aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Blue eyes fluttered lightly at his words, surprise flashing over her face. She hadn’t expected such a thing to come from him, and the fact that it had caused a double take. She appreciated it, however, and she giggled lightly before briefly pressing her lips against the corner of his mouth. “I’m glad, love. There’s nothing that makes me happier than watching you not be a hermit. Well. You still are. But less so. Anyway, doesn’t matter, I’m glad that you’re happy. I love you.”
"Carter!~ My darling, my sweet, my handsome prince!~ My head hurts. Help me." ((I swear I'm not dead--))
“Ah, Elizabeth. There is no reason to address me by such odd names. I could try to aid you with a simple curse… Or is it a spell? I can not recall. I also have purchased a small container of… ‘advil’ if that will help cure your aches.”
((Bro, you’re more alive than I am))
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Once again, she followed him, raising an eyebrow when she watched him simply sit in his chair. He wasn’t even reading, he was just... Nothing. She took a breath and shook her head. He really did need her in his life. “Then color me lucky, hm?” She hummed as she sat herself down on his lap. Not in a provocative way, of course, but simply because she wanted to, and because then she could press her forehead into his shoulder. “Your warm...”
"Carter!~ My darling, my sweet, my handsome prince!~ My head hurts. Help me." ((I swear I'm not dead--))
“Ah, Elizabeth. There is no reason to address me by such odd names. I could try to aid you with a simple curse… Or is it a spell? I can not recall. I also have purchased a small container of… ‘advil’ if that will help cure your aches.”
((Bro, you’re more alive than I am))
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Elizabeth followed him, feet gently padding against the floor as she did so. She graciously took the tea and pills he’d gotten for her, offering him a smile in thanks before she gulped down the items. “That’s alright,” her voice sounded once she’d finished. “Magic usually has some sort of side effect anyway. With pills, you get... Death as a side effect, sometimes. If you’re allergic. Thankfully, I’m not.”
"Carter!~ My darling, my sweet, my handsome prince!~ My head hurts. Help me." ((I swear I'm not dead--))
“Ah, Elizabeth. There is no reason to address me by such odd names. I could try to aid you with a simple curse… Or is it a spell? I can not recall. I also have purchased a small container of… ‘advil’ if that will help cure your aches.”
((Bro, you’re more alive than I am))
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
“Curse... Right. That was a thing that happened, wasn’t it?” The pinkette paused for a moment, tapping a finger to her chin as she thought. After a few seconds, she chose to shake her head before resting it against his shoulder. “Advil would be fine, I think. And maybe just some time in my favorite person’s company would help, too.”
"Carter!~ My darling, my sweet, my handsome prince!~ My head hurts. Help me." ((I swear I'm not dead--))
“Ah, Elizabeth. There is no reason to address me by such odd names. I could try to aid you with a simple curse… Or is it a spell? I can not recall. I also have purchased a small container of… ‘advil’ if that will help cure your aches.”
((Bro, you’re more alive than I am))
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
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My head hurts for some reason...
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Hey, can I ask you something? Girl to girl? ~Laurel (delawares-blog)
"Of course, darling! What’s on your mind?”
// @delawares-blog
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
A lazy smile crept onto her face as she slowly broke away from him and looked up.  “That sounds like an amazing idea, my love,” she responded in a warm tone. “Both dinner and the performance.”
"Carter!~ Is Mich back? Is she alright?"
“…”He turned around with an ice pack on his eye.“She is… Fine.”He sighed, looking annoyed. He removed the ice pack, revealing a bit of a black eye. The swelling was gone, but it was pretty bruised.“And because of that, I have planned our eh… Date. Do not worry, if things do not work out, I have several back up plans to counter the failures. Nothing will interrupt us.”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
That seemed to relax her a bit, but she still held him for a brief moment longer. It was simply nice to be so close to him, really, and it made her feel safe. “Well... Alright, then. If you’re sure you’re alright, that is...” She drew in a deep breath before nuzzling into his chest. “Where did you intend for us to go, anyway? Hopefully not somewhere super fancy... I don’t want you to pay for something like that...”
"Carter!~ Is Mich back? Is she alright?"
“…”He turned around with an ice pack on his eye.“She is… Fine.”He sighed, looking annoyed. He removed the ice pack, revealing a bit of a black eye. The swelling was gone, but it was pretty bruised.“And because of that, I have planned our eh… Date. Do not worry, if things do not work out, I have several back up plans to counter the failures. Nothing will interrupt us.”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
The pinkette frowned, stepping closer to him and pressing her face into his chest. She wanted to help, but there wasn’t really much she could do in this situation, so instead she might as well comfort him. “Well, as long as you’re okay...” She spoke softly, holding him tight. “We don’t have to go on that date, though... I don’t want to stress you out...”
"Carter!~ Is Mich back? Is she alright?"
“…”He turned around with an ice pack on his eye.“She is… Fine.”He sighed, looking annoyed. He removed the ice pack, revealing a bit of a black eye. The swelling was gone, but it was pretty bruised.“And because of that, I have planned our eh… Date. Do not worry, if things do not work out, I have several back up plans to counter the failures. Nothing will interrupt us.”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Elizabeth blinked, blue eyes widening at the sight of his bruise. She brushed off the idea of a date, more focused on his wellbeing at the current moment. “Oh my goodness! Are you alright? What happened? Did she hurt you?” She listed off several questions, expression riddled with concern.
"Carter!~ Is Mich back? Is she alright?"
“…”He turned around with an ice pack on his eye.“She is… Fine.”He sighed, looking annoyed. He removed the ice pack, revealing a bit of a black eye. The swelling was gone, but it was pretty bruised.“And because of that, I have planned our eh… Date. Do not worry, if things do not work out, I have several back up plans to counter the failures. Nothing will interrupt us.”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Hesitating for only a moment, Elizabeth reached over and picked the blade up in one hand, stabbing the other in one fell movement. She let the blood drip onto the scroll before looking up at the demon. “Is that everything?”
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“Oh, darling… You underestimate me. I’ll get your Ryan back without fail, and I’ll look fabulous while doing it.” The she-demon smiled and snapped her fingers, summoning a box cutter and a small scroll, which was a contract. She rested her head on her chin, gesturing to the items. “Just sign on the dotted line and we’ll be all set!”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Elizabeth was quiet for a long moment, unsure of what to think of the situation at hand. Harboring another soul with hers would be extremely dangerous, but at the same time, it felt like she had no other choice. She didn’t have that much time--she needed her brother back soon. “... Alright. I’ll do it. I’ll take your soul and keep it safe for now. But you have to get Ryan back.”
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“Er… Well, yeah! Except for the fact that I can’t go into Hell with my soul… I’m a dream demon, you know? A nightmare, if you will. While I belong to the House of Sloth, I can’t really maneuver the underworld with my soul in my body…” She trailed off, chuckled softly, and picked right back up. “But that’s not a problem! You can just harbor my soul while I do your task! All that needs to happen is my soul merges with your body and soul! I mean, sure, there might be some nasty side effects, but it’s the only way for me to get your brother back. So…”
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
“Really?” Excitement filled the woman’s veins at the other’s words. She couldn’t believe this! She’d already found a demon, and the fact that she was willing to help filled her with happiness. Things were looking bright.
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“Is that all? I can do that, easy peasy!” Leia grinned, placing her hands on her hips. She was still in her human form, so she was a little bit thankful that the Minnesotan was so trusting of her already.
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
Well... That was way easier than expected. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at the woman, confusion riddling her expression for a few moments before she spoke up, “Well, I mean... Yeah. I need to fetch my brother’s soul from Hell. Think you could do that?”
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Whelp. Now she’s gonna have to hunt down a demon of some kind. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
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Whelp. Now she’s gonna have to hunt down a demon of some kind. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
“Oh, a lot, please,” she piped up, watching him pad away. A part of her was cautious--demons had proved to be dangerous in her past--but this one didn’t seem bad at all. In fact, he was downright hospitable. She liked that, as it made her feel at home.
Still, she new how cautious he himself was probably being. Here she was, a complete stranger, waltzing into his house and drinking his milk from his fridge. She might as well tell him what was up. “These pastries in this basket are for you, by the way. Feel free to keep the basket as well.” She placed the item on the coffee table. “I heard that something bad happened to you, and since you’re sort of related to Reese... Well, I figured I might as well come and try and help. So...”
Elizabeth gently knocked on the door, a basket of pastries in hand. (For either Som or Reese.)
((I’ll do this for Som!!! Poor baby needs some TLC n some love uvu))
“Coming!!!” Somnus called from his bedroom, pausing his Markiplier video and padding over to the front door. He opened it, expecting to see Delta or Cam, maybe one of his neighbors; he wasn’t expecting to see such a beautiful woman, and especially not with gifts.
“Oh!!! I, uh… Wasn’t expecting guests!!!” Som ran a hand through his hair embarrassedly, silently wishing he’d pulled on a tank top. “Would you like to come inside?”
(( @aphminnesotan omg hello friendo how u doin))
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aphminnesotan-blog · 8 years
She waited patiently for his return, humming softly as she looked about the room and then decided to fiddle with her skirt. When he returned, she immediately looked up and smiled at him, admiring the new outfit as she had always had a taste for fashion.
“Uhm... Is chocolate milk okay? I love chocolate milk...” She paused for a moment, thinking of her answer for his second question. “I... Don’t actually know. I used a tracking spell, but I’m surprised it even worked.” She shrugged. “I’m Elizabeth, by the way. And you must be Somnus. Unless the spell didn’t work after all...”
Elizabeth gently knocked on the door, a basket of pastries in hand. (For either Som or Reese.)
((I’ll do this for Som!!! Poor baby needs some TLC n some love uvu))
“Coming!!!” Somnus called from his bedroom, pausing his Markiplier video and padding over to the front door. He opened it, expecting to see Delta or Cam, maybe one of his neighbors; he wasn’t expecting to see such a beautiful woman, and especially not with gifts.
“Oh!!! I, uh… Wasn’t expecting guests!!!” Som ran a hand through his hair embarrassedly, silently wishing he’d pulled on a tank top. “Would you like to come inside?”
(( @aphminnesotan omg hello friendo how u doin))
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