blogjobs552 · 3 years
Focusing Eugene Gendlin Pdf
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Focusing eBook File: Focusing.PDF Book by Eugene T. Gendlin, Focusing Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Focusing books, Describes an effective technique for identifying one's personal problems by developing an awareness of one's innermost feelings and thus altering behavior and solving problems on a step-by-step basis.
Focusing Eugene Gendlin Pdf Download
Focusing Eugene T. Gendlin Pdf
Focusing By Eugene Gendlin Pdf
Focusing Eugene Gendlin Free Pdf
Eugene Gendlin Felt Sense
Focusing: Find Out What Is Bothering You
We are going back to the basics, reviewing Eugene Gendlin's (creator of Focusing) Six Steps of the Focusing Process.Intuitive Focusing does not always happen in neat and tidy steps, and others teach it in totally different steps or processes, but it is helpful to review the original Six Step Process that Gendlin articulated from watching actual people do Focusing 'naturally.'
Focusing: Find Out What Is Bothering You
Gendlin (born Eugen Gendelin; 25 December 1926 – 1 May 2017) was an American philosopher who developed ways of thinking about and working with living process, the bodily felt sense and the 'philosophy of the implicit'. Though he had no degree in the field of psychology, his advanced study with Carl Rogers, his longtime practice of psychotherapy and his extensive writings in the. Focusing is an innovative technique developed by Eugene Gendlin in the 1960’s. The earliest origins of Focusing are found in Gendlin’s collaborative relationship in the 1950’s with Carl Rogers, the Founder of Client-Centered Psychotherapy. By 1970 Gendlin was recognized by the American Psychological Association as the.
Key Words: Eugene Gendlin, experienc-ing, focusing, felt sense ABSTRACT Eugene Gendlin (1996) put forth his own systematic approach to psychother-apy based on phenomenological philoso-phy and Rogerian psychotherapy in sev-eral papers and a book (Gendlin, 1974; Hart, 1970). Gendlin’s approach pro-vides an alternative to, for example, a. Acces PDF Focusing By Eugene Gendlin inspiring the brain to think bigger and faster can be undergone by some ways. Experiencing, listening to the further experience, adventuring, studying, training, and more practical undertakings may urge on you to improve. But here, if you do.
© Dr. Kathy McGuire, Ph.D., 2007
Creative Edge Focusing
Focusing On the Creative Edge
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Intuitive Focusing is one-half of the two Core Skills basic to Creative Edge Focusing. Intuitive Focusing can be used any time to find out what is bothering you. Intuitive Focusing involves spending time with the vague, wordless 'intuitive sense' that there is something --- something you can't quite put your finger on or put into words --- but something definitely determining your behavior or how you feel or the inkling of an idea or solution ---
Intuitive Focusing can be used not just for personal problem-solving but for sitting with The Creative Edge of anything: a piece of creative art or writing, an exciting professional problem to solve, a good feeling that has a spiritual edge ---
The Crux of Change
In the 1960's research showed that the single most important variable predicting success in psychotherapy was, not what the therapist was doing, but the client's own ability to speak from present, felt experiencing rather than intellectualization. Dr. Eugene Gendlin of the University of Chicago decided we'd better learn how to teach that skill to people. He called it Focusing and broke it down into six steps to teach it in a self-help way. His book, Focusing (Bantam, 1981), has been translated into over 15 languages and is used throughout the world.
Description of Gendlin's Six Step Focusing Process
First, I will describe Gendlin'sprocess, then I will walk you through some actual instructions below. Here are Gendlin's six steps for use of this inner, meditation-like problem-solving process in a self-help way:
(1)Clearing a Space: setting aside the jumble of thoughts, opinions, and analysis we all carry in our minds, and making a clear, quiet space inside where something new can come.
Focusing Eugene Gendlin Pdf Download
(2)Getting a Felt Sense: asking an open-ended question like 'What is the feel of this whole thing (issue, situation, problem)?' and, instead of answering with one's already-known analysis, waiting silently as long as a minute for the subtle, intuitive, 'bodily feel' of 'the whole thing' to form.
(3)Finding a Handle: carefully looking for some words or an image that begin to capture the 'feel of the whole thing,' the Felt Sense, The Creative Edge: 'It's 'jumpy;' 'It's scared;' 'It's like the dew of a Spring morning;' 'It's like macaroni and cheese - comforting,' 'It's like jet propulsion! Something new that needs to spring forth!'
(4)Resonating and Checking: taking the Handle words or image and holding them against the Felt Sense, asking 'Is this right? Is it 'jumpy'?, etc. Finding new words or images if needed until there is a sense of 'fit': 'Yes, that's it. Jumpy.'
(5)Asking: asking open-ended questions (questions that don't have a 'Yes' or 'No' or otherwise fixedor 'closed' answer) like 'And what is so hard about that?' or 'And why does that have me stuck?' or 'What was so beautiful about that moment?' or 'And how does this apply to everything else?' and, again, instead of answering with already-known analysis, waiting silently for the whole-body-sense, the Felt Sense, to arise.
At each Asking, the Focuser also goes back to steps (2), (3) and (4) as necessary, waiting for the Felt Sense to form,finding Handle words, Resonating and Checking until there is a sense of 'fit': 'Yes, that's it.' This often physically-felt experience of tension release and easing in the body, this sense of having found the right words, is called a Felt Shift by Dr. Gendlin. Dr. McGuire calls it a Paradigm Shift It can be a small step of 'Yes, that's it' or a larger unfolding, a huge insight, with many pieces of the puzzle suddenly falling into place and a flow of new words and images and possible action steps. Sometimes there is also a flood of tears of acknowledgment and relief or the release of other pent-up emotions. This is an Instant 'Ahah!'.
(6)Receiving: at each new step, each Felt Shift,taking a moment to sit with the new 'intuitive feel,' simply acknowledging and appreciating your own inner knowing for this new insight. Then, you can start again at step (5), Asking another open-ended question, ('And what is so important about this?'; 'And why did that have me stuck?'; 'And where does my mother come into all of this?', etc.). And, again, step (2), waiting for the Felt Sense to form, step (3) finding a Handle, step (4) Resonating and Checking until there is a Felt Shift,a sense of 'That's it!', another Instant 'Ahah!'.
A First Attempt: Find Out What Is Bothering You
Set aside at least 30 minutes for this first attempt. Remember, Focusing is a skill usually taught in 10 two-hour classes or two weekend workshops ---so, if it doesn't work for you immediately, don't give up! Find a nearby teacher from the Focusing Institute Listings (www.focusing.org ) or arrange for phone sessions with Dr. McGuire or another Creative Edge Consultant at http://www.cefocusing.com/store/products.php?cat=8 .
But, some people are natural Focusers and just say, 'Oh, yes. I've been doing this all my life. Now, I can just do it better, more predictably, whenever I want. Give it a try:
(You can read these to yourself now or into a tape recorder for playback -- or purchaseComplete Focusing Instructions CD as part of our Self-Help Package at http://www.cefocusing.com/store/products.php?cat=7-- leave at least one minute of silence between each instruction)
Step One: Clearing A Space (Relaxation exercise in this case)
---Okay --- first, just get yourself comfortable --- feel the weight of your body on the chair --- loosen any clothing that is too tight ---
(one minute --- )
---Spend a moment just noticing your breathing --- don't try to change it --- just notice the breath going in --- and out ---
(one minute --- )
---Now, notice where you have tension in your body (pause) ---
(one minute --- )
---Now, imagine the tension as a stream of water, draining out of your body through your fingertips and feet (Pause) ---
(one minute --- )
---Let yourself travel inside of your body to a place of peace ---
(one minute --- )
Step Two: Getting A Felt Sense
---Now, bring to mind an incident or a situation that was troublesome for you this week (pause as long as necessary) --- Think about it or get a mental image of it ---
(one minute --- )
---Now, try to set aside all of your thoughts about the situation, and just try to bring back the feeling you had in that situation (pause) --- not words, but the 'intuitive feel' of yourself in that situation ---
(one minute)
Step Three: Finding A Handle
---Now, carefully try to find words or an image for that feeling ---
(one minute)
Step Four: Resonating and Checking
---Go carefully back and forth between any words and the 'intuitive feel of the whole thing' until you find words or an image that are just right for it ---
(one minute --- )
Step Five: Asking
---Now, gently ask yourself, 'What is so hard about this situation for me?', and wait, at least a minute, to see what comes in your wordless intuition, your whole-body sense ---
(one minute)
---Again, carefully find words or an image that exactly fit that whole feeling --- going back and forth until the symbols are 'just right.'
(one minute --- )
---Now, imagine what the situation would be like if it were perfectly all right ---
(one minute --- )
---Now, ask yourself, 'What's in the way of that?' and, again, don't answer from your head, what you already know, but wait, as long as a minute, for something new to come in the center of your body, more like a wordless intuition or whole-body sense ---
(one minute --- )
---Again, carefully find words or an image for that, 'whatever is in the way' --- go back and forth until the symbols are 'just right.'
(one minute --- )
---Now, see if you can find some small step you might be able to take to move yourself in a positive direction --- again, don't answer from your head, the already known, but wait as much as a minute for the wordless, intuitive 'feel,' the bodily felt sense of an answer to arise ---
(one minute --- )
---Take a moment, again, to carefully find words or an image for this possible next step ---go back and forth until the symbols are 'just right.'
(one minute --- )
Focusing Eugene T. Gendlin Pdf
---Check with your 'intuitive feel,' 'Is this right? Is this really something I could try doing?' --- If your 'intuitive feel' says, 'Yes (some sense of release, relaxation), I could try that,' then you can stop here.
---If your 'felt sense'says 'No, I can't do that' or 'That won't work,' then ask yourself again, 'What small step in the positive direction would work?', again, waiting quietly, as much as a minute for an intuitive answer to arise, then making words or an image for it --- going back and forth until the symbols are 'just right.'
(one minute --- )
---Keep going back and forth between the 'intuitive feel' and possible words and images as long as you are comfortable, or until you experience 'Ahah! That's it!'.
(one minute or more --- )
Step Six: Receiving
Focusing By Eugene Gendlin Pdf
---Whether a 'solution' has arisen or not, appreciate yourself and your body for taking time with this, trusting that pausing to take time is the important thing -- solutions can then arise later.
Focusing Eugene Gendlin Free Pdf
(one minute --- )
Eugene Gendlin Felt Sense
The crux of change is just spending quiet time paying attention to the 'intuitive feel.'If no clear next step arises, just remind yourself that at least you have gotten a clearer sense of the problem. Because you have spent quiet, Intuitive Focusing time with the 'feel' of 'the whole thing,' you have started a process of change. Something new may 'pop up' later, as you go about your day.
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blogjobs552 · 3 years
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf
The aim of the course is to enhance the resilience of personnel in the mission area, increase their understanding of proactive security and of basic field measures, providing personnel with knowledge, tools and techniques in order to avoid potentially dangerous situations or to cope with them in the most adequate way possible. Hostile, complex or challenging environments Our Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses are specifically designed to ensure personnel, contractors and other third parties under your Duty of Care remit are prepared for travelling to, or operating in, hostile, complex or challenging locations. The Level 3 Hostile Environment Awareness Training course is a three-day programme designed to introduce delegates to the concepts of instinctive shooting, brutal combatives, realistic technical surveillance countermeasures, a kidnap and hostile interrogation scenario and clever escape and evasion techniques to escape from custody. HEAT Hostile Environment and Awareness Training HQ Headquarter ICT Information and Communication Technology IfP Infrastructure for Peace INEE International Network for Education in Emergencies KAIPTC Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre LO Learning objective MS Member States.
The Level 3 Hostile Environment Awareness Training course is a three-day programme designed to introduce delegates to the concepts of instinctive shooting, brutal combatives, realistic technical surveillance countermeasures, a kidnap and hostile interrogation scenario and clever escape and evasion techniques to escape from custody.
What Will I Learn?
Using live ammunition on a range, you will fire various weapons and learn accurate shooting techniques.
Practicing with training partners, you will learn to fight using improvised weapons and your bare hands.
Tips and techniques to identify if you are under technical surveillance or forms of electronic monitoring.
Emergency medicine to keep you and others alive when chaos reigns.
Driving quickly and safely through a road block and cornering at speed.
Course Content
Everyday carry (EDC) of defensive tools
Instinctive shooting using various calibers and weapons
Defensive driving tips to evade capture
Lethal and non-lethal weapons to protect yourself against multiple attackers
Emergency medicine to survive in any hostile environment
Who Should Attend?
The three-day programme is designed for executives and managers who will be exposed to a variety of risks to their life, limb or liberty when travelling on company business to hostile environments.
This course is perfect for delegates involved in:
Sales Management
Business Development
Technical Services
Field Operations
Government Liaison
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Ppt
This programme is delivered at our training facility in Cape Town where we conduct outdoor sessions in Tokai Forest, the Silvermine Nature Reserve and a fully-accredited shooting range.
All the weapons familiarisation and range work are conducted at an outdoor registered gun club with sufficient firing lanes to accommodate 10 delegates at a time.
The defensive and offensive driving skills are practiced on a skid pan and on a track that can be used to simulate both urban and rural driving conditions.
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The course gives necessary training in skills that are rare but important for both travellers and local staff members who find themselves in dangerous situations. I really like the techniques to counter hijackings and home invasions. The pain in my knees from kneeling in a stress position during the kidnap exercise wasn’t great, as necessary as it may have been.
Very informative course which has provided me with skills that I never thought I needed. Made me realise how exposed I am on a daily basis and how easily I can fail to survive. Yet, I learnt that there are some simple techniques that I can use to save my life.
I would highly recommend this training because it is a useful course which contain safety and security knowledge, especially for corporate travellers. I know that the course will immediately help me and I can now develop situational awareness and a survival mindset to react confidently in a terrifying situation.
Background of the Course
Hostile environment awareness plays an important role in the effectiveness and impact of crisis management missions; it is also a chief responsibility that each seconding or contracting actor has vis-à-vis its deployed personnel (“duty of care”), so as to further address the issue of their protection while operating in high risk operational theaters.
Hostile environment awareness is essential to coping with internal and external security threats on the ground and is conducive to: a) enhancing the resilience of personnel when working in hazardous environments; b) increasing the understanding of proactive security and of basic field measures; c) providing personnel with the basic tools and techniques needed to avoid potentially dangerous situations or to cope adequately with actual endangering ones in the field.
This course has been designed and developed jointly by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the Carabinieri Corps General Headquarters, precisely with the aim to address such needs.
The course is organized under the patronage of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ENTRI Certification
This is the first HEAT course to have obtained the “C3MC” label” which proves that the Course is coherent with the minimum standards requested by ENTRI/EU. Through the certification process, ENTRi aims at ensuring harmonisation of training standards among training providers working on civilian crisis management training.
Training Objectives & Modules
HEAT is an intensive 40-hour course that aims at training professionals to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The training is expected to improve participants’ understanding of the minimum behavioural field requirements when working as a team members of an international field operation irrespective of their national or professional background. The course has two primary objectives:
1. To improve participants’ knowledge of multiple threats present in hostile field environments and of ways and means of dealing with them in an effective manner;
2. To rehearse and practice safety and security procedures according to specific threats.
The Course content is clustered in five modules:
Module I - EU personnel deployed in hostile environments
Module II - Situational training exercise (STX)
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Format
Module III - Medical training: health maintenance on mission
Module IV - Orientation , communication s & 4-wheel drive
Module V - Field training exercise (FTX)
The 2nd Mobile Brigade of Carabinieri Corps acts through one of its special units as implementing partner during the outdoor role playing sessions.
The Course, in addition to general background lectures, focuses on operational procedures and practice. Participants are tested through various scenarios, advanced role-playing sessions and simulation exercises. There is ample use of specific case study material, outdoor activities and extensive reference is made to the field experiences of both lectures and participants.
Teaching Staff & Director
Professor Andrea de Guttry (Scuola Sant’Anna) and the Commander of the 1st Carabinieri Paratrooper Regiment “Tuscania” are the Co-Directors of the Course. Lecturers and trainers are mainly from the 1st Paratrooper Regiment “Tuscania”, the unique Special Operations Force of Carabinieri Corps, currently engaged in critical countries and high risk operational theatres all over the world.
How to apply (we suggest you to use the Mozilla Firefox browser to fill in the application form)
Candidates are requested to apply on-line:
a. by March 28th, 2016 for the HEAT Course II
b. by May 23rd, 2016 for the Heat Course III
c. by October 10th, 2016 for the Heat Course V
Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Template
Pre-conditions for participation in the course
The completion of the e-HEST course, accessible free of charge at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeas/ehest, or, of the Basic Security in the Field II, accessible free of charge at https://training.dss.un.org, is a pre-condition for participation in the residential HEAT course. Such certifications are currently a prerequisite in order to be deployed in EU-led field operations in “high” or “critical” risk areas. All applicants must have a valid driving licence. Participants are expected to have already obtained a valid First Aid Certificate. Alternatively, they are strongly recommended to attend a specific online course (such as www.firstaidforfree.com).
Course website:
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