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Al inicio de El amor en los tiempos del cólera, nos enteramos de que el doctor Juvenal Urbino recibe una llamada. Su amigo, el fotógrafo Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, se ha suicidado. Esto interfiere de una manera terrible con los quehaceres del médico, que no podrá ir a misa como suele hacerlo, sino que debe visitar a la amante secreta de Jeremiah, quién le explica que Jeremiah se suicidó porque se negaba a envejecer. El doctor Urbino regresa a casa y se encuentra con que los sirvientes están tratando de atrapar a la mascota, un perico que habla y que, según nos cuenta el narrador, le ha de costar la vida al médico. Él y su esposa van a una comida en honor a uno de sus alumnos. Al volver, él intenta atrapar al loro, que ha volado hasta un árbol de mango. El médico cae del árbol y se rompe el cuello, lo que significa que el contratiempo de su propia muerte le impedirá asistir al funeral de Jeremiah. La esposa del doctor Urbino, Fermina, parece serena en el velorio de esa noche. Un hombre llamado Florentino Ariza, presidente de la Compañía Fluvial del Caribe, aparece y se ofrece a ayudar. Al final de la noche, Florentino confiesa a Fermina que está enamorado de ella y que así ha sido durante los últimos cincuenta años. ¡Pero qué locura! Fermina, molestísima, lo echa de la casa. La narrativa retrocede a medio siglo antes y ahí conocemos al adolescente Florentino Ariza. Éste trabaja en la oficina de telégrafos y, al ir a entregar un telegrama a Lorenzo Daza, el padre de Fermina Daza, la descubre por primera vez. A partir de ese día, el enamorado Florentino se sienta en el parque de enfrente de la casa de Fermina y finge leer mientras la mira ir y venir de la escuela. Pasado un tiempo, Florentino se anima a darle una carta a Fermina. Después de un mes, exige impaciente una respuesta y es entonces que la recibe. Sin que el padre lo sepa, Florentino y Fermina comienzan una correspondencia apasionada y, dos días más tarde, le escribe para pedirle que se case con él. Fermina acepta iniciar un largo compromiso, que mantienen a escondidas del padre. Un día, Lorenzo descubre las cartas y se lleva a Fermina a un largo viaje con la esperanza de que se olvide de ese afecto tan inapropiado hacia el pobre trabajador de telégrafos. Los amantes continúan la comunicación en secreto y planean casarse tan pronto como Fermina regrese. Cuando Lorenzo queda convencido de que su hija se ha olvidado por completo de Florentino, vuelven a la ciudad. Florentino está feliz, pero cuando Fermina lo vuelve a ver, se desenamora de él y cancela la boda. A continuación, conocemos al joven médico Juvenal Urbino, que está obsesionado con erradicar el cólera, la enfermedad que le ha quitado la vida a su padre. Lo llaman a la casa de los Daza para diagnosticar a una paciente, la joven Fermina, y él determina que no tiene cólera. No es un amor a primera vista, pero el médico se entusiasma con Fermina, y al padre de ella le agrada la idea. Fermina no está muy convencida, pero su prima Hildebranda opina que el doctor Urbino es sexy y la anima. Cuando Fermina por fin accede a casarse con el doctor Urbino, Florentino, desconsolado, decide irse a trabajar a otra ciudad. En el barco, una misteriosa desconocida lo aborda en la oscuridad y le roba la virginidad. Nunca descubre la identidad de su amante, pero se imagina que es Rosalba, una compañera de viaje. Florentino decide que, viéndolo bien, no le interesa el nuevo trabajo y regresa a casa para continuar viviendo en la misma ciudad que Fermina. Trata de olvidarla teniendo relaciones con muchas mujeres, comenzando por una viuda que se queda en la casa de su madre. Mientras tanto, Fermina disfruta su luna de miel en Europa. Regresa a casa seis meses más tarde, embarazada, y el doctor y la señora Urbino se vuelven el centro de la vida social y cívica de la ciudad. Decidido a hacerse merecedor de Fermina, mientras espera a que su esposo se marche al más allá, Florentino trabaja sin parar en Compañía Fluvial y es ascendido. También renueva su casa, escribe poesía y continúa sus innumerables aventuras amorosas clandestinas. Una de sus amantes, una mujer casada, es asesinada por su esposo cuando éste descubre que lo ha estado engañando. Más adelante, muere la madre de Florentino. Según muchas anécdotas de la vida matrimonial que leemos, la relación entre Fermina y el doctor Juvenal Urbino no está exenta de problemas, pero en general, son bastante felices. Tienen dos hijos y se mudan a una casa nueva en un barrio residencial para que Fermina pueda alejarse de su suegra. El nuevo siglo trae a la ciudad nuevos avances tecnológicos y cívicos. Florentino aprovecha cada ceremonia oficial para ver a su amada Fermina. En un viaje en globo a la costa para celebrar una inauguración, Fermina y su marido pasan por ciudades abandonadas a causa de la epidemia del cólera y se encuentran con que incontables trabajadores de las plantaciones de plátano han muerto a causa de una herida en la nuca. Fermina se va a vivir al rancho de su prima en el campo durante unos años, hasta que se da cuenta de que su marido está teniendo una aventura con una de sus pacientes. Pasado un tiempo se reconcilian y Fermina vuelve a la ciudad. Todo el mundo comienza a envejecer. Cuando su tío se jubila, Florentino es ascendido a Presidente de Compañía Fluvial del Caribe. En este momento ya no tiene tantas amantes, pero comienza una aventura con América Vicuña, de catorce años, que ha sido enviada a la ciudad a estudiar. Él actúa como su tutor y nadie sospecha que tienen una aventura. Cuando el doctor Urbino muere y Fermina queda libre de nuevo, Florentino le avisa a América que está por casarse y termina con su romance. Florentino corteja a Fermina incansablemente por medio de una serie de cartas. Al final todo eso da resultado y se hacen amigos. Un periódico local publica algunos artículos difamatorios sobre el padre de Fermina e insinúa que su difunto esposo ha estado teniendo una aventura con su mejor amiga. Con la intención de escapar del escándalo, Fermina accede a hacer un crucero por el río con Florentino. Se enamora de él y el crucero se convierte en una especie de luna de miel para los dos, pese al hecho de que las orillas del río han quedado deforestadas y los pueblos por los que pasan han perdido a su población a causa del cólera. Florentino recibe noticias de que América se suicidó al ser incapaz de aprobar sus exámenes finales y, una vez que se cerciora de que nadie ha descubierto el secreto de su aventura, descarta su recuerdo.
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Capitulos 1 y 2
La historia gravita alrededor del amor no consumado entre Florentino Ariza y Fermina Daza. Es un relato que comienza la historia con la muerte de dos personajes: Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, que se suicida porque no acepta la vejez siendo un refugiado inválido; y Juvenal Urbino, un respetado médico que halla la muerte accidentalmente al perseguir a un loro que se le había escapado.
Es una historia del amor a lo largo de los años. Urbino era el esposo de Fermina. Florentino era un adolescente pobre, empleado de la compañía fluvial, cuando se enamoró de Fermina. A pesar de que logró conquistarla a base de cartas románticas y poemas, los padres de ella siempre se opusieron a la relación. Siendo Fermina una joven altanera e insegura, en un arrebato de impulsividad decide rechazar a Florentino y casarse con otro pretendiente, Juvenal Urbino. Este es un joven médico muy dedicado y formal, decidido además a erradicar el cólera de la región.
Ariza, a pesar del rechazo, promete seguir amando a Fermina, y mantenerse virgen para ella. No cumple con esto último y comienza a relacionarse sexualmente con una gran cantidad de mujeres en un vano intento de olvidar a Fermina. La joven, por su parte, rápidamente se da cuenta de que se había casado con un hombre por el que no sentía ningún amor, rechazando al que verdaderamente quería.
El ambiente de la novela se ubica en un pueblo costero cerca del río Magdalena. Es una región azotada por el cólera y la guerra. Al margen de la relativa tranquilidad que se respira, es un sitio donde la muerte ronda a diario. Urbino se dedica empeñosamente en combatir el cólera, lo que le granjea el respeto de todos, pero también sucumbe a la pasión al convertirse en amante de una de sus pacientes: una voluptuosa mulata llamada Bárbara Lynch.
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Fourpeat for Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes AMG’s primary Formula 1 pilot, has just clinched his fourth championship in F1 during the Mexico GP. The English pilot has joined what people call “The Greats”, pilots who have won four or more championships in their Formula 1 career which are: Juan Manuel Fangio, Alain Prost, Michael Schumacher, and Sebastian Vettel. Hamilton described the feeling of winning a fourth title as “unreal” since there are two races left in the calendar. His title rival Sebastian Vettel, whom he crashed with in the Mexico GP, gave Hamilton all the credit he deserved. Vettel, considered one of “The Greats”, behaved like a true champion and graciously accepted defeat knowing that Lewis Hamilton had indeed bested him in this championship. The next two races for Hamilton will be victory laps and just taking it slow since he achieved his goal.
# 2 2017#5:30PM
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Trump Avoids Gun Talks
President Donald Trump avoided the topic of gun control while going to Las Vegas Wednesday, days after the deadliest shooting in current American history. The visit, which comes hours after Trump passed by Puerto Rico to examine the mischief designed by Tempest Maria, signifies the President's second tour to calm national stress in a similar number of days. In Las Vegas, Trump met with adjacent administrators, experts available to come back to work and survivors of the shooting that killed 58 people and hurt more than 500 others. Despite the way that Washington authorities have been defying request concerning possible gun control measures in the wake of the butcher, Trump told writers that he would not address the issue while going in Las Vegas. "We're not going to talk about that today," Trump told a writer at the School Therapeutic Concentration of Southern Nevada damage center. "We won't talk about that." Trump's need to avoid the questionable subject tracks with thoughts the White House appropriated after the shooting that urged supporters to extend now was not a chance to talk about gun control. The Las Vegas social order was shaken when a shooter perched in a Mandalay Straight Resort and Betting club 32 stories up down-poured shots down on indicate goers Sunday night. The President was invited on the ground by Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, Las Vegas Director Carolyn Goodman and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Division Sheriff Joseph Lombardo. The visit passed on Trump eye to eye with those clearly impacted by the shooting. Trump, not long subsequent to touching down in Las Vegas, went to the recuperating focus that treated scores of those hurt and executed. In the wake of meeting with masters accessible as needs be, Trump told feature writers he "just met irrefutably the most amazing people" and that he met with patients that were "disagreeably harmed." "It makes you uncommonly satisfied to be an American when you see the movement they've done," the President said of the helpful staff at the mending focus.
October 4
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Hunt for ISIS Leader
CNN has discovered that at one point over the late spring the US trusted they had their absolute best at murdering the fear based oppressor pioneer in an airstrike, as indicated by a few US authorities.
The strike, which has never been freely revealed, depended on knowledge that showed a senior ISIS pioneer, potentially Baghdadi, was at the specific area. The authorities comfortable with the strike reveal to CNN it has never been authoritatively decided whether Baghdadi was really slaughtered. However, one authority revealed to CNN that over late months "we attempted to take a few shots at him."
One reason the US stays unverifiable on the off chance that it killed Baghdadi is that in the days and weeks that took after the strike, US insight did not block any ISIS correspondences affirming his passing and there was no talk on ISIS web-based social networking accounts, US authorities said. Given Baghdadi's stature, the US hopes to see noteworthy jabber talking about his passing, in the event that he is slaughtered.
The strike happened after a claim by Russia in June that the ISIS pioneer may have been executed in one of its airstrikes on the edges of Raqqa on May 28. The US has since a long time ago trusted that the Russian claim isn't valid.
In another example CNN has discovered that US military organizers for a ground mission being led by US powers thought they were on Baghdadi's trail for a critical timeframe. Knowledge showed a person with the name al-Baghdadi was at an objective site, a US official affirmed to CNN.
Senior organization authorities were advised however an assault did not occur on account of worry over the potential number of regular people at the site. The US official says they now trust Baghdadi was likely not at the area. It stays hazy if that individual was any connection to the ISIS pioneer.
A predictable issue the US has confronted is that insight tips on Baghdadi's whereabouts are regularly not opportune, which means he is probably going to have proceeded onward before they can mount an operation to take him out. Baghdadi is accepted to remain genuinely portable, frequently moving by vehicle with only a driver one authority told CNN. Since he possibly stays progressing, the most obvious opportunity with regards to killing him may accompany a minute ago insight that would require a strike by an automaton as of now standing around close-by.
Throughout the most recent a while, the best US officer in Baghdad has given a few tempting responses to correspondents about Baghdadi's whereabouts. In a July 11 squeeze preparation, Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend revealed to Pentagon journalists: "I can't affirm or deny where he is or whether he is alive or dead."
September 28, 2017
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Hydrogen Bomb
North Korea could test an effective atomic weapon over the Pacific Sea in light of US President Donald Trump's dangers of military activity, the nation's outside priest has cautioned.
Ri Yong Ho addressed columnists in New York not long after North Korean pioneer Kim Jong Un put forth an extraordinary broadcast expression, blaming Trump for being "rationally unsettled."
The mighty talk from Pyongyang came after Trump undermined to"totally obliterate" North Korea in a discourse to the UN General Gathering on Tuesday. Trump tweeted Friday that Kim was "clearly a lunatic" who might be "tried more than ever."
In an uncommon direct explanation conveyed straight to camera, Kim said that Trump would "pay the consequences" for the dangers, and that North Korea "will consider with reality practicing of a relating, most abnormal amount of hard-line countermeasure ever."
"I am currently contemplating what reaction he could have expected when he enabled such unconventional words to trip off his tongue," Kim said. "I will without a doubt and unquestionably tame the rationally unsettled US dotard with flame."
Kim said Trump's remarks were intelligent of "rationally unsettled conduct."
Hours after the fact, Kim's remote pastor told columnists in New York that Pyongyang could dispatch an atomic rocket test accordingly. "This could most likely mean the most grounded nuclear bomb test over the Pacific Sea. As to measures to take, I don't generally know since it is the thing that Kim Jong Un does," said Ri.
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London Underground Train Blast happened: An ad libbed dangerous gadget was exploded on a London Underground prepare, harming 22 individuals amid surge hour Friday morning. A security source told CNN there was a clock found on the gadget, a sign that the plan was to cause more prominent harm.
The examination: A manhunt is in progress and police are treating the blast at Parsons Green station on the Locale Line as fear based oppression.
Most recent response: Head administrator Theresa May said her contemplations were with those harmed and the crisis administrations, while London Chairman Sadiq Khan told CNN there would be an "upgraded police nearness" crosswise over London. In the mean time, US President Donald Trump tweeted: "Another assault in London by a failure psychological oppressor. These are wiped out and unbalanced individuals who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!"
A source informed by examiners disclosed to CNN it is "very likely" that the gadget contained the hazardous TATP. The source forewarned that this appraisal is preparatory and the nearness of TATP has not been affirmed.
TATP was utilized as a part of the November 2015 Paris assaults, the Walk 2016 Brussels bombings and the May besieging in Manchester.
As indicated by the underlying appraisal the gadget was rough and ineffectively planned, the source told CNN.
The quantity of individuals hospitalized stays at 22 - not 23 - the National Wellbeing Administration told CNN.
The London Emergency vehicle Administration expanded the quantity of patients they transported from 18 to 19 - yet NHS Britain at that point reexamined down the quantity of patients who had come in without anyone else, from 4 to 3.
The Rescue vehicle Administration said the vast majority of the general population they'd transported had "minor wounds."
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Hurricane Irma, now the strongest hurricane to come across the Atlantic Ocean, is slowly treading towards Florida. It has been said by experts that this massive force of destruction is bigger than the country of France, something that brings fear into many. It has already been blamed for two deaths in the Caribbean, and that’s just the beginning. Projections created by scientists show the monster flying towards more land, more people, which is potentially more lives for it to take.
Evacuations have already begun and many residents of Florida have started purchasing food and water in case things go bad. Stores have been cleared out and lines have been forming in all types of shops that sell consumables. The Trump Administration has already declared an emergency in some islands in the Caribbean and has commenced procedures to make sure that they’re properly cared for.
Source: CNN
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President Trump to Donate
President Donald J. Trump has an undoubtedly infinite fortune, so wouldn’t it be nice if he donated to someplace in need? Well, as of today, Trump will be donating $1 million to help efforts in the Texas recovery. Along with other big celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen DeGeneres, and Sandra Bullock, who have also donated a million dollars, the Red Cross has been able to do a lot considering the amount of funds they’ve received.
Source: CNN
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UFC vs. Boxing Fight of the Century?
Floyd Mayweather, the undefeated 12-time champion in five different divisions, has risked it all with coming out of retirement to fight his final fight against a fighter who isn’t even a boxer. Conor McGregor, UFC’s two-division champion, has taken the challenge to break Mayweather’s victory streak and do what not many people thought was possible.
After all, this has already broken the all-time record on how many people will watch the fight, estimating around 82 MILLION people watching it.
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