breakableaeden · 1 year
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Another redraw with reference ^^
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breakableaeden · 1 year
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Whitestone is for lovers and Delilah haters
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breakableaeden · 1 year
My Trans journey - Day 264
Hi babes, how's it going? Here's the update you'd to been looking for, right?
Let's  start by saying thank you. You would say: "For what, you aren't  recieving donations in almost an year". Yeah. But here's my truth: even  though it's been 7 whole months since the last donation, thanks to this  fund I'm seeing all the progress I've made since day 1 of this journey.  And you're part of this, so thank you so much.
Well, off to a bad  note: I'm in debt. Yeah, legal fees are more or less €1.600 ($1.782)  right now, and I'm not covering those at all with my two jobs. So I'm  not in the right mental state for that, I feel guilty I'm using all  these money when I need them for other things like repairing stuff and  taking care of my medical conditions.
Also bad note, more than  before: HRT is not working. At least as it should. Got my blood tested,  and I'm not reaching the correct starting point for an almost three  months therapy. I don't know actually how to process this right now, so  I'll step aside from it and proceed to concentrate on other things.
Finally  a good note: university is going alright, I'm keeping an high GPA (is  it called like that?) and I'm doing so much, I couldn't imagine this  outcome. And I finally signed my working contract, so I'll be paid (I  guess, I hope so) monthly starting from August -finger crossed. The  Academy had to delay everything, so I had like €25 ($27) a month roughly  -not joking at all.
Well, I don't think I have more to say. I ask  you to share the fund to friends and family if it's possible for you to  do so. Or, if you want something in exchange of your kindness, I still  do art commissions. You can have a signed print, or everything tbh.  There's also a discount, a 20% off all I offer, to support the Ukraine.  Code is "STOPTHEWAR", link is there:  https://ko-fi.com/asayuna/link/STOPTHEWAR
That's all I can say and do  for now. Hope you're fine, healthy and safe. I wish you all a wonderful  life, please keep on dreaming. You can do this. We can do this.
Thank y'all.
Remember: you can still do something about it. I hope you'll be interested in helping me: if you don't have so  much money to spend, don't worry! You can also buy a subscription to my  Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/asayuna. Any kind of support, such as likes, comment, and shares, are gladly appreciated and more than enough.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for have read 'till here.
Here's the GoFundMe link
Deeply grateful, still fighting,
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breakableaeden · 1 year
My Trans journey - Little update
Hellow my friends! It's been what, two whole months since we last talk? Wow, time travel's real tbh. Well, let me give you some more news: today I could finally recieve my testosterone prescription. Wow, can you believe it? Got two of these little ones, ready to be used. It's like €103 (115$) worth of boy juice, this bad boy costs so much honestly I couldn't believe my eyes. But I have it, that's what's really important. I hope I'll get used to have a healthy routine, so this doesn't destroy my beautiful big "arsh" (you know what I mean). ALSO, I got my bachelor's degree the 28th of March, that's unbelievable! Next to that, I'm getting calls for art exhibitions -with my art in it obv-, I'm learning tons of new stuff at uni, didn't stop believing in myself fortunately. I'm having a great time. I'm happy to say that. But, here I am, remembering you this fund still exists and may need a little push, so: you can do a simple thing for me. Sharing. 'Cause sharing is caring, and more people know about my situation, more help I could find from kind strangers, friends and family. This stuff's expensive, and I tried to be optimistic about it. But I can't afford gender affirming surgery. Not yet. So here's a little task for you. You can push this bad boi up in the Internet sky, so everyone can see my story. That's all I need. I don't like to beg for money or help, because these are difficult times for everybody. I can afford a house, food, bills. Some people don't, and I totally get it. I know I'm really privileged in my own little world. That's why I don't ask. Simple as that. Or, if you want something in exchange of your kindness, I still do art commissions. You can have a signed print, or everything tbh. There's also a discount, a 20% off all I offer, to support the Ukraine. Code is "STOPTHEWAR", link is there: https://ko-fi.com/asayuna/link/STOPTHEWAR That's all I can say and do for now. Hope you're fine, healthy and safe. I wish you all a wonderful life, please keep on dreaming. You can do this. We can do this. Thank y'all.
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Remember: you can still do something about it. I hope you'll be interested in helping me: if you don't have so  much money to spend, don't worry! You can also buy a subscription to my  Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/asayuna. Any kind of support, such as likes, comment, and shares, are gladly appreciated and more than enough.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for have read 'till here.
Here's the GoFundMe link
Deeply grateful, still fighting,
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breakableaeden · 1 year
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i think they’d be good friends twitter | instagram | ko-fi | patreon | facebook
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breakableaeden · 2 years
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its a sad song, its a sad tale, its a tragedy. but we sing it anyway
variations below:
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breakableaeden · 2 years
My trans journey - an update
Well guys, what can I say.
It's because of you and your support that I'm here today. I got my  psychodiagnostic report today from the Consultorio InConTra, and I  couldn't be happier. I also got from my city of residence all the other  legal paperwork that was required, so your initial donations kindly  covered those.
I've got to do tons of other gender affirming medical appointments, but  we're doing great. I'm doing great. And it's all your doing. Thank you  so so much, from the bottom of my heart.
I hope you'll be interested in helping me: if you don't have so  much money to spend, don't worry! You can also buy a subscription to my  Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/asayuna. Any kind of support, such as likes, comment, and shares, are gladly appreciated and more than enough.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for have read 'till here.
Here's the GoFundMe link
Deeply grateful, today more than ever,
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breakableaeden · 2 years
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finished piece from stream <:
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breakableaeden · 2 years
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society if mike completed his eddie inspired transformation
inspired by this wonderful analysis by @hawkinsp0st about how mike was most authentic self with the hellfire club . thank you for reminding how much i love 4-1 mike
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breakableaeden · 2 years
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the kids arent alright
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breakableaeden · 2 years
My top surgery journey
Hi! My name's Aeden, and I'm a non-binary transmasc individual. I'm from Italy, and I'm studying arts at the Fine Arts Academy here in my hometown, Naples. And I need your help.
I knew I wasn't just as my pairs with their gender assigned at birth since I was 6 or so; I always loved dressing neutral, with big clothes and all kind of colours. I didn't quite understand all the gender's stereotypes, and all sorts of things regarding that. But my family didn't know at the time what "non-binary" means, and also me.
When I was 14/15, the most-known forms of sexual orientations were introduced to me: I learned I could love a person without boundaries, and so I stopped questioning my feelings. I identified first as queer, then as pansexual, and I dated two wonderful girls, the first one in 2016 and the second one in 2018.
One day, I was on vacation with my parents, and by an accident I used the equivalent of he/him pronouns while talking about me, and it didn't feel wrong to do it. I started using them with my girlfriend at the time, then a small group of friends. I even thought I was genderfluid, and started to learn more. But I wasn't mentally stable at the time, and with COVID-19 and all its complications in my personal life I pushed away those feelings and invalidated myself.
Then June 2021 arrived: with more researchs behind my back, I came out to my girlfriend and friends as a non-binary individual. Then, the person I dated for 3 long years decided it was time to part ways, and we broke up. I was devastated: I couldn't eat, sleep, I spent my days crying and wishing to end it all. This state of mind forced me to come out to my mom, who was very understanding of my feelings. So, this disaster of a Summer passed, and I was officially out to everybody as non-binary. I chopped my hair, bought some binders, and started dressing more alligned to what I was envisioning in my mind.
So, what changed today? An year passed, and I'm closing my journey at a public counselling centre for LGBTQIA+ folks. I'm getting a document I'll need to proceed here in my country with all the medical procedures I'll need, and also legal changing of documents and stuff. And that's why I'm asking for your help.
 I'm not a wealthy person, and legal procedures themselves will cost €1.500. Adding to that there'll be medical expenses, legal ones, recovery supplies, and stuff like that. I wanna achieve this goal because I can't see everyday the person I wanna be in the mirror, and I lived an year already struggling with a strong gender dysphoria and physical/psychological issues. I was depressed for a while and under meds, and I don't want to stop and fall again into bad habits and thoughts.
I hope you'll be interested in helping me: if you don't have so much money to spend, don't worry! You can also buy a subscription to my Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/asayuna. Any kind of support, such as likes, comment, and shares, are gladly appreciated and more than enough.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for have read 'till here.
Here’s the link to the GoFundMe
Deeply grateful, Aeden
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breakableaeden · 2 years
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Still working on the video  😭 Have another comic, I had fun with this one! <3 As always you can support my work using the ways below!
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breakableaeden · 3 years
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another commission for a friend! i had so much fun with this and im honored they trusted me with it~
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breakableaeden · 3 years
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like sister, like sister
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breakableaeden · 3 years
Arcane Arc II made me feel like 16yro me was right, writing fanfics on Vi and Cait was my right path. I was totally right 5 years ago, I need to go back to work
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breakableaeden · 3 years
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breakableaeden · 3 years
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[ v & caitlyn matching icons ]
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