cautelum-blog · 7 years
Moving! Chesh will now be found @fondword!
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cautelum-blog · 7 years
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Bravery and I are not on intimate terms – my natural curiosity is tempered with caution, thus I’ve lived long. But now, ignoring my instinct to flee or fib, I speak the truth without regard to consequence; your courage deserves no less. You’ve suffered great pain and you’ve caused some. You’ve endured deep grief and feelings of guilt, but you will be tested by a more wrenching anguish, Alice. There is worse to come. // independent & private Cheshire Cat of Alice: Madness Returns.
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cautelum-blog · 7 years
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As people will no doubt be aware of by now, i’ve been dealing with an emotionally abusive living situation involving my parent for over a year now. as of a few hours ago, that parent has completely cut me off financially and familially. while i’m relieved at the weight off my shoulders this estrangement brings, i’m now in even more of a precarious financial situation.
i’m a student at university, and while i do receive student finance, it does not even cover my rent (thanks George Osbourne). Currently I need to make an extra £30 a month to cover the deficit, and while my rent for next year’s home will be cheaper, I will still need to make around the same over the summer and on. With this estrangement, I also have two new expenses: my phone bill and my medication bill. The two together currently stand at around £50 a month, though I am hoping to get this reduced with edits to the contract. I am currently financially dependent on my father and grandmother, but with this estrangement I don’t know if my grandmother will continue supporting me. If she does not, I will be living on less than £15 a week. My father lives in another country and has his own house to maintain and my sister to keep – he cannot financially sustain me by himself. I’ve been applying for jobs, but everywhere wants experience with nowhere wanting to give it, so I am reopening commissions to help me afford food and my medication.
I will do icons in bulk packages of 50, up to any number you desire. I can take my own screencaps where needed, but there will be an additional charge as necessary. The prices stand at:
50 icons - £5
100 icons - £10
150 icons - £15
200 icons - £20 and so on
Contact me here ( fondword ) or through skype ( just-anotherstolenrelic ) for commission information or requests. If, for a reason beyond me, you are kind-hearted enough to want to donate directly to me, my Paypal is [email protected]
Thank you all so much. Keira.
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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“I’m afraid we’re not open. You’ll have to come back another time.”
Harsh words drummed out an uncaring maw, sharp eyes taken more with the box before him than the guest at his door. A curious contraption it was, all sliding doors and engraved images -- a book sloughed in bizarre designs at it’s centre, curious animals and queer weaponry to put even the wildest mind to shame -- and in dire need of repair. Thin rimmed glasses perched upon the end of the man’s nose, hands busy with screws and the slight glint of a small screwdriver beneath the piercing beam of a hanging lamp, Callaghan cared not for the finer intricacies of social etiquette. If his expertise lay required, the other would simply have to wait.
Surely even in the smallest of hidden towns, all but babes could read. He did not hang a ‘closed’ sign in his window to have all and sundry descend and host a tea party in his abode, no matter the peculiar scratch at his mind that came with the oddity of the thought.
“Of course,” he huffed, half a sigh and half a disgruntled roar, “If you can’t read, I’d be more than happy to spell it out to you.”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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mfw the american mcgee’s alice fandom is on the rise
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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Fear gripped the heart of many in the Cat’s presence, and tolled upon more in the presence of the elite of Wonderland. Rabbits held no mark of interest to he, wore no robe of mint and lemongrass to lay aside the tomes of thought and better summon the beast within -- rather, they were a companion almost, in some queer twisted sense of the word. Rabbit was no stalwart of his people, no shining example to convey to the world the very definition of rabbit, yet he was a friend nonetheless. A coward’s heart and strong legs beat in time with the Red Queen’s warrior drum, and Cheshire would not see any of Rabbit’s like so afeared by one who would not chase them.
Sprawled upon a wooden post, mangy and sickly with Alice’s blight, Cheshire eyed the rabbit prince idly, tail twitching with the weight of thought. Perhaps an invitation of the minds, an extended paw to join in thought, would better the relations between two champions of warring ilk.
“Rabbit’s foot, water’s fall, lover’s knock, affection’s cuff -- all have me, and many more.” Head lifted, the Cat blinked lazily, a featured grin pulling at greyed and bloodied lips. “What am I?”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
Too easy was it for a being of thought to spread itself to the shadows. Cast out all thought of visibility, tangibility, and the world became a playground for delight. No idiotic child, sticky-fingered and red-mouthed, was the Cat, no fool with thoughts of childish romps and insolent pranks, but rather, a curious soul.
Curiosity had slain the Cat once over, but no queen lurked at her battlements, meaty-fisted and terrible in her wrath. Alice had put the vile beast down, and Wonderland was left to revel in their folly. A young child, a whit older than Alice physically yet a swaddling babe in comparison to her mind, dangling by the docks of Alice’s strange home world; a hook to catch any wayward spray of the sea and drag it lovingly, wistfully, along her form.
Neither target nor mark for help glinted in the Cat’s mercurial mind, but rather a glimmering of intent, sharp and quick like a jabbing knife. The child would believe in the fantastical, true, and though his appearance was grim -- bones sucked to skin like leeches to the shore, supping fiercely at thin flesh and twisting more with Alice’s destruction, gnarled and terrible and harrowing -- would entertain the mind of Wonderland’s guide for a whit or a breath longer.
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“Many sailors have a cautionary tale, but you have more than you let on.” The Cat purred, forming from the shadows in a rush of shattered orange light. The ocean clung to the babe, ached for her intimate presence, but one, it seemed, had spurned those star-crossed halves of Melody’s aching heart. “Sharing is caring, but only when it doesn’t hurt, and your words leave wounds.”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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WONDERLAND. like for a starter!
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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She can’t see the landscape anymore. It’s all  p a i n t e d  in her grief; all of her history etched out at her feet
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
     ‘ No… ’ As if her very words bent the world to their whims. Perhaps once, when she was crowned Queen on her ivory-and-jade throne, seated daintily and adamant amidst swirling eddies of raw potential energy. The cards, the cats, and the caterpillars once bowed at her passing. And now? Now she must toil away for her wishes like the rest.
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     ‘ Poor thing. There must be something we can do ―― some way we can help. ’ The Rabbit had already been dispatched, that unreliable messenger ( though he’d always been able to lure Alice back to Wonderland. why should he fail now? ). She wrung her dove-pale hands, knuckle by knuckle, lifting a woeful gaze toward an unnervingly material horizon. ‘ What can we do from here? ’
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A damning statement spoken with all the grace of a sticking plaster ripped from a garish wound. Wishes of any, lizard or lord or ingratiating boot-licker, were as ink on paper; stains upon fabric, unable to change aught or all about them, sharp-edged and violent with their words ( Alice was not the only one with knives on the mind, it seemed; create a blade to defend one’s self, a handle to hold while running for life and living ). “Excising rotten tissue is easy enough, but not without a trained surgeon. Who knows Alice’s mind more than herself, even with her new tangle with insanity?” Thorny knells and wet red where once was radiant light and innocuous strange things --  the White Queen was lucky to be removed from her changed kingdom. “There is more to the Queen than meets the eye, but none can tangle with her but Alice.” The Cat vanished for a moment with every word, orange light shrouding his form and sending him a merry dance about the fallen monarch. “Those who fight die, those who yield do not live. Our hope is Alice, and Alice alone.”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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              THE VOICE DOES  not do well in soothing her nerves, only further setting her on edge, especially when the phrase ‘ wonderland ‘ is uttered. where in the realms could she be that ‘ wonderland ‘ would be knowingly mentioned to her. what has it been now? a little more than a year since she fell back into underland?  since she’s slayed the jabberwocky? yet again, begs the question; WHERE AM I? 
              finally being able to sit up, eyes adjusting to the dreariness all about, alice finds herself to be taken aback by her surroundings. she KNOWS immediately this isn’t HER WORLD ( UPPERLAND ). but, like the voice told her; she was far from wonderland. HER WONDERLAND, apparently. so, would that mean— abruptly turning about, she faces the source of the voice, ever curious & observant eyes traversing over the feline’s skeletal frame. HORRIFIC. 
                                                         “ does that mean i am in a different wonderland?     maybe— a dream, maybe? i’ve always had                                             lots of those. they never looked like this,                                                            however. “ ( it reminded her of the burnt villages                                                            in underland, yet somehow MUCH WORSE. ) 
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      Ah, the panic of one unblooded in the carcass of Wonderland. Horror hot and wet and red clung to all walls of the desolate world, fire and sinew and meat twisted to a noose, a shell, a lamp -- I was the last one to leave the library that night, it’s my fault they’re dead I’m innocent I mean not guilty poor Lizzie! No creature born of Wonderland true batted an eye at the madness of their surroundings. All had lost their sight to the bloody queen upon her fleshy throne, thick and secreted like a disease upon the bones, and those to stand against her knew to avert their eyes, to play the patient pawn. Perhaps it was a pity that the Cat had little patience for chess, nor any desire to follow strict rules of movement. There would be no gates nor bounds nor Witless quips to see claws clipped, legs bound and a pretty statue made of an ugly warp of conscience.
He had already lost his head to her raging smile and battleaxe grin, and the experience had only cemented his desire -- and his cowardice.
“A dream?” Dear Alice, mother and creator of their world and all -- a little dense in realms of words and riddles, perhaps, but never had the Cat considered such stupidity would only exacerbate across the realms. Mayhaps this other’s world was a large one, with all flaws magnified and magnificent cracks in porcelain masks. “Only the weak wish for a dream when reality is at their door. This sickness is and is not your doing, and you cannot be the one to vanquish it. The donor cannot beg for what was so generously given.”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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          ❛  if you keep talking the cat shall get your tongue.   ❜
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     “A pity he already has it then.”
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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Are you doing well? Where are you? It’s been four years. This will be the eighty-ninth letter I’ve written, but I will not send out any more. I hope you receive this last letter. Zack! The flowers are selling very well. It makes everyone smile. It’s all thanks to you, Zack.
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cautelum-blog · 9 years
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cautelum-blog · 9 years
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Get to know me: Favorite Video Games (4/20) ↳American McGee’s Alice & Alice: Madness Returns by American James McGee “Madness is not a state of mind. Madness is a place. Let’s go there, shall we?” 
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cautelum-blog · 9 years
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          “Is it a fried cat on a stick?” Book smarts were not in her favor,           however  the  girl  showed  more  WIT than  most ,  her  tongue         sharpened and dipped in  venom.  A  roll  of  her  shoulder           ensued ,   bubbling  impatience frothing  through .  He   would           have at least gave her a moment for  THOUGHT.    “Like you           said, riddles are not for  EVERYONE;  doesn’t  mean  they’re         weak of mind. Maybe riddles are just not interesting.” 
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     “Terribly rude, but no.” Humour inextinguishable frothed at the edges of an endless grin, lighting bloodied teeth and macabre orange eyes in a supernatural light. No ordinary creature could claim such jest in the numbed tongue of another, no mortal creation gifted an animal’s form and the gift of speech as he, but simplistic ruled no rusted throne in Alice’s Wonderland. “Do try again.”
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