chiwikawa · 2 years
Using a character's E during their idle talks:
Yanfei: The case before us is a... strange and INCINERATE
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chiwikawa · 3 years
My childe crit rate and crit damage
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What it feels like
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I spent 1h damage testing and the best screenshot I have of his damage is not only on the wrong stance, but covered by skyward harp's bonus damage. I give up.
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92k damage, I'm kind of proud of it even if I'm using both Bennett and Mona with vaporize (so I'm never going to get this number anywhere else)
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chiwikawa · 3 years
I'm probably the only one who hates the EM buff since now i have to go back to farming artifacts for Venti to get a perfect EM sand.
I'm not even sure if for me EM is going to be better considering swirl isn't affected by buffs like Bennett's ult (I think?) and I might end up doing the same damage as before just swirl instead of Anemo
*Goes back to crying since skyward harp isn't his best in slot anymore*
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chiwikawa · 3 years
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Welp, not yet
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I'm sorry Diona but if my boys demand wine I am giving them wine.
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chiwikawa · 3 years
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This is the highest crit rate sub stat I have ever gotten-
How did I manage to not get flat atk and def!? I tought all my luck left when I got C1 Venti!?
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Look at that! That is beautiful (☆▽☆) (Skyward harp is also helping a lot to be fair)
I had to switch out the previous sand who had 22%+ energy recharge sub stat but 150% should be okay for main dps
Tap E
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Charged E
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Too lazy to take screenshot for the ult and aimed shots so Ult deals 2k-2.5k while aimed shots deals 6.9k-7.2k (with the two extra C1 shots dealing around 2.5k each)
I'm really proud i managed to make one decent character!
Now I have to work on the other seven, great ಥ‿ಥ
Wait no i still have to crown him, and he's not 90 yet...
Well crap
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chiwikawa · 3 years
Is using Venti in Azhdaha frowned upon or something?
I was spamming Azhdaha even if I already got his weekly rewards As you do when you don't have resin (good job mihoyo Azhdaha is a lot of fun to fight) when I get matched with this guy.
Since I didn't see an healer at the start I was about to change to Qiqi, thing that I'd rather not do since I hate playing melee in Azhdaha and I'm overall shit at using Qiqi, when I saw a Barbara and I tought: "Oh, there already is an healer, I'm going back to Venti"
So I switch back to Venti and we were about ready when the Barbara starts asking me if I'm using venti or healer saying Venti is useless in Azhdaha and we needed an "actual dps" (the party was a Bennett, Zhongli, Barbara (this guy), and Venti (me) so technically there wasn't a main-dps character but we all know that built in a certain way this characters can deal big damage)
Now I get Venti is known for The Succ™ and that can't be used in Azhdaha to keep him still but my Venti is leveled quite high with a lvl 88 skyward harp and, thanks to the C1 I got by using all of the luck my life had left, he deals quite a lot with his charged attack as well so he is a pretty decent dps, enough that I can clear abyss floor 11 chamber 2 using him as main DPS. Not to mention Azhdaha doesn't move much unless he is in the ground so Venti's ult easily hits him.
Before I can even say "If you want to use a dps I can go back to qiqi?" guy leaves.
The rest of the party just thinks "Oh he's one of those" and we go in and clear in two attempts.
Now if it was only that I wouldn't even care and just go on with my day but a few parties later I match with another party.
They seemed normal, just jumping around while host was doing their thing when we get to the character screen, there were both a Diona and a Jean so i went straight for Venti when the host asks me: "Venti?"
My socially inept ass just says "Yeah"
Other party member "another DPS Venti?" Again "yeah" because yeah, he deals good damage
And now the whole party goes "oh, another one." and before i can offer to change character I get kicked (seriously if you want me to change character just ask! I don't mind! I love using Venti but he's not my only raised character)
I assumed they got a rude Venti main right before or me or something, I wouldn't have minded changing character if they just asked before kicking but still-
Is there like, an unspoken rule that says "No Venti's in Azhdaha" or something?
I don't see why we shouldn't use him there since I can DPS quite easily, it's kinda like using a bootleg Ganyu (not like i have her but from what I heard and saw the way I use him in Azhdaha is practically the standard main DPS C0 Ganyu way) but if there are reasons why people think he shouldn't be used there I would love to know
Even though I fought Azhdaha a good 30+ times (without counting the failures) I don't think I have ever seen another guy using Venti there so I'm wondering if I'm that one weirdo lol
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chiwikawa · 3 years
Every time i farm this domain
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This always happens
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No mercy for those poor fatui I guess
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chiwikawa · 3 years
Never thought I'd see the day when Yanfei is causing problems and Childe is doing damage control
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chiwikawa · 3 years
Pls tell me I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance-
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Btw the bad quality is because i play on mobile don't question it
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