Ars Spagyrica
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An Exploration into Alchemy
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arsspagyrica · 6 years ago
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Alchemical drawings from Sapientia veterum philosophorum, sive doctrina eorumdem de summa et universali medicina (18th c.) BnF
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arsspagyrica · 6 years ago
Salt in Alchemy before Paracelsus
Although the purview of hieratic alchemy was far wider than mere proto-chemistry, chemical and technical processes were undeniably integral to the alchemists’ savoir-faire. As such it is no surprise to find salts of various kinds figuring in the earliest strata of alchemical writings, East and West. In the Greek “proto-chemical” texts that Marcellin Berthelot brought together under the rubric of alchemy, several different salts are distinguished and listed in the registers alongside the lists of planetary metals and other chemically significant minerals. In addition to salt (halas), one finds common salt (halas koinon) and sal ammoniak (halas amoniakon). More importantly, however, is the significant prefiguration of the tria prima and tetrastoicheia (four element) relationship that is found in Olympiodorus (late fifth century CE). Olympiodorus depicts an ouroboric serpent to which some important symbolic nuances are added. In addition to the usual henadic (unitary) symbolism of this ancient motif, the text displays its serpent with four feet and three ears. The glosses to the image inform us that ‘the four feet are the tetrasōmia’ (the four elemental bodies) while the three ears are ‘volatile spirits’ (aithalai). As will be seen in the balance of this study, this relationship of unity to duality, duality to trinity, and trinity to quaternary is pivotal to the Hermetic physics that Schwaller would attempt to convey in terms of an alchemical Farbenlehre (cf. the Pythagorean tetraktys).
The four elemental bodies have been interpreted as lead, copper, tin and iron, (Pb, Cu, Sn, Fe), while the three sublimed vapours have been identified with sulphur, mercury and arsenic (S, Hg, As). Although salt is not included in this depiction, what is significant is that here one finds the exact framework in which salt would later be situated as one of the three principles (tria prima: sulphur, mercury, salt) alongside the four Empedoclean elements (tetrastoicheia: fire, air, water, earth); here salt may be seen to replace arsenic due to its more integral relationship to sulphur and mercury in the form of cinnabar (mercuric sulphide, HgS): the salt of mercury and sulphur. In regards to the metaphysical and cosmological nuances of the symbolism, it may be noted that the three ears are outside the circle while the four legs are inside, a fact that coheres with the view of the trinity as creative and therefore standing outside of creation, while the four elements, being created, are circumscribed within (cf. the distinction in Neoplatonism between hypercosmic and encosmic forces, or in Eastern Orthodox theology between uncreated and created energies). The distinct relation of salt to the body and the elements may account for the cross-like sign it takes in the Greek manuscripts.
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In Arabic alchemy, salt figures most prominently in an alchemical text that became influential in the West via its Latin translation: The Book of Alums and Salts (Arabic: al qawl fīl ‘l-milh, ‘a tradition on salt’; Latin: Liber de aluminibus et salibus). This text appears to be a practical handbook describing various substances and operations, such as alum, different kinds of salt (including the use of alkaline and ammoniac salts), the preparation of arsenic for laboratory use, the comparison of arsenic and sulphur, as well as the features of silver, tin, lead, iron, copper and glass. Contrary to the habit of many scholars of alchemy to attribute the sulphur-mercury-salt theory to Paracelsus, the triad in fact emerged as an alchemical motif before Paracelsus. As both Eberly and Haage inform us, it was Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariyya Ar-Razi (d. 925) who added the third principle of salt to the primordial alchemical principles (sulphur and mercury) inherited from Greek antiquity (implicit in the exhalation theory of metallogenesis), and already existing in Jabir’s system. This and related traditions must be recognised as clear precursors to Paracelsus’s conception of the tria prima. Comments Eberly:
Razi had an extremely well equipped laboratory and followed all of the essentials of Jabir’s systems. In one area in particular, he expanded upon Jabir’s theory. Razi added a third principle, philosophically representing Spirit [Sulphur] as Mind, and Mercury as Soul, while adding Salt as the principle of crystallization or body. […] Razi’s descriptions of alchemical processes were closely studied and put into practice by later European alchemists including Nicolas Flamel and Paracelsus.
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In the earliest strata of medieval hermetic texts, such as the Turba Philosophorum and Rosarium Philosophorum, salt is already accorded an abundance of alchemical significations. In the Turba, salt water and sea water are synonyms for the aqua permanens. In the Rosarium, Senior tell us that mercurius is made from salt: ‘First comes the ash, then comes the salt, and from that salt by diverse operations the Mercury of the Philosophers’. Arnaldus de Villanova (1235?-1313) reveals that ‘Whoever possesses the salt that can be melted, and the oil that cannot be burned, may praise God’. (The idea of salt in connection to an oil that cannot be burned will be seen to persist in de Lubicz’s alchemical texts). Salt is both the ‘root of the art’ and ‘the soap of the sages’ (sapo sapientum) and is described as ‘bitter’ (sal amarum). Perhaps the most interesting signification in the Rosarium, in light of the role salt would take as the pivot of death and revivification, is the description of salt as ‘the key that closes and opens’.
Here one begins to meet the same duality of function that gives salt its inherent ambiguity. However, its identification with the function of a key (clavis) helps considerably in conceiving salt with more clarity. The Gloria Mundi would later reveal that salt ‘becomes impure and pure of itself, it dissolves and coagulates itself, or, as the sages say, locks and unlocks itself’. Here one gains a good intimation of the function that salt would be later accorded in the traditions that emerge in Schwaller. Perhaps the most concise encapsulation, in relation to the idea of salt as the pivot of death and palingenesis, is Johan Christoph Steeb’s remark that sal sit ultimum in corruptione, sed & primum in generatione, ‘salt is the last in corruption and the first in generation’.
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arsspagyrica · 7 years ago
The Seven Hermetic Principles of the Kybalion
Hermetic principles are laws that govern the entire universe much like the magickal laws, but these are present in all things, and are less exclusive to simply just magick itself. These hermetic principles were given to us in the hermetic text of the Kybalion in which were said to be written down by the Three Initiates. The hermetic principles are a good idea for a practitioner to learn in order to understand how the universe, and magick works as a whole, so that they can use it better in order to further their practice. These are principles that cannot be broken, because they are not morals, but are much rather understandings of how the universe will work in certain ways without flaw. this will just be a very quick rundown of the seven hermetic principles of the Kybalion. These laws should always be looked into more thoroughly, because there is always more that these laws can teach you about the universe, and our existence.
The Principle of Mentalism
“THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.” - The Kybalion. This first principle tells us that the all of the universe is consciousness. We are all connected, and we are all of one mind. The only thing that really exists is the all of the mind. Everything is a mental creation of the all, and in this mind is where we exist. There’s no separation of mind, and matter, and the mind controls everything that we experience be it physical, spiritual, or mental. Everything is perceived, controled, and understood through the mind, and is the whole of the universe.
The Principle of Correspondence
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” - The Kybalion. This hermetic principle communicates to us that by looking at one lower, smaller, or internal system you can understand, and see the same patterns in the other higher, bigger, or external system, and vice versa. The principle of correspondence shows that paradigms are connected, and function usually in similar ways. Correspondences can always be drawn between different phenomenon in different planes, and situations, and will usually share aspects of each other. By understanding one you can understand the other, because of the way they connect, and stimulate each other. The function of this principle will allow you to understand the unknown, by taking a look at the known, so that you can divine parts of the universe you never thought you could reach.
The Principle of Vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” - The Kybalion. The hermetic principle of vibration is the principle that tells us everything is vibrating constantly, and is in motion. Nothing stands still, and everything is motion. These vibrations are what make up the difference between all aspects of matter, mind, and even spirit. By simply changing the vibration of certain things you can turn them in to completely different things. It is these different vibrations that give essence to this universe. Matter has a very low vibration, and spirit has a high vibration, and everything else exists in between these two extreme polarities allowing the whole of existence to exist within this spectrum of vibrations.
The Principle of Polarity
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” - The Kybalion.
The principle of polarity tells us there’s always at least two aspects, sides, and equations to a construct. There will always be two sides to everything that make up a greater whole that will have aspects of both sides. These aspects are even two sides of the same coin, but are not limited by binary values, but an overarching spectrum. These two extremes sides are actually the same thing just on different points on the overarching spectrum, making all opposites parts of each other. This shows that all concepts that are opposites are all one in the same just with different varying degrees. Such things as hot, and cold are exactly the same thing with hot, and cold being the extremes of the polarity. Truly one cannot separate when cold stops in hot begins. They are forever bound to each other, connected along a spectrum of polarity.
The Principle of Rhythm
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” - The Kybalion. Does principle tells us everything has a rhythm to it, and there is a cycle to everything in existence. There’s always a constant motion that flows to, and fro throughout the entire essence of the universe, making the universe like a swinging pendulum that will continuously swing left to right in all aspects of its being. This pendulum’s swing will swing along the spectrum of many different extremes of polarity creating a very balanced flow throughout all these aspects of the universe. This rhythm can be seen and worked with in order for you to get the most out of certain situations, and practices. By understanding that there is a rhythm you can allow yourself to flow with it, giving yourself an advantage. The rhythm is beautiful, and ever present in all things, all you have to do is find it in order to work with it, so that you can better your existence. This rhythm is seen in everything, and is a very important part of life.
The Principle of Cause and Effect
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arsspagyrica · 7 years ago
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The Green Lion Devouring the Sun 
In alchemy, the green lion eats the sun. On a chemical level this is a metaphor for when a green, liquid sulfate called “vitriol” purifies matter, leaving behind the gold within the matter. Very pure vitriol is an acid that eats through practically anything, except gold. 
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arsspagyrica · 7 years ago
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SELENE by KainMorgenmeer
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
¿Qué es la alquimia?
Alquimia -La operación del Sol- para el hermetismo, la alquimia no es simplemente el cambio del plomo físico en oro físico. Los iniciados en el hermetismo se burlaron de esos “alquimistas”  que trataban de fabricar oro como meros “sopladores”, incapaces de comprender las alegorías sutiles de los textos alquímicos Herméticos. Detrás de las etapas alegóricas de destilación y fermentación química, con el fin de acelerar los procesos de la naturaleza y para traerle la perfección a un cuerpo natural, se encuentra el Arte Alquímico de la Transmutación (Ars Transmutoria). En esta “Gran Obra” (Magnum Opus) de la alquimia hermética, la primera materia (Materia Prima), que es el cuerpo físico (simbolizado por el plomo, esto es Saturno, Cronos, gobernado por el tiempo) se transmuta en cada vez más altas formas de energía enrarecida, creando un “cuerpo de luz” (simbolizado por el oro, o sea el Sol, un cuerpo solar), con el objetivo final de lograr la inmortalidad consciente (la Conciencia Divina) en una sola encarnación.
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Esto se logra por medio de un poderoso elixir de vida llamado La Piedra Filosofal, que, cuando se ingiere, transmuta el cuerpo físico y purifica su vibración. La composición de la piedra filosofal sigue siendo uno de los secretos más celosamente guardados de la tradición Hermética. Sin embargo, los textos Alquímicos claramente indican que la Piedra Filosofal se crea mediante la purificación del Mercurio en Mercurio Filosofal. Este Mercurio, cuya verdadera naturaleza permanece oculta a los no iniciados por medio de alegorías, es transmutado y purificado “cocinándolo” con los fuegos sutiles del cuerpo físico, incluyendo el amor y la sexualidad.
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Las técnicas verdaderas del Arte Real (Ars Real) de la Alquimia, siguen siendo la parte más poderosa y secreta de la Tradición Hermética y son cuidadosamente custodiadas en los más altos grados de la Orden Hermética de la Aurora Dorada. La Alquimia es vista como la “clave” para la Teúrgia, cuyo objetivo final es alcanzar la unión con las altas contrapartes, lo que lleva a la Conciencia Divina.
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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The Hand of the Mysteries. The alchemical symbol of apotheosis, the transformation of man into god, is traditionally represented by an image of a hand with other symbols, including skulls, crowns, stars, fish, keys, lanterns, astrological symbols and the all-seeing eye. The Hand of the Mysteries goes by many other names, including the Hand of the Master Mason, Hand of the Philosopher, and the Emblematic Hand of Mysteries. It is said that the hand holds the keys to divinity, and is used as an invitation to discover the ‘great secrets.’
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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Tinctures, yes! A sedative/anxiolytic from bulk dried herbs (Skullcap, Valerian, Passionflower, Damiana, Licorice Root). And a Wormwood one from freshly cut and chopped plants out of one of my flower beds lol.
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
A video for your interest
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
Melissa Spagyric
Continuing my experiment with Melissa officinalis or Lemon Balm. 
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I begin with separating the liquid which contains the Sulfur and Mercury principles of the plant from the Salt, or Body. I used a coffee filter for this and a funnel. Cheese cloth and muslin would also work. 
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The left over body was then calcinated. Calicination is one of the seven operations of alchemy, and comes to us from the word “Calx”, which is an old term for lime (calcium oxide), a white powder. The process of calcination is apply fire to our dead plant matter. This is done until the ash is quite white, or even sometimes red or yellow, depending on the plant material. 
For this initial experiment, I tried to get the Salt as white as possible, but I ended up with a very light grey, which is also acceptable. I do not have a proper crucible for burning the material, and when I do the Basil next week, I will have a proper vessel then. There is also a second method of calcination that I will explore next week that introduces the use of water and the process of deliquescence. We will look into that next week. 
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The Salt is further calcined. Ideally, this would be done in a suitable vessel in an open flame, but I only had some heat resistant aluminum and an cast iron skillet. Next week, I will be using a broil-safe ceramic dish to bring the salt towards whiteness, and a more alkaline state. 
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Finally, the Salt is pounded once more in the mortar and pestle, and then reintroduced back into the Tincture. I noticed that the Salt vanished almost completely when added back into the mixture. This is a very good sign concerning the purity of my calcination. 
This is left to circulate for a week, and then filtered again for any impurities. The finished spagyric is then ready to be used. 
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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San Luis Beltrán (detail), Francisco de Zurbarán {1663}
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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On Tuesday I pulverized Basil, King of Mars. I added Spirit of Grain to extract the plant’s Mercury and Sulfur. In two weeks, I will calcinate the Salt, and add the purified Salt back to the tincture to create a Spagyric of Basil.
Basil, or Ocimum basilicum, is a Martial herb strong in relieving nervous headaches, small cuts and stings, and bringing courage to the imbiber. As a Martial herb, the spagyric can be taken on a Tuesday to increase the energy of the individual, as well as balance the nerves, and balance the Secret Fire between its two poles. Basil is also  ruled by Venus, being well known as a love herb. 
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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Prepping for the week
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
What is Alchemy?
According to Avery at Kymia Arts, alchemy is described as “the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter”. However, if you do not understand how alchemists view consciousness and matter, this definition can be rather daunting. I will attempt to define it as best I can. 
First, however, I will give a bit (terribly brief) of history about alchemy as I have so far understood it. 
The word “alchemy” comes from two words. The Arabic word “al”, which means “the”, and the word “khemia” or “khem” which was the Greek word for Egypt. This is very important, as all the alchemists throughout the ages have told us that alchemy was born in Egypt. Alchemy literally means “The Art of Egypt”. The Egyptians were gifted alchemy by their god Thoth, who is the god of writing, the sciences, and the arts. To the Greeks, Thoth was similar to their god Hermes, who, according to the Greeks, gave mankind alchemy as well. This is how Hermes Trismegistus came to be known as the father of Alchemy. 
He was said to the author of the Emerald Tablet, a small piece of text said to be the foundational text of alchemy and Hermetica. This is where modern occultists get the idea of “As above, so below”. This is the basis of alchemy: that what is nature is reflected in man. That what is in the Heavens, is reflected on Earth.
To alchemists, all creation is birthed from a single point, which is called the Prima Materia. This Prima Materia could be called god, or the creator, or the divine one. The gods, what have you. This Prima Materia is made up of three principles. These principles are Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur. These three words are just code words to mean the Body, the Spirit, and the Soul. 
To the alchemists, the soul is consciousness, and is capable of thinking. The Spirit, or Mercury of a thing is generator of thoughts, actuated by the soul. Though spirit, the body is made manifest. The Body, or Salt, is solid abstraction, caused by the Sulphur, or Soul. And this is the Prima Materia.
The Prima Materia is consciousness, and creation is the Salt, the Body of its generated thoughts. However, ALL things and beings in creation are made up of these three principles. Thus, to Alchemists, we are all one, but still all separate. Our separation is an illusion. 
The goal of alchemy is to purify and accelerate the natural processes of Nature. They do this by separating the three principles, purifying them, and bringing them back together again. This is exemplified in the practice of spagyrics, which comes from the Greek word “spagyry” which means “to separate and reunite”. These spagyrics are spiritual AND physical medicines that change both the body and the soul/spirit of an individual. This way, they can perfect themselves to help perfect the world. 
Going back to our original definition. Since we know that matter is the Body, and consciousness is the Soul, alchemy, then, is the understanding of how these two principles relate and correspond. This is done through the faculty of Mercury, the Mind/Spirit. Avery says that alchemy is truly a “science of the mind”. It is the Science of Mercury/Hermes/Thoth. To Alchemists, these were all the same god.
As I continue on this blog, I will be exploring how alchemy and witchcraft relate. So far in my studies, I see how each being is made up of three parts, just like in witchcraft. I see how all are connected, but separate, just like in witchcraft. In my witchcraft practice, we have a central figure who birthed all of creation, and They are made up of three parts, just like the Prima Materia. In witchcraft, we also seek to bring ourselves into more full alignment with Nature, just as in alchemy. A friend of mine calls this English Alchemy, but I haven’t been able to find much information on it outside of what he talks about. More to look into. 
As I learn more, I will be posting my exploration on this blog. 
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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John Amos Comenius, Orbis Pictus, 1705
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arsspagyrica · 8 years ago
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On Thursday, I powdered the body of Melissa. Into this I poured Grain Spirits to extract the Sulfur and the Mercury. Later, I will calcinate the Salts.
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