azuriyuu · 5 years
Me: I guess I prefer softer mommy type girls
Tough girl with dyed hair who could probably kill me: *exists*
Me: would there be a convenient time for you to spit on me
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azuriyuu · 6 years
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azuriyuu · 6 years
Part of me is real tempted to do a porn blog here on tumblr, but because of things like FEELIN UNATTRACTIVE, my two kinds of content that I’m good at (writing and audio) aren’t all that particularly popular ‘round here.  Hm.
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azuriyuu · 10 years
It's better than okay, it's good.
I mean she.   She... she's good.
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it’s okay
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azuriyuu · 11 years
Do you want button mashing?  This is how you get button mashing.
if boys hands worked the clit like they work video game controllers maybe the world would be a better place
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azuriyuu · 11 years
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"Don't just sit there and waste your precious time.  When you want to do something, do it right away.  Do it when you can.  It's the only way to live a life without regrets."
I read that, and say 'well, okay'.  So I did art.  I can't draw.  But I can write.  So this is my art.
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azuriyuu · 11 years
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Aa~ At least there's a little kitten who makes me go like this.
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azuriyuu · 11 years
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Yes work, please, do that.  Start training the new gentleman on the exact same day we're making sweeping changes.  I was hoping for my life to have even more shenanigans.
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azuriyuu · 11 years
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Not entirely sure I like Tamatarou's current design, but what the hell, if I decide I hate it I can change it.
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azuriyuu · 11 years
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Spent a bunch of time working with Erangot's RPG Maker VX Character Machine and came up with the facesets for two of the heroes of Escape of the Reluctant Ninja.
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azuriyuu · 11 years
Well, we be a tumblin'
And because we be a tumblin', we be usin' this to keep us on the straight and narrow to creative works.  Keep an eye on this to see me talking about the stuff I'm working on.
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