chad-please · 4 years
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samwell men’s hockey + social media | the tadpoles
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chad-please · 4 years
dex: go fuck yourself
nursey: fuck me yourself you coward
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chad-please · 4 years
Idk why everyone thinks Jack Zimmermann is a top.
Jack “Best ass in hockey” Zimmermann
Jack “Thrives on praise” Zimmermann
Jack “Would literally do anything for Bitty” Zimmermann
Jack “Just needs to be taken care of” Zimmermann
Jack “Needs an explicit set of directions or he will overthink everything and overwhelm himself” Zimmermann
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chad-please · 4 years
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Okay, so while I dislike Kent’s ending on so, so many levels, I’m actively squicked by the implication that Jack was allowed to have anxiety and issues during his time in Juniors Hockey (which we know he did, especially in regard to living up to his dad’s hockey legacy), but that Kent wasn’t, and that Kent was somehow responsible for managing Jack’s anxiety/mental health.
I’ve been reading Crossing the Line: Violence and Sexual Assault in Canada’s National Sport by Laura Robinson, which is a book that examines the toxic masculinity and rape culture within Juniors Hockey, where Kent and Jack were playing. It is a deeply troubled system that allows vast power disparities between coaches and players, fails to prevent extreme hazing even when there’s express bylaws against it, is ripe for giving predators continued and unhindered access to victims, and is overwhelmed by the idea that women exist to be used by men, mistreated, and then unceremoniously disposed of, and that women who try to speak out about sexual assault are “attention-seeking troublemakers.” 
And above all, there is a prevailing attitude of homophobia–that not living up to traditional masculine standards and breaking from the group in any way is a betrayal of the team and hockey itself.
However, Kent’s story arc ends on the conclusion that he was at fault for Jack’s anxiety during this era–him and no one else, because he was involved with Jack and therefore should have been looking out for him. (Even though they were only hooking up a few times and not officially together. Somehow, Kent is still responsible.)
Think about that for a moment. The pressures of Junior Hockey, with all of its homophobia, misogyny, and hazing, and their effect on a queer teenager with anxiety, somehow aren’t the responsibility of the straight white men who built and maintained that culture. It’s not the fault of the coaches who turn a blind eye to hazing or seek to enable it. It’s not the fault of a system that allow flagrant homophobia to run unchecked. It’s not even the fault of Bad Bob, who knows what the Junior Hockey system is like but is never shown objecting to or even worrying about Jack’s participation.
Instead, all of the blame for Jack’s issues is passed onto Kent, another queer teenager who was just as helpless to stop the system they were a part of as Jack was. Check Please, for all that it’s praised for fighting against toxic masculinity in sports, ultimately decided that toxic masculinity wasn’t the problem–but that a young closeted queer man was, for not being as supportive of a friend (or rather, as supportive of an occasional hookup) to Jack as he should have been.
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chad-please · 4 years
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Shitty B. Knight appreciation post
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chad-please · 4 years
as much as i want ollie and wicks to be considered canon, they're not. my reasoning is that if i pick the book up tomorrow and go through it, there is no indication in it that they are canon. it's dumbledore is gay all over again. same with all these other ask a wellie and blog posts. it's a lot of extra work to do as a reader for representation.
Oh for sure! I refuse to accept Ollie and Wicks as a canon couple. In the comic we’ve only seen them standing next to each other and fist bumping. If any other piece of media showed this and then the creators stated that those characters were married all along, we’d call this queer baiting. Ngozi doesn’t get a pass. And the extras and blog posts are definitely not canon, so I don’t know why people are accepting this as representation when it would’ve been just as easy to confirm a relationship that actually had good development in the actual comic (well, at least in earlier years when the side characters actually got storylines and relationships).
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chad-please · 4 years
kent parson was easily the most interesting character in omgcp and a truthful story about a closeted nhler, who wasn’t portrayed as a villain and whose struggles as a closeted athlete weren’t used to make him a foil to another character, would have been infinitely more impactful
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chad-please · 4 years
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honestly i saw it coming 😅
me, crying: some of us make what check please character are you quizzes to cope with check please ending
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chad-please · 6 years
AU in which Check, Please! is actually an au of a sadder webcomic called Wingman
Oh, has it been long enough that there might be new people who haven’t read it?
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chad-please · 6 years
Don’t give me one-sided unrequited love, give me two-sided unwanted love. Both sides are deeply in love with the other and both sides are like ‘fuck, really?? them??? really?’
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chad-please · 6 years
blease elaborate on the nurseydex hug™️
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help me
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chad-please · 6 years
In Georgia:
Bitty: *unbuttoning shirt* damn it's so hot here
Jack: I understand that but why are you unbuttoning my shirt
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chad-please · 6 years
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…An affair!
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chad-please · 6 years
nursey: do you want a quickie?
dex: uh - excuse me?
nursey: a quickie. one of those cake things
dex: that’s a fucking quiche
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chad-please · 6 years
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chad-please · 6 years
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chad-please · 6 years
okay but imagine jack’s stupid red face when he makes sim!bitty and sim!jack woohoo and then how flustered he’d get if someone knocked on his door
Jack is the #1 sims fan in the united states and Canada
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