ask-magickyun · 6 years
magic kyun renaissance is a truly underrated anime and deserves more attention!
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ask-magickyun · 6 years
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☆ 𝐊𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 ☆
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ask-magickyun · 6 years
every hour of every day of the year is magic-kyun! renaissance appreciation hours
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ask-magickyun · 6 years
★ Art Session!!!!!!!
A Magic-kyun! Renaissance fanfic / 859 words
“Ichijoji-kun will be here soon, I’m sure...”
There was a tremor of nervousness in Kohana’s voice as she spoke up for the third time in an as many minutes.  It was unheard of for Ichijoji Teika to be late to anything, let alone the festival committee meetings.  That was borderline impossible!  While Aoi wasn’t present either, he hadn’t ever been on time, and thus his presence was to be expected shortly.  The others, naturally, had arrived on time.
“Why don’t you start the meeting, my little flower?” Louis suggested from his own seat at the table.  “You’re the vice chairwoman, after all.”
“M-me?!” Kohana stuttered.  “I-I don’t even have an agenda for today!”  Normally Teika, at the end of each meeting, passed off to her an agenda for the next meeting for her to review.  They were in impeccable detail, and while running a meeting would have caused her a great amount of anxiety and stress, it would have been possible to run a meeting without Teika’s input, should she have been given one.  At the last meeting, however, he dismissed her along with the others.
Louis waved his hand nonchalantly.  “Georgie will be here eventually. so he’ll take over when he does.  Go on, give it a try.”
“You should have more faith in yourself, Aigasaki!” Rintaro encouraged.  “You’ve seen Ichijoji start meetings dozens of times.  Just do what he does!”
“It’s Georgie-senpai’s fault for being late, so it’s not like he could get mad at you for starting without him.”  Monet, who had previously had his head laid across the table, was sitting at attention now.
“Senpai wouldn’t want us to waste time, would he?” Kanato added.  “You got this, Aigasaki-senpai!”  His brilliant grin was encouraging, and Kohana found herself smilng as well.
She nodded.  “I’m sure I can do it!”  She stood, and although her knees quivered at first, she found herself gaining confidence as she stood in the front of the room.
“I-I’d like to call the Hoshimori Summer Festival Committee to order!”
Just then, the door opened, and Teika entered, a stack of papers in hand.  Aoi trailed behind him, his gray eyes tired and dazed.
"Just what are you doing, exactly?”
Kohana shivered at Teika’s accusatory tone.  “U-uh...”
“You were late, Georgie, so naturally we needed to start the meeting without.  My little flower is the vice chairwoman, so we deemed her the most suitable to begin for us,” Louis replied breezily.
Teika was silent for a moment.  “Aigasaki, distribute these.  The names are labeled on the front page.”  He handed Kohana several stapled packets, which she nearly wrinkled in her haste to distribute them.  Luckily, it seemed Teika wasn’t mad at any of them, but she sensed any further delay would irritate him, and that set her on edge.
As she sat down, Aoi gave her a reassuring smile, and that eased her a bit.
“Today we’ll be discussing our approach to the Art Session.  Within these packets is a song I have prepared for the Art Session.  Please flip to the third page.”  There was a ruffling of papers.
On a stage that’s sure to glitter more than a dream We’re sure to play Dreaming starlight, dreaming night Shiny ray!
The song lyrics continued onto the next page.  Several portions of the song were highlighted in Kohana’s packet.  She looked around to see that the others also had pieces highlighted, each in different colors.
“Why are these parts highlighted?” Monet asked.  Rin poked at the pages with his nose, letting out a soft ‘chu’ sound.
Teika took in a deep breath.  “Those are your parts.  I would like you to sing with me.”
The room went silent.
“No way, we can’t do that!”
“Singing is your magical art, not ours!”
“Calm down!”  Teika’s firm voice cut above the clamor.  After silence settled in once again, he continued.  “While unpolished, all of your voices are good.  You have potential.  You won’t reach my level by any means, but singing will keep us synchronized.  As long as you free yourself of intent to channel the Light of Arte through your voice, this will work.”
There was an uneasy mumbling among the group, filled with words of doubt and anxiety.  Kohana felt a knot of tension in her stomach.  Rintaro looked down at his lap, some form of guilt in his eyes.  Kanato’s eyes jumped around the room.  Monet looked skeptical, and even Louis seemed a bit uneasy.  Aoi’s expression was completely unreadable.
Again, Teika’s steady tone rose above their worries.  “I will train you personally.  There are notes in the rest of your packets for inidividual study as well.  Have faith in me as your chairman, and in yourselves.  As long as we all put forth hard work, we will make the Art Session a complete success.”
Teika’s words filled Kohana with a firm resolve.  He always seemed to be doing that for her, and for the rest of the group too.  “Right!  We have to try!” she added.  “I’m sure we can do it!”
There was a monetary silence, and then a chorus of cheerful agreements rang out across the room.
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ask-magickyun · 6 years
A more refined post, from a more refined perspective.
Let’s talk about Magic-kyun! again.
As well-versed as I am in my head, I’ve never been particularly good at getting my thoughts down when I’m in these inspired moods, but I’ll do my best.
After the Magic-kyun! Renaissance anime had finished up back in December of 2016, I wrote a really frenzied and passionate post about it, and I think even then I did a pretty good job of getting it down.  But it’s been about a year and a half since then, and I want to come back with a new perspective.  This time, I won’t compare what it does to any other specific thing.  I just want to talk about what it does well, why it’s held such a place in my heart, and why it’ll continue to hold that place in my heart for a good while longer.
As with anything, Magic-kyun! isn’t for everyone, and I won’t pretend that it is.  But I do believe it’s worth a shot if you haven’t tried it, and I feel like that for a few reasons, but primarily because of what is clearly shown to be valued in the narrative.
Magic-kyun! Renaissance has an incredibly interesting world setup: the act of creativity and ingenuity, usually showcased through the performance and creation of art, creates a magical, beautiful light.  In my experience, I found the portrayal of this setting to be very realistic to how art and art schools work in reality, and coming from an art background myself, it was really cool to see such clear value placed on that.
But really, that’s a pretty smal part of why I truly enjoy it.
I can’t say what expectations i had going into Magic-kyun! for the first time, because it’s been so horribly long since then, but even now I find myself impressed, constantly, with details I haven’t noticed before, and I’ve seen it easily three or four times over.  There’s genuine depth to it, and in a genre that’s primarily meant to showcase characters in order to get people to buy the otome game, I think that says a lot.
Magic-kyun! Renaissance places value in its world and its story, but above all, it places value in its characters and the bonds they have with each other.
The characters, intially forced together not of their own will, come to treasure each other deeply, and not really in a romantic fashion!  In a genre where romance is what’s prioritized by default, Magic-kyun! breaks away from that and places value in the bonds of the group of characters as a whole.  The characters forge genuine respect and love for one another, and we as the viewers see time and time again just how much they value each other.  And these relationships aren’t just between the heroine and her male friends; they’re between the boys, too, who support not only each other but the others’ friendships with the heroine.  The one episode where competition between the boys is truly showcased is written in a comedic way, where nothing is bloodthirsty or dirty or hurtful.  They have respect for each other.
I find it especially wonderful how much value is placed on the heroine, Kohana, herself.  Not once do I see her sexualized or pushed around, and her opinion and presence are valued and cherished.  Her struggles and hopes are very real.  She is so clearly, beautifully important.
Her roommate, Juri, the other primary female character, also has clear value placed on her in the narrative.  Her character is distinct, lively, and funny, and she and Kohana are repeatedly given scenes together where their friendship is showcased.  When Kohana is suffering, Juri even says that she loves Kohana, and she is one of two characters to say that directly.  I cannot even describe just how much emotion that fills me with, even now.
“How much emotion that fills me with, even now,” is an excellent way of describing the entire anime.  As short as it is, as niche as it is, whenever I watch it, I am truly happy.  My cheeks will hurt from smiling and laughing.  It means so much to me that this world exists, built on a foundation of respect and friendships and mutual support and hope and happy endings.  It’s been there for me when I’ve needed it; it has never left me.
Magic-kyun! Renaissance isn’t for everyone, that much I’m aware of.  But the fact that it exists in this world has made me so much happier, so much brighter, and so much more hopeful.  It is a shining, sparkling reminder in a world where things aren’t going well that with effort and value and love, we can accomplish our goals and change for the better.
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
To (partially) make up for not being active quite yet, I’ve decided that I’ll be doing a series of Magic-kyun! Renaissance art streams with a piece for Aoi Suminomiya’s birthday! ☆
While this series of art streams will most likely be irregular in schedule and completed after December 17, I fully intend to complete a full work on stream!  For those of you who can’t make it, I’ll be doing my very best to upload a speedpaint of the streams’ process!
Before the streams take place, I’ll be completing some quick sketches of concepts for the finished piece, which I’ll upload here so anyone interested can vote on which design they’d like to be seen finished the most!
When I’m ready to stream, I’ll be sure to post a link on the blog so the stream can be found.  Since I’ll be using Picarto, you’re welcome to subscribe to my Picarto channel - which can be found in the about section of the blog - to get updates from there as well!
I look forward to sharing this process with you! ☆
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
To (partially) make up for not being active quite yet, I’ve decided that I’ll be doing a series of Magic-kyun! Renaissance art streams with a piece for Aoi Suminomiya’s birthday! ☆
While this series of art streams will most likely be irregular in schedule and completed after December 17, I fully intend to complete a full work on stream!  For those of you who can’t make it, I’ll be doing my very best to upload a speedpaint of the streams’ process!
Before the streams take place, I’ll be completing some quick sketches of concepts for the finished piece, which I’ll upload here so anyone interested can vote on which design they’d like to be seen finished the most!
When I’m ready to stream, I’ll be sure to post a link on the blog so the stream can be found.  Since I’ll be using Picarto, you’re welcome to subscribe to my Picarto channel - which can be found in the about section of the blog - to get updates from there as well!
I look forward to sharing this process with you! ☆
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
To (partially) make up for not being active quite yet, I’ve decided that I’ll be doing a series of Magic-kyun! Renaissance art streams with a piece for Aoi Suminomiya’s birthday! ☆
While this series of art streams will most likely be irregular in schedule and completed after December 17, I fully intend to complete a full work on stream!  For those of you who can’t make it, I’ll be doing my very best to upload a speedpaint of the streams’ process!
Before the streams take place, I’ll be completing some quick sketches of concepts for the finished piece, which I’ll upload here so anyone interested can vote on which design they’d like to be seen finished the most!
When I’m ready to stream, I’ll be sure to post a link on the blog so the stream can be found.  Since I’ll be using Picarto, you’re welcome to subscribe to my Picarto channel - which can be found in the about section of the blog - to get updates from there as well!
I look forward to sharing this process with you! ☆
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
To (partially) make up for not being active quite yet, I’ve decided that I’ll be doing a series of Magic-kyun! Renaissance art streams with a piece for Aoi Suminomiya’s birthday! ☆
While this series of art streams will most likely be irregular in schedule and completed after December 17, I fully intend to complete a full work on stream!  For those of you who can’t make it, I’ll be doing my very best to upload a speedpaint of the streams’ process!
Before the streams take place, I’ll be completing some quick sketches of concepts for the finished piece, which I’ll upload here so anyone interested can vote on which design they’d like to be seen finished the most!
When I’m ready to stream, I’ll be sure to post a link on the blog so the stream can be found.  Since I’ll be using Picarto, you’re welcome to subscribe to my Picarto channel - which can be found in the about section of the blog - to get updates from there as well!
I look forward to sharing this process with you! ☆
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
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You have ink on your face!
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Ack, I know it’s been almost two weeks since I posted the introduction!  Really sorry about the lack of well, anything.  I went to an out-of-state con last weekend and I work weekdays, so it’s been a little difficult to find enough time to finish things ;;  I’ve been working hard, though, promise!
I’ll definitely try to get some content out this weekend! ☆
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Welcome to ask-magickyun !
First of all, to all the followers here who followed this blog under the URL kohana-aigasaki, thanks for sticking around even though I never posted much!  As you can see, the URL has changed, and so has the focus of the blog!
What’s this blog about?
Well, as the URL implies, this is an ask blog~  You can ask any member of the Magic-kyun! cast questions.  I’ll also be taking art and fic requests for Magic-kyun! Renaissance here (this includes Magic-kyun! OCs as well, if you’re into that), so feel free to send some in here!  For now anonymous asks are enabled, but this might change in the future.  If it does, I’ll get a system worked out so you can remain anonymous on the blog and still request things!
Submissions are also open currently, if you’d like to share anything related to Magic-kyun! with other fans.  You can do that here!
I’ll also probably dump a lot of my own Magic-kyun! art here; it’s most of what I draw lately, ahaha…  It’ll probably be mostly sketches and doodles, but if we’re lucky I’ll throw some finished pieces, comics, and animatics in at some point.
For more stuff about the blog, and for info on me, click here!  For general rules and such, click here!  And for the tagging system, click here!
I’d love to start as soon as possible, so feel free to send in an ask whenever you’d like!
If you know anyone who might be interested in the blog, or you just wanna get the word out, reblogs are greatly appreciated!  Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested when you reblog as well!
Thank you so much for your time!  I look forward to seeing some attention around here!
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Welcome to ask-magickyun !
First of all, to all the followers here who followed this blog under the URL kohana-aigasaki, thanks for sticking around even though I never posted much!  As you can see, the URL has changed, and so has the focus of the blog!
What’s this blog about?
Well, as the URL implies, this is an ask blog~  You can ask any member of the Magic-kyun! cast questions.  I’ll also be taking art and fic requests for Magic-kyun! Renaissance here (this includes Magic-kyun! OCs as well, if you’re into that), so feel free to send some in here!  For now anonymous asks are enabled, but this might change in the future.  If it does, I’ll get a system worked out so you can remain anonymous on the blog and still request things!
Submissions are also open currently, if you’d like to share anything related to Magic-kyun! with other fans.  You can do that here!
I’ll also probably dump a lot of my own Magic-kyun! art here; it’s most of what I draw lately, ahaha…  It’ll probably be mostly sketches and doodles, but if we’re lucky I’ll throw some finished pieces, comics, and animatics in at some point.
For more stuff about the blog, and for info on me, click here!  For general rules and such, click here!  And for the tagging system, click here!
I’d love to start as soon as possible, so feel free to send in an ask whenever you’d like!
If you know anyone who might be interested in the blog, or you just wanna get the word out, reblogs are greatly appreciated!  Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested when you reblog as well!
Thank you so much for your time!  I look forward to seeing some attention around here!
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Welcome to ask-magickyun !
First of all, to all the followers here who followed this blog under the URL kohana-aigasaki, thanks for sticking around even though I never posted much!  As you can see, the URL has changed, and so has the focus of the blog!
What’s this blog about?
Well, as the URL implies, this is an ask blog~  You can ask any member of the Magic-kyun! cast questions.  I’ll also be taking art and fic requests for Magic-kyun! Renaissance here (this includes Magic-kyun! OCs as well, if you’re into that), so feel free to send some in here!  For now anonymous asks are enabled, but this might change in the future.  If it does, I’ll get a system worked out so you can remain anonymous on the blog and still request things!
Submissions are also open currently, if you’d like to share anything related to Magic-kyun! with other fans.  You can do that here!
I’ll also probably dump a lot of my own Magic-kyun! art here; it’s most of what I draw lately, ahaha…  It’ll probably be mostly sketches and doodles, but if we’re lucky I’ll throw some finished pieces, comics, and animatics in at some point.
For more stuff about the blog, and for info on me, click here!  For general rules and such, click here!  And for the tagging system, click here!
I’d love to start as soon as possible, so feel free to send in an ask whenever you’d like!
If you know anyone who might be interested in the blog, or you just wanna get the word out, reblogs are greatly appreciated!  Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested when you reblog as well!
Thank you so much for your time!  I look forward to seeing some attention around here!
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Welcome to ask-magickyun !
First of all, to all the followers here who followed this blog under the URL kohana-aigasaki, thanks for sticking around even though I never posted much!  As you can see, the URL has changed, and so has the focus of the blog!
What’s this blog about?
Well, as the URL implies, this is an ask blog~  You can ask any member of the Magic-kyun! cast questions.  I’ll also be taking art and fic requests for Magic-kyun! Renaissance here (this includes Magic-kyun! OCs as well, if you’re into that), so feel free to send some in here!  For now anonymous asks are enabled, but this might change in the future.  If it does, I’ll get a system worked out so you can remain anonymous on the blog and still request things!
Submissions are also open currently, if you’d like to share anything related to Magic-kyun! with other fans.  You can do that here!
I’ll also probably dump a lot of my own Magic-kyun! art here; it’s most of what I draw lately, ahaha…  It’ll probably be mostly sketches and doodles, but if we’re lucky I’ll throw some finished pieces, comics, and animatics in at some point.
For more stuff about the blog, and for info on me, click here!  For general rules and such, click here!  And for the tagging system, click here!
I’d love to start as soon as possible, so feel free to send in an ask whenever you’d like!
If you know anyone who might be interested in the blog, or you just wanna get the word out, reblogs are greatly appreciated!  Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested when you reblog as well!
Thank you so much for your time!  I look forward to seeing some attention around here!
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ask-magickyun · 7 years
Welcome to ask-magickyun !
First of all, to all the followers here who followed this blog under the URL kohana-aigasaki, thanks for sticking around even though I never posted much!  As you can see, the URL has changed, and so has the focus of the blog!
What’s this blog about?
Well, as the URL implies, this is an ask blog~  You can ask any member of the Magic-kyun! cast questions.  I’ll also be taking art and fic requests for Magic-kyun! Renaissance here (this includes Magic-kyun! OCs as well, if you’re into that), so feel free to send some in here!  For now anonymous asks are enabled, but this might change in the future.  If it does, I’ll get a system worked out so you can remain anonymous on the blog and still request things!
Submissions are also open currently, if you’d like to share anything related to Magic-kyun! with other fans.  You can do that here!
I’ll also probably dump a lot of my own Magic-kyun! art here; it’s most of what I draw lately, ahaha...  It’ll probably be mostly sketches and doodles, but if we’re lucky I’ll throw some finished pieces, comics, and animatics in at some point.
For more stuff about the blog, and for info on me, click here!  For general rules and such, click here!  And for the tagging system, click here!
I’d love to start as soon as possible, so feel free to send in an ask whenever you’d like!
If you know anyone who might be interested in the blog, or you just wanna get the word out, reblogs are greatly appreciated!  Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested when you reblog as well!
Thank you so much for your time!  I look forward to seeing some attention around here!
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