Yet another reason to hate Donald Trump
the dudes a fucking gemini
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The signs in high school
Aries: the jock that’s chilling with no makeup on bc they comfortable like that ya dig
Taurus: the person that saves your fucking life before class bc they let you copy their homework clap clap for the homie g
Gemini: the girl who is known for partying all the time ;) ;) not throwing shade or anything lmaoo
Cancer: the emo kid who has GREAT taste in music
Leo: QUEEN (or king) FUCKING B FAM
Virgo: the stoner who aces all their goddamn tests and lends you their notes all the time, u the real mvp 
Libra: the sweetheart who’s friends with everyone and always shows up five minutes late to class with some variation of take-out coffee in their hand
Scorpio: the kid in the back of the class who you thought was a vampire, but nah turns out they just enjoy drinking blood
Sagittarius: that one kid who’s always smoking cigs in the school parking lot or drinking and dgaf
Capricorn: top of the class and secretly wants to kill everyone bc they’re fucking idiots
Aquarius: the hipster that doesn’t even know they’re hipster, they jus doing their own thing
Pisces: the one the teacher always calls on in class to see if they’re paying attention. surprise, they weren’t
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hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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the “oh shit it’s 4am squad”
Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
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Signs when insulted
Destroys you:Aries, Gemini, Scorpio
Cries:Cancer, Pisces
Laughs:Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Doesn't give a shit:Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo
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Beautiful things that the signs do
Aries: Looks into your eyes and soul Taurus: Makes you laugh when you don’t even want to smile Gemini: Makes you feel so beautiful Cancer: Loves you even more at your absolute worst Leo: Sticks with you through thick and thin Virgo: Worries and cares about more than you know Libra: Will buy you coffee and long drives Scorpio: they love to get to know the real you Sagittarius: they never leave you no matter what Capricorn: Takes care of everyone Aquarius: Has special relationship with everyone around them Pisces: Will go to dinner with you and talk about whatever you want and Listens
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do i have a crush on you or am i just lonely
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if this isn’t inspirational idk what is 
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the signs advice when you're having boy troubles
*before you've even said anything* "lmao dump him": Capricorn, ARIES, Gemini
"you gave a boy??? power to hurt you??? a b o y?": Leo, Libra, SCORPIO
"ummm same?? i was just about to come to you???": Cancer, Virgo, PISCES
*gives you super deep advice then ends it with "...but idk" so they're not responsible for the outcome*: AQUARIUS, Sagittarius, Taurus
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imagine what its like to work at buzzfeed
your boss asks you to grow out your pubes for a month. you ask dave from accounting if he wants to go out for a drink but hes on a ketchup cleanse this week. you need to find sheila to get her figures for this quarter but shes away Trying Transcendental Puppy Kale Yoga For The First Time. you get roped in to do a taste test for slow cooked yoghurt and now you’re stressed because you can’t find the perfect gif for your ‘What Does Your Favourite Game of Thrones Buttplug Say About You?’ listicle
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concept: time doesn’t exist. you and i are sitting on a bed sharing a smoothie. you think you’re falling in love with me. you’re getting butterflies in your stomach. little do you know that i actually poisoned the smoothie and you start to choke. im running as fast i can with the Russian military yelling in my earpiece but i don’t speak Russian. i realize then that i had also poisoned myself. we are both yelling.
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The signs as types of love
Aries: Fierce and passionate love
Taurus: Soft, sweet love
Gemini: Childlike, exuberant love while at the same time provides you with a reason to live
Cancer: The type of love where you deeply desire to care for the other person
Leo: Love where you strongly admire your partner
Virgo: Love that helps you self improve, and vice versa
Libra: Love that involves a lot of doting and adoration
Scorpio: Love that began as deep intrigue 
Sagittarius: Love that inspires you about life and the world around you
Capricorn: Love that makes you feel important
Aquarius: Love that opens up your mind and personality
Pisces: Love that started out as a mutual fawning, day dreaming love
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the signs as tastes
sweet: cancer, libra, pisces
sour: gemini, sagittarius, aquarius
salty: aries, virgo
bitter: leo, scorpio
savory: taurus, capricorn
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The signs roles in squads
Mother hens: Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Virgo
Rebellious teens: Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Drunk grandmas: Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Pisces
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The signs don't like
Arians don’t like being ignored 
Taureans don’t like being misunderstood
Geminis don’t like being belittled
Cancers don’t like being criticized
Leos don’t like being a second choice
Virgos don’t like being underappreciated
Libras don’t like being ridiculed
Scorpios don’t like being forgotten
Sagittarians don’t like being lied to
Capricorns don’t like being pushed around by people
Aquarians hate being one-upped
Pisces don’t like being underestimated
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The "Awkwardness is the epitome of their very being" Squad
Pisces, AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, Sagittarius
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