chelurblue · 2 years
it started when i was 13 or 14 years old and i thought i forgot about it, and now i am 22, can process and analyze that incident years ago, and it surfaced that i was deeply hurt and affected by it. 
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chelurblue · 2 years
“My eyes are crossed, but they’re still blue” 
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chelurblue · 3 years
I wish i was more interesting and less mediocre.
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chelurblue · 3 years
This has been on my notebook 10 months now. It has no title since I don't know what to put and i know this needs a lot of editing. Trying to be a poet but I don't know how to be poetic.
So here it is....
You were on your usual ragged jeans
Painted faint blue
You were on your worn out shoes
Shoelaces tangled
You were on your usual v-neck shirt
Painted in tangerines and white
Plained; ironed
Despite those tidiness, you still have crumpled phase of you
Traces and parts of it discovered
Typical face, typical looks, advertised truths
Scripted hello's and goodbyes
Grasping words and sentences
Hoping that the vocabularies fits
In every sentences and phrases
Crippled dialogues and papers
Incomplete thought and short sentences
With only periods; but hoping that the conversation will have question marks and exclamations
Hopes were short yet hopeful
But crumbled down with truths
Realities banging in every corner
Little guarded but now looses up
A mishap of a moment
My mind wanders
From attraction to us become lovers
Exchanges hello's and emoji's
I love you's-misinterpreted
Months passed you took your farewell; you realized that you're about to cheat to another girl
The wrong i did was to give you motive
The wrong you did was you took advantage of it
I know those exchanged sentences were farewell
You did not spill your motives in pages
Little did you know, from the start, I already interpreted it.
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chelurblue · 3 years
Maybe something inside me is growing, could be hurt, guilt, anger, and all emotions there is, maybe I can't distinguish what it is, or maybe i am afraid to even distinguish what it is, that the moment I'll find out, is it good to have this emotions? Or am i being bad? Is hurt, guilt, anger, are all the same?
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chelurblue · 3 years
You can't invalidate a person's personality because of just one good/bad thing that he's done.
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chelurblue · 3 years
Have no right to demand, cause of inferiority and might fail again. Hay.
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chelurblue · 3 years
I still can picture your face in that same corner, old classroom.
I still can remember you thick lashes, dark eyes
The strokes of every letters of your handwriting
The faded blue jeans
The red polo shirt I used to sign with
The red worn rubber shoes
The stripes socks
You always wore them during washday
It's been six years, I am surprised I can remember you.
What were those times I thought I'm over you for?
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chelurblue · 3 years
I wish that the white sheet I have now will be painted in the future, that in its every lines and pages, calligraphy and inks will tell a story.
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chelurblue · 3 years
To Those Who Want Me In Their Life
I'm sorry, I can't let you as I am caught up with my own burden
I'm sorry I can't let you as I don't know when to be ready
I'm sorry I can't let you, that despite of my inner battles, I have my priorities
I'm sorry as most days I am lost
I'm sorry I cant let you, I am finding motivation.
I am finding me.
In between the lines of letting you in and to take the leap
I am still half asleep, want to get up but my body's frozen, restrained by blankets and pillows of insecurities. Voices, and questions that's been kept.
That everytime I have to decide, I choose to sleep again, afraid of something irrevocable. A coward.
I know that something like this, and someone like you is not a game. That's why I can't let you in. I'll be just here, maybe still on those blankets and pillows.
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