astrophobics · 3 months
a love that shone so brightly
introduce my name to your lexicon and never let me go;
leave your imprint on me like angels in the snow.
we were children once, babies, you know?
but now we are strangers and I can't let you go.
i miss your constant presence, the curls of your hair...
the way your laughter seemed to float in the air.
please come back to me, my sweet dove.
let me fill your senses with my love.
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astrophobics · 4 months
My favourite poetry is:
human existence,
the singing of a bird in the morning,
fresh dewdrops and petrichor.
a squirrel hiding its nuts in the ground,
a chipmunk stuffing its cheeks
with whatever food it has found.
A fox rummages through trash;
whilst a wolf slinks through the forest;
and a coyote howls through the night.
A mama bear protects her cubs,
whilst a human mother yells at her kids that
"you need to learn to pick up after yourselves!"
A dad goes fishing with his child,
and a deer drinks from a creek with its fawn.
human and animal nature,
one and the same.
snails and worms peeking out
in the face of the rain.
my favourite poetry is the wind, the waves,
the sun and moon too.
my favourite poetry lives in me
and it lives within you.
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astrophobics · 4 months
Night turns to day,
And day to night again.
A baby chick grows into
A glorious mother hen.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to Dust.
Metal corroded,
Divinity in rust.
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astrophobics · 4 months
the place where she rests
deep in the recess of my mind
a pocket wherein she lays
content, perhaps?
I truly hope that she
Is not distressed,
like me,
but happy; and at peace;
beneath the tree.
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astrophobics · 4 months
control centre
where i struggle to (re?) gain control of this unfamiliar body that ive been forced into.
where i sit co pilot, useless, unable to make ANY decisions for myself.
watching the world pass by me; through eyes not my own.
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astrophobics · 4 months
one of these days;
im gonna come into some money and im gonna start living life for myself for once.
im gonna travel to canada and go back to jamaica for a holiday, i'll go to new zealand and I'll visit my friends in america.
I'm gonna dress how i want; and live in a beautiful house; and im gonna own a van that i can't even fucking drive, just for the sake of it.
and im gonna go foraging and im gonna go mudlarking and then goddamn you i will leave this godforsaken place!
I'll go outside by myself and i won't rely on anyone anymore; I'll just be me in a sea of yous.
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astrophobics · 5 months
self portrait
a gaze into a mirror, sincere yet calculating.
there's hope in those eyes, a yearning for recognition.
deep down, she already knows she will find none.
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astrophobics · 5 months
ode to a supernova.
floating in the dead of space, burning and sinking inwards, a star is dying.
isn't it twisted? to miss the solace of the ice?
this burning, this heat.. it's unbearable.
"oh" sighs the star.
"how i wish i hadn't complained about the cold".
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astrophobics · 5 years
power on your phones, flick the switch and turn the knob
thumbs in position, hand on remote
onto a new episode of whatever show you want.
Netflix, Freeview, Sky and Wi-Fi
these things on which our generation rely.
Not books, not letters
but texts and fanfics.
we simper and smile and pose for pics.
snapchat, instagram, tumblr and reddit.
all these videos and pictures we endlessly edit.
memes, and themes, and twitch streams.
we ignore nature’s dying screams.
youtube videos, online shopping and spotify streaming.
Streaks, stories, statuses, texts, calls, facetime.
we like enough environ/mental awareness posts, so we’re good people, right?
we make fun, get made fun of, cry when its appropriate.
fakeness becomes a second nature, people never take to pen or paper.
emails, notifications, abbreviations, and quotations
the internet spread across the nations.
good or bad, right or wrong helpful or not, blessing or curse?
its up to us to decide, the people of earth.
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astrophobics · 6 years
3:20 and the school stands still, breath held and eyes shining brightly
Students have been collected for their detentions, 45 minutes for being late, 15 for having bad uniform.
a bell rings and all hell breaks loose.
running, yelling, shoving on the stairs, we just want to go home
my friend awaits me at the gate and as soon as i step out i get on my phone
spotify plays a shuffled list and on the days goes
the atmosphere light and cheery, we can relax finally
the end of the school-day.
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astrophobics · 6 years
god i hate highschool
every teenager ever
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astrophobics · 6 years
to school
im off to hell
to learn the things
that make society turn
to work, to sit uncomfortably
in a uniform i yearn
to be rid off
but still i  have two years to go
until ive left the high
gates of hell to go but higher
the students joke, and laugh, and cry
and the teachers conspire
on how to keep us orderly
in this horrible hellfire
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astrophobics · 6 years
small, round and smooth
i am picked from the package that holds me.
turned over, inspected 
a nod of satisfaction, 
i am walked across a room
toward the big black pan where i shall meet my doom.
already i see the fallen.
butter, flour, milk
and before i can do anything,
my transparent blood is spilt
out comes my brain, my eyes, my conciousness, all
and into the pan
i begin to fall
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astrophobics · 6 years
you stand there, a smile upon your face.
i smile back and reach out to hug you.
but before i can grasp you into my embrace
you’re gone, and so is the smile on your face.
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astrophobics · 6 years
The Flower's First Breath.
A flower shakes its head, dropping seeds onto the supple earth below.
An early bird swoops down, picking up the unsuspecting seed.
It drops the seed, some thousands of miles away.
The seed is stepped on by a toddler, frolicking in his garden.
The toddler is taken to the park by its weary mother, who just wants a break from the havoc that is her dying marriage.
Once there, the toddler runs into some mud.
The seed falls into the pool of dirt and water and is accepted with open arms by it.
Time passes. The seed has aged. The mud has become dirt once again and the sun is baking it's dry surface.
More time. It is raining and the dirt is again mud, the seed is long forgotten, replaced by a small shoot of green.
The days go past and the small shoot becomes a stem.
Before long, that stem is decorated with petals, and the seed is a flower.
The flower shakes it's head, dropping seeds onto the supple earth below.
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