“The Christian story did not drop from heaven fully written. It grew and developed year by year over a period of forty-two to seventy years. That is not what most Christians have been taught to think, but it is factual. Christianity has always been an evolving story. It was never, even in the New Testament, a finished story.”
— Biblical Literalism by John Shelby Spong (via wellconstructedsentences)
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there are a lot of legitimate criticisms of christianity, however the stupidest argument against christianity is the claim that the Bible cannot be true because it contradicts itself. of course it does! do you really think a collection of books written by various people for over the span of thousands of years would perfectly parallel each other? the bible should never be read as a flawless monolithic book. most of mainstream christianity doesn’t accept that type of biblical analysis… rather it is (rightfully) interpreted as a library of different interpretations of God.
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As Christians, it should be our obligation to support ex-Christians, religious trauma survivors, and people who were abused by the church. We should be listening to their voices, instead of pretending that it isn’t our problem.
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Understanding the Bible
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Understanding the context of the Bible to use as a tool for our life 📖
John Barton
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From History of the Bible by John Barton
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From the History of the Bible by John Barton
Against fundamentalism religion 🔐
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🙏❤🙏 Matthew
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"But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you"
John 12:24 Niv
The sin of unbelief is the most serious of them all
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Can I get an AMEN? This is the straight truth 🙏
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Another mermaid for @moonshellgame! 🌺🎏
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