angelsareforever · 6 years
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Caption this
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angelsareforever · 6 years
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I have found it.
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angelsareforever · 6 years
This looks too precious!
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(by 新潟のトシ)
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angelsareforever · 6 years
These look so graceful and cute at the same time! I would totally eat them! I know they’re chocolate and I don’t like chocolate, so I might just eat the frosting off them.
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angelsareforever · 6 years
I could see my main character Onadda wearing the last one because she always wears red and white!
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Gloves, 1930s.
(source: John Bright Collection)
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angelsareforever · 6 years
I think I’m gonna use this!
Useful Writing Resources
This is an extensive list of resources for every problem you could come across while writing/planning/editing your novel. Use it well;)
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Planning/outlining Your Work
How To Outline ***
Zigzag Method : Creating Plots
How to Plot a Romance Novel 
Seven Great Sources of Conflict for Romances 
Let’s talk about brainstorming
Writing Something With Meaning ***
Past Or Present Tense? : How To Decide
Writing Your Work
How To Write A Fabulous Chapter #1 ***
How to Build a Romance Thread in Your Story 
The Big Book Of Writing Sex ***
6 Ways to Get Your Readers Shipping Like Crazy 
Romance Writing Tips ***
20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes
7 Ways To Speed Up Your Writing *** 
80+ Barriers to Love: A List of Ideas to Keep Romantic Tension High 
9 Romance Writing Mistakes to Avoid 
Removing the Creeps From Romance
19 Ways to Write Better Dialogue ***
50 Things Your Characters Can Do WHILE They Talk ***
How To Write Action And Fight Scenes
10 Steps To Write Arguments
9 Ways To Write Body Language
Writing Good Kissing Scenes
Writing Murders
Create And Control Tone ***
Tips for Writing Ghost Stories
Incorporating Flashbacks
12 Tips To Avoid Overwriting ***
Behind the Name
Top Baby Names
Looking for a name that means a certain thing? ***
7 Rules of Picking Names
Most Common Surnames ***
Minor Character Development
Writing Antagonists, Antiheroes and Villains
Characters With Enhanced Senses
5 Tips to Help You Introduce Characters
How Do You Describe a Character?
How To Write Child Characters
36 Core Values For Building Character
Questions To Answer When Creating Characters ***
4 Ways to Make Readers Instantly Loathe Your Character Descriptions
5 Ways to Keep Characters Consistent
Character Archetypes
25 Ways To Fuck With Your Characters
Building Platonic Relationships Between Female Characters
9 Simple and Powerful Ways to Write Body Language 
33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters
Conveying Character Emotion 
How to Make Readers Love an Unlikable Character…  
How to Create Powerful Character Combos
How To Describe A Character’s Voice ***
Describing Clothing And Appearance ***
Career Masterpost ***
Creating Your Character’s Personality ***
Character Flaws ***
Ultimate Guide To Editing Each Aspect Of Your Work ***
Why You Would Read Your Novel Out Loud ***
Grammar and Punctuation ***
How To Write A Captivating First Sentence
10 Things Your Opening Chapter Should Do: A Check-List for Self-Editing ***
Saving Your Story: Finding Where It Went Wrong
How To Condense Without Losing Anything
The Stages Of Editing
Dialogue/Description Balance
3 Proofreading Tips
The Short Story Form
Chapter & Novel Lengths
Anatomy Of A Novel : Chapters and Parts ***
How To Write Chapter After Chapter Until You Have A Book ***
Where Chapter #2 Should Start
Step By Step Guide To Editing Your Draft
Writing Tool: CTRL-F (How And Why You Should Use It) ***
How To Kill A Character
25 Steps To Edit The Unmerciful Suck Out Of Your Story
5 Ways To Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive ***
{Setting} How To Describe Setting In Your Stories ***
20 Questions To Enhance Setting
How To Bring Your Setting To Life
Miscellaneous Resources You Can Use In Between
How to Write from a Guy’s POV 
The Emotional Wounds Thesaurus
Text To Speech Reader
Compare Character Heights 
A Visual Dictionary of Tops
Writers Helping Writers
7 Tricks To Imrove Your Writing Overnight
Work Out/ Word Count : Exercise Between Writing ***
Most Important Writing Tips ***
Let’s talk about diversity in novels
Letting Go Of Your Story
Keeping A Healthy Writing Schedule And Avoiding Procrastination ***
How To Create A Good Book Cover
Write or Die
Tip of my Tongue
Character Traits Form
Online Thesaurus
Writing Sketchy/Medical/Law
Coma: Types, Causes, etc
Tips for writing blood loss
Gunshot Wound Care
Examples of Hospital Forms
Common Legal Questions
The Writer’s Forensics Blog
Brain Injury Legal Guide
Types of Surgical Operations
Types of Mental Health Problems
A Day in the Life of a Mental Hospital Patient
Global Black Market Information ***
Crime Scene Science
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Writers’ Block Help/ Productivity
Story Plot Generator
@aveeragemusings ‘ Cure To Writers’ Block ***
50 Romance Plot Ideas
Reading Like A Writer ***
Defeat Writers’ Block
Writing In A Bad Mood ***
Writers Block
When You’ve Lost Motivation To Write A Novel ***
What To Do When The Words Won’t Flow ***
9 Ways To Be A More Productive Writer
“I Cannot Write A Good Sentence Today” (How To Get Over It) ***
Real Writing Advice ***
Info You Need To Know & Words You Didn’t Think Of
A Writer’s Thesaurus ***
Words To Describe… ***
Words & Phrases To Use In Your Sex Scenes ***
Colors (An Extensive List Of Colors)
List Of Kinks & Fetishes ***
List Of Elemental Abilities
inkarnate.com : World Creator And Map Maker For Your Imaginary Setting
Body Language Phrases
List Of Legendary Creatures
How To Write Magic
Hairstyle References
Hemingway : Writing Checker
Body Types: Words To Describe Bodies and How They Move Around
Poisonous Herbs and Plants ***
The Psychology of Color
The Meaning behind Rose color
Types of Swords
Color Symbolism
How a handgun works
How to Write a Eulogy
Types of Crying
Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes ***
Superstitions and More
The 12 Common Archetypes
Language of Flowers
12 Realistic Woman Body Shapes
Using Feedback And Reviews
Turning Negative Reviews Into Positive Ones ***
Proofreading Marks : Easy Symbols To Make Reviewing/Feedback Easier ***
Authonomy Teen Ink Figment Fiction Press ReviewFuse
These Are Trusted Critique Sites ;)
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angelsareforever · 6 years
I Have Bad News
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer from smoking so much. My counselor told me his cancer was stage 4 and my legal guardians told me that he had lung cancer on Saturday. I meant to tell you the news yesterday, but my family was busy. We are sending all our prayers toward him. 
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angelsareforever · 6 years
Onadda in a Nutshell
Onadda: “I don’t need friends, they disappoint me.”
[Onadda then strikes pose]
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angelsareforever · 6 years
The Red Reapers
Yelavia “Silent Beauty” Caekbor is the leader of the Red Reapers at 18 years old, three years older than her half sister Vernys. All she ever wants is for her and Vernys to get along, but she also is loyal to Maseirreh, who Vernie wants to kill so badly. Her biggest fear is that she will not have contact with her half sister or her father. Her favorite place to relax is on her bed. Her idol is her mother, who was kind and understanding, but she doesn’t like that she forgave easily.
Octavya “Wingflame” Colvillono is the 17 year old second in command of the Red Reapers. This girl is creative, quick to solutions, and always gives helpful tips. But she is also direct and unsubtle in her speech. When she is asked to tell her superiors about somebody or something, she'll always tell the awful truth in a unsubtle way. She is an anthomaniac, considering flowers better than humans. 
Lilienne “Shirayuri” Oakleigh is the cowgirl assassin of the group. She has white hair and is a light skinned black. She is a no-nonsense girl who wants nothing more than to please the Onyx Squad, no matter what it takes. She is often silent and doesn’t talk much. She is suspicious of Empress Onadda of Neo Mailuria, thinking that one day she might rebel alongside the other Miracle Angels, but doesn’t kill her because Abumaecuor would get upset. She takes up the codename Shirayuri because of Operation White Lily, her name is Lilienne, and because her personal nickname amongst the Red Reapers is Lili.
Prince Omazhel Abumaecuor-Doaumink is the heir to to the throne of Amerluria and Anjelvana’s older brother. He believes that Abumaecuor is a benevolent and noble emperor due to his propaganda. He wears black and red to contrast with his sister’s white and blue. He was also trained since birth to kill any resistance to his father’s reign.
Lt. Gimaelyn D’Armandur is the warrior of the Red Reapers that loves to rise through the ranks. He is an Onyx Squad soldier not to be reckoned with. He works hard and follows the rules (mostly). He does whatever it takes to rise through the ranks. He does best in hand to hand combat and fighting with fists or blades, but he only knows how to fight with pure strength or his blades. Gimaelyn will always analyze his situation and think of any kind of way to make sure victory is assured. He doesn’t like traitors and Onyx Squad members taking credit for his victory and getting promoted for it. When he can’t think straight in the brain, the plan he thinks out will backfire and then he’s left wide open. 
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angelsareforever · 6 years
Blue Thunder
It’s been 15 years. The Onyx Squad has taken over the world and killed most of the Miracle Angels. Abumaecuor has married Onadda. But luckily, these 21 young heroes and heroines have rose up to save Earh from these scelerats... 
Vernys Qusefina “Nightshade” Rydescraok-Doaumink is the leader and the youngest of the group at age 15. She would best be described as having a stick crammed so far up her butt that there’s no hope of it being removed. In other words, she’s quiet and introverted, serious and sometimes cold, logical, practical, and very respectful towards her elders (unless they happen to be Onyx Squad members). She likes sweet foods, and would guzzle down a lifetime supply of them if she could. Not only does she want to join the Royal Guard like Vaiuradda and Shimerlo when gets older, but she also wants to kill her father Maseirreh for what he did to her mother Vaiuradda in the Siege of Poisoned Minds (she already stabbed his fusion with Abumaecuor to death when she first came to the past). Her caretaker was Dr. Mozorema Maikunos, Maseirreh’s medic who betrayed the horseman of death. When Vernys was 3, Maseirreh’s troops caught up to Mozorema and killed her, but they didn’t find Vernys and so she was taken to live with an Epralyraine foster family until something more permanent could be found for her. Unfortunately, due to the dangers of taking care of someone like her, no foster families or orphanages were at all keen to have her around longer than they had to for fear of what could happen, which resulted in the little quickster being moved around so much that she barely managed to stay in one place for more than a few months at a time. Needless to say neither she nor Vaiuradda, who still came to see her as often as she could without arousing suspicion, were happy with this agreement. So when Vernys, by now in her early teens, expressed a desire to follow in her mother’s footsteps and one day become part of the Royal Guard, Vaiuradda (with help from Tivalt and his posse calling in a favor here and there) managed to get her child a place at one of Earth’s foremost Eplorene dojos. There her daughter would be protected and kept relatively secret as well as able to stay in one place and learning useful skills for her future. After a bit of a wobbly start, Vernys fit in and took to her studies. One day, she arrived to the past to kill Maseirreh (don’t worry, she had already been born by that time). Upon arriving to the past, she noticed a masked man in white towering over a butterfly girl in pink. From the patterns on his coat, she knew it was Abumaecuor. Pulling out a dagger from her coat pocket, she stabbed the man in the heart, defusing Maseirrcuor (the man in white). But then she noticed her fruunstained mother, dead on the ground, and so she went toward her. The butterfly girl in pink also went toward Vaiuradda. “Vivi! Oh my god…” The butterfly girl in pink sobbed. Vernys, while paying her last respects to her mom, recognized the face of the butterfly girl in pink. It was Marneaira, one of the Rydescraoks. She also noticed that she was bleeding, but to her the only good Rydescraok was a dead Rydescraok, so she left her alone to die. She would regret that later on. Marneaira later learned (after recovering from her wounds with the help of Tadoa and her pet wolf Shiroko) from Nydelia that this was a misunderstanding and that she could be shown the light, and so when that time came, she seized it. She risked her life to save Vernys’s life after a brutal clash with some Onyx Squad members that would have most likely led to Vernys dying or being revealed to Present Maseirreh, Vernys was finally able to see the light. Marnée was as bloodthirsty, cruel, and dangerous as a lettuce leaf. That coupled with Marneé’s unfaltering kindness and concern toward her even after she left her for dead was enough to melt Vernys’ icy heart. The gentle hearted butterfly girl was more than willing to accept Vernys as her own child, and thus Vernys cut her final ties to Maseirreh by changing her last name to “Rydescraok-Doaumink”. She was also accepted by her half sisters Viviadine and Minasreha as well as the baby girl Vinaldra. She inherited her mother's super speed, but like Viviadine, is not as fast as her. She also inherited super hearing and an increased sense of balance and awareness from her father, all of which come in very handy during training to become a ninja like Kainai. her weapons are shurikens which she practices with daily and the dagger she used to defuse Maseirrcuor, still covered in the blood of that dreaded fusion. Over time, she became almost as keen eyed as Kainai with the bladed stars. Like most quicksters, she’s not strong. Also like most quicksters, she can overcome this somewhat by using her main power to put far more force behind her blows than she would have otherwise. It doesn’t really work in day-to-day tasks that involve things like heavy lifting, but in battle it can be successful. Vernys sometimes finds Earth strange due to being hidden from the Onyx Squad for the first three years of her life and finds the humans even stranger, but she tries her best to get along without any incidents and is usually successful.
Nydelia “Wintersong” Vanohias- Vernys’s best friend (as well as something more) and the hacker of the group. She is the polar opposite of Vernys, being boisterous and cheerful. She is always ready with a joke or a dance number. She is 16 years old. Not much is known about Nydelia's past, other than she is the child of two Royal Guard members named Envercha and Crevimo Vanohias. Envercha was an expert code breaker and hacker while her husband Crevimo was renowned as a formidable warrior, going into battle armed with his lance. Sadly, when Nydelia was a baby, both her parents were killed by Felozura “Feral” Nimzaf during the Siege of Poisoned Minds, and she was placed in a foster home. Nydelia grew up with dreams of joining the Royal Guard, just like her two parents, and it remains a lifelong dream of hers to this day. When she became old enough to fend for herself, Nydelia left the foster home and attended several various academies over the course of several years to find a fighting style that suited her best. However, none suited her taste until she came across a dance studio. Having inherited a love for music and dance from her mother Envercha, Vanohias was immediately interested and attended the studio, where she learned she had a natural talent for mastering various dance styles. Upon learning every dance move the studio had to offer, she set about modifying them to use against Onyx Squad members, thus creating her own fighting style in the form of breakdancing. However, in addition to learning how to fight in this manner, she attended a school to learn all about code breaking and hacking, another skill she had a natural talent for. With a fighting style to call her own and her skills as a code breaker/hacker under her belt, she sent out to enter Miracle Angel boot camp, her sights set on the Royal Guard. However, her road to the Royal Guard took a slight detour when she had a chance encounter with two neutrals, Ferzenzald “Ferzie” Blenvarth and Zulyitra “Zully” Alzoruma, who she immediately befriended despite the fact that Ferzenzald was born to Onyx Squad parents. Possessing a keen sense for adventure, she decided to join them on their journey across the galaxy to explore different worlds, figuring she could always go back one day and resume her goal on becoming a member of the Royal Guard. However, during one visit to a distant planet, she got separated from Ferzie and Zulyitra. She eventually discovered that they were currently residing back on Earth, and she eventually found her way there. Upon arriving, she found her old friends and made new friends in the form of Minasreha, Vernys, and Viviadine (the daughters of Vaiuradda). Upon learning the humans possessed many various styles of music and dance, many of which she found to her liking, she decided to remain on Earth with her friends, eventually moving in with the Royal Guard into the Renegade Headquarters, where she has taken up training in order to become a member of their ranks and finally fulfill her lifelong dreams of becoming one of them. One fateful day during her battle with Felozura, Jaksyn, and Kozelo, she took back the javelin Feral had stolen from her dead father. Considering that it was the first time she had wielded such a weapon before, she wielded it like it had she had been born with it, and inflicted heavy damage to her, Kozelo, and Jaksyn before they escaped. Ever since then, she has always carried her father’s javelin into battle. She dreams that one day she and Vernys will marry sometime in the future and will somehow have a child named Viviatune, which she will nickname Vivi III. She has a bad habit of running away from things whenever things get too tough to handle. She, like Kalmercine, swings both ways. She’s taller than Vernys but shorter than Mina. She likes to dress in clothes that are easy to dance in.
Kalmercine “Stitches” Kastich- The bisexual rich girl of the group. She is confident and competitive, often tending to brag a lot. She is flirtatious around men and women she takes a fancy to and prefers partying over studying. She also has a thing for teddy bears and kittens, but she'll never tell anyone about that. She has electricity powers, but Cusairanna is more powerful than her when it comes to controlling electricity. She is 17 years old and has a cat named Monsieur Marbles. Also, there is a love square going on between her, Nydelia, Zabelain (the shy boy who grew up with her at the orphanage), and Vernys. Stitches is interested in Vernys, but Vernys is interested in Nydelia, and Zabelain is interested in Kalmercine herself. Although her parents encourage her love for Vernys because she’s the daughter of a princess and a nobleman, Kalmercine genuinely likes the quickster with deep indigo eyes. Viviadine “Vivi II” Hernelir-Doaumink is the second child of Vaiuradda. She wields kusarigama in battle, has super speed, and is able to blend in shadowy areas. She is shy, quiet, easily scared, timid, and cowardly (just like Marnée!). She speaks with a slight stammer, but there are a few times she is able to speak without a trace of a stammer (but this happens only infrequently, though). Almost right from the moment she was born, Minasreha became her constant companion, and they’ve never been seen without each other since. She is 16 years old. She is really not Marneaira’s child, but she is the child of Salmira, nevertheless Marneaira raised Viviadine as if she were her child. Zulyitra “Zully” Alzoruma is Ferzenzald's friend who takes a liking toward Viviadine. She is a friendly and open woman, with a likable and honest disposition. Her preferred hobbies are relaxing to good music, eating, and being around nature. Normally she's laid back and not given much, but if her friends or teammates are in danger, she won't hesitate to unleash everything she's got in order to protect them. She used to live on the outer areas of Epralyra prior to coming to Earth, and she became acquainted with Ferzie long ago when they met on an asteroid, and they’ve been friends ever since. Before heading to Earth, they went on a few adventures together, one ending with a close call from a space worm. Luckily, they escaped in a escape pod they had rented, and after relaxing for a bit to unwind from the space worm encounter, they set out again on another adventure, staying on on another planet for a few days before actually heading to Earth. She wields a hook on a chain as a weapon. She is 18 years old.
Ferzenzald "Ferzie" Blenvarth is the communications unit of Blue Thunder and one of the only three boys of the group at age 19. He has no special powers or weapons, but has a good memory for directions and recalling small details that most would overlook or forget about, which is why Blue Thunder considers him a useful ally. He was a member of the Onyx Squad along with his parents until he met Zulyitra. He is a bit neurotic at times, tends to get uneasy around older men and women, especially if they're not neutral. Also gets to get into forgetful and clumsy spells from time to time, and he gets flustered when Minasreha (Vernys’ half sister) flirts with him. He does not like being in large human crowds because their chattering reminds him of his mother’s rather screechy voice. He is afraid of his parents coming to Earth one day, for if they do, he’ll have to choose between them and Mina.
Minasreha “Mina” Rydescraok-Doaumink is the adopted child of Vaiuradda and Marneaira as well as the fourth child of Vaiuradda. She is friendly, cheerful, inquisitive, and she likes making new friends and seeing new things. She is deathly afraid of Abumaecuor due to being kidnapped by him when she was 4 years old. Fortunately, she was placed under the care of Gudkraae and Lailnanell, and they grew fond of her for her sweet nature and babyish innocence. She is 21 years old and likes purple.
Viromina “Viro” Kaladus is the 18 year old third in command of Blue Thunder. 
Solanah Destolza Caidran is Kageyama/Shimerlo and Yūkodo’s daughter and the second in command of the team. She was trained the skills of a medic by Ran and Momoda and was trained to be a ninja like Vernys, which is why she wields sais (which Binfrafaa’s mother Bessvomza Käfurloss trained her to use). She is sweet and curious with a thirst for knowledge and she is a hard worker that’s always on the lookout for new challenges. However, she also burns everything she cooks, she’s socially awkward, and she almost never finishes things she starts. She likes classic rock, alternative, and eastern music. She also likes reading, biscuits with jelly, and playing with her pet dog Zosma. She is in the Royal Guard of Epralyra, determined to make her parents proud. She dislikes cameramen, being judged in any way, people who insult her friends and family, and also flashing lights. Her worst fear is losing everyone and her worst nightmare is being forgotten or ending up alone. One of her enemies that’s high on her hate list is Rufhala Doaumink, who she thinks is a pain to deal with (but the green haired princess has admittedly gone into a downward spiral after the Siege of Poisoned Minds, her second in command turning evil for a brief amount of time, losing Tivalt and Aseidia, and having to hear the news of Onadda being forced to marry Abumaecuor). Otherwise, she really doesn’t have a worst enemy. Her idol is her mother Yukodo, who was a tough fighter yet cared for the Paurzelis. She likes the colors blue, green, and red. She has yet to learn her mom lost a child (Solvana) before getting her. Even if she’s annoying to Vernys, the lavender haired girl will protect her at all costs and her concern really shines when they’re in trouble. She is either 18 at youngest or 19 years old at oldest. Her middle name (which means “desert beauty”) comes from Kageyama abandoning himself in a desert to either become a Corrupted One or a demonheart or die after Tivalt and Aseidia’s deaths (which he caused and still feels very remorseful over), considering it his own exile after Abumaecuor had said he fulfilled his purpose. Luckily, Yūkodo and Keyvah found him and nursed him back to health, so he did not die.
Alvaric Carkav AKA Al is one of the only three boys of the Blue Thunder, Abumaecuor’s half brother and Solanah’s boyfriend. He is very obedient to his mother and to his mentor High Mage Winhui, but he hasn’t been around other people other than his mother, teachers, and his mentor. Unlike Solanah (who had an overall happy life), he feels like a caged bird. His fascination is more to engineering than anything else thanks to one of his tutors. He considers Winhui as his father, but doesn’t call him that, as he’s still investigating behind his back who his father really was. Alvaric wishes to escape his cage and to explore Earth. He is 21, the oldest of the group. If it was up to him, he would eat sweets all day.
Luxovincia “Lux” D’Aumeldo is the scout for Blue Thunder and one of the first to sign up when Vernys asked for extra members in Blue Thunder. She has blue hair and wears an apricot scarf around her neck. She would be considered the Eplorene version of Italian. She is seventeen years old. She likes pancakes and milk with mint syrup. She’s very friendly and wants to help the Miracle Angel cause, but is very timid and introverted. She is very kind and patient. If something or someone is hurt, she cries and runs away. She has the power to shape sunlight into shields and barriers, hence her name and nickname. She can also conjure light in any area, no matter how dark (but this makes it more easier for demonhearts to track her down). She likes to rest in tranquil places and constructing sculptures. She doesn’t like to fight or remember unpleasant facts. She likes cats and she dislikes the dark. She likes drawing, but she’s not very good at it. She really likes cartoon soundtracks.
Vinaldra “Jaws” Rydescraok-Doaumink is the youngest of Vaiuradda’s children. She is a happy go lucky and mischievous prankster who is not fond of chocolate unlike Vernys and Mina. Her love of pranks is all the fault of Nydelia, whom she would team up with and play as a distraction while Nydelia pulled the prank on the unsuspecting victim.
Cunochta “Noche” Bonsett is the 16 year old spy of Blue Thunder. Even though she’s short, she’s a very brave girl who is not afraid of going into enemy territory. She’s really good at sneaking around and has a habit of using her espionage skills not only on Onyx Squad members but also on her allies. Noche does not like gossip, but it’s always good to have some blackmail on others, just in case. She hates being pampered just because she’s short and weak. That’s why she sometimes heads into battle without thinking first and gets harmed in the process. And even though she usually acts tough, she’s got a very low self-confidence on everything that’s not spying. She likes challenges, music, and sleeping in her free time. She has blue and yellow hair.
Zabelain Pudalberz is one of the only three boys in Blue Thunder, the other two boys being Ferzie and Alvaric. He is also the medic of the team, but unlike Ran, Krekrerda, Elethiyah, Zubovelina, and Shimerlo, he is quite shy and timid. He is the type of guy who’d apologize to you after you stepped on his foot. He’s rather hopeless at hand-to-hand combat and has wanted to be a medic ever since he found an injured bird and secretly nursed it back to health. He also has a huge unrequited crush on Kalmercine, who he and Nydelia grew up with at the orphanage. His parents were an Onyx Squad soldier and a Miracle Angel turncoat who had a violent and abusive relationship which ended with the former accidentally killing the latter after a furious argument and then putting a gun in his mouth when he saw what he had done. This happened when Zabelain was only a baby and since none of his other relatives wanted him, he was sent to an orphanage. Because of his origins, he was often bullied by the other children, and as a result, he grew up very timid and shy. Kalmercine is his friend, but currently has no idea how Zabelain feels about her. He has mint green hair.
Princess Anjelvana “Anjel” Doaumink is the assistant medic of Blue Thunder, the little sister of Omazhel, and the princess of Amerluria. This is surprising that the daughter of Vaiuradda and not the daughter of Onadda is the heroine, is it not? Unlike Zabelain, Anjelvana is very outgoing, feisty, and lively. On the other hand, she is often impatient and reckless, sometimes having the tendency to be bossy. She wanted to be an assistant medic because she wanted to help others just like her mom did. She wishes her cousin Vernys would lighten up and enjoy life more. She considers her mother her greatest idol, as she was very brave and determined before she was forced to marry Abumaecuor (who had a massive crush on her) in a desperate attempt to stop the war. She wants for her brother Omazhel to realize the truth about Abumaecuor and that he isn’t as benevolent as he thinks he is. She wants Onadda to snap out of her despairing state and resume her rightful place as leader of the Miracle Angels. She dresses in white and blue, not unlike the white and red that her mother wore. She is 16 years old.
Rolicka Krutapesia “Roli” von Mortilian is the weapon specialist of Blue Thunder. She is a 19 year old girl who is very hardworking and passionate but doesn’t trust others easily due to being abandoned by her birth parents when she was very young. She was found by some members of the Miracle Angels when she was 4 and they took her under their wing to train her before she was transferred to Blue Thunder, but even then she is still wary of anyone that might doublecross the team and/or her. She likes to sing and she is very creative. She makes up battle songs to motivate Blue Thunder and she likes classical music. Her favorite food is sushi and her favorite drink is Angelic Sip. Jalmeria Aellyce Korviaz is the bookworm of the squad who is also the security officer. She is outspoken, a bit curious at times, and imaginative.
LCRS-117-309 AKA Elcee “LC” Tonnerre is the robotic linguist of the team. Her name stands for Lingual and Celeste Reading System.
LVRS-905-520 AKA Elvee Tonnerre is Elcee’s little sister who is the information technology specialist. Her name stands for Loquacious and Violet Reading System. She tends to talk too much and it is impossible to get her to stop talking when she opens her mouth. She takes care of Bonsett’s computer Archaix.
LPRS-167-610 AKA Elpee “LP” Tonnerre is Elcee’s other younger sister who repairs Blue Thunder’s equipment. Her name stands for Ladylike and Pink Reparation System. Haluron “Hallie” Kerseigh is the naval defense of the team. She’s good at tongue twisters and trivia and wants to be a fisherwoman someday when the War of Fallen Angels ends and Abumaecuor is overthrown. She’s the thirdborn out of five children, she is afraid of skeletons, and she likes the color pink.
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angelsareforever · 6 years
The Ice Sharkteeth
Lugovano “Lugo” Duhv is the leader of the Ice Sharkteeth at 17 years old and the son of Lunkold Duhv and Kvemdra Klookav. He is adventurous, free spirited, wild, sometimes a bit crazy, and aggressive. He is physically strong and agile and has excellent swordsmanship, but his temper can get the best of him. He also often thinks up crazy plans which surprisingly often work against all odds and fails to always think things through. He wields two swords, seemingly countless throwing knifes and virtually everything sharp and pointy. One one hand, he is a vicious fighter and a bounty hunter with a nasty reputation. On the other, he is intelligent and undyingly loyal to his friends and family. His mother Kvemdra heavily influenced his love for travelling, but is disappointed that he is not an arms dealer like her. Even then, he and his mother still get along well. His true passion is treasure hunting and travelling. 
Kizandra “Kiki” Kirwicus is Lugo’s girlfriend who is kindhearted, strong willed, daring, adventurous, fierce, and headstrong. She uses her sharp mind and cunning to defeat her opponents, but she doesn’t have the best resilience, sometimes she loses her temper, and she can be beaten with strong enough attacks. Her mother is a Miracle Angel kindergarten teacher, but her father was an Onyx Squad soldier. For this, she has to defend her anxiety disorder riddled little brother Kiorsair from people who taunt him for being an Onyxborn. She is training to be a member of the Royal Guard of Epralyra, but her interest was not as strong as her mother thought, for the young girl fell in love and became the partner of Lugovano, the son of Lunkold “Bloodmoon” Duhv. The fact that Kizandra is in love with Lugovano is something that her mother Deritha will not be happy to learn… She is also 17 years old and wields wrist blades given to her by Lugovano himself. 
Celynnus Solvonio Albgoss is Kizandra’s best friend who is close as brothers with Lugovano. He is 17 years old and wields a war hammer. He is nice, gentle, optimistic, impavid, fearless, and responsible. Cabael ordered the death of both his father Algopo Albgoss, his wife, and Celynnus himself when he was a baby simply because he sympathized with Solvonia Halworthos in the past before she was brainwashed and may have even fought alongside her. Thankfully, Mr. Albgoss survived, but his wife died and Celynnus was smacked against a wall and broke his back. Celynnus’s injury would leave him crippled for the first few months of his life, as Albgoss was unable to heal his son’s broken back, but fate intervened when Kvemdra found out about this situation and figured that the child of the last surviving soldier of Solvonia’s army would be useful for the Golova Smerti’s crew. Celynnus became friends with Lugovano and during the fifteen years when the Onyx Squad took over Earth, Zomtoli built Celynnus a back brace that would grant the boy the ability to walk. Celynnus has since joined Lugovano on his many adventures, but his true passion for art has never died and when Kiki came into the picture, he was able to find work at a tattoo shop. He has used his own body as a canvas, as evidenced by the ice flowers on his left arm and the Celtic knot on his chest.
Zomtolinilalled AKA Zomtoli “Zom” Tiburón is a hyperactive and good meaning octopus like 16 year old boy with five different personalities. He is intelligent, a skilled archer, and can freeze someone as long as he makes eye contact with them. However, his split personalities make him a danger even to his friends, his mental state may make him hurt himself, and he can’t take a great deal of damage. One thing’s for sure, he’s not Eplorene. No, his race has existed long before them and had even been the creators of both the Eplorene gods Kythar and Xamuvrum. As a young mutated Vyjark, he has been an outcast for as long as he can remember. Due to his condition and having an unusual body for a Vyjark (thus failing to fit into one of their usual categories), he was shunned by everybody and labeled a freak. This sad situation was made deadly when he was suddenly stuck in between two personalities, leaving him unable to see or speak. With help it’s an easily correctable ailment, but left alone it can be fatal. Zomtoli was left to die from this condition, but in a stroke of luck a young Lugo came to his planet with Kvemdra as part of an arm deal… bored while his mother was talking to clients, Lugovano started messing around with some sort of firework which went off and ended up plowing Zomtoli right in the head, promptly fixing his condition. It was an odd way to start up a friendship, but Zomtoli didn’t question it. He wields a longbow with several types of arrows. Right from the beginning, Lugovano warned Kizandra not to ask Zom about the Vyjarks. Zomtoli loathes his own species, saying some rather disturbing things like how he would laugh if the Justiciar (the leader of the Vyjarks) and the four other judges under his command were to be ripped apart by wild beasts and left bleeding like broken toys like they did to the victims of their odd “trials”. He wants to someday return to his former homeworld and leave all the Vyjarks crying and screaming as they are all found guilty…
Dalindra “Dali” Crysalerek AKA Prisoner 6870 used to be one of the Vyjarks’ slaves. But not anymore. This gravelly-voiced woman armed with a crossbow has a hatred for the Vyjarks and has seen many things in Eplorene history despite retaining her youthful appearance. She has fought alongside Onadda’s mentor Winhui (AKA Prisoner 7462), she’s seen the Eplorene rebellion against the Vyjarks and has even interacted with Mosmik (the Doaumink siblings’ father). She (as well as Winhui) is immortal but only if she is not fatally wounded. She likes to wear various shades of green, as she considers it to be a color of hope. She also likes to give bone crushing hugs. She and Lugovano met when she shot Zomtoli with an arrow and Lugovano went to fight her. She joined the Ice Sharkteeth after that battle and learning that Zomtoli was actually good (if messed up in the head) for the most part, but not before she had to be rushed to the hospital by Lugo and his crew.
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angelsareforever · 6 years
The Royal Guard of Epralyra (not counting Rufhala and Vaiuradda)
Shimerlo Caidran is the upbeat and friendly dark brown skinned second in command of the Royal Guard of Epralyra. He was born on the streets and had to do anything to survive, but he has put that all in the past (or so Rufhala and the other members of the Miracle Angels hope). He likes listening to music, being happy, and dancing. He is 23 years old.
King Tivalt Solnaos is the usually stoic king of Juafalme. He has good reasons to be stoic, as his past has something to do with the Fruunlily Ring (which can grant your greatest wishes at the cost of someone’s life). He has a loyal all female bodyguard squad called the Sisterhood of the Sun that he loves like sisters. He wields a warhammer called Regulus, which he never brings down to the ground even at the times when needed. Why? It could cause collateral damage if he does, and the king of Juafalme doesn’t wish to cause so much harm to his enemies. 
Aseidia D’Aufrach is the mouthy kid of a mage in the group at 8 years old. She is smug and a bit bratty but also awfully curious of the world around her. Her father passed away, leaving her to take his place. 
Sedunai Usael is the scientist of the Royal Guard and the Frescyaifasr. She has a hard time explaining and expressing her feelings to others. She has black hair that she ties in a ponytail. 
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angelsareforever · 7 years
The Twelve Queens of Wonder
Palmynette Blómhemir is the leader of the Miracle Angels stationed in This woman is a devoted friend toward Onadda and a powerful warrior who is fearless in the face of the enemy, but compassionate to those who need her help. She can freeze time, but this uses up so much energy that she risks death with each use. She and her squad aid the Royal Guard in combat during missions. Rufhala respects her, but doesn’t want to admit it. She likes to wear pink, her eyes are grey, and her hair is pink. She hates lying and she can be strict sometimes. She also likes anything to do with apples.
Tinquedra Corfinse is one of Momoda’s closet friends and Palmynette’s second in command who leads the team when Palmynette isn’t around. This tough as nails girl and Momoda have been friends since childhood.
Pirolyne “Flamewolf” Howlandos is the one that specializes in search and rescue. You do NOT want to get on her bad side. This girl’s a feisty one alright, with a high tendency to blow things up and not caring who gets hurt! You get her mad, she blows you up. But she has the cutest pair of high heels! She has a protégée named Sharalira “Hari” Harivaigh, who will take up the name of Flamewolf when she dies or can no longer fight. She also dislikes humans and is dating a certain surly general of the Miracle Angels named Kylorion.
Kovorako Lisemi is the Mailuria raised Hedrilac that Tinquedra is bodyguarding. Tinquedra believes Lisemi trusts too much, something that won’t help her against people like Onaira or Maseirreh. She may learn that at times she will have to choose between truth or duty. She is also a better than average swordswoman that hates spiders and is best friends with Yekamara Taridu (the two sometimes spar together!).  
Alunelia “Luna” D’Ornobel is the sniper of the girls. She is a very lively girl, and is especially lively around her squad. She is like the little sister of the squad, she is full of naïve optimism and pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can be hardcore.
Valdisia Fingalbert is the green haired scientist for the Seven Queens of Wonder. Back when she was rash and untested, she was once one of Epralyra’s most promising young scientists regardless of gender or ethnicity (she’s black). But then the War of Fallen Angels came. Unlike before, when she could only abstractly mourn for the lives lost, it took a loss of a friend to make her realize that she, too, had a stake in the outcome. She and her girlfriend Fulcartia were the assistants of an archaeologist named Figondra “Figgy Pudding” Käfurloss before she died at the hands of Onyx Squad members.
Fulcartia Verlienus is the orange haired girlfriend of Valdisia. She’s thought about applying for the Royal Guard, but she’s too nervous. She wears a purple bodysuit with the Twelve Queens of Wonder logo.
Cecylya Desoneli is the special operations leader and one of Shimerlo and Lyzbetta’s friends who just LOVES music! She enjoys working with other people and humans. She is willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of Princess Onadda. Rhythm games are her favorite and she enjoys playing Dance Dance Revolution with the other Queens of Wonder. She is relatively young compared to her teammates.
Melonah Mezzanus is the singing pistol-toting Queen of Wonder. She often helps Cecylya with her tracks. She likes to wear pink and white outfits, though sometimes she’ll wear blue outfits with a bit of pink in them. But don’t be fooled by her elegance and grace, she can actually pack a punch!
Cirdetha Zabelli is the healer of the team. She is curious, cowardly, and doesn’t pay attention. She is an outgoing person and she won’t give up on anything except fighting other people. She has sharp pigtails for weapons.
Princess Cenzania de Bourbynn is the princess of Talfontoria (the Eplorene equivalent of Austria) and the third in command of the Queens of Wonder. She’s the only Queen of Wonder who could qualify as being royalty, as she was once a princess of a kingdom called Talfontoria. She wears a red and black catsuit. She had something to do with Solvonia Halworthos in the past... 
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angelsareforever · 7 years
Rest of the Black Rose Squad
Nerzaika “Nerz” Kirukatai (real surname Nolcerri) is the other somewhat narcissistic spy. She is fond of making friends… and then digging up information on them that they don’t want everyone knowing before forcing them to do her bidding so that they don’t get that information spread. She’s also a necromancer, but doesn’t get along with Maseirreh (who leads an army of skeletons) well.
Belyarosa Kirusomo is the beautiful woman with brainwashing powers. She plays with the minds of others as a child would with a new toy, she refers to Miracle Angels as dragons and the Onyx Squad as knights, and she likes to dress up as a princess. But there is nothing childlike about the gleeful malice she exposes in forcing her victims into more and more humiliating and destructive acts. Belyarosa takes sadistic joy in the killing of her victims that even other Onyx Squad members can be put off, as they fear she might do the same to them…
Dyantha Kirukovo is the girl with the power to control electricity, electricity. She has a twisted and perverse mind even for an Onyx Squad member, member. Nothing delights her more than to see how her victims squirm from her touch, touch.
Asteryna “Starry” Kirudo (real surname Lakavis) is the gunner of the Black Rose Squad. She’d gladly sacrifice her happiness for someone else and she cares too much, but on the positive side she won’t let people walk all over her. She has the power to turn invisible.
Kirukoski Keekoo AKA Kee (real surname Hikodo) is the Hedrilac technological expert of the Black Rose Squad. She is extremely loyal to the Black Rose Squad and Abumaecuor but she is also socially awkward and shy.
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angelsareforever · 7 years
Rest of the Impavid Ones
Dunerya Fanitza "Dune" Steberius is the only girl out of the Impavid Ones and a red haired ticking time bomb of anger. She doesn’t believe in "graceful in victory and defeat", in fact she has never heard of it. She’d rather die a brutal death than sacrifice a victory and she loves to brag about herself when she’s not angry. The other Onyx Squad members (Abumaecuor included) hate her guts and would gladly beat her to a pulp if not for the fact her insatiable lust for victory and uncontrollable anger make her a formidable foe against the Miracle Angels. Her fighting style is like The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo off of Kill Bill and her katana is named Nisshoku (eclipse in Japanese).
Estonburg Dirindas "Estrello" L'Asiora is the vain and nihilistic one who loves to write poems. He is the father of Loreleigh L'Asiora of the Mademoiselles, who inherited his black hair and his depressed nature.
Walorix Aznolos "Wally" Reginart is a perfectionist with a flair for the dramatic who likes to make things go boom. And if he can't blow them up, he'll smash them to pieces. His weapon is a microphone and some explosives.
Balchoniel Orvelon “BB” Boherdass is the neurotic bad luck magnet of a scout in the Impavid Ones. 
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angelsareforever · 7 years
Rest of the Onyx Squad pt. 2
Krekrerda Cuvolatura- The fashion and beauty obsessed medic of the Onyx Squad. She gets shown no respect around the Onyx Squad, as she used to be the one that was constantly sleeping in the Blackvale (her former squad) to the point of narcolepsy. She hates spring because pollen is EVERYWHERE! 
Boamaero Alkavlak- Krekrerda’s boyfriend and assistant who is the token good teammate of the Onyx Squad. He gets paranoid around large crowds and has pollen allergies. That being said, his loyalty to Abumaecuor and Morvanus is above all.
Marneaira “Marnie” Rydescraok- The pantophobic Rydescraok with teleportation powers. She is pavid and shy to the point that people like her brother Okaro often wonders why she’s still alive. She never wants to fight and often makes excuses for why she doesn’t want to fight.
Okaro Rydescraok- The catty Rydescraok. Practically every thing he has to say to Onaira is an insult in some way. He has a biting sense of humor and a short temper.
Cusairranna Rydescraok- The prideful Rydescraok who often picks on Marneaira. Her pride and constant boasting often gets on people’s nerves. 
Morvanus Morvilio- The loudmouthed and pompous leader of the Impavid Ones, who are like a traveling circus. Despite his brashness, he still cares for his men. 
Felozura “Feral” Nimzaf- The 34 year old insane overseer of the new recruits who only likes women (especially Troshka, the woman that recruited her). She hates men. She REALLY hates men.
Muguette Kirukezi (real surname Lonvair) is the sarcastic and cold leader of the Black Rose Squad and espionage director of Abumaecuor. She can control poison in any form, which is why Abumaecuor regards her as a good spy.
Kozelo “Tranquil” Quiltirdo- The 29 year old sniper of the Onyx Squad. He is stoic, serious natured, can be insolent on occasion, emotionally distant, taciturn and antisocial. He does not like to share details about his backstory. He also doesn’t like to rape captured Miracle Angels after successful raids, as it reminds him of what happened when he was working at a brothel at age 13. We shall not go into detail about that, lest we want the series to be banned everywhere and get negative reviews. 
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angelsareforever · 7 years
Rest of the Miracle Angels in Manhattan
Dr. Sylles “Ran” Ranrhen- The grumpy medic of the Miracle Angels who is a high functioning alcoholic. He has a reason to be grumpy, as Lunkold stole a powerful weapon from him a long time ago and left him traumatized. This is why he hates going into museums with weapons, all the weapons there remind him of how Lunkold put the weapons of dead Miracle Angels on the wall. 
Dame Momoda “Momo” Aisulhaina- Ran’s assistant who speaks with a Southern accent. 
Sokomsro Suldolavik- Dr. Ranrhen’s best friend who is the son of Gudkraae and Troshka who was born during the middle of the War of Fallen Angels. He claims he was born on a Miracle Angel farm, but in reality he had been caught up the middle of a battle, separated from his parents and then taken in by a pair of farmers. 
Sir Matarys- Onadda’s boyfriend and the one with the beef with Onaira. He has a different personality when he changes his hairstyle. His default when he has his long hair is a mostly calm gruff voiced knight with caligynephobia, his short haired personality just wants to die but can’t due to a curse placed on his family, and when he puts his hair in a ponytail he reverts to being a cocky jerk. 
Ganel- Matarys’s dog, a playful white pomimo who likes to bark and wear hats. 
Sinfonia- Lusrel’s female birman cat who is antisocial as opposed to Ganel. 
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