal crowd. I like people whose eyes tell stories and whose smiles have fought through wars. If you’re perfect, chances are, we aren’t going to get on. If you’re one of the cool kids, chances are, you won’t like me. You see, what I want is authentic. What I want to see is your purity, I want to see the way you wear your scars, I want to see how brave you are with your vulnerability, how emotionally naked do you let the world see you. Your damage may not be beautiful, but it has made you exquisite. It makes you original, different - and one of my kind of people because people like you are the most incredible things about this world.
Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)
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You know what hell is? Loving someone who doesn’t want anything to do with you ever again.
Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)
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Website : Landing Page Design by Sunny Rathod
Web Design
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der Aufkleber - sticker/adhesive label die Büroklammer (Büroklammern) - paperclip der Bleistift (Bleistifte) - pencil der Buntstift (Buntstifte) - coloured pencil/crayon der Druckbleistift (Druckbleistifte) - mechanical pencil der Füller - fountain pen der Farbstift (Farbstifte) - coloured pencil/pen der Filzstift (Filzstifte) - felt-tip pen der Fineliner - fineliner das Gekritzel - scribble das Gummiband (Gummibänder) - rubber band der Hefter - stapler die Klammer (Klammern) - staple das Klebeband - sticky tape der Kleber - glue der Klebestift (Klebestifte) - glue stick der Klebezettel - Post-it/sticky note der Klebstoff - glue das Klemmbrett (Klemmbretter) - clipboard das Korrekturband - correction tape die Korrekturflüssigkeit - correction fluid der Korrekturstift (Korrekturstifte) - correction pen die Kreide (Kreiden) die Kreidetafel (Kreidetafeln) der Kugelschreiber - ballpoint pen/Biro der Kuli (Kulis) - ballpoint pen/Biro das Lineal (Lineale) - ruler der Locher - hole punch das Mäppchen - pencil case der Magnet (-en) (Magneten) - magnet der Marker - marker der Notizblock (Notizblöcke/Notizblocks) - notepad das Notizbuch (Notizbücher) - notebook der Ordner - folder das Papier (Papiere) - paper die Pappe (Pappen) - cardboard der Pinsel - paintbrush der Post-it - Post-it der/das Radiergummi (Radiergummis) - eraser/rubber der Rechner - calculator die Schere (Scheren) - scissors die Schere (Scheren) - scissors pl Schreibwaren - stationery/writing instruments der Spitzer - pencil sharpener die Splinte (Splinten) - split pin die Stecknadel (Stecknadeln) - pin der Stempel - stamp der Stift (Stifte) - pencil/pen der Tesafilm - Sellotape/Scotch Tape der Textmarker - highlighter das Tipp-Ex - white out/liquid paper/Tipp-Ex der Wachsmalstift (Wachsmalstifte) - wax crayon der Winkelmesser - protractor das Zeichendreieck (Zeichendreiecke) - set square der Zirkel - compass
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Your strangeness is your beauty. You are incredible because you are odd, you cannot be classified into a type or a sort. Your flaws are wonderful weapons. Your zany ideas are the stuff of legend. Don’t worry about the nay sayers and the people who will mock you or are determined to fit you in a box and pull you down. In video games and in life, you know you are going in the right direction when you encounter obstacles and enemies. The most interesting people I know, the most successful people I know have fought their way there. They have been ridiculed and mocked. They have been betrayed by people who promised to love them and let down. They have lost jobs and hit rock bottom again and again and despite all these obstacles, they made a name and a success of themselves. Because you do not get to the top by being well liked all the time. Heroes and the most intelligent tend to be solitary creatures because they do not go with the flow, they are not part of the usual crowd. Being so well liked by everyone has its own problems, it means you have never pushed the boundaries or escaped your comfort zone just for a while so you can see what you can do. And eventually you become so lost in what others think or say about you, you lose the ability to become anything other than the skin of yourself you put on everyday. The only way you will find peace in this world is to just keep being you. Unapologetically, unabashedly you. And eventually you will find your tribe, you will find your passion, and you will find what moves your soul.
Nikita Gill, Your Weirdness Could One Day Change the World (via meanwhilepoetry)
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My dreams are becoming a reality and my destiny is coming into fruition. I am a web developer! All the dreams and ideas that I have drafted up are now able and about to become a reality! I am a computer whiz!! :D
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I follow Terry Crews on YouTube sometimes. He was telling a story about how his kid builds computers. Terry wanted to bond with his kid more. He didn’t know how to build a computer when he first started, but he LEARNED because he wanted a relationship with his kid. Look at that thing above! He even put Old Spice in the box!
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I’m going to make my own gaming PC very soon.
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💯 Fresh cup of coffee + Italian flag 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 . ✉️ Looking for a new logo? Contact me : [email protected] . #Colorful #Italia#Flag #Cafe #Italian #Best #Italy #Cup #Idea #LogoDesign #Branding #Identity #Startup #Inspiration #Brandmark #LogoMark #Dribbble #Simplicity #Icon #LogoInspirations #IconDesign #TheDesignTip #Behance #SmartLogos #CleverLogo #Logo #Coffee #Creative #Smart #Logos
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Building a Gaming PC
I want to build a gaming PC. In my bookmarks, I have all the pieces that I need in order to begin the process. The first step is to do research. The second is to buy the pieces. Next, actually build the PC. I will do it. The price is a little less than $500. That is extremely reasonable, considering. This has always been a passion of mine, but the older I got, the more afraid I was of purchasing the pieces and not being able to put it together. I have faith and courage that I will be able to put the computer together. I am making some money now, so I am confident that I will be able to save up enough money in order to reinvest in myself and my passions so that I can help others.
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Mario Sports Superstars coming Nintendo 3DS | Buy-Now!Includes…
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