collier42 · 7 years
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I took this picture at Georgia Southern University, this represents memory lane.
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collier42 · 7 years
I would like to thank Drake for making this song, if it weren’t for this song who knows what I’d be listening to now. This was the first rap song I ever listened to and I absolutely feel in love with it and another song on the album called “Headlines”, that was my first footstep in the rap genre. Because drake sings as well as raps I think that is a big reason why I pretty much like every type of music now.
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collier42 · 7 years
When I first heard this song, I was surrounded by 101,821 people, ears ringing cheering on the Alabama Crimson Tide. This was my first Iron Bowl experience and it’s one of my favorite memories ever. I’ve been an Alabama since birth, I never imagined going to an Iron Bowl. If you don’t know what that is, it’s the Alabama vs Auburn game. When they played “Sweet Home Alabama” everyone’s face around me immediately turned into a smile and started singing the lyrics simultaneously.
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collier42 · 7 years
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collier42 · 7 years
Roaming around aimlessly in the warm sand in the blazing heat on the over crowed seaside beach. No matter where you where or where you would go, you would here the lyrics “I'm like hey, wassup, hello”. “Trap Queen” was everyone high school’s favorite song at that point. Now every time I hear the song I think of all the great memories and people I met while I was on that spring break.
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collier42 · 7 years
Sophomore year of high school my family had a boat we would take out on Lake Lanier almost every weekend. One weekend my parents let me drive the boat alone and bring some friends out for the evening while they sat back on the dock. Up until this point I NEVER liked country music but for some reason I really enjoyed “Knee Deep” by The Zac Brown Band.  I just imagined myself on the beach with my friends hanging out having a good time. Now this song is my buddies from high school and I’s anthem. We play is all the time and it just reminds us of the unbreakable bond and good memories we have together.
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collier42 · 7 years
It was May 8th, 2016 and I was getting ready for my first prom. Two of my best friends from high school were at my house getting ready and we had this song blasting on repeat for the majority of the time.  We were a little anxious but mainly excited to go out by ourselves and have fun. For the after party we went to my friend’s lake house and sure enough, you bet we continued to play it.
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collier42 · 7 years
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collier42 · 7 years
Back to another spring break story, it was my senior year spring break and I was with 7 other guys. Migos had recently dropped their new album “Culture” and so just like “Trap Queen” this is what everyone was listening to. This is just one of those songs that no matter what mood you are in, you can always enjoy and vibe to it. So, one time we were all at the house chilling with some other people we had invited over, we had the song playing but in the background so it was not too loud. Then all the sudden Sean’s (one of the 7 other guys) dad come out and starts dancing too it. They were some of the most horrific dance moves I’ve ever seen, but it was hysterical, so the girls we were with got up and tried to teach him, but that didn’t go so well.
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collier42 · 7 years
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collier42 · 7 years
The date was June 1st but it was something else also, this was the day I would walk across the stage receive my high school diploma and officially graduate from high school, I was ecstatic to say the least. On the ride to the infinite energy arena we saw a lot of people we knew from high school who were also graduating. Traffic was so bad at one point we would pull up next to someone we knew and roll the windows down and start blasting “Sandstorm”. They would roll down their windows and blast whatever song they had and then for shits and giggles we would start throwing various items at each other’s cars seeing if we can get it through their windows.
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collier42 · 7 years
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collier42 · 7 years
For the past 2 summers I have been going to a camp called Camp Sunshine. If you don’t know what it is, it is a camp for people who are going through or have gone through some type of cancer. The writer of the song Jon, was a big part of camp, he was there when it first started back in 1982. He wrote “Georgia Gold” which is now the theme song of camp. My favorite lyric of the song goes “Give me one more moment, give me just one more day, there is no place else on earth I feel this way It covers the grey”. This line means a lot to me because when you are going through chemo treatments, all you can think about is if you are going to wake up the next morning. But whenever you would go to camp it’s almost as if you forget about everything and time just stops. Granite the one thing everyone had in common there is that we’ve all dealt with cancer personally, but when you are there it never comes across your mind. All I’ll say is that the odds were stacked against me big time, and so when I heard this song for the first time it instantly became an all-time top 5.
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collier42 · 7 years
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