ask-the-toothfairies · 11 years
Hey Staff?
What was the first post on Tumblr, Ever?
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
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{{Hey guys, I’m making these to sell, to try and get money for groceries and school supplies and what not. Plus I’m REALLY proud of how these turned out.  They’re $30 each. Check them out here. }}
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Why are you such a bitch to draw?!
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   I can’t make you broody/elegant/sexy enough. You keep coming out too SWEET! I’m drawing PITCH not General Pitchiner!  AUGH
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
The Sofa Started following you
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{{Uploading these last followers messages and then this tumblr's going dark. Please follow my new tumblr here: toothianaandbabytooth.tumblr.com }}
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
{{Ok, I've given Tooth and Baby Tooth their own personal blog so that they can actually follow people and send asks and what not. So if you randomly got a new tooth, its probably me. ^.^*   SOOOOO if y'all would be so kind as to go follow the new blog and I'll continue with this madness?  I'll leave this one up just for the awesome messages I have and what not...}} 
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Need Your Opinion guys
{{Ok, officially this is a secondary blog, which doesn't allow Tooth exactly to follow anyone or send asks. Just me.  If I were to go ahead and give her a main blog so she could do that, Would you guys follow it?  I'd reblog everything from here to catch up before killing this one, and MotheroverNature would still be my 50th follower despite what the numbers would say.  So um... What do y'all think? Should I bother with it, or are y'all cool with it the way it is?
Also....What would I name the new blog's url?!}}
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Mun's 20, will be 21 in march!
Reblog if you are 18+ in the RotG fandom
  Am I alone in this boat?
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
JACK! Hold on hon! We're coming!!  Come on M-...Mun?! {{I'm fine, I'm fine go!}} But your nose is blee-Wait you're not-?! {JUST FLIPPING GO HELP HIM!!} 
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“We had so much fun today, didn’t we Jack?”
“But the fun just began.”
((Listened to this while drawing it. I think this is the fastest drawing I’ve done.))
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
{{Aha, You're welcome Love}}
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((There were detail photo sets of all the Guardians going around at one point. Does anyone know where I can find the one for Tooth? They were like, 6 or 8 photos of various details of the characters’ designs, and I find myself in need of Toothiana’s, but I have no idea...
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Tooth: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32810121296/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation
North: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32808422754/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation
Sandy: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32811016287/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation Bunny: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32809350237/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation Jack: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32811936821/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation
Pitch: http://peppermimint.tumblr.com/post/32813054787/rise-of-the-guardians-animation-appreciation
{{and tumblr needs to come up with a way for us to organize our likes because I just dug through 978 likes to find that for you @.@  I'm gonna go fix some mac and cheese now....}}
Detail Shots of Guardians
((There were detail photo sets of all the Guardians going around at one point. Does anyone know where I can find the one for Tooth? They were like, 6 or 8 photos of various details of the characters’ designs, and I find myself in need of Toothiana’s, but I have no idea how to track it down? Does anyone have it in his or her archive somewhere?))
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
CuriousBeliever started Following you
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{{My reaction when I saw a Sophie following me XD}}
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
"PIIIITCH!" Tooth roared as she flew in to try and help Jack. She glared at the nightmare king with her blades shining in the moonlight. "You have exactly 3 seconds to let Jack go, and go hide back in your hole or so help me Manny, I will shove my blades so far up your-" "PI!" She was cut off by Baby Tooth who pounded a fist into her hand, showing they were ready to fight.
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The-Guardian-Of-Fun is under new management
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((OH BOY! I was going to turn this one down but uh… tempting and challenging. For the Next 59 hours (2.5 days) Pitch will be taking over Jack’s blog and answer your asks! EDIT: Bigger & not-pixelated view))
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
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*Whispers* Shut Up!!!!!
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Tooth continued to squeeze him for a moment before his request registered. "OH! Sorry!" she apologized as she let go, straightening his clothes from her damage.  She then looked to Jericho and let out an excited gasp. "OHMYGOODNESSYOU'REAPOOKA!" she cried as quickly circled around him before flying up to my face. "I thought Bunnymund was the last one! Does he know?!" She asked, clearing disregarding personal space, but not enough to flat out hug the giant rabbit before she knew him.
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Tooth was in one of her moods. One that her fellow guardians knew very well to hide from if they weren’t strong enough to handle her.  But General Kozimotis wasn’t a guardian and had no knowledge of this as the fairy queen barreled into his abode. The General only had a second’s notice as she screamed… “HI KOZY!!!” 
She barreled into him from behind, wrapping her arms tight around his neck and nuzzling her cheek against his head.  Tooth was in one of her huggy moods….
{{Sorry, I’ve been working on this since the ball. She was so formal with GeneralPitchiner for some reason. So I decided to show her in her normal cheery mood.}}
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
I'm so excited! I don't even-
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Right! So lets see who the 50th follower is shall we?!
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O-Oh.....H-Hi Mother Nature.... I'm ... I'm not in trouble am I?
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
Well then, take it slow. Start with a few flirts and gauge their reaction. Ah.... I don't have any more advice for ya.... 
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// I know it seems stupid to leave my fate into the notes but I am currently just a scared little kid too nervice to tell her how I feel. Mostly because I’m transgernder and I haven’t told her yet, I’m not sure if shee would accept me with that let alone give me a chance to...
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ask-the-toothfairies · 12 years
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You seriously gonna handle waiting that long to get 800 notes? Go tell the girl you fool! Mun made her mistake about not speaking up sooner about her first girl crush.
{{HEY!}} Well ya did, and now your paying for it by getting shoved on a blind date
{....shut up Tooth.} 
Alright if this gets 800 notes I will come out to my friend and tell her that I like her
// I know it seems stupid to leave my fate into the notes but I am currently just a scared little kid too nervice to tell her how I feel. Mostly because I’m transgernder and I haven’t told her yet, I’m not sure if shee would accept me with that let alone give me a chance to date her. So I just need a bit of support to help me not chicken out of this.
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