adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Rita smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I’ve heard of your ability to acquire information, darling. It’s true, there are some that are only worth the title of ‘pet’, but I have higher hopes for you.” It was rare for Rita to dish out compliments, but she had similar interests to Adélaïde and it gave them a common ground. “I trust you have the sense to know what information is worth my time. And as far as payment goes, I’m sure we can come to some arrangement, whether that be a chance to write for me or something else. I think you’ll find I have a lot to offer.”
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“Rita, mon ange, I do not think you quite understand me.” Adélaïde tittered, a coy sweetness seeping into her voice. “I do not want to be paid, and it is very sweet of you to think of zat. You will know, of course, zat my family has quite enough money in ze bank. My chief concern,” here she paused, shooting an meaningful look at Rita, “is zat I do not want to be higher than a pet for you. I do not wish to give out secrets unless it will benefit me. Or interest me. I collect zem for my own knowledge, and am loath to part with zem.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Rita had known of Adélaïde’s interest in current affairs for a while but hadn’t had much of a reason to interact with her until the attack. She liked staying on top of things, and that meant recruiting those she trusted enough to relay her reliable information when the moment called for it. 
One of her informants had told her that the girl was down by the lake, so she made her way there and found her quickly. “Adélaïde, love.” She jumped in surprise at Rita’s sudden appearance, startled. “Actually, I do need something. I came to offer you…. a partnership, of sorts.” She had her attention, so kept talking. “Whatever you need, in exchange for information.”
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Adélaïde’s face quickly slipped into a mask of cool reserve, with a hint of a smile ghosting her lips. She did not want Rita to discern anything at all from her expression. For she trusted Rita about as far as she could throw her, and knew she would be able to detect the barest hint of weakness. “Oui?” 
She took time to process her thoughts, finger tapping on the Prophet lightly. An alliance? With Rita Skeeter? Adélaïde failed to see how that would benefit herself, for she had almost everything she could possibly want already, and the things she did want were impossible for Rita to give her. “What kind of information do you want, Rita? I am failing to see where this would benefit me. You see, I am not interested in being one of your... hm... pets. I am too smart for zat. No offense to you, of course.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
“Then what do you swim in? A parka?” he asked with a laughing scoff. He then shrugged. “You care too much about what people think, apparently, if you think going for a swim could potentially ruin your fucking precious reputation.” He then gasped, placing a hand over his heart and sarcastically saying with a pout “Wow, it’s like I’m back at home. Hi Mum!”
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“Je n'ai jamais été aussi insulté de ma vie!” Adélaïde snapped. “Going for a swim in zis weather—only a complete imbecile would do that. Are you sure zat you are not a Gryffindor, Travers?” She sneered at him. “Well, I think your mother sounds like a perfectly respectable woman, I think she would not like her son running around like a brainless buffoon!” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
He arched an eyebrow with a condescending smirk. “Swimming is beneath your station?” he asked,shaking his head with a chuckle before he took off his pants as well, revealing his swim trunks. “Don’t worry, I’m jumping in, you won’t have to stare at the sun for too long,” he assured her with a wink before turning and walking into the water. It was a bit cold, yeah, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He dunked his head under the water, then came up and flicked his hair out of his face before calling out “The water’s fine, the offer’s still on the table!”
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The frown on her face deepened. Merlin, she hoped she wouldn’t get wrinkles because of Travers. This is exactly what she was talking about with Narcissa—British men were nothing but show offs! Brutes! “I’ll 'ave you know,” Adélaïde said haughtily, “that running around 'alf-naked in ze Black Lake iz indeed beneath my station. What would people think, if I went around cavorting men like zat?” She shot him a look of disgust, hiking her skirt up so she wouldn’t get wet. “You are a detriment to your family name.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
The news of Mary’s attack right after the one in Hogsmeade left Kenny with a lot to think about, mainly about how he would be most helpful to the cause. The rebellion was definitely rising in Hogwarts, and Kenn wanted to help any way he could.
He did his best thinking when he was swimming or flying, and since the water would definitely be too cold soon, he wanted to get in one last swim of the year. He sat down on the bench to take off his shoes when he noticed he wasn’t alone.
“Just a seat to get ready for a swim,” he shrugged off her clearly flippant attitude. He grinned cockily before standing up and taking off his shirt. “Care to join me?”
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Adélaïde gasped, a hand flying up to her mouth cover her open mouth. She was completely scandalized by the suggestion that she join him in a state of undress. Especially when everyone could see them. It struck her as a very Gryffindor—like activity. “I am sorry Travers, but you must ‘ave me confused for someone else. As ef I ‘ould ever be seen doing something so—so—beneath my station!” 
Her arms flew out in front of her, as if to protect her from the man in front of her. “Please, for my sake, put your shirt back on!” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
“Come now Addy, they’re not all bad.” Cissa said with a giggle. Adélaïde could always make her laugh even when she was not intending to be funny. “I’m sure there is a boy in the frog choir who would happily serenade you, and as for the flowers I promise to bring you a fresh bouquet more beautiful than anything a man, English or otherwise, has ever given you.” She said, putting the finishing touches on Addy’s hair. “There, good as new and rather fashionable if I do say so myself.”
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“Frog choir!” Adélaïde huffs indignantly, instantly regretting the very unladylike noise that came from her. “’ow I do despise the frog choir! Ze croaking—et iz enough to drive anyone completely mad!” Despite that, Adélaïde did feel better from her friend’s comforting. She had never in her life felt like she had a home. Not in France, not even at Hogwarts; but when she was with Cissa, she at least felt as though she had someone who cared for her. “Thank you, Cissa,” she took her friend’s hands and squeezed. “You always make me feel better.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Severus had been staring at his History of Magic text book that his eyes were beginning to hurt so he decided that it was time for a break, just a short one, to stretch his limps. He decided that a stroll around the lake would do nicely, perhaps he would catch a glimpse of the giant squid, something that still filled him with boyish wonder even after all these years. A fact about himself that he would never admit to anyone, unless he wanted to die from embarrassment. 
But there was no giant squid to be seen, just a familiar blonde head reading the daily prophet. “Woah,” He said, his hands going up defensively. “Someones in a bad mood.”
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“Oh, Severus,” she deflates slightly, but not enough for her posture to shrink. “It is you. I apologize. I don’t know what came over me.” Adélaïde tries at a sweet smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. The post brought her the newspaper today, but also news from her mother, who was doing her best to be as nasty and vindictive as usual. 
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She straightened her back, brushing nonexistent wrinkles out of her cloak, which was bundled tightly around her. “Can you ever forgive me, Severus?” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
“You haven’t seen anything.” Lily groaned and got up, looking at her broom up at the tree. 
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“’ow could I possibly pretend I did not see that pathetic attempt at flying?” Adélaïde huffed, crossing her arms. “Why do you even try?” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
There was nothing Adélaïde disliked more than an abundance of free time. She tried desperately to keep a full social schedule to prevent an abundance of idleness. Who wanted to cavort with an idle woman? Idleness led to gossip which led to complacency. No, Adélaïde preferred to always have something to do. Currently, she was perched on a bench by the lake, The Daily Prophet open in her lap. Her eyes scanned the newspaper with rapt interest, looking for an interesting story—she always liked to be the first one to know the news. 
Someone sat down next to her, which wouldn’t normally bother her, but the abrupt motion made the page flutter—causing her to lose her place on the page. “Excuse me!” She whirled around, eyes blazing. “Do you need something?”  
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Lucius was pleasantly surprised by the empty table given the popularity of the place during this trip. He gestured for her to take her seat before he sat down across from her. Her question was expected, of course, but he still had to decide which of his possible answers to give her. “Getting back into the swing of things, I suppose,” he explained. “Helping first years find their way, keeping the prefects in line, Head Boy duties, you understand. Speaking of, we should get drinks so we can toast to you being selected as prefect.”
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Adélaïde tried her best to look modest and ladylike. Boasting was beneath her dignity, and she didn’t much like looking over-confident. “But of course! And to you, as ‘ead Boy! What a wonderful and well deserved title!” Her lips twitched into half-smile. “I was very lucky to get the position.” That was an understatement. Her mother nearly lost it when Voldemort was killed. She would’ve never been able to return had she not received the position. “Maman did not want me to come back after... what ‘appened. She thought Beauxbatons would be more suitable for a young witch of my standing. I ‘ad to convince ‘er to send me back. I told ‘er I would not be interacting with anyone unsuitable if I could ‘elp it.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
“Oh, well, I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, though he wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal about going to Hogsmeade with a date was. Still, he didn’t want to point out his opinion right now. “Sounds wonderful,” he said with a charming smile, nodding towards the Three Broomsticks. “No reason for either of us to sit alone when we can enjoy each other’s company instead.”
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Adélaïde strode towards the pub, doing her best to look elegant and graceful. Over the summer, her mother had done her best to criticize the way her daughter walked, talked, and ate. They both knew what was at stake. It was ripe time for her to be engaged, and her mother had high hopes. Lucius was well connected, and Adélaïde hoped that being in his good graces would spread the word of her availability and status. The pub was crowded, but there was blessedly an empty corner where they wouldn’t be overheard. She took a seat, making sure to keep her posture perfectly straight. “What ‘ave you been up to recently, Lucius?” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Lucius didn’t like hogsmeade trips for anything other than people watching and supply runs. However, there were a few people he genuinely enjoyed speaking to that he usually didn’t get the chance to. Adelaide was one of them. He saw a lot of himself in her; the perfect pureblood most of the time, but always something fiery boiling under the surface. “Good to see you, Adelaide,” he said with a small smile. “How are you? Enjoying the trip?”
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“I am now.” Adélaïde pulled her robes tighter around herself, pout forming on her face. “No one asked me to come to ‘ogsmeade with them zis trip. Everyone seems too busy for me—” the pout was out full force now. “Will you accompany me to ze Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer? You can tell me all about ‘ow your summer went. We ‘ave not ‘ad the time to catch up properly.” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
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“Pardon?” Voleta had been tucked away in a private alcove, her feet tucked neatly under her as she read a book she had borrowed from the library. She had been so engrossed in the words that she hadn’t realized someone was speaking to her. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
“Bonjour, Voleta,” Adélaïde smiled kindly. “I was simply admiring your ‘air today. It seems more beautiful than ever. ‘ave you been using a new product, hm? I myself ‘ave been dying to get my hands on zis new sleeking potion—we are not all naturally blessed with perfect ‘air.”
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Adélaïde was usually quite good at getting the attention of others. She would turn on the charm, bat her eyelashes, and cross her arms—pushing up her more valuable features. Her newest target, Lucius Malfoy, was the oldest—and most popular—subject she had tried that on. She was currently trailing after him in Hogsmeade, waiting for the opportune time to corner him. “Lucius!” Her robes fluttered after her as she glided toward him. “What a pleasant surprise!” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
Cissa raised a dainty hand to hide the giggles that were bubbling out of her lips. She watched at her hair whipped around her in a flurry of golden locks. Cissa and Adélaïde were far too similar so she knew that this had the potential to ruin her day, as it would hers. “It’s not so bad Addy.” It really wasn’t, if it was she would tell her. Adélaïde was one of the few people Narcissa didn’t lie to. “Here let me help.” She said, guiding her friend to a nearby bench and sitting her down before standing behind her. “Just think if you hadn’t come to England you wouldn’t have found me.” She quipped as she began to work her friends hair into an elegant braid. 
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Adélaïde ran her fingers over her skirts, smoothing out the wrinkles. “Oui,” she said airily, “but zen I would be surrounded by ze cutest European boys. Zey are so much more openminded zen these brutes,” she waved a hand for emphasis. “English boys are so uptight. Zey are so crude and ‘ave no tact. It iz too much to ask for, to ‘ave yourself serenaded, or given flowers?”
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
The grounds had a certain charm in October, until the wind blew Adélaïde’s hair roughly around her. She cursed the fact that she had run out of hair sleeking potion just days ago. Her perfectly tousled locks were not so perfectly tousled anymore. She turned to Narcissa, angrily brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Zis weather!” Her voice sounded shrill to her ears, a trait she detested in women. “Zis weather will kill me! England iz such a dirty, dreary place! Why my people would ever want to leave, I ‘ave no idea!” 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that Adélaïde Beaufort? SHE is a 5th YEAR + SLYTHERIN and I’ve heard that they are AMIABLE and LEVEL-HEADED but can also be INTOLERANT and DECEITFUL. there’s also rumors that they are part of the UNDECIDED, and maybe that’s because they are PUREBLOOD? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to ANYA TAYLOR-JOY, but I don’t see it myself.
Full Name: Adélaïde Marie Beaufort
Nickname: Adélaïde is a perfect name, why ruin it? 
Birthday: October 31, 1961
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Patronous: Swan
Boggart: Herself, dead. 
Aesthetic: Lipstick, silk, rose. 
full bio
wanted connections—
fellow purebloods
someone for a Good Time 🌝
academic rival
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