alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
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To look like this when photos are taken spontaneously 💗
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
Reblog if it’s okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you’ve ever been called fat by a family member
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
how do y’all cope with irritability and anger while fasting, i’ve been doing so for about 14 hours and i’ve just been getting mad and annoyed at simple things. if you have any advice please let me know
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
i’m almost 18, i’m bi, my starting weight is way above 130lbs, i have anxiety and i love reading
Comment if three or more apply.. I’ll pm you
I need a buddy
•15-18 yrs old
•gw is below 110 lbs
•sw is over 130 lbs
•uses pinterest for thinspo
•night binges
•has depression/anxiety
•loves to read
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
starting a 24 hour fast (this is my first one ever) so wish me luck and pray i have the set control to not break because my future self will thank me later
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
updated workout routine
So every morning and night i do this workout routine. So i do 84 sit-ups, 140 jumping jacks, 84 leg lifts and keep that up in a rep of 4
So i’ll begin by doing:
- 21 sit-ups
- 35 jumping jacks
- 21 leg raises
and than repeat 4 times
I also do this when I wake up and when i’m going to sleep.
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
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Reblog for a follow.
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
so yesterday was the swimming carnival for my school. one of my friends really wanted me to go but i am very extremely self conscious and hate my body so i said i’m not going and so anywho, my friends were all having a small get together last night and the friend who invited me was talking about how others looked at the swimming carnival and saying some people looked bad and fat and gross and i literally had an internal panic attack because i was so scared and was making a scenario in my head about me being there and everyone just laughing at me behind my back and talking about how fat i looked and it stressed me out so much that i literally went to the bathroom and cried for a solid 15 minutes until my other friend checked on me and i just had to say i had allergies.
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
I hate how I can never feel comfortable in a crop top
I hate chubby my face looks in photos
I hate how my thighs constantly touch each other
I hate how I look bloated next to my friends in photos
I hate how my love handles puff out
I hate how big my stomach is
I hate how my back fat makes it difficult to move in jackets
I hate how having a double chin in photos
I hate never having a defined jawline
I hate having to constantly suck in my gut 
I hate how my calves look when I wear shorts
I hate never being the girl people think is pretty
I hate how I feel when I look into a mirror
I hate never going swimming because I’m scared of wear bathing suits
I hate how I constantly hide my body
I just want to not hate myself.
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
i’m posting this to motivate myself because if others see this than i feel ill need to do it.
- 50 sit-ups/crunches
- 30second plank
- 100 jumping jacks
- fast from 6-6
- drink 3 bottles of water a day
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
do ya’ll ever just
see someone skinny in ur class or in the store and in ur head u say “ugh reblog 🌙⭐️”
like bitch this is real life r u kidding
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
UPDATED Quiet Exercises You Can Do In Your Room (And In Bed 🛏)
Quiet exercises you can do in your room!
* squats
* Leg lifts (lying down) 🛏
* Leg lifts (on your side) 🛏
* Lunges
* Russian twists 🛏
* Toe touches
* Wall sits
* Push ups
* Jogging in place (lightly)
* High knees
* Planks 🛏
* Lumber jack swings
* Crunches 🛏
* Sit-ups 🛏
* Butt kicks
* Knee pulls (slow high knees)
* Mountain climbers
* full body crunches
* Butt bridges 🛏
* Crisscrosses
* Clam lifts 🛏
* Pillow squeezes 🛏
* Yoga stretches (check Pinterest. There’s a ton!)
* Low lunges
* Raised pushups.
* Steps (if you’ve got a few books to step up and down on)
* Butterfly sits 🛏
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
i hate my body but i’ll do absolutely nothing to change it, like i’ve tried to work out... too lazy... i’ve tried to restrict and count calories... forgot and just ate too many to keep track of... i’ve tried to starve myself... i have no perseverance and easily give up within a couple hours.
if anyone has any kind of advice on how to lose weight or keep motivation to lose weight send it my way cause i’m in desperate need of it !!!
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alwaysbeurbby-blog · 6 years
A few of my tips and tricks 😉
Whenever I binge, which happens, as soon as I realize I stop. It’s hard as fuck, but I put the food down.
Once I can safely set it down I discard it immediately! Sometimes by walking out to the dumpster and throwing it out or spray it with something. Febreeze, perfume, tilex, something I literally can’t eat.
Can’t eat it. No worries.
Water water water! I know that that is literally everywhere, but always drink water. I keep three or four bottles in my car and I always carry one I’m my purse.
Keep temptations away! If you live on your own or at least buy your own food, don’t go down snack or soda aisles. Get fresh fruits and veggies or a 0 cal snack. If you work in a place where you have access to soda etc, (fast food, restaurants, mall) then bring your own bottle and only use it for water.
If you need to eat then eat! Try something small. I always go for a small fruit or some pickles at work. This way you’re not going to pass out or hurt yourself. Also people will see you eat and back off of you.
Exercise! Always make time for your workouts and exercises. Sitting on the couch? Get on the floor and do some sit ups! Laying in your bed and Netflixing? Jumping jacks! Keep your body active and don’t skip work outs. Even if you binge or slip up, work out!!
Clean! I always enjoy housework to keep me busy. So if you’re super hungry then super clean the house. Dust, sweep, mop, laundry, change your sheets, scrub the toilet and tub, clean the trash cans, bathe the dogs, do anything!!
Refuse fast food while out with friends? So all my guy friends try to feed me over board when we hang out. So always have a reason you’re not hungry! Already ate, sour stomach, dinner later with the folks, whatever.
Fake food! Okay so this is like my own type thing. So whenever you’re around people, hanging out or whatever, I always carry little snacks in my purse. Whenever I can I try to pull one out while walking around and talking with whoever I’m with, I’ll grab the fruit snacks and like put my hang toward my mouth and then just drop the snack without anyone seeing. Then the package empties and the person thinks you ate.
If you smoke! Smoke your meals. I do this all the time with my cigarettes. I just smoke two or three and drink water. This is only if you already smoke!! Please do not take up smoking to lose weight!!!!!
Sex and masterbation! It definitely burns calories.
Sweat lodge! Try turning up your heat and wearing winter clothes! You can do the ole fashion sweat it out.
Sleep! Hungry?? Sleep for dinner!
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