baalnir-blog · 8 years
Ball of Light Meditation
The chakras are located along the spine, but they also extend to the front of our bodies, excluding the crown and the base. Each of the chakras, the second through the sixth has an opposite chakra in the front of the body along the abdomen. The sixth chakra has three. The rear sixth chakra located at the occipital in the back of the head, the middle sixth chakra is located between the third eye and the occipital sixth chakra.
To perform the meditation, visualize a small ball of bright light the size of a ping-pong ball and light up a chakra on your spine with it and pass it to the front chakra directly opposite it and light it up, then pass it back to the chakra on your spine. Keep passing it back and forth to each chakra, then move up or down to the next chakra (whichever one you want to work with). The illustration on the left shows an example with the sixth chakra.
You can either visualize the ball as white-gold light or the color of the chakra you are working with.
You can also connect the crown to the base. I found the energy center located in the perineum to be especially powerful with this. Just pass it up and down.
Now another interesting thing one can do with this is to connect with another person and this greatly enhances telepathy. For example, passing the ball back and forth from their heart chakra to your’s will tell you about the other person’s emotional experiences and character.
To interrogate someone, pass the ball of light from your third eye to their third eye, back and forth.
Now, it is obvious you can, with experience invade others’ privacy and this also includes your own- just something to be aware of if you don’t want anyone in your personal business. In that case, close down your chakras, if someone does this against your will.
© Copyright 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Everything has an aura, whether it is living or inanimate. The aura is an energy field created by the vibrating atoms and molecules that comprise all matter. The universe itself vibrates to a certain frequency and the gravity that holds everything together is electromagnetic in nature.
Everyone’s aura is as unique as his or her own fingerprints. No two auras are alike. The aura can be used to protect, attract, influence, maim, or even kill. This field of bioelectricity surrounding living things can be programmed using the power of one’s mind. Those who are trained and have an active third eye can see auras clearly and discern much personal information just by reading the color, strength, size and shape of one’s aura.
To see your own aura, you should start out by going into a light trance state. You should have already opened your third eye. Hold your hand out in front of you, preferably against a dark background. In the beginning, you should be able to see some faint lines surrounding your hand and fingers. The more you tune into this, like anything else, [practice and persistence are needed here], the better you will become. The better you become at seeing your own aura, you soon will be able to see the auras of others, by just tuning in to them. Later on, you will be able to see colors, layers, and shapes.
Feeling auras is much easier than seeing them. Power meditation, when done consistently, increases one’s sensitivity to energy. Manipulation of energy is essential in working spells and magick. To feel your aura, run one of your hands over the top of the other, or over your forearm. You should feel the energy. You can also practice feeling the auras of friends and family members if they are interested in letting you do so. This will develop your touch sensitivity.
To strengthen and build your aura, you must take in energy. This can be done through power meditation. The Energy Meditation is excellent for charging up your aura. Hatha [physical] Yoga and Tai Chi also help to strengthen and build the aura. Both of these disciplines tend to balance the energies the aura as well.
Cleaning your aura is very important. A clean healthy aura strengthens the immune system and prevents harmful energies from invading one’s body. Nearly all harmful entities are invisible to the naked eye. Energies, as most physicists know, can be broken down into sub-atomic particles, foe example, light can be broken down into photons. The energy radiated by a powerful aura will burn these harmful energies and entities up before they can do any harm.
B. Cleaning your aura [powerful white-gold light] is imperative after any rituals involving the employment of black magick, throwing any curses, no matter how small, on the spur of the moment, or any exercise involving the use of negative or destructive energy. One’s chakras should also be cleaned and empowered. This is done by putting a strong and intense white light on each chakra. This is needed to rid one’s self of any residual negative energies that could otherwise do harm. This also prevents rebounding energies. Always take as much time as you need; never be in a hurry. Prevention is always better than having to deal with problems later on.
A powerful aura gives health, happiness, charisma, and energy. People with weak auras are usually in poor health and are depressed. Our personal energies act on our environments and direct our fate. People who have weak auras are usually prone to misfortune.
The aura can be programmed with hypnosis. Read the page on hypnosis to make maximum use of the following workings. Now, with dealing with the aura and subconscious mind, one must always be 100% clear on every aspect of what is desired. With love, we don’t want one who is unavailable. With money, we don’t want it to come to us through tragedy- this sort of thing. When working with the mind and soul, energy takes the quickest and easiest route to bring us the desired result and if every aspect isn’t covered, any undirected energy will seek out whatever is available. Color is especially important when programming the aura. Below are examples of how we can effectively program our auras to do things. Remember to always state your affirmations in the present tense as the subconscious mind and soul do not understand “will.” Visualize and feel it as it has already happened and is in the present.
© Copyright 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Satanic Void Meditation
"Void Meditation" is what is known as "stilling the mind." The benefits of void meditation are the ability to turn off unwanted thoughts and influences at will, being able to control your thoughts instead of your thoughts controlling you (as with the average person), and a sense of inner peace. Void meditation is essential for anyone who practices power meditation, and is important for success in advanced magickal practice. Power meditation changes the strength of our thoughts and it is very important to be able to control thoughts and to turn them off or focus them at will. Thought power, also known as 'witch power' is needed for success in ritual and in using your mind to obtain what you want. Power meditation, strengthens our thoughts, and people who are more aware or sensitive will be able to pick up on our thoughts and feelings telepathically. Void meditation will train your mind to be silent so others will not know what you are thinking. The Japanese Ninja use this technique to avoid being detected while carrying out important missions that require one to advance or infiltrate, unnoticed. Void meditation trains your mind so you can focus during rituals and in every day life so your mind brings you what you desire.
There are several techniques for void meditation. The goal is to turn off all of your thoughts and focus on the here and now. You get your mind to be completely still for a specified length of time. In the beginning, this can be extremely difficult, as thoughts will come into your head continually. Before you know it, you will again be thinking about something. Don't get upset with yourself as this is very normal and even for advanced practitioners, certain meditation sessions may not go as smooth as usual. Just keep bringing your mind back to focus. Patience and persistence are the keys here. It definitely helps to do some breathing exercises beforehand to induce a trance state. Some people find meditating after a heavy meal causes the mind to be easily distracted.
Always try to meditate when you are fully awake and alert. If you try to do void meditation when you are tired, chances are you will quickly fall asleep.
1. Breathing exercises are optional. This is a simple method of breathing that will induce a trance state:
Breathe in for a count of six,*
Hold your breath for a count of six
Exhale for a count of six
Repeat this several times until you feel relaxed. * Only hold as long as you feel comfortable. If holding for a count of six is not comfortable, then hold for a count of 4, or even 2. Just make sure you are uniform in your counts. Never hold longer than is comfortable. Breathing exercises are never to be pushed, as in doing so, they can cause damage to the nervous system.
2. Now, get your entire mind to be completely still and free of any thoughts for a specified amount of time with no thoughts or music in your head. Your mind should be a total blank. You should focus on being in the here and now. For beginners, five minutes is fine. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can go anywhere from 15 minutes to however long they feel is essential.
Void meditation can be done with your eyes open or closed. When your eyes are open, you will more than likely see a mist around objects as you settle into a trance state. This is normal. If you choose to close your eyes, you may fall asleep, but this is an individual choice and use whatever method works best.
For meditation with your eyes open:
Choose something small to focus on. This can be a point on the wall, a second hand on a clock, or even a piece of lint on your clothing. Many choose to meditate on a candle flame. The important thing is to concentrate on your object of choice
For meditation with your eyes closed:
Focus inside of yourself and relax. You can put yourself deeper and deeper into a trance with a feeling of falling. This is normal. For people who are new, this falling sensation that often accompanies a deep trance can make you feel dizzy. To stop the sensation, focus on the front of your body.
Everyday void meditation: Void meditation can be done anywhere and at any time with just focusing on the here and now and concentrating totally on whatever you are doing. This method works best for those of you who are unable to secure any privacy. Just set a goal to focus on the here and now for a specific amount of time each day and you will benefit.
Advanced Void Meditation:
Visualize an object and hold the image in your mind. At first, it will fade in and out, but as you progress, it will remain longer and longer. This is definitely a needed ability for magickal practice and focusing your mind power.
Focus on a specific chant or sound. You can do this either aloud or in your head. This is what is known as a "mantra." You breathe in and on the exhale, chant a specific mantra or tone of your choice. One common chant used in kundalini yoga is "Sa Ta Na Ma." This is pronounced "Sah- Tah- Nah- Mah." You can also chant "Sa Tan" "Say-Tahn" or "Say- Tahn- Nah- S-S-S-S."
Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day. This is excellent training for advanced ritual.
Focus on a specific texture, for example, running your fingers back and forth across velvet or a terry towel.
Focus on a specific odor or taste.
Advanced void meditation that includes adding physical positions trains both your mind and develops an iron will, and extreme inner strength.
1. Keep your entire body still. Do NOT move. This is what the advanced yogis do. Get into a comfortable position. Don't scratch any itches, just ignore them and stay focused. Muscle cramps may come and go. Ignore any physical fatigue or mental fatigue. Just continue to remain focused.
2. Add uncomfortable and/or awkward positions. Make sure these are taken from a Yoga or Tai Chi book, so that they are physically beneficial. This is a discipline that is taught in many Martial Arts schools where one learns to ignore pain, while retaining intense focus. This strengthens the mind for physical combat and drastically increases your sense of self-confidence. This will also increase your resistance to pain. Many martial arts masters meditate under cold waterfalls, in snow or other painful conditions. One's physical health must be built up here, for obvious reasons. A cold shower can be substituted. As with anything new, be sure to start out gradual. These techniques, when mastered, will give one total control over one's mind and emotions. If one faces death, one will not freeze up or panic with fear and the odds of one's survival will greatly increase.
3. Running and meditating; focusing on your running steps, increases endurance both mentally and physically.
Power Void Meditation: This is an excellent way to empower yourself while doing void meditation. This is advanced and you must have a feel for energy and be able to draw it in as with the Energy Meditation. Here you don't visualize the energy, you just breathe in and out, absorbing the energy on the inhale and expanding your aura on the exhale. You focus totally on the *feel.* you should be adept at energy breathing before incorporating this method into your void meditation.
© Copyright 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457\
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
The Vril:  The Inner Circle of the Satanic Thule Society Part One
"Vril" is a Babylonian word that means "like god" and it is the serpentine life-force, akin to "chi," "witch-power," "prana," and the "Odic force."  Although the Pagan Far East was stolen from in order to invent the Garden of Eden fable, the deluded Christians credit Satan--the Serpent of the Tree of Knowledge--with "deception" that led to the "fallen" state of planet Earth.  However, the truth is that it was Satan who personally fathered the White Aryan Race, and it was Satan in the allegory of the Serpent on the Tree of Knowledge story that also proved that he is not only the true God, but the Aryan Race's first Yoga Instructor and Guru.  The Judaeo/Christian Bible has reversed the identities of "God" and "the Devil."  Satan--the Devil--was, is, and forever will be, the true God. In the Biblical account, the dialogue between Satan ["the Serpent"] and the fictional character of Eve is as follows: "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:  But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:1-5). Many liberals who claim to "hate" Christianity love to try and claim that Adolf Hitler was a "Christian" and that Anti-Semitism is a "Christian" sentiment.  Newsflash:  Although a fictional character, Jesus Christ is Jewish and HaSatan, or "THE SATAN," literally means "THE ENEMY/ADVERSARY OF THE JEWS!" Another thing is that with Adolf Hitler's Satanic eugenics program leading Hitler to claim that "Man is becoming God" and that "Man is God in the making," it is quite clear that he was following the Serpent's [Satan's] promise that the Aryan Race will be Gods and Goddesses, while he was rejecting Jesus Christ's universalist, egalitarian lies of so-called "salvation" for ALL mankind.  It is not Satan, but the powers behind the Jesus Christ thought-form who represent the lie that "Race is only skin deep" and that the colored races can be made "equal" with Satan's White Aryan people. Adolf Hitler's methods of restoring Satanism to a Christianized White Race had to be subtle or else he wouldn't have been able to make the Satanic connection with the people at all.  Even with all of Hitler's subtlety that was gradually weeding out all traces of Christianity, Hitler had the secret police make sure that the Satanic Swastika replaced the cross of Jesus Christ. The focus of this sermon is upon the Goddess whose Demonic name is ASTAROTH, as she was the Patroness of the VRIL Society, which is the Satanic inner circle of the THULE Society.  The teachings and practices of the Vril, Thule, and related Nazi secret societies that were loyal to Adolf Hitler and were allowed to remain in the Third Reich, were not only completely ANTI-Christian, but were pure Satanism. Here are some quotes: "In August 1917, according to Jurgen-Ratthofer and [Ralf] Ettl, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Karl Haushofer, the medium Maria Orsic from Zagreb and the pilot Lothar Waiz held a meeting with the old prelate Gernot of the Societas Marcioni at a cafe in Vienna.  Their discussions turned on astrology and apocalyptic predictions in Indian, German and Babylonian traditions.  Gernot was highly impressed and invited Sebottendorff to visit the secret estate of his Templar order known as the 'Die Herren vom Scharzen Stein" (DHvSS) [Lords of the Black Stone] at Marktschellenberg in Bavaria.  The DHvSS was supposedly founded by the Knight Commander Hubertus Koch in 1221 as a Marcionite Templar order.  Its dualist and Gnostic 'Babylonian' doctrine told of the dominion of evil on earth and the battle between light and El Shaddai [Jehovah-Yahweh] based on the revelations of the goddess Ishtar.  The Black Sun is the divine source of energy accessible to initiates through a hierarchy of spiritual intermediaries.  Through the DHvSS,  Sebottendorff understood that Marcionite anti-Judaist teachings ultimately came from the much older Babylonian doctrine common to all Aryan peoples.  The cosmic  challenge of the age demanded the defeat of El Shaddai and the Jews." [1] Note:  In the early days of Nazism, there were some individuals who tried to combine Marcionite Gnostic-Christian mysticism with Satanic Paganism because they didn't know any better at the time, but Astaroth, herself, has told me that she, as well as Satan and other Demons, have set the record straight for such individuals.   Marcion was a Gnostic-Christian of the second century A.D. who believed that the Jehovah-Yahweh/El Shaddai of the Jews is "Satan" and that Christ has no relation to him, and that Christ is the "true Lucifer" who promised to take the Jewish privileges of being "God's Chosen" away from the Jews and give it to the Gentile Christians, instead.  This blasphemy against Satan is just as criminal as Judaism itself.  According to the language of the Jewish people, SATAN is their Enemy/Adversary. The Vril Society learned many things from Satan and Astaroth, including Satanic doctrine, spiritual discipline, eugenics, racial laws, and advanced UFO technology. "In Jurgen-Ratthofer and Ettl's account, this group of esotericists concerned with Atlantis and free energy becomes a powerful UFO research agency.  Between 1917 and 1919, Sebottendorf built up the Germanenorden and the Thule Society as true to secret Aryan-Babylonian doctrine.  When the Thule was involved in the Bavarian revolution of May 1919, a separate section for spiritual and esoteric studies was founded as the Vril Society.  In December 1919 an inner group of the Thule and Vril held a joint meeting at Ramsau near Berchtesgaden, where the medium Maria Orsic presented transcripts in an old Templar script of communications she had received telepathically.  These proved to be written in Sumerian, the language of the founders of the oldest Babylonian culture.  These channeled communications allegedly came from the planet Sumi-Er in the solar system of Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus, sixty-eight light years away from earth.  Jurgen-Ratthofer and Ettl claim that the DHvSS and its modern successor, the Vril Society, received mediumistic confirmation that the Sumerians were a colony of superior beings sent from Aldebaran 500 million years ago.  The Aldebaran language not only resembled Sumerian but also German, since both peoples shared the same Aldebaran ancestry. With mounting excitement, the Vril Society was supposed to have examined the old archives of the DHvSS and concluded that Hubertus Koch and his followers had established esoteric contact with the Aldebaran people back in the Middle Ages.   The apparition of the Babylonian goddess Isais was possibly even a visit by an Aldebaran woman.  The grand seal of the DHvSS showing a winged bull clearly reflected Aldebaran's location in Taurus, while Isais was the Aldebaran emperess.  All Aldebaran traditions indicated 'a kind of National Socialism on a theocratic basis.'  The Vril Society concluded that this exclusive contact between the German Marcionite order, themselves and Aldebaran signified that the Aldebaran people were 'the Germans in the sign of Taurus' and thus allies in the great cosmic battle against the Jewish forces of darkness.  In fulfillment of this esoteric alliance across the galaxy, Maria Orsic next received channeled instructions for the construction of a time-travel machine.  A leading member of the Vril, Dr. W.O. Schumann, pioneered the development of electromagnetic fields through rotating disks, and a prototype was constructed near Munich in 1922.  Over the following decade, this research and development led to an entire range of German flying saucers based on the principle of anti-gravitational levitation." [2] I was once attacked by a liberal Marxist because s/he/it couldn't handle the truth that Adolf Hitler is a Satanist, that he is the Anti-Christ, and that Satan and his Demons communicate with him.  However, it was both Hitler and Satan, themselves, who told me FACE-TO-FACE that they work together.  Satan gave Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, immortality.  The escape of certain Nazis at the end of World War II is because of divine intervention.  Whether they escaped by U-boat or by aircraft, these Nazis escaped mostly to subterranean cities with the help of channeled instructions from Satan, Astaroth, and other Nordic Demons. "Through their elaborate mythology of Sumero-Aldebaran links, Jurgen-Ratthofer and Ettl attribute German flying saucer technology to semi-divine guidance from extraterrestrial civilization.  They also claim that National Socialism and anti-Semitism are closely bound up with channeled communications from a highly advanced society ethnically related to the Germans and following a political model similar to the Third Reich.  According to these communications, the population of the Aldebaran solar system has long been organized on racial lines.  The master race of 'light godmen' (Alpha-Aldebarans) lives on the planet Sumi-Er, while the lesser races are confined to the planet Sumi-An.  These racial differences arose through the colonization of former planets with different climates.  Atomic wars also created mutations among the colonists into 'apemen.'  (A commentary adds that the  ancient Assyrians thought Negroes were the result of a prehistoric conflagration and bemoans the intellectual decline of America due to racial mixing).  Aldebaran is also supposed to be at war with the empires of Capella and Regulus, culturally inferior but with larger populations.  (Again the commentary speculates whether earth has also received colonies from these solar systems, thus accounting for the white, yellow and black races on earth).  The idea that the Germans are the direct descendants of Alpha-Aldebarans simply translates the 'ario-heroic' godmen of Lanz von Liebenfels' Ariosophy into the modern science-fiction idiom of planetary colonization from a distant star. Jurgen-Ratthofer and Ettl also articulate a sci-fi millenarianism, whereby the Nazis are supposed to have sent flying saucer missions to seek extraterrestrial support for the Axis against the Allies, even years after the latter's victory.  On Christmas 1943, the Vril and Thule held a major conference at the Baltic resort of Kolberg (now Kolobrzeg), where desperate military measures were discussed.  Vril staffs were now working on a spaceship that could switch into another dimension and thus reach Aldebaran, sixty-eight light-years away.  After discussions with Hitler and Himmler, the Vril group launched an advanced Vril-Odin (Vril-7 or Vril-8) saucer in early 1945 into the 'transdimensional canal,' which enables travel at 900,000 kilometers/second (three times the speed of light).  After a voyage lasting only several weeks (on board), Vril-Odin is supposed to have reached the Aldebaran solar system in 1967." [3] In the last two paragraphs of citations, we learned that Anti-Semitism is, in fact, NOT Christian, but Satanic and comes from Satanic entities.  As far as Satan and his Demons fighting the forces of Jewish "darkness," Satan and his Demons are the Shining Ones.  The creators of, and the ancestors of the Jewish people, have had access to spiritual power while Satan and his Demons have been outnumbered and deprived of power, but it doesn't change the appearance of our bright, shining Nordic extraterrestrials versus the Greys and the Reptilian attributes of the extraterrestrial progenitors of the Jewish people.  In the Jewish doctrine of Christianity, the Jews teach that in the "last days," Satan will "transform himself into an angel of light."  It's too late.  Satan isn't an "angel;" Satan is God. The fact that both, the Nazi Vril Society, and Satan and his Demons practice the same politics and racial laws, and have the same views towards the shams of Democracy and "human equality," says a lot.  We have also been alerted to the fact that although the Jew, Zecharia Sitchin, may have provided some kernels of truth, he was willingly deceitful with the Jewish-invented distraction, planet "Nibiru."  The false aspects of the "Sitchin theory" have spread like a plague among so-called "conspiracy theorists."  Satan and his Demons come from Orion and Aldebaran, not "Nibiru."  The headdress of Isis, who is Astaroth, is in the shape of Taurus the Bull, the constellation of her at-the-time Aldebaran homeland. Sitchin also tries to imply that Enki [Satan] created every race of humans.  This is not true, and what the Demons taught the Nazis confirms this.  It is the White Aryan Race who is Satan's pride and joy, which is why the Jews use the colored races to destroy what belongs to Satan.  Channeled writings from Demons through the medium, Maria Orsic, also prove that what the enemies of Satan call "racism" [the awareness that such a thing called RACE exists] is DEMONIC and NOT "Christian."   The war between the White Aryans and the Jewish people and their colored slaves has been an ongoing war for thousands of years before the coming of Christianity, which is a JEWISH religion that nothing even remotely good can ever come from in the first place. As we know, the White Aryan Race belongs to Satan.  As for the different non-Jewish races that are non-White, there have been other extraterrestrials besides Satan who have visited planet Earth and have tried human experiments, which explains the different races that exist on this planet to this day. The Vril-Odin flying saucer that Demons told the Vril Society to construct is named after the Norse God ODIN, who the Nazis knew to be SATAN. This sermon will be concluded in Part Two. References: [1] The Black Sun:  Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke p. 165 [2] ibid. pages 166-167 [3] ibid. pages 167-168
by High Priest Jake Carlson
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Primordial Buddhism Part five
The references to the 5 wisdoms, the Jana's and such are taken from the purification of the elements of the soul. There are still some meditations upon the "four great elements" and their functions in the early texts. The principal of samsaric aspects being a corruption of the unperfected state. The nine realms of the Deva's an allegory for the Charka's, etc. Samsaric states also originally refers to the dissolution process of alchemy. We also find Buddha's performing miracles and such. His life in the mythos is identical to that of Hari of Egypt. And as mentioned Hari of India in many places. Originally the Aryans lived across Asia all the way to Northern China and the regions of the now Gobi desert. The pyramids found in Northern China are from this period. And the Chinese admit they are not part of their civilization. National Geographic and others have done large stories on the excavation of the silk road and general Far East. In which cities larger then Babylon at its height have been found. Along with perfected preserved bodies of White people dressed like they belong in ancient Ireland and the Scottish highlands. The female hair is braided in a specific fashion that only remains in the folk culture of Denmark. There are also over five thousand ancient Vedic temples in parts of China. Along with the fact China's name comes from a Sanskrit word for Lion. Ch'in is the Chinese spelling of the Sanskrit "Simha." The ancient Chinese records state about the rule of Aryan Emperors with blonde hair, green/blue eyes, etc. And the Mongols record a race of blue eyed, Aryans living in their region many of whom their ruling caste was descended from. Genghis Khan [Great Serpent] was described as having red hair and light eyes. Along with many upper caste Mongols of the period. The Mongoloid races where not in the area of Northern China and other Asian regions, till around several thousand years ago. Where the Aryans had already lived there for thousands of years before. The Tibetans also state they received their original culture of Bon. From a race of Aryans thousands of years ago. The anthropological studies conducted on the Tibetans by the Germans, found the upper class of Tibet where also of Aryan origin, mixed with Mongolian . In the far east they traditionally worshipped a Creator God named Fo/Po or Futi. Also spelled Buddha. And this brings us to BON PO. With BON PO we have the title for Buddha of PO. Bon was the religion across Asia and as we will see Europe as well. The findings from Bon in Nepal and Tibet such that before the Gautama or Ashoka period. BON images show the classical images of Buddha seen in Mahayana sects. As well as ancient BON texts mention their perfected masters have the title of Buddha. We also have images from Europe found of Yogi's in the full lotus position. Which identical spiritual symbolism upon them. BON was repressed and almost wiped out by the Ashoka corruption of Buddhism or bogus Buddhism. Bon temples and sacred sites and texts where destroyed along with many Bon's. This period is still called: "The dark times." By the people in the regions of Nepal who are Bon's. We also have records of Ashoka putting up to eighteen and more thousand people to death as part of the repression of this Imperial Ideology of his. We are seeing with Mahayana. Ashoka Buddhism which is a inversion of the original, grafted over the original Buddhism in these regions openly. In the regions of Nepal we still have the Bon Stupa's painted in the same way. The traditional or Ashoka Buddhist ones are. So we can see this is a copy of the original Buddhist style. In the region coming from the BON tradition. Are Chortens. Which are Stupa's which are based on the classical temple building of the East and the West. The base represents the circle within the square and the Mount Meru axis with 13 steps or representing the 13 steps of enlightenment. Mentioning the hidden 13th within the 12. And 1+3=4. The perfected elements coming from the 5th of ether within.
there is so much to this ill just give the link
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Primordial Buddhism Part four
As mentioned Krishna/Hari the perfected Vishnu. This is why the tales of Krishna and Buddha are identical from the divine births to the same birthday. And on in their tales. Including Buddha like Krishna in the early texts being crucified on a tree. In the case of both Buddha and Krishna by being pierced by arrows. And then being resurrected later: The scholar Titcomb states: At the death of Buddha the earth trembled, the rocks were split and phantoms and spirits appeared. He descended into hell and preached to the spirits of the damned. When Buddha was buried, the coverings of the body unrolled themselves, the lid of his coffin was opened by supernatural powers and he ascended bodily to the celestial regions.". We have Buddha resurrecting and ascending boldly into heaven. This is the same as the traditional Sol God of the Primordial Tradition. We also have Buddha transfigured as bright as the sun. On the mountain top. As we see later this is important as it connects to Adi Buddha. Which shows us the same God from the original Tradition. Originally the concept of Nirvana is not extinction. But enlightenment and immortality: "Nirvana is identified with "the opening of the pure ways of heaven." Of the "gates of eternal life," and is actually called the sun and "the center of supernatural light." -Suns of God This is why there are 13 full steps to full enlightenment or Nirvana in Buddhism. The 13 steps of the Magnum Opus. Images in the East of Buddha's death show the Mount Meru column falling. This is the same theme in Egypt with the "blessed land." Of which sit the Tet Pillar of Ptah [Meru Column]in the center of. Of which atop the Phoenix [Peacock in the East] sit. After a great destruction the Tet pillar is reborn with the land into the pure state. The stories of Buddha's cremation in this light is also symbolic of the Phoenix of rebirth thought flame. This is why Buddha dies at 84. 8=4=12, with the hidden 13th step within. the 13 steps of the Magnum Opus. The Phoenix's other symbol is the Grail. Of which also features in Buddhism as well. We can also see in ancient India Buddha being depicted as a linga, tree, white horse and the Kalachakra. There are all symbols of the life force energy. The linga the same symbol as the Tet Column or Round Towers, Stupa's, etc. We will come back to the Kala Charka in a bit. Looking into the earliest Pali texts its still possible to see remnants of the original Tradition that where wrote over with enemy corruptions. We find mention of awakening the seven centers of consciousness and opening the eye of wisdom. Along with Buddha having obtained the literal "deathless state" and bearing all the marks of the perfected man, along with all the supernormal powers or Siddhi's. His victory over Mara [Mara is the god of death in older spellings[ under the tree being the symbolic of having gained immorality and illumination. Mara and his forces represent originally the titanic or dross element that has to be purified from the soul. And with this the morning star appears and the tree rains down lotus blossoms etc. The same as the tree Krishna was crucified upon. And we have Budha/Woden crucified in the European branch and originally in the Eastern branch.
HP Mageson666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Primordial Buddhism Part three
The religion of Ptah-Osiris and the crucified and reborn Hari Krist[na] or Horus Krist. Are the same as Vishnu and Hari Krisna of India. And that Vishnu originally is a title of Surya. Hari is the symbolic title of our God. And the source of the term Aryan. The term Aryan in the ancient world was also spelled Ari or Hari we also have the Arya or Haraya [People of Hari]. This term is in Egypt as the term of the founding race. The H of Hari denotes the Serpent [Mercury-Budha]]. And the God Himself. Ptah-Osiris staff is the same as Woden's spear. "Another title for Surya is "Budha."-Suns of God Originally Buddha was a major title for the Agni/Surya the Vedic Sun God. And symbolic mythos goes back to this period. Tvashtar [ a title of Surya] is the father of Agni. Surya is titled the world modeller or skillful smith [Ptah]. As I have stated in another article Surya is known to be Ptah-Osiris of the Egyptians and Heru [proper title Hari]. Or the resurrected/perfected or reborn Ptah-Osiris. Agni in India. This is symbolic Osiris and Isis unification generates the reborn or perfected soul. Hari. As noted before Ptah-Osiris is identical to Agni/Surya. As this is the same Primordial Tradition. The Egyptians stated they came from the East and this is seen in their culture. We can see that Agni also represents the perfected Surya. We have an ancient inscription at Buddha Gaya that calls Buddha: "This deity Hari." Hari is one of the most ancient names of our God. This is why there are images of Surya at Buddha Gaya as well. Budha is another title of Surya. Who as stated is Ptah-Osiris [Hari ]in Egypt. This also gets into Helios. Which means the same as Hari. As stated before: "Horus bears the title proper of Hari Krist but in all reality going right back to the Sanskrit it would be Krisna. Krisna was in this region as the title for the sun god among other spelling. So we have Hari Krisna of Egypt. Further images of him in Egypt found in some regions show him to be identical in appearance to Krisna of India. In Egypt he is shown as the blue coloured child, holding his finger to his mouth and a clay pot in the other. Same as Krisna of India. The Greek version of him as Harpocrates from the Egyptian Har-Pa-Khered: "Horus The Child." Shows him sitting with the clay pot [like Krisna's butter pot] feather in his hair and all. Identical to the images of the God in India. This God also rests upon the serpent or lotus flower. Identical to Krisna of India once again The eagle and Falcon are interrelated as well. Just as the Peacock is the Phoenix in Egypt. The eagle plays prominently in the avatar tradition in India. As DM. Murdock points out in the earlier traditions of Krisna. He like Horus[Hari] of Egypt is crucified , in this case upon a tree by being pinned or pierced to it by arrows and later resurrected or ascends. Upon this the tree which is next to the river, regenerates and grows and rains lotus blossoms and gives off fragrances." She further states: "Like Krishna Buddha has been deemed an incarnation of Vishnu, an aspect of the God Sun. Among other symbols depicted in images of Bodhisattvas and Buddha's, as well as Vishnu. According to Pandey, "The girdle on the waist is a necessity when smartness and valour are ascribed to a deity." Which means additionally that Buddha is clearly portrayed as a God. The insight that Buddha, like his alter ego Vishnu and preceding avatar Krishna…." This is why in India we have inscriptions to Buddha calling him an incarnation of Vishnu [Surya-Agni] and the savour of the world, the way of immorality. Its no mistake the statues of Buddha in the East are the same as statues of Surya in many areas.
HP Mageson666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Primordial Buddhism Part two
On the European continent where the same God who is hung on the sacred tree and reborn again is worshipped. We had the major spiritual center of the Irminsul Pillar. Which holds the same meaning of the Tet Pillar of Ptah in Egypt. Or Mount Meru column. Of which the Round Towers are a symbol for as well. This is the meaning of the Buddhist Stupas in the East as well. Budha is depicted as the sacred tree in the East as well as the West. We have these same towers being called; "Fish Towers." As the Fish is the symbol of the perfected life force following up the spine and the rebirth. It's the Yoni symbol in which the reborn God is shown emerging from. We have the same round towers or Benben towers being built by the Egyptians as well. Also noted in Sri Lank Buddha is still called Wod or Woden to this day. As D.M. Murdock notes: "The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). " Churchward also stated: "Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians." As mentioned the same themes are found in Egypt as in Ireland/Europe. And the East. Ptah and Osiris as mentioned before are the same God. Osiris name translates out: "The eye of the throne of God." This Throne is Isis's. Isis is linked to the star Sirius as is Ptah's staff. Hence Osiris is the union of the this power and its full activation. The Throne is the illuminated or perfected consciousness. And Isis rules the Sophia or Shakti aspect. Which what Ptah's staff contains in symbol. The two are the same God. Just as Wod/Buddha in Europe is symbolically depicted as being blue so is Ptah-Osiris as well.
HP Mageson666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Primordial Buddhism Part one
This article is meant to highlight what can be termed: "Primordial Buddhism." That is Buddhism that existed before the corruptions where made. The corrupted paradigm which is now the standard. I have already discussed this: "Bogus Buddhism." Elsewhere. In the ancient world the Arya's worshipped a Creator God by the title of Buddha. The Aryish Druids religion was based on the worship of a crucified and reborn God man, named: Wod, Wodan, Bud, Budh, Buddha. As DM. Murdock cites in her book: "Suns of God." "They gave [the Sacred Island] two other names, viz, Phus Inis, and Inis=na-Phuodha-which, at once, associate the "worship" with the profession of the worshippers-for, Phus Inis, is Dudh Inis-Ph, or , F, being only the aspirate of, B, and commutable with it-that is, Budh Island; and Inis-na Phuodha is Inis-na-Buodha, that is, THE ISLAND OF BUDHA." So we have ancient Ireland being titled: "The Island of Budha." Also from the same work: "The ancient Irish and Hindus used the name Budh for the planet Mercury. The stem Budh appears in all the Celtic languages as it does in Sanskrit, as meaning "all victorious" "gift of teaching" "accomplished" "enlightened" "exalted" and on." From here we see Buddhaya the Sanskrit title for Mercury. The Indo-European languages all come from Sanskrit. "The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root, separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."- Ellis The round towers of Ireland: "O' Brien relates the words of an ancient Irish bishop Corma, "the celebrated bishop of Cashel" who in "defining the Round Towers in his Glossary of the Irish Language, under the name of Faill, wrote the following: "Carth cloacha is aire bearor fall desucedr Fo bith ro ceata suighedesat en Eire"- that is, stone-built monuments, within which noble judges [my note Druids] used to enclose vases containing the relics of Fo [i.e. Budh] and of which they had erected hundreds throughout Ireland!" More: "O'Brien cites the Dagoba's of Sir Lanka often lofty buildings in which Buddhist relics have been deposited. The towers are also symbols of fertility their phallic nature obvious to the eye. Concerning these phallic symbols, O'Brien remarks: Such was the origin and design of the most ancient Indian pagodas… And that such, also was the use and origin of the Irish pagodas is manifest from the name by which they are critically and accurately designated, via, Budh, which in the Irish language, signifies not only the Sun, as the source of generative vegetation, but also the male organ of procreative generativeness. Clo. Vallancey states that Krisna also means sun in ancient Irish. "O'Brien provides an image of a round tower with a crucified man above the door, between two standing human figures and below them two bizarre animals lying down. Concerning this image, O'Brien relates that Christian authorities naturally want to make of it a Christian crucifix. However, our Irish writer disagrees, first commenting on the strange animals and linking them with the elephant and bull on a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka." Tertullian, as late as 211 CE, wrote: "The Christians neither adored nor desired crosses, and criticized pagans for doing so and for putting a man on the cross, too. For pagans a cross was a sign of eternity….It was not until the 6th synod of Constantinople that it was decided that the symbol of Christianity, which was confirmed by Pope Adrain I, would be represented from that time on as a man crucified on the cross. In fact, the earliest instances of any artwork that illustrates Jesus on the cross can be traced back only to the eight or ninth century. Thus, the Christians adopted the crucifixion as a symbol from the pagans." Its also no mistake the ancient Europeans would dye their bodies with a sacred blue paint. Called "Wod."
HP Mageson666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1NWRDl0pI)
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
The Afterlife and Reincarnation [Fully Explained] The Satanic Afterlife and Reincarnation VS The Enemy "afterlife" and literal death.
For those who know Satan and His powers and intentions personally, He literally hands down the best information and is really helping Humanity evolve. Like really evolve, not some empty promises. Satan truly explains, truly cares and truly evolves those willing Souls that follow him and are open to Him. The enemy poses to heal the symptoms, meanwhile causing even more diseases and destruction. Satan is straightforward and goes straight to the Solutions, as in getting rid of diseases all together. The enemy is a piece of filth. For instance, their kike industries and Machiavellian politics is what causes hunger in Africa, then their millionaire xians and shitheads go there and give a loaf of expired bread and a bible to "save" the African people. This is the method they work. The people being blind exchange their Soul and cannot even understand they are being played upon. Then they are left to die anyway or live as slaves for as long as they give their life to the enemy, no different than a puppet. Then they are destroyed to the core because that was their 'purpose' anyway. The enemy ET's do the same thing, only in far more complex and violent manners. For those who have read the previous posts, you can tie these into this one and see more for yourself. Explaining is a bit advanced, but it is definitely comprehendable. This is not some fancy rainbow shit, as Father Satan is honest. He never makes vain promises and He never allows people to be blind. You need to have your ears open. What one must be aware is the fundamental parts of the Soul, as in Male [Pigala] and Female [Ida] energy, as well as the Shushumna part of the Soul [the door and the place of Kundalini energy] which is the actual hermaphrodite energy. There have been posts asking to where people are asking about the pains of reincarnation, or how this happens and so forth. Yes, this is the unfortunate Truth, but not all of it and not the Truth for Satanists. We have to reincarnate again and again, which is the natural flow of things, the "natural" of a lower level of existence that we are not meant to exist in. As we have already stated, the Soul if not worked upon with by Meditation can die and wither away, like any other form in the universe. This is no different than leaving the physical body without food. The Gentile Soul is shaped in such manner that when perfected, it can be a self sustaining immortal mechanism, that has an energy uptake form its own self, in other words, as others perish in the after life, those who reach a stage will not. The energy will recreate itself and thus recreate the being. This is the so called "afterlife" the enemy raves about and never gives anyone. This requires work and persistence and is a part of the Magnum Opus working. Also Father Satan keeps and retains our Souls for those who have not reached this state. For better saying, he keeps and retains our "true self" which is the Soul we have had and possessed in all our lifetimes. This part of the Soul is the actual consciousness, as in pure consciousness and the real ID of the real self. This is who you really are. So long someone stays inside their womb, they are at that state, they are their pure self. The state by which this Real part of the Self is reached is called Samadhi in the East and this is the meaning of Satyan - Eternal Truth. TRUTH IS REVEREND IN SATANISM FOR A REASON AND ITS OUR SOLE STRIVING. THE "ALL KNOWING" STATE OF TRUTH AND OF REAL SELF KNOWING IS GIVEN THE NAME OF ITS CREATOR, SATAN. He is the one that gave us this ability by making us evolved creatures. Inside this state one realizes the not so human nature of the Human mind. Thats the literal meaning of the Delphic "know thyself" and of all other Ancient Mysteries. Due to our mortal physical body and our lack of spirituality and thanks to xianity, this state and any and all links to it get lost. This is what xianity aims, as at that state, the mind is overly expanded and the intelligence is amplified to such degree that hardly ever words can describe, because this state is not ordinarily "Human" in anyway. Its superhuman. Its more than Human, its really Human and not the nowdays "Human". One could easily see in just a second in this state the hoax of xianity and the evil behind it, if they entered that state. This state is symbolized by the Egyptians by the Wadjet eye, the Horus eye, which upon opening and being delved upon makes one see the Truth. Satan opens one's spiritual eyes. Though not mortally and consciously aware, this state is existing and happening inside Humanity, and is taking place in the form of the "higher ego" or "higher self" state, or simply the Samadhi state of consciousness. This state is totally inaccessible by any other means than meditation and also, mastery of the disciple of meditation and perfection of the Soul. Though, without there being a link from this form of consciousness, which is the Vadjet and the Divine Mother Kundalini in other cultures, the conscious self is trapped in basically two modes of consciousness. The male, conscious everyday consciousness and the dream like state, the female part. The first takes on when you are woken up, the second takes on when you are asleep. The Male part of the Soul is directly linked to the Mental body, which is the link between the Male and Female parts of the Astral body. There is no "Mental body" on its own, its rather a part of the Male Astral body, but at the same time, what is called "mental body" communicates with the Female part of the Astral body, that contains the Subconscious and Unconscious parts of the Soul. I know it sounds complex, but if one gives it some time, they will understand this. Neither the Male or the Female part of these is really the Real Soul, as the Soul itself resides on the higher realms and is "touched" upon when the male and female part is fused, through empowerment of the Astral body. Both these parts constitute the Aura of the bodies and each body has its own Auric field, that does different things. These parts of the Soul act at the same time and with one another, directly influencing one another, to bigger or lesser degrees . The Astral body is the link between the Higher Part of the Soul, the Real Soul and the conscious/dream bodies that we have, that is dimensionally higher than the present 'ego' and is touched when one is advancing in meditation. When one works and strengthens the astral body, a fusal starts happening, between the higher body [Real Soul] and the lower body [the present Male Active and Female inactive part of the Soul, in the present incarnation]. As the Astral body becomes able, more and more of the "real self" [what we today call unconscious part of the mind, Kundalini Self] is becoming apparent in the everyday consciousness and in the sub conscience. The unconscious part can really become conscious but this is a long, very long process and its through this one becomes a God. Ideally, the Magnum Opus is when this fusal happens and one is again their real self, that has all their past life memories, all their past life knowledge and so forth. The higher part of the Soul is actually conscious and on the lower behalf of the body and Soul is the Kundalini Serpent. This is the Higher Mind. The Kundalini Serpent is actually what Father Satan gave Humanity in order to save us from this vicious circle of the "rotar". The "rotar" is actually of the lower existential consciousness and of the enemy, where there is the vicious circle of "karma" that keeps people blind as to the real reality, which is Spiritual. Its the vicious circle of death and rebirth, good and bad and so forth, from which Humanity is ideally meant to escape, but the enemy makes sure to keep people stuck in, in order to exploit the lower beings. What you are living today and doing is also stored inside your unconscious part of the Soul. Stronger events have a bigger impact and are imprinted there. This is the "bank" of your Soul memories. This includes knowledge of past lifes and so forth. These parts of the self can also be regained through this process which is called the Magnum Opus. The mortal body is meant to become immortal through the Magnum Opus, which is the final goal of spirituality. Though, when the fixing of the Astral body has happened, one will not perish in the after life and they will not wither away like other Souls who are not worked upon, after they physically die. By that way, they can incarnate when they want and they can be self sustained. Also, one will have the nessescary power to tread the astral realms and so forth, which is important, and also Satan and the Gods protect people from nerfarious astral entities. Dedicated Satanists at their moment of death, no different than Ancient Egyptians, are taken by the Gods to a special astral plane until they reincarnate. Those who haven't reached that state, though, must re-incarnate before they dissipate so they will not wither and die. Satan though keeps people who are before that state if they are willing and they are sustained, if there are reasons for that. If not, they will be reincarnated. All the bodies are inter-connected and all influence each other. This means something simple. The highest part of the Soul that Satan retains throughout reincarnation and the Gods keep, is influenced by the lowest half of the Soul which is the Physical and is directly linked to the Male part of the Soul, that we change in every lifetime and requires energy renewal until it is fixed through advancement. In other words, as the Astral body advances and you empower it, you empower all parts of your being and not only the body in itself, but the Higher Soul. The power raised through this action empowers your real "Soul", the real "ID" of yourself. At that point, all your progress adds up, so you do not really start from "ground zero" in the next lifetime. You do, but the memory and the openess is there, so states are re-attained real faster than before. When someone physically dies, they experience an opening of their own "Highest self" but this only lasts until the physical body has died. Most do not even have any memory at all and most cannot even "get" to that state to actually get a glimpse of this body/Soul part. This is because this consciousness is too high and they are unable to get a hold of it, let alone understand any of it. So when one dies, they simply leave their dead body and the conscious part of their Soul [the Astral body, the body of Astral Projection] exits. It stays into the Astral realm and slowly dissipates. How fast or if it will dissipate depends on many, many things. Dedicated Satanists at that point, no matter how far they are, are being taken by Gods like Anubis and other Gods, so their astral body is escorted into a safe Haven for our Souls. They are sustained there until they reincarnate. With the Astral Body, which is the closer link and contains the "Higher Soul" or the "God part" they are reincarnated again. The Astral body contains inside it two things and a third thing which is the fusal of both. The male [lower Ego part conscious consciousness, Pingala consciousness] , the Subconsciousness [female part of the mind, Ida Consciousness] and the unconscious part which is more or less latent [depends on advancement, Shushumna/Kundalini consciousness] and its purpose is to transform both and save their progress and powers. The female part subconscious of the Soul, the Kundalini, does what is natural and is always striving to meet and connect with the male, conscious part of the Soul. The union produces the third part, which is the open door to the Unconscious part, the Kundalini part. "Unconscious" is only a term. Infact, its supreme consciousness, but not in anyway like the walking consciousness. This walking consciousness is only a part of the whole deal. All consciousness that is of the Astral body [conscious consciousness] gives place to the unconscious consciousness of the Higher Part of the Soul at this point of the Soul entering the Fetus. When one enters, the "Ego" part of the Astral body that they had in the last lifetime and they went to Duat with, dissipates again and they gain a new one, the one they will be born with. This part is given to the child by the parents and directly influences the Physical body aswell and this ties into the Racial criteria aswell. This is why National Socialism is as it is, and is of the Gods of Hell, but this is a whole another matter. What can be said simply, the better body, the better the expression of the Soul. The enemy give their all to destroy the genetics of Humanity for that reason. For this fusal to be able to happen, there has to exist a couple of Humans that are able to give the Soul the genetic material/physical material it needs to actually 'stick' to the body, so it can express itself and advance in the given body. The "Ego" part of the Self is being changed in every lifetime and with it, all conscious knowledge and sense of self is gone forever from Male conscious approach and is being saved inside the Kundalini/Unconscious part of the Soul, yet the female part of the Astral body or the Unconscious part [the Kundalini, the real Self, the Shushumna part of the Soul] remain intact but latent until activated, inside the Soul. In there the powers of the Soul are contained, the memories, the knowledge and anything else. When one is born, they swing again to the new Male conscious part, which is to a degree, connected to the Female part of the mind. How much one will be fused and aware depends on the level they had in their past lifetime. Thats why some people are born very powerful, some less, some very aware, some less aware and so forth. And the process goes on and on until its finalization. At the moment of entering the fetus, the "Ego" part "dies" at this point and with it, all conscious knowledge of the last lifetime. The unconscious part [the Female part of the Astral body] though operates when one is in the womb fully and then for the first years of one's life, with depending power, as it remains intact as it reincarnates intact. This is why some children have memories from past lives and they lose these later, while others do not. The female/latent part of the Soul longs to be connected to the new Active Male Part. Thats the fable of Eve giving Adam the Apple. Eve was tempted by the Serpent and gave Adam the apple. Then they both ate the Apple and they became as the Gods. Reincarnation is mandatory simply because the Male Part is the bio electricity of the Soul, the conscious spark of life, the part from the greater Serpentine energy that we have in out conscious availability to live and is given to us by the physical birth. The meaning though is to be self sustained as a Soul, as stated earlier. The enemy did their best as in threatening Humanity and in cursing them as to not attain this state of being. The knowledge of past lives does not literally exist in the Unconscious/Kundalini part of the Soul as mere "knowledge" but it manifests inside the life in the lower levels in many ways, until its finally accessible in such way that it can be rewired into the present mortal part of the mind, in the form it used to exist. In other words. Its not lost, but to literally re-absorb it, one can only do this after they have raised the Serpent. This force manifests so long that its allowed and accepted. For instance, if one is a Satanist in a past life, then this unconscious part of the Soul urges them to rejoin Satan in the present lifetime and so forth. Ultimately, it really opens up and operates, after they are Ascended. The raising of the Serpent unites the Male part of the Soul [the "Ego" one has in every lifetime] with the female part of the Soul [that remains only half intact after reincarnation, because as we are young it gets programmed by others - this is the door to the higher part of the mind] and they both unite and fuse with the Higher Self/ Kundalini part of the Soul [in which the real Soul ID that existed in all lifetimes and so forth, the real self exists]. The Rising of the Serpent is the ground upon which the True Self of all lifetimes is experienced and is becoming reality. When this happens, the door is being opened and is accessible to this higher self, for whatever purposes. You might think this is the end, but in reality, its the new beggining. Thats why DEATH and DYING and finally, RESURRECTION have been major themes in our Religion throughout the Ages. The consciousness from there on is totally perfected and reform and this is where the Purpose of Being is realized and new states of being have been achieved. The Truth becomes a part of our awareness. Through this consciousness and the help of our Gods, the physical body itself can be made immortal, which means one does no longer have to do this vicious circle of changing active parts of the Soul in every damn lifetime. The Gods give us this opportunity and also, Satan gave us the Serpent and the Higher Part of the Soul in which who we are through all this still preserves and lives and we carry this with us, so that existing over and over until we are finished and perfect is not totally needless. Even if one does not reach the Kundalini ascension fully in their lifetime, they carry with them in the latent part of the Soul the knowledge of how to get there faster, and also they carry the factors that contribute to doing this faster and faster in the next lifetime, so they can finally complete the work. For some it might manifest in making evolutionary leaps, for others in their natal chart, for others in faster advancement and in a sense of "what to do" and in many other forms. Being with Satan manifests in many ways as a wake up call to get to Satan and Satanism, or interest in the Old Pagan religions, or whatever else. For some it might also manifest itself as in raw power, for others in all the above. You get the meaning behind this, not everyone is the same. So now you know with Satan, you have nothing to fear. Satan is our Creator God and made us in such way that existing will have a meaning. Respect Satan and treat him with Reverence. If you are too blind to realize why, know that others are pleading for his help, even if they do not know the Truth. They will realize it when its probably too late. All Ancient Civilizations did warn again and again. Also, another thing that needs be touched is the principle of dimension. While we all Humans might inhabit the same physical dimension, astrally this is not so. There are lower vibrations and really all kinds of places into the astral realm. When the Soul is weak and on a low vibration, it is synchronized and drawn towards these dimensions/realities that are of low existential quality. As we said earlier, every body influences every other body. So when we think of something [Mental body] over and over, we are "tuning in" to certain places/vibrations. This goes deeper but I just have to touch the subject. This conditions the Soul to enter certain places. For instance, if one is mentally sick or somehow likes murder or sickness or whatever, they draw these things into their lives, they are tuning into this and this type of dimension. If one is simply delving on the physical dimension or the 'astral' of the enemy, the xian mindsets and stuff, they are tying themselves in the most destructive energies, physicality, death and so forth, in the extremes. When someone simply thinks of something, this is the Male part of the Consciousness. This directs energy on the moment. When one is ingrained with xianity and the kike programs, this goes into the female part of the mind, its constantly attracted to and towards. So when they die, if they were good sheep, they will get abused further by the enemy, as they are their loyal slaves. When the sicknesses in the Soul, the low vibrations and the low level of being are left untreated, Humanity sets itself in for great damages that are beyond present day comprehension. No matter if one is aware of these laws, the Universe and themselves are still working with these laws and the enemy uses these laws against the unknowing cattle. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE THERE IS NO SURVIVAL- KNOW THIS. And disobedience of these laws will result in Death. Xians fixate on depression, self loathing, self hate, avoiding knowledge, being OK with being slaves of the jews and any and all destructive qualities that are against survival. For that reason they attract these into their Soul, Mind and life. While in the physical realm this might not manifest instantly or does partially [they do manifest this, as in fatal diseases, destruction, death and so forth] the Astral is even more "Fast" in its materialization. Thinking is creating, as though power is creative force, and that's why xians are told to endlessly pray to "jesus", because he never did exist, to create him, so he can prey on them. Jesus is JHVH, Jesus is from where the thoughtform is charged by prayer, JHVH is from where it exerts power and influence to help the kikes achieve their ends. JHVH is solely a "god" for the jews and also, these malignant filths are in terms with real bad enemies that can plague and destroy Humans that fall to their level. "Falling" ties in to the above. Their failed and eternally impossible wishes for Satan to "fall from heaven" in the bible and all that filth is actually to try to get Humanity to a lower level, as Satan is our God, the God of the Gentiles. When "we fall" to their lower astral and terrific realms, by thinking, acting and even worse, being xians, then the person is set for all kinds of horrors and destruction. Thats the whole aim of xianity and the Abrahamic programs, exploit and parasitize and then kill the victim. This ties into the above and the merciless nature of reality, so enough said. These people who disregard these things are total idiots. These Truths cannot be realized without an Open Satanic 3rd eye and this is the meaning of the Capstone of the Pyramid. When one is blind, even if they intellectually know, they cannot apply. This is not the case for us. As for xians. I feel literally sorry for them, but without any mercy as they are stupid and nature does not forget stupidity or ignorance under any shape or form. The enemy ET's and the people of the enemy, lie to these people endlessly. The Egyptians and all other Pagans have stated it clearly, without the 3rd Eye and the Serpent, one is blind and a slave. This is totally True. The xians never even believe in an immortal part of the mind or Soul, let alone approach it ever, even by accident. The enemy simply wishes to destroy them fully and totally. As we said earlier, all bodies of a person are interconnected with one another, from the Physical, reaching upwards to the "higher self". That means celibacy, self loathing, punishment and self destruction and everything else influences to a degree the higher part of the Soul and is being recorded therein. One can see where this is going to lead in successive lifetimes. Being a slave and so forth, conditions all the parts of the Soul to be that thing, even remotely. So when xians abstain from sex, or they abstain from their creator Satan and go against nature, they are causing major debilitation not to their conscious parts, but on their unconscious part of the Soul, the Higher Self, in which there is memory in successive lifetimes. But who gives a shit for that, right? They are with the enemy anyway and the enemy is not sparing them or cares anymore than to destory them. So basically, the first punishment a xian/muslim and the followers of the kikes get, is they never get to even remotely see or feel, let alone be, their Real Self. Not meditating and being Human is an existential crime, that most cannot even remotely comprehend. You are going against the natural flow of things. This is something ET's from out there know and we are no more apes compared to them and what they know. The nefarious enemies of Humanity exploit this blindance and have been doing so for a long time. Back to xians and blinded Abraham now. They are totally disconnected from their Nature, but Nature itself as well. Whatever disconnects from Nature or the Shakti, Mother energy, is bound to die. They are totally spiritually blind. As stated earlier, at the moment of death, there occurs a sudden overflow of the state of Samadhi, for those who are able to experience it and only them. People who haven't had any of this, will simply be unconscious of this state, experience their physical death and exit the astral. But because the enemy keeps people ignorant and at the very best, their whole 'spiritual experience' and even at death, they will experience few if any things. Many will simply exit the body and because they have been so attached to physical reality will get to still do what they did physically, only in the astral realm. This is only for those who have SOME astral senses open. If they do not, they simply remain in a state of 'blackness' or the 'blackness of death' that many are so afraid about. This is the lack of all external Astral consciousness. Xians cannot deal with that state and simply stay there until their dissipation. Others who are by their nature more powerful, might reincarnate and find their way. There are truly infinite wrong ways to go after death and during "life" [or a life of and for death as they live] for those believing in the jewish lies. Thats why many ghosts haunt certain houses and many ghosts are seen doing the same things they did as when they were alive. Many try to stay close to their family and so forth from fear of death, after they are physically dead etc. The character we have had in our lifetime, the lower character, is still intact after death. The thinking and so forth remains the same. What happens is slow dissipation, depending on many factors. This goes and goes, until the Astral body of the xian victim runs out of energy. Also, due to lack of spiritual protection, they are simply wandering there for any stronger enemy to do with them as they please. They can be astrally imprisoned and so forth. Without the necessary knowledge which reinforces it. The devout xians who are in sync with the xian teachings of Hell and this other filth, because they are 'attuned' to this thing, upon death, can actually get to these lower dimensions. These dimensions range from dimensions of total ignorance, to actual "hell" made on by the Jews and their spiritual 'beliefs' that have astrally materialized such concepts. This astral body they have once dead is susceptible to any attack, any force, any energy but above all, its open to whom its programmed to be open, who is the enemy and the Jehovian thoughtforms and entities, which are deadly and nefarious. Stray thoughts and no experience with the Astral make one dumb to how it works and this leads to death. As their astral body is more or less a mass of energy and consciousness, the enemy takes these beings and gets them to the massive thoughform they name "JHVH". Xians are taught all their life to be submissive, ego-less, unnatural, and above all, faithful and sacrificing for the kikes. This is for one reason, to serve them in this life and then perish in the other, so the kikes can do as they please with their Souls, as they have control over those who are in their Astral Level. If the xian is "accepting" of it, they are assimilated inside this thoughform and good bye existence If not, they are left away to wither away on the Astral. They can also astrally die and wither away like any other energy. Xianity is all about death anyway. There is no 'eternal' life, but only what xianity promises and is about: Blindess and death. Satan and the Gods try to get some worthy Souls to be saved and they reincarnate them, as Humanity is Satan's creation. But since we are self conscious beings and some choose to be blind, this is where free Will comes in. Its existentially wrong and unethical for Satan to help people who have scorned Him in their lack of intelligence their whole shitty momentarily life. Satan has to help his loyal ones. If Satan and the Pagan Gods desire so, they can and they are saving some xians whom they judge they have simply been blinded. This is all done in accordance to Divine Will. This is the message of the Egyptian Papyrus of Ani where one is judged, aside of the Spiritual Allegory. If one is legit and has been in alignment with Truth and close to the Gods in spirit, they survive and they sustain themselves. This is only partially ethical. What it is is existential. If you deny the laws of Nature, "Sobek", the "Crocodile" God will "devour" the person. This has to do with being low in understanding, as in one getting consumed by the strength of Nature and animalistic laws of nature. The Greek legend that when one has a physical body, they are befallen, is because in every reincarnation we have to go through the same process of uniting the Higher part of ourselves with the Lower part, the Higher part of the Soul, with the lower parts. With Kikes, you will always lose. As there are merciless and destructive forces everywhere, they are this force in the Earth. You can see this in how easily they murder people physically and in any other sense, or through their programs. Reality and nature do not give a fuck, they simply go ahead. Only Satan and altruistic beings actually give a fuck about Humanity and that's the sad Truth. Altruism is like anything else found in the Soul and in genetics. Its the natural outcome for allied beings to be altruistic, good and understanding so they can collectively survive and when aware of it, go with the laws of Nature and evolve aside with the Cosmos. Every being is meant to give a fuck about themselves or there is no survival, so simple Many do not even realize they have died and only do so after a point. The first part is caring and sustaining the self and then the group. The stronger is meant to help, if willing, the weaker beings. Nature is not going to give a fuck because you didn't develop your 3rd eye in your life, or because you did not "know" or "bother". NATURE ALSO REWARDS "WORK" AND STRIVING WITH GREATER ABILITY. ANOTHER ATTACK TOWARDS NATURE IS THE ENEMY TEACHINGS THAT "EVOLUTION WILL HAPPEN ON ITS OWN" OR FAKE SHIT LIKE "EVOLUTIONARY LEAPS". This is a big trap to keep people in inaction, no different than the idiots who are waiting the kike to descend from the clouds and make give them some 'promised' shit. Nothing in nature that doesn't work or strive survives. It withers and fucking dies. This applies to everything and anything in nature. If you work with her, she will reward you. If you go against her, you will be overtaken by the downward flow of the weeding of the inactive disposal. If you remain inactive, other forces will eat you up. The real meaning of "submission" is submission not to any other beings, but in the sentimental laws of Nature herself. Xianity took this and maligned it to being submissive to some kike torturer or some clique of astral bastards and weaklings that prey upon Humanity. As right now the center of the Galaxy rotates and is filled with the energy of movement, the Serpent energy, the same goes for the Satanic Serpentine energy. This flow can only be worked with and can only be manipulated from within, not from without or disassociation from it. Working with it and going with it will make you eternal and this is only a natural occurrence. Satan helps in this. The "eternal life" concept is stolen from Satan and Satanism and in how the Pagan Gods helped our people for so many thousands of years, before xianity spawned its nasty head. Still nowdays the same persists and exists. Ptah/Satan and the other Gods took the Souls of dedicated people to Duat, they still do. Real spirituality does not change with the times and is not a fashion. Xianity is just whats in the jewish fashion nowadays. Today's fashion is malfunction. In this dark age, life is mistaken for death and death is mistaken for life. "Jesus" and "Jehova" is mistaken for Satan, the One and Only creator God and the real Father of Humanity, Satan, Is mistaken for the evil one. But the dark ages of the enemy are moving towards their end. The whole stock of enemy being and theories is few things: Totally physical striving and thinking, totally destructive type of "spirituality" and for those who do not believe in that shit, "live fast die young" theories, so they are in friendly terms with death and attract DEATH and DISSIPATION to themselves. With jews you lose. Also, I need to address National Socialism. Yes, this relates to all of that, no matter if one can easily understand this or not. "We are Nazis"- Mother Lilith. There are some who do not see the link between our Nazi beliefs. The enemy tries to claim they are disconnected to our Spiritual teachings. This is all a bunch of lies. Most people do not understand the inner conception of National Socialism. National Socialism isn't about having some certain physical feautures and only this, but is for any Gentile Race to spiritually survive, as well as physically. As explained earlier, the Soul has to have a body and has to reincarnate until it reaches the level it should. HP Mageson explained this in the "Metagenics" Sermon. The Soul can be fully expressed through a body in accordance to what the Real Soul is. For instance, one has to have a Human brain to be able to have a Human consciousness and so forth. The same goes for advanced parts of the mind and states of being, one has to have the nessescary "ground" upon on which everything will materialize and be achieved. The enemy while keeping their Race clean for this purpose and following strict racial policy, promotes bastardization of Gentile Races, as to where we will all be a soup and the individual Souls will not be able to reincarnate. They are doing this so that the Souls that are most advanced will, according to the enemy's hopes, not have bodies to come back and destroy them. This also includes everyone else. Thats why its important for everyone to sustain their Race, because through the Race do live the Souls of the dead of the Race. In a sense, when someone has a child, they are doing this to be able to reincarnate later into the same racial line. At least this is the healthy part flow of things, that the enemy tries to destroy. This is to ensure evolution of the Spiritual/Physical complex of our Gentile people. Our Adolf Hitler clearly stated that National Socialism is a religion in its essence. And this is our religion, Spiritual Satanism, Paganism - Our Gentile Religions. For beings against us who are aware of all these universal rules and laws of Race, this is a method of warfare that is being used against us. This is why in the deep spiritual level Communism is murderous and nerfarious and we are against this, because is a jewish weapon to enforce race mixing. The jews meanwhile as they pamper that shit down everyone else's throats, are having strict Racial laws in the otherwise "liberal" year of 2015, so strict as they blamed the Nazis to have. Do you see what they are doing now? You see where they are going and how deep the rabbit hole goes? Father Satan wants us all to be able to see. Open your eyes and you see Father Satan. And when you do, the moment you will understand Him, you will be His forever, as His Spiritual progeny and Soul child. May Satan bless you all and keep you strong in the Path. As the Egyptians would say, there is not a worst action than going spiritually blind. SPIRITUAL BLINDANCE IS THE MOST FATAL OF ALL MISTAKES ONE CAN COMMIT AND THE ONLY REAL DISEASE- THE ANCIENTS HAVE BEEN SCREAMING IT FOR YEARS, HAVE BUILT MONUMENTS AND HAVE WROTE ENDLESS BOOKS TO EXPLAIN THIS AS BEST AS THEY COULD. YOU KNOW ABOUT THEIR CALL. There is also no bigger criminal and murderer than he whom keeps the people blind, be it ET or being a kike trying to deter people into being spiritually dead sheep. For this reason the enemy must be destroyed in any and all places by Spiritual means. Satan is willing to help us and assist us in that goal. Father Satan wants Justice and Revenge against these beings who are trying to hinder us for so many hundreds of years. YOU MUST FIGHT AND OBLITERATE THE DARKNESS AND IGNORANCE, ABOVE AND BELOW. THATS THE PURPOSE OF SATANISM!!!!!!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
i just like being in the dark
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
white women are magic 
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
2016 Year Of The Jew
The fact is Jews have so much power and aggressive influence......Our way of measuring history is literally based on the claimed birth of a Jewish Leader. It’s been 2016 years since the clamed birth of a Jewish Leader from the ancient Middle East. That two billion people worship as God. But we are supposed to pretend the Jews have had no active agenda at all in the world, yet for 2016 years our western world has been framed by Jewish ideology of the Torah..... I mean this all just happened by accident or something.... Pay no attention to the Roman Emperor who created the Dynasty that created the Christian Church and bible who erected a statue to the Jew from Alexandria who by his own statement was responsible for him becoming Emperor. The same dynasty that just happened to be funded by the money of Jewish bankers of the Empire. And created an Imperialist Theology were God becomes a Jew that was violently forced on the world......To notice this strange coincidence would be anti-Semitism...... Also consider that people who hate us have been rewriting our history in their image...
-High Priest Mageson 666
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
Nina is a cunt
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Very impressive for a seven year old!
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baalnir-blog · 8 years
108, 666, AUM And The Pentagram.
108 and 666 are the same formula show in different fashions. 666 is relating to the trinity of the trine nadis and their final union with the Magnum Opus. Within this is the formula AUM. 666 was used in the West by the Pagan Mysteries Theologies [ Spiritual Satanists] for mainly this reason. In the root chakra there is a triangle pictured this is the symbol of the trine nadis of the serpent power in the spine. Each one of these nadis equals a letter which is the A U M. Now another triangle is showing in the crown chakra as well where the three come together within the centre of the skull. Opening the crown chakra fully to super conscious. The root and crown are also paired. The symbol for the supreme formula AUM is a triangle which each line represents a letter and a guna of creation of the three guna's also one of the trine nadis of the serpent power. This triangle is important within this as the symbol of Akasa. Siva in the unmanifest from as the Para Brahman is stated to be Akasa. This is also why the triangle is reshown in the crown as the crown chakra is the Guru chakra and it connects one to the Para Brahman or transcendental consciousness of which is this Akasa element. The LOTUS feet of the Guru is the crown chakra. The name of Brahman is AUM for this reason. The Logos. Brahman was never a theistic God the ancients had no such concepts in their cosmology, Para Brahman translates out to the Great Beyond. Its the underlying element of existence. 666 is such each 6 equals as mentioned one part of the triangle they add together into 18 which is two nines which relate to the center of the skull where Siva and Shakti unite and create Brahma the new soul. Now it seems the actual number of sounds in the Sanskrit alphabet is 54. This relates to the formula each of the 54 sounds has a male and female component so it adds 54 for Siva and 54 for Shakti which add into 108. Now this can also be added numerologically as 54 to 9 and 54 to nine which adds to 18. But 18 adds once more into 9. As does 108. 666 the trine nadis merging in the center of the skull so 9 of Shakti and 9 of Siva united into the final 9 the reborn soul and consciousness. The equal armed cross or a symbol with the same meaning in the East the three lines which are shown on the Siva Lingam which is pictured in the root chakra here is the 666. Where put onto the forehead of the initiated to show the union of opposites which occurs in the center of the skull where the three come together. And open the transcendental eye of Siva. The third eye. Which is show as a Yoni symbol the rebirth of consciousness. It’s a third eye as the other two represent the sun and moon where the third is the union and the power that awakens from it. This and the fact the pineal gland operates like an inner eye and is structured like one. With 18 we have also 108 in numerology zero has the equal of zero as well. But the zero also has a mystical meaning in cosmology which is why its put before 1. Its the symbol of the ALL of which everything comes from. This ALL is feminine in conception the cosmic womb which is shown as a Yoni symbol of 0. 108 is such the 1 in Vedic numerology equals the sun the 0 what is already mentioned and the 8 at the end equals the final destruction of the corruptible from into the purified state. It also goes within this 1 is phalli, 0 is a Yoni sign and the 8 is symbol of the union of opposites. Which brings about the great work. 108 is the numerological equal of what AUM represents in letter the trinity. A is Siva and U is Shakti the M is the glyph of the union of opposites within this the Goddess giving birth to the reborn soul the divine androgynous God. The union of Siva and Shakti. 18 is still ten plus eight. So 108. The Pentagram is shown by the Pagan schools of the West within a circle and it equals to 666. The pentagram is the symbol of the orbit of Venus the Goddess or Shakit and the pentacle itself is the Siva aspect the physical form of geometry which is related to the masculine part of creation. The Yantra for Siva in the East is the Pentacle. By putting the pentacle into a pentagram it represents the union of feminine and masculine. The circle around it is the divine Yoni the womb of creation the pentagram is the act of the birth of the New soul emerging out of the divine Yoni into creation a child comes out of its mother's yoni head first in the act of birth. The 666 is relating to unification of the soul. Which is the working of the sun. Hence 666 being the added up digits of the sun square. The triangle is also the capstone with the ALL think on that ALL, Seeing Eye. So here is the trinity in finished from the reborn soul. The original number casing stones on the Great Pyramid where 144,000 which in the East represents the number of nadis in the soul. The capstone atop the Pyramid is the symbol of the transformed and purified soul which generates the Akasamamsi the Word reborn in the flesh. AUM is the Word. The three pyramids where colored White, red and black the three guna's of creation and the trinity. The symbolical God is always a symbol of the purified elements and the transformation of the individual into the subtle aspects of the elements which is Akasa or the Alchemical first matter which grants the Magnum Opus. As this element is above the density field of time. It’s the eternal element all life is of. The universe in the big sense has no creation it’s always existed. This is why Yoga is originally called Buddhi Suddha the purification and transmutation of the elements. This is done by the fire of the serpent power from the texts. Hence Siva as the destroyer of time the God always fights a spiritual war against the Titans or Asura's and by defeating them achieves the Magnum Opus. This is why Zeus destroys the Titans by this thunderbolt this is the symbol East and West and of the AUM formula. And why the triangle is the capstone as the symbol of the work as the symbol of Akasa. Siva in the East also wields the thunderbolt. In the Tantra the purified being is called the Akasavarja, this is also called the diamond-thunderbolt body. A diamond comes from a lump of coal which it is the diamond and the dross, by the fires of the serpent power the dross is purified out and the lump of matter is transformed into the immortal and incorruptible, luminous diamond, the Akasa. A diamond is forever. The thunderbolt is the symbol of Akasa and the Varja is within this as well. So calling it the Akasa-varja is obvious as to its meaning. Tantric Buddhism is guised Vedism with Siva as the main God. This is why our God Satan in His symbolic form as Sanat [anagram of Satan] states His name is AUM.
-By High Priest Mageson666
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