arvi7p-blog · 4 years
What is an XML Sitemap?
An XML sitemap, as the name suggests, is the map of your website in layman terms. It is technically defined as an XML file which is the combination or list of all pages or important pages of your website. You must add all important pages which you want to show up on Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP). XML sitemap is also known as the blueprint of your website to search engine bots and spider as it will tell those bots and spiders what are all the important pages that need to be crawled and indexed. An XML sitemap is a schema that encompasses your website's title, categories, content, reviews/comments, tags and more. Optimizing sitemaps can help you spend the crawl budget efficiently so that your website might rank quickly. Sitemaps are categorized under Technical SEO. It is highly recommended to understand the concepts of Technical SEO before start optimizing. Because even minor errors could have adverse effects on ranking. So you can take up the SEO course from best seo training institute in chennai which will teach all aspects of SEO. Or you can hire an SEO company to optimize the sitemap for your website.
How to create Sitemap?
There many online free tools with which you can create a sitemap your website with just a few clicks of the buttons. No matter what's the size of your website, how old is it, what CMS you're using and anything. You can just use those tools to get the list of available links on your website. Sometimes, these tools will add links that are not important or you don't want to show up on Google. So you will have those URLs by yourself with just using the Find & Replace option on the editor.
Also, there are many plugins like Yoast SEO which will create a sitemap for your website, if you're using CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress, Shopify, Joomla etc.
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
How to write a Blog post that everyone wants to read
Writing a blog post is nothing different than driving a car. You could go on to read the driving manuals (Googling "how to write blogs" in this case) and memorize it and keep everything in your fingertips. But you will only realize the real struggle when you get behind the wheels. Eventually, this is what prepares you to drive well and be courteous on roads. The same goes for blogging as well.
Since you are here now, we understand that you want to write a blog post that should generate hundreds of thousands website visitors every month. But it ain't gonna happen overnight. Be that as it may, but that isn't impossible to do. The key factor for writing impressive blogs is SEO. So it is highly suggested for anyone to take up SEO course or Digital marketing training to master the fundamentals of SEO and blogging. Writing a blog post might sound easy and simple, isn't it? Open your text editor and start typing right away. Done right? No. Writing a blog that generates tons and tons of website traffic is not simple and it is a real deal.
Blogging can sometimes be mind wrecking. Because finding a domain to blog about, creating countless drafts, organizing your thoughts, stuck with a blank page for every day and sparing no efforts in your work and this will end up with only 50 or 100 views a year later. Sounds dreadful, isn't it? So how to write an amazing blog that everyone wants to read and share. This blog will outline how to write a blog that people actually want to read.
Blogging Tips
Decide and Come up with what you want to write
Narrow down high potential topics
Check whether your topics and keywords can rank on Google
Start with the outline and summary of what you want to write
Create a Rough Draft
Get feedback for the rough draft
Make the necessary amendments
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
SEO for Small Business
SEO for could be daunting and real life problem especially when you are starting a business on small scale. At the same time, you can't leave out SEO of the game for a small business as it is always a game changer regardless of the size of the business. Having a well optimized website for a search engine can account up to more than 50% of traffic from search results. When you take SEO as granted for your business, then you're going to miss 50% traffic which could enhance your business several ways like never before. So how to devise SEO for small business. To completely understand the fundamentals of SEO, it is suggested for anyone to take up Digital marketing course or SEO training. These courses will teach you an advanced level of SEO and Digital Marketing.
SEO is not like PPC ads where you need to pay for every click. SEO is free the only thing you have to spend is your time. SEO can save you lot of money when done right. This blog focuses on simple, low-cost and quick winning strategies to optimize your website or webpage for search engine. Some experts insinuate hiring SEO company who will take care of all aspects of SEO from scratch. SEO is good every business. Especially small business shouldn't have second thoughts in investing on SEO. When you're taking your business online, SEO is the prime step of digital marketing for your business. Check the effective SEO beginner tips for Small Business.
Create SEO friendly website
Leverage tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Create a responsive website
Structure SEO friendly URLs
Segment your target Audience
Choose the right audience and keywords
Create compelling and potential content
Optimizing Title, Meta tags and Headings
Leverage social media
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
Best Digital Marketing Strategies that actually work
Digital Marketing is a modern day marketing technique followed with the help of digital media. Digital Marketing has really become bread and butter for every business online in this burgeoning technological era. No matter the size of your business or company, digital marketing is essential and it will help you achieve your goals and grow your business in a very quick time. By devising winning strategies, it can skyrocket your business's revenue. To accomplish this, experts recommend anyone to take up digital marketing training or at least SEO course. As it will teach you the nitty-gritty of digital marketing and SEO. Or else, you can hire a digital marketing company who will have immense knowledge and will be well-versed in digital marketing strategies.
What is Digital marketing strategy?
Digital marketing is best defined as the steps and measures taken to achieve your business goal online or on the internet. Digital marketing strategy is what determines how you will achieve your business goals, for instance, steps taken to increase the traffic of your website, acquiring more customers and increase conversion rate.
This blog will outline 7 best digital marketing strategies that actually work. Check out 7 best and winning digital marketing strategy
Curate content for blogs keeping SEO in mind
Leverage Video marketing through YouTube and other video platforms
Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Devise email marketing and schedule weekly email campaigns
Build Backlinks
Search Engine Marketing
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
What is Off-page SEO?
Off-page SEO is exactly what it means. The actions taken outside or off the webpage or website. Optimizing outside your website is called Off-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and vice versa is known as On-page SEO. Off-page SEO is purely building or getting links outside your website. But Off-page SEO is not all about link building. Any actions taken outside your website to improve your Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) are all encompassed into Off-page SEO. And yes! Link building is a big part of Off-page SEO and but there are several things which are left untold. To completely understand and become Off-page SEO guru, it is highly recommended anyone to take up SEO course or digital marketing training. By doing so, you will not only understand the concepts and theories but you will master how to do Off-page SEO effectively and efficiently.
Why Off-page SEO is important?
There are many people complaining that their website is not ranked on Google and other search engines even after doing SEO for umpteen months. But they forget is that Off-page SEO. Most people today are so focused on On-page SEO and leaving out Off-page SEO without even considering it. But, Google takes every off-page factors into account when ranking a website or webpage in its SERP. And backlinks is a major factor when it comes to Off-page SEO. But there are several factors. So it becomes challenging for anyone to rank only with the content on their website or webpage. Effective Off-page SEO actions will indicate Google and other search engines on how the world perceives your webpage or website. For instance, say your website is referred by highly popular sites like Tumblr, Dribbble etc, Google consider your website as noteworthy just because it is being referred to your website. Off-page SEO is quite important for increasing business exposure or branding. Having good Off-page SEO practices will only make things good for you.
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
SEO vs PPC: Which should you useSEO or PPC: Which should you use
There are two main differences when it comes to choosing between SEO and PPC. You should know that PPC or paid ads is shown at the top of the page above the organic search results on Google and other search engines. On the other hand, you don't need to pay for Organic search results which are achieved by SEO strategies. Before getting into advantages and difference between SEO and PPC, is'nt it necessary to the fundamentals of both SEO and PPC? You can take up Search engine optimization training from best seo training company in chennai or Digital Marketing course to learn SEO fully. For PPC, you can get SEM training which is a part of digital marketing training. However, will briefly explain what is SEO and PPC.
What is SEO?
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a set of strategies and tactics followed to optimize your webpages and website to rank it on Search Engine Result Page (SERP) like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The ranking and SERP position is determined by the respective search engine algorithms.
What is PPC?
PPC is an acronym for Pay per click. Actually, PPC is a part of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which allows you to advertise at the top of SERP. PPC is one of the advertising model of SEM where you need pay when someone clicks your website's URL.
Pros of SEO
Helps in increasing website's traffic
Will help you in the long run
SEO is free
Cons of SEO
SEO takes time
Needs unique content
Pros of PPC
Will give you faster results
Allows you to target your audience
You can do lot of experimentation
Cons of PPC
Ignorance and bounce rates are high
Need money to make make
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
Things to remove from your Website for Better Ranking
SEO audit can be tricky and it could have an adverse effect on Google SERP rankings, if not done right. There could be many things that sabotage all of your SEO efforts which leads to dip or decrease in Google ranking or Website's overall traffic. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much ever effort you put for curating new pieces of content, tweaking technical part of SEO, building internal links and backlinks but in the end things mentioned in this blog will make all of your efforts futile sooner or later. The best thing to do to avoid such mistakes is that you should hire an SEO company or expert who can help you fix these errors and provide extensive SEO audits. If you don't prefer hiring a digital marketing company, then the best thing to do is to take up an SEO training course or Digital Marketing training which can help you for lifetime. Now, this blog will briefly outline the important things to remove from your site for better rankings.
1. Remove Outdated Content
It is a well-known fact that Google prefers fresh content. According to reports, there are almost 2 billion websites in the world and over 2 million blogs are being posted every single day. And it is estimated that Google has indexed over 63 billion pages indexed. So it is quite important to keep updating your content periodically or starting curating new pieces of content every day.
2. Remove pages with thin content
Back in the days, pages with 500 words were considered long-form content. But this isn't the case today. More the information of your website, higher will be rankings. According to Google, the pages with very thin content offer very little to no value to users or visitors.
3. Excessive ads or affiliate links
When you put a lot of ads or affiliate links on a landing page or your website, it will disrupt the user experience and flow as it will annoy them. Also, these ads and affiliate links will, for sure, increase respective page's loading speed and time which can affect your Google rankings. More the ads or affiliate links, the more external resource that your website needs to load. To make things worse, it can make users leave your websites eventually.
4. Minimize pop-ups
It is already mentioned on Google's official Webmaster central blog - "Page that shows intrusive interstitials provide a poorer experience to users than other pages where content is immediately accessible." This doesn't mean that you shouldn't have pop-ups on your website. It is advised to have pop-ups that don't interrupt user experience. Exit pop-ups are the most widely used pop-ups method around the globe.
5. Remove Duplicate content
Well, this won't get you penalized by Google. Google, themselves, have mentioned that they don't penalize websites with duplicate content. But also, they won't rank a page or website with a considerable amount of duplicate content over original content. So it is highly recommended to remove all kinds of duplicate content on your website. Use tools like plagiarism checker to scrutinize the pages for duplicate content and remove them.
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
Proven Ecommerce Marketing Strategies
Whether you have got a brand new start-up or running a considerably longtime online business, you almost certainly understand the importance of ecommerce marketing that promoting which is crucial to your success. In a nutshell, ecommerce marketing provides you with ways to promote the worth of your brand to your target audience. This can certainly be essential in e-commerce, where customers, today, are ready to experience a store or its products personally.
Ecommerce marketing technique and strategies might vary depending on the context of your online business. It also depends on the products or service you offer. Ecommerce Strategies are subjective to what you sell, who are potential or target customers. To find winning Ecommerce marketing strategies, master the advanced digital marketing training or SEO course. So that you can efficiently make use of all the available resource which will help to segment your customer and tailor your ecommerce strategies efficiently.
What is Ecommerce Marketing?
Ecommerce Marketing is set or group of practice or actions taken to create awareness for your products which you sell online in order to drive more traffic to your website and acquire customers for your products. These actions and practices are often known as digital marketing. But there are also other techniques which are devised offline such as printed advertisement on newspaper, pamphlets and so on. Check the proven Ecommerce Marketing Strategies
Search Engine Optimization - SEO
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Social Marketing
Search Engine Marketing - SEM
Affiliate Marketing
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
How to promote your blog
How to promote your blog? is the most searched query on Google by every blogger. Blogging has become a modern day career option and the best alternate career option for someone who is seeking a career switch. Blogging has become a career option ever since the evolution of search engines and the internet. We can see often people want to quit their current job and want to become a Pro Blogger. Many have accomplished it. How did they do it? What are the blog promotion strategies they used? Blogging may look easy when you look from outside but without proper blog promotion strategies, you can't succeed to become a pro blogger. To become a pro blogger, experts recommend learning the most advanced Digital marketing course or SEO course to understand the fundamentals of SEO and digital marketing.
Just publishing a new blog every day will not guarantee that all of your blogs will generate tons of traffic overnight. You need to devise some groundbreaking strategies to make it happen. Writing a blog is the smallest part of blogging career. Blog promotion is what matters the most. It requires steady and strenuous efforts to get tons of blog traffic every month. Check out the most sought Blog Promotion strategies.
Leverage Social Media Marketing
Run Effective Email Marketing
Promote it to your existing audience
Create attractive content worth sharing
Reach out to fellow bloggers
Submit in article submission sites
Optimize your blog for search engines
Post of Popular forums
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
What is Canonical URL?
Are you wondering what are canonical URLs and canonical tags? And how to use canonical tags precisely? Read this blog further to learn more about canonical URLs and its importance in terms of SEO
Canonical tag is not a brand-new term or concept in the SEO world. In fact, canonical is been into existence since 2009 which is considered a milestone for SEO. Search Engine biggies like Google, Bing and Yahoo came along together to create canonical tags. What's the motive of canonical tags in SEO? Canonical tags are created to help out website owners to solve duplicate content issue just with a one line code. Do canonical tags actually work? Yes, they do very efficiently. For a better understanding of canonical tags, SEO companies and experts recommend mastering SEO training or digital marketing training.
What is a Canonical Tag?
Canonical tag is just one line HTML code which is rel="canonical". Canonical tag or URL are used to indicate the main version of duplicate or similar or near-duplicate content to the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. To simply put, if you have one or more content in different URLs which resembles with one main page, then you can simply use canonical tags on the duplicate content pages to specify that this duplicate content has a main version or original content. This is often indicated with the URL of the main version or original piece of content.
How does canonical tag look?
The syntax of the canonical tag is given below which goes in the duplicate content page to refer to the main content.
<link rel="canonical" href="URL of Original Content"/>
Why canonical tags are important?
Duplicate content often degrades the page quality and SERP rankings. It could also cause number of SEO problems. First and foremost thing is that Search Engine may miss out important pages which crawling too many duplicate pages. On the other hand, if your website is flooded with tons of duplicate content, then your website will not rank on Google anytime soon. So it is quite important to use canonical tags.
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
How to Improve SEO without changing or creating new content
Do you wish to witness your webpage or website on the top positions pages of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo? Do you place confidence in implementing all potential SEO methods to enhance your website SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking and how to boost SEO? You may be then benefitted by this fast guide to get the knack of how you'll be able to implement your plans for improving SEO and your website's rankings. Improving SEO is not an easy job as it has very high competition regardless of the type of business. There will always be a requirement to create robust methodologies to accomplish it. To do so, experts insinuate anyone to master SEO training or Digital Marketing course which will help you comprehend the fundamentals of SEO and digital marketing.
To point out the common mistake or misconception, to increase your website's SEO and its ranking, it is not mandatory that your website or webpage should have ever-changing content so as to increase the rankings. But there are several alternative methods that may generate traffic without even touching or making any changes to the existing contents on your webpage or website. This blog will point out "How to Improve your website rankings and overall SEO without changing or creating new content. All these efforts or strategies might take time but it is proven to work for any business.
Improve CTR of the existing page by the catchy title
Optimize speed for all important pages
Devise AMP powered webpages
Fix Broken Links
Get rid of low quality backlinks
Build more and more internal links
Decrease the bounce rate with better User Experience (UX)
Create Infographics
Aim for Google's Featured Snippets
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
10 ways to improve your social media influence
Most of the times people or your social followers listen to you because they are interested and want to. Meaning either they're fascinated by your products or services or they want to listen to what you have got to say. In this case, you are not forcing or blasting your messages on them, unlike adverts on TV and other media, radio or a newspaper. Therefore, the real question is what are the ways to increase your social media followers and have significant engagements or interaction with them.
How to grow you Social Media Audience
If you would like to grow your social media influence, you should nurture your followers regarding your brand. One effective and efficient technique is to master Digital marketing from the best Digital Marketing Training Institute as it will cover social media marketing as well. So that it would be helpful for you to establish yourself as a skilled social media marketer to promote your business. It is quite important to keep in mind that social media influence is not a one-time factor. Growing social media and its influence is virtually like growing a plant. Like how a plant needs to be taken care constantly with the inputs like water, fertiliser etc. In the same way, your social media also needs constant care. Growing social media is a long time process. But here are the tips to how to improve your social media influence efficiently.
Always keep an eye on current trends
Promote your brand or product using contents and events
Use Hashtags
Measure your social media growth and reach
Post content at peak time or hours
Make Announcement
Collaborate with influencers
Choose the right networks
Leverage Tools to schedule regular posts
Maintain constant presence
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
9 Reasons why your website isn't shown on Google
It could be quite devastating when your website doesn't show up on Google even after you spare no efforts in terms of all aspects of SEO. But the worst thing is that you might not have any idea what's wrong with your website and what's impeding website from being shown on Google and other search engines. You may have worked around the clock optimizing your website for search engine following all suggested methods of On-page SEO, Technical SEO and Off-page SEO. But still, you might not be getting the result you expected. There is a thing or two, you might always miss and most important there could be several things preventing your website from showing up in Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page). To understand the fundamentals of SEO and how search engine works, it is highly recommended around the globe to take up SEO course or Digital marketing training. Or else for easy and quick results, you could hire an SEO company or Digital marketing company.
But one good thing when your website doesn't show up on Google, most of the things are easily fixable even if you're a beginner. Those issues are fixable to one or few degrees. Even small mistakes can cost you colossally when it comes to SEO. This blog will highlight the top 9 fixable issues when your website doesn't show up on Google even after months and months of hard working. Check out 9 reasons why your website does not appear on Google.
Your website may be too new to Google
Your website may lack high quality and convincing content
Your website may have duplicate or plagiarized content
Your website might be blocked from indexing and crawling either by robots.txt or no index tag
Your website may lack high-quality backlinks
Your website may have very shallow internal linking
Your website or domain may not have high Domain authority
Your website might not have "search intent"
Your website may be penalized by Google
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
8 steps to become an SEO expert
With almost every business opting to operate online, the demand for SEO experts and SEO companies growing every single day. Are you looking to become an SEO expert? Then you're at the right place. If you want to learn how to increase a website's traffic and Google SERP rankings for keywords that can skyrocket sales and revenues, then it is highly recommended to take up best online seo courses or Digital Marketing course to become an SEO expert. This blog will outline 8 steps on how to become an SEO expert which will clear your initial doubts and clear somethings up. Since there is no college that offers a degree for SEO, so becoming an SEO expert is solely dependent on the person who wants to pursue a career in this field.
SEO Expert: What does it mean and What do they do?
SEO Expert is someone who really has the knack of optimizing any website to search engine's algorithms in order to rank it on Search Engine Results Page (SERP). An SEO Expert's job is to continuously create new content, optimize robot.txt and sitemap, build internal link and backlinks on a daily basis.
What are the 8 steps to become an SEO expert?
Understand how Search Engine works and it's algorithm
Learn the key ranking factor
Maneuver all areas of SEO: On-page, Off-page and Technical SEO
Start your own website
Choose a niche to work on
Curate content, build links and optimize meta tags, robots.txt and sitemap
Be updated with search engine's algorithms
Be patient
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arvi7p-blog · 4 years
How to Improve SEO without changing or creating new content
Do you wish to witness your webpage or website on the top positions pages of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo? Do you place confidence in implementing all potential SEO methods to enhance your website SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking and how to boost SEO? You may be then benefitted by this fast guide to get the knack of how you'll be able to implement your plans for improving SEO and your website's rankings. Improving SEO is not an easy job as it has very high competition regardless of the type of business. There will always be a requirement to create robust methodologies to accomplish it. To do so, experts insinuate anyone to master SEO training or Digital Marketing course which will help you comprehend the fundamentals of SEO and digital marketing.
To point out the common mistake or misconception, to increase your website's SEO and its ranking, it is not mandatory that your website or webpage should have ever-changing content so as to increase the rankings. But there are several alternative methods that may generate traffic without even touching or making any changes to the existing contents on your webpage or website. This blog will point out "How to Improve your website rankings and overall SEO without changing or creating new content. All these efforts or strategies might take time but it is proven to work for any business.
Improve CTR of the existing page by the catchy title
Optimize speed for all important pages
Devise AMP powered webpages
Fix Broken Links
Get rid of low quality backlinks
Build more and more internal links
Decrease the bounce rate with better User Experience (UX)
Create Infographics
Aim for Google's Featured Snippets
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