“Haven’t we talked about you sneaking into people’s homes?”
Ah, shit! Will you stop sneaking up on people? God, you’re so… creepy, always staring at everyone like that… Will you please find someone else to stare at? I have some business to attend to, business that I don’t want you getting your grimy little hands all over. Fuck.  
Now, what was I doing…? Right, I was figuring out how the hell I was gonna start the initiation for the eternal n— What the fuck, are you still here? Voyeur. Sweetheart. Respectfully, get out of my house. Please and thank you. Fuck.
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"Yeah. I have to eat like this... I'll literally die if I don't." Bim wasn't sure why the fuck his dietary needs changed overnight as a young adult, but it was a pretty intense change. If he didn't eat humans, his body started shutting down as if it was starving, no matter how much normal food he stuffed himself with. Not only that, but his demeanor changed completely if he went long enough without human flesh; eventually, he became animalistic and violent and even ended up unintentionally hurting people people he cared about and eating their guts with his bare hands.
"And we can throw out the skin, but it can also be used to make a rather tasty broth; it tastes similar to pork broth, and you can use it to make a cannibalistic version of chicken-noodle soup. It's fucked up, I know, but it's a good way to stave off the cravings." Bim paused, realizing that Murdock probably didn't need to eat people to survive, and he cleared his throat slightly at the uncomfortable realization that the murderer probably did this for fun. It pissed Bim off a little bit, knowing that this man had the chance to eat normally and somehow chose not to, a choice that Bim didn't get to make. "Anyway... just set the skin aside for now."
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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Could it be... blood?
I welcome you, my lovely creature, to the flooded gates of my humble abode. If you want to speak with me, I want you to give me all the gory details of your life, your social security number, your credit card info... and a kiss.
I’m only joking, of course. Please... come sit with me. But that kiss doesn’t sound too bad...~
[[OOC: Hi everyone!! My name is Sawyer (they/it), any follows/likes/etc. will be coming from my main blog @prinxejeanne. This blog is meant to represent the man in sunglasses from "The Drowned Man" series that Markiplier made on his channel a few years back, who I portray as the murderous ghost of a man named Daniel Rivers that died in the 1970s. This blog used to be found at @drowned-bitch-archive, but I moved it here for convenience!! Feel free to message me with any questions :>]]
[[Please be aware that any 18+ content on this blog will be posted with the tag "Minors DNI"— if I see minors or ageless blogs interacting with content that has this tag, you will be blocked unless I know your age personally. Blogs that have 18+, 21+, etc. are okay! If I find out that minors are interacting despite this boundary I placed, I will start blocking every minor that interacts with this blog. Seriously.]]
[[An OC blog that I also run is @lost-in-gardener, and this is my current hyperfixation so PLEASE interact if any of their storylines seem interesting to you. I am the host of a system, and some of my headmates also run RP blogs— those accounts are @bastardeternal, @bimtrimmerextraordinaire, and @last-curtain-call.]]
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"Surprisingly, my show doesn't involve much cannibalism. Sometimes if I don't like a contestant, I'll feed them a 'mystery burger' made from another contestant I didn't like, but it's never been publicly revealed that I eat human beings to survive. I'm surprised people found out, even if it was just a few people here and there." Still, the thought that anyone outside of the few people that Bim chose knew that he was a cannibal... it made him feel like he was being watched. Not just on his show either, it made him paranoid that somebody was watching him when he wasn't on camera.
Bim shuddered a little bit at the thought, shaking his head and focusing on watching Murdock cut into the skin instead. "Good form, just make sure your wrist is a little less stiff— you're cooking food, not torturing someone," he explains, hesitating for a moment before reaching over and softly touching Murdock's wrist with his fingertips. It was solely to make sure the murderer relaxed a little bit so that the flesh wasn't damaged, but the touch was still gentle and caring.
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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"I did get it done professionally, actually— I'm not letting some random weirdo put their fingers in my mouth, especially considering the fact that I'd have the urge to bite them off." That didn't exactly mean that Bim didn't let anyone stick their fingers into his mouth, seeing as he could be very careful to make sure his teeth didn't cause any unfortunate lacerations into people's skin, but the gameshow host was not going to tell this common murderer about his sex life. "And I think it suits my aesthetic. The tooth, combined with my earring and some tasteful jewelry really adds to my sexy appeal. Kind of important to look sexy when your face is broadcasted on live TV all the time."
Bim actually took pride in his clean appearance, even if there were certain inhuman features about himself that made him frown for a little bit when he looked in the mirror in the mornings. "Here, take the knife and be careful when you're cutting the skin off. If you damage the meat, I might just take you up on that suggestion and start cutting your skin off instead." He grins slightly at his own morbid attempt at a joke, hoping to subtly apologize for acting like such a rancid bitch to Murdock earlier. Maybe he just... wasn't used to talking to other people about this part of his life. Even the big boss who was in charge of the company that owned Bim's studio, Dark, was uncomfortable whenever the subject was brought up... and they were a literal demon for Christ's sake. It made Bim feel like a monster at times, even if he genuinely couldn't control the fact that he needed to eat humans in order to survive.
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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"Everything on the human body is edible for me, as long as it's prepared properly. I've been stuck with this diet for so long that I think my anatomy's changed significantly to compensate for it..." Of course, he didn't want to explain the extent at which his body had changed. A golden tooth at the edge of the row of razor sharp canines in his mouth that had been knocked out by one of his victims ages ago, scleras that had a slightly yellow tint, nails that grew sharp and long if they weren't properly maintained, and a lust for blood that wouldn't go away until Bim ate another human being's flesh.
He rolls his eyes slightly at the joke, lightly nudging Murdock's arm with his elbow and taking a small, sharp knife. "Here, watch how I cut the skin. There's a specific way to take it off without damaging the meat underneath." He begins cutting into the skin with a specific technique, just barely flicking his wrist and making small, shallow incisions against the skin.
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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Doodles of Bim!!
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"I make my own fancy ass food! You can't exactly order 'a side of Jeffery' or any shit like that at a high end butcher shop," he snapped. "And I'm a very talented chef, for your fucking information. It's not my fault you decided to kill someone with rough meat." Bim was very picky with his food, so even if he could order it from a fancy restaurant, he probably wouldn't. Despite that fact that he could eat "normal" food, it didn't fill him up and he was picky with the flavors anyway.
"Here, just bring that limb over here and I'll show you how to skin it properly," he mumbled after a minute, feeling bad about snapping at Murdock so much. This guy was clearly new to the... human culinary arts... and it wasn't his fault that he had no fucking clue what he was doing. Cooking took practice, and Murdock just needed a little training.
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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“I taste you on my lips, and I can’t get rid of you!~”
Ah, darling, you finally came back to me! I know you can’t get enough of these games we play, of the timeless roles I give you. You like the attention they give us, don’t you? 
…don’t worry, I like the attention too. I’ve given you everything, and by God, you look beautiful with the world in your hands. Why don’t we share that treasure? With my help, you can forget about everything else. I’m yours, and you’re mine. 
We’re the stars of this wild show, and we’re going to make the world worship us.
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He gives Murdock a horrified look, slapping at his hands. "Keep your fingers out of your mouth, you idiot!" he snapped. "You're gonna get your spit all over the food before it's even been seasoned... disgusting." Bim began cutting the meat into even slices, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "You know, you could've killed someone with softer meat... this person's flesh is gonna be so dry."
He sighs, glancing over at Mudock and sighing softly. It was obvious that Bim was in a pissy mood, but he didn't really mean to lash out on the other man. It was just... habit, he supposed. Bim wasn't exactly the kindest person, so it could get kind of hard to connect with people. His charming personality was a facade, like the makeup his makeup artist put on before his show. In reality, Bim was kind of a bitch— and a self-aware one at that.
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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Bim gasps, offended by the mere suggestion that he didn't pay his employees well enough. "I'll have you know that I'm a fucking fantastic employer," he hissed, glaring at Murdock as he prepared the pans, knives, and seasonings meant for the meat. "Full benefits, retirement fund, paid sick leave, plenty opportunities for raises, and so much more. They may get scared and quit once they find out about my... dietary restrictions... but I can guarantee I'll treat them better than any other employer. Just ask the former winners of my show- getting their dream jobs and then immediately hating their bosses afterwards."
He set up a cutting board on the counter, taking ahold of an arm and carefully skinning it. It was as if he'd done this millions of times, fileting human flesh and prepping it for a meal. The fresh blood dripping onto his hands and the counter didn't even make him bat an eye. "And you definitely don't strike me as the type of guy to recognize moral work ethic. You kill people for fun, for Christ's sake!"
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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"I didn't eat him, Bates, I'm not an animal." Of course, Bim wasn't exactly sure what he was anymore. He definitely used to be human, but... well, he definitely wasn't anymore. His teeth had grown pointer and longer over the years, his fingernails sharpening into claws when he didn't get a manicure every other week... he still looked mostly human, but a bit more uncanny. It was enough for Bim to notice, however, when he looked at people who looked utterly human. People like Murdock.
"And of course I'm talking to you like an employee. My private time is worth good money, and you barging in here counts as wasting that time. And start rinsing those limbs, lamb chops- I'm fucking starving." Bim pulled on his apron, moving to wash his hands and sighing dramatically. "You're stressing me out so much that I'm definitely gonna need anti-wrinkle cream by the end of the night... I wonder if I can get ahold of my makeup artist and have her drop some off at my house tonight."
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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Bim shuddered at the sight of the meat, glaring at Murdock. "You really want to make me go feral, huh?" He glanced at the meat again before turning around and leading him over to the basement, using a specific keycard to open the door to the stairs and sighing. "I was going to make porchetta tenderloin. The spices made fresh and shipped in from Italy."
He put the keycard in his pocket and continued walking. "And good security is expensive! I hired someone a while back, but he stopped coming back one day. I'll need to start looking for more employees at some point, but I've been a little busy with filming the new season of Hire My Ass." Bim opens the door to a big commercial kitchen, letting out a hum. "We're here, Murdock dearest. Go wash your hands, put on some new gloves, and put the meat on the counter."
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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His stomach growled at the smell, and he clutched at his stomach in an attempt to keep from going feral. Bim usually tried to mask the smell of raw human meat with something else, to try and prevent another... unfortunate accident. But now the smell of blood was strong and his arms were twitching slightly. "Oh— that's... fine, I guess, just keep those bags closed until I take you to the kitchen," he whined, stomping his foot angrily.
He took off his suit coat and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, trying and failing to keep his eyes off the bags. "I can't believe I thought I was gonna have a nice day today... instead of going home and sleeping after a long day at work, I have some serial killer come in and make me hungry again. I hope you're happy, Mr. Bates." He sighed and picked up a clean apron, before walking over to the door and shooting Murdock a glare. "You coming with me, or you just wanna sit and wait for me while I cook for you like a maid or something?"
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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Ayeeeeeee, the gay is back! 💟
Yes he is! And he's still as sexy as ever.
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i fucking love almost human and almost alive characters! struggle with your humanity go sad boy go! Fuck shit up! eat people!
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Bim staggered backwards, staring at Murdock with wide eyes and trying to think of something to say. “What kind of compromise?” he managed, staring at the murderer anxiously as his back bumps into a wardrobe. “Cooking advice?”
He was sure that the red of Murdock’s eyes was simply a condition of some sort, but knowing the brutal nature of the murders that he’d committed, it just made him seem a little more inhuman. See, Bim only killed because he had to. Nothing else eased his hunger, no matter how much he wanted it to. From what he could tell, Murdock killed for fun. 
There’s been a few rather unfortunate circumstances that has led to a loss in his usual burial grounds. One main site has been dug up with about four bodies, so he can’t dare go near there. The furnace he used to have on ground is broken, and he can’t just dump bodies in the landfill again.
So he’s resorted to an unfortunate situation. Since he doesn’t kill that often, and it doesn’t make money, he’s started eating them. The taste is certainly acquired, but Murdock doesn’t mind it too terribly. All he needed was a few like minded friends, and that would be picture perfect. A few rumours have circled around a local tv host, and he’s broken in. Waiting patiently inside the dressing room of a Bim Trimmer, standing behind the door.
The studio was pretty much completely empty, apart from a few janitors. The few people left in the building stayed far away from Bim Trimmer's private wing, however. Smart, considering the well-dressed cannibal was hungry and currently preparing to cook his latest meal. Bim opened the door to his dressing room and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of the man in front of him, before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that this guy wasn't a cop or anything like that.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man- you could have at least knocked! Newest costume artist, I assume?" He looked over Murdock's outfit, squinting his eyes slightly and letting out a hum. "Not exactly my style, but I guess there's nothing wrong with the occasional change in aesthetic." This guy was kinda hot though. Bim would definitely be flirting with him today.
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