alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
do not equate womanhood to having a vagina
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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               He was in poor shape—— a proud, bleeding slave, chained from the corners of a salt-ridden cell, each wrist in shackles; the restraints were the only things keeping him standing night after night. If he wanted to sleep, he did so upright, worn-out wings scraping the walls of his cell, the salt rubbing into his wounds, into his wings. He was certain he would never fly again: not after what had been done to him—— not after what would be done to him. Pruul was worse than Hell, if you asked him. It was a dry, desert wasteland. It was a woeful graveyard and the salt mines were catacombs for Eyrien men who would not submit: just the other day he’d watched one of his Eyrien brothers kill himself by breaking his own neck against a wall. He stopped thinking about it when the gate of his cell opened with a slow creak. A crooked, bloody grin spread across his face, and with a painful shake of his head, he shook his hair from his face. A grin...? No, it was more like he bared his teeth at the Dhemlan man who entered.
              ❛Hello, Morrow.❜❜ Kovar greeted smugly and kept his stare locked on the other man, even as his face was gripped tightly by unforgiving hands, even as the man inspected every inch of his tortured body. Kovar let none of his dignity be lost under this dissection. He coughed, trying to chuckle lowly. ❛Do you like what you see?❜❜
              Morrow released the Eyrien man and seated himself in the same chair as always—— just a few inches from where his slave was forced to stand. Once more, he slid bored, hazel eyes along the battered frame of his prisoner. ❛Did you get to see that little event earlier? The sad end fate of your winged brother?❜❜
             ❛Suicide isn’t sad—— it’s what leads people to do it that’s sad.❜❜ Kovar countered.
             Nodding, Morrow crossed one leg over the other. ❛Still quick to respond, that’s good; your optimism remains in tact, as well. You’re such an impressive specimen, Livyaslana, I’m sure your family would be proud of you.❜❜
            ❛I’m sure.❜❜ He shifted just enough to stretch a sore muscle in his back, at the small expense of a fresh wound re-tearing—— or that’s what he assumed it was, the sensation of blood trickling down his spine, though it could have been sweat. He didn’t feel the pain of it and he wouldn’t allow himself to wince even if it had hurt. His pride was crucial here, and under Morrow’s watchful eye, visible weakness would destroy him more than the torture did. 
            Kovar cleared his throat, angled his head, and spit blood against the wall to his right. ❛So,❜❜ he muttered with eyelids half-closed,  ❛what’s up? Just come to gawk? Sorry— not much of a show here, but if you give me a few days, maybe I can learn to tap dance or breathe fire or pull a little bunny rabbit from a hat...? Your pick, really: I am your guest, after all.❜❜
            He opened his eyes to stare over at Morrow when his face was gripped harshly once more; all he could do was bare his teeth again in a bitter smile, and arch a brow though his face ached. It was worth it. It was always worth it. His blood ran cold when Morrow returned the icy, spiteful smile.
            ❛No, it’s story-time. Should I start with what I did to your sister today, or what I did to Rhian?❜❜ The Dhemlan man dug his fingernails into Kovar’s cheek, waiting for his answer. He narrowed his eyes and let his hand linger in the air a moment after Kovar twisted his face from grasp. Blood ran down his cheek, and Morrow at least felt satisfaction at the sight of that.
             It felt as if mist swirled around Kovar; he felt it trying to drag him into it’s abyss. The ground...he wondered where it’d gone... He wondered where everything went; the salt, the desert, the man taunting him in that cell... where did the cell go? He shook his head and it all blurred back into his sight. He sighed and there was something hollow in the way he spoke next. ❛Hey, can I tell you something?❜❜ He didn’t wait for the answer; he didn’t want to hear it. ❛One day, I’m going to tear your spine out through your mouth and knock all of your teeth out with it. And then? I’m probably gonna beat you with your own spine. Anyway—— go ahead, Morrow, tell me a story. I already know it ends in heart-ache.❜❜
             Tomorrow, he would be in even poorer shape. But he’d get through it.
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
there are strange bones along the paths, this is not a place for sleep
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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♡ @gothpastelwooorld ♡
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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#this is basically just a Finn’s face appreciation post 4/x
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
your mom didn’t let you chill in the womb for 9 months so you could degrade women
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
what am i now that i have shattered into more pieces than i imagined i had? what am i now that loneliness and inadequacy fills the outlines of my bleeding body, you know i used to smile and mean it, where has it all gone?
hello, goodbye // s.p.l (via fallintotheskies)
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
Me: *jokes about having a crush on you.*
Me: *actually develops a crush on you*
Me: wait wait wait a f ucgking sSCNOD.
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
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the neighbourhood // staying up
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
you had never known fear. you knew only the taste of blood; of battle, and of victory. you knew the violence of storms, for it was in your heart. you knew the ferocity of earthquakes, for it was in your fists. you knew the rage of volcanoes, for it was in your veins. you did not walk the paths carved by man; you broke the spines of mountains, tore the tendons of oceans, made them bow and move for you.              (and then you met her.) then you were the one bowing, moving; the clouds of your heart parted, the storm calmed, and your hands were gentle wherever they touched. and all that you had conquered meant nothing to you without her.              now you know what fear is. you had only ever gained. you took because you could; and all that you had, nothing could take from you, and nothing could be taken. now the one thing you did not take is the one thing you cannot bear to lose.              (and you realized how truly terrified              you are capable of being.)
some lessons come too late | m.a.w (via dvoyd)
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
(HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?) they ask. how much did they have you bleed; how long did they make you suffer; how low did they force you down; how dark did they tint your dreams?      —until you had their blood glistening on your teeth;      —until your suffering paled in comparison to their own;      —until it was their throats pinned under your boot;      —until you learned to enjoy the sounds of screams.                                                           (I DIDN’T.) you reply.
to defeat monsters: become the greater monster | m.a.w (via bangvn)
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alisaureis-blog · 8 years
Why is the measure of love loss?
Jeanette Winterson, from Written on the Body (via lifeinpoetry)
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