5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
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Summary: Never lost, just waiting to be found
Pairing: Mob!Tom x (fem!)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, blood, death, angst all around, mentions of sex, mentions of drugs and crime
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
can you do "quit stealing all the pillows" with calum? please and thank you!
B1“Quit stealing all the pillows”
Calum Hood seems to have a bazaar talent of turning even the smallest of gatherings into a wild party. It was just many of the little quirks that attracted you to him. Tonight’s little birthday celebration for your mutual friend, Michael had been no exception to Hood’s special little gift...
It had started as a few casual drinks at a quiet bar, but as always, once Calum showed up, things had escalated and the small group of you had wound up taking things back to Luke’s apartment after the bar had closed.
A lot of dancing and drinking games had ensued but somehow, throughout the chaos, your lingering crush for the boy that everyone called ‘the life and soul of the party’ had endured.
You know that it could be just your tipsy brain playing tricks on you, but over the course of the evening, you’ve been increasingly convinced that Calum just might like you back. He’d definitely paid you more attention tonight than he ever has before, the two of you had shared plenty of flirtatious glances, lingering touches and when Calum had dragged you off of the sofa to dance with him, he’d held you close, moving in a gentle but sexy way that you can only perceive as seductive.
Unfortunately, the moment you’d chosen to try and ramp up your own flirting, was ruined when the birthday boy had thrown up all over Luke’s living room carpet. The youngest friend’s inevitable tantrum over the incident had pretty much put an abrupt end to the night’s celebration.
By the time the few remaining guests had helped to clean up the mess, time had crept well into the early hours of the morning. Luke had welcomed you all to stay for what remained of the night, but unfortunately Ashton had been the quickest to claim the only available bed in the tiny spare room and since Michael was passed out in the sofa. That now left you and Calum to fight over the little pile of blankets and pillows Luke had left for you to try and make the floor as comfortable as possible.
“I’m an expert at making blanket nests.” Calum proclaims, scooping up the bundle and dropping it unceremoniously into a heap in the centre of the small room. “Why don’t I do that whilst you change for bed, yeah?”
There’s something mildly suspicious about the determination in Calum’s voice but you’re reluctant to call him out on it because of the charming smile he shoots you as he hands over one of the old, oversized t-shirts Luke had left for you both to sleep in.
“Okay, thanks...” you smile gratefully, taking the shirt he offers you before traipsing to the bathroom. As you change, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the smudgy little mirror above the sink. Your lips are curved into a wistful smile and you know that Calum is the only reason for that.
The smile falters a little when you realise that you’re about to be sleeping in fairly close proximity to the man you’ve been lusting after for quite some time. For a moment, you contemplate keeping your jeans on to sleep, suddenly very self conscious of the fact that Calum’s about to see you wearing very little clothing.
Eventually your desire to be comfortable wins out, though and you compromise only by keeping your underwear on beneath Luke’s t-shirt.
When you return to the living room, you’re mildly surprised to see that Calum’s actually succeeding in making a comfortable looking blanket nest out of the measly few covers that Luke had left for you both to use. What’s even more surprising though, is the the fact that the single cozy little make-shift bed is clearly meant for you both to sleep in.
“You don’t mind, do you?” Calum asks as though he’s just read your mind. “It’s just that Luke didn’t really leave us enough to make two comfortable sleeping arrangements, so I thought that maybe we could share?”
You nod silently as you look up towards Calum’s voice. He’s standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of loose shorts and tiny smirk.
“I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself...” He shrugs. “If that’s what you want of course?”
You manage to muster the strength to roll your eyes, despite the inevitable blush that must be colouring your cheeks right about now. “I’ll share with you but seeing as we’re not going to be sleeping alone, you probably should keep your hands to yourself, yeah...” you reply, shooting a glance at Michael, who’s now laying on his front, snoring pretty loudly.
Calum pouts and you’re pretty sure he’s barely joking when he mutters “Michael fucking owes me big time...” as he drops down into the pile of covers and pillows he’d created. He shuffles over so that there’s space for you before he asks you to turn out the light.
You comply before navigating your way over to where Calum has his arm outstretched, ready to help you the last few steps. When your finger close around his you’re pretty glad about how dark it is in Luke’s living room, knowing that your expression would have fully given away how gone for Calum you actually are.
It takes you a moment to gently lower yourself into the blankets, ensuring you don’t accidentally elbow your crush in the balls or something.
As soon as your comfortable, Calum shifts around, apparently trying to get a little closer to you but he somehow manages to pull a pillow from beneath your head.”
“Hey...” you grumble quietly. “Quit stealing all the pillows.” You nudge Calum in the shoulder, playfully reprimanding him before trying to retrieve the stolen pillow.
“I’m just trying to make this little blanket nest as comfortable as possible.” He whispers, just loudly enough for you to hear over Michael’s snoring. “So if you want this pillow, you’ll have to snuggle a bit closer to me, I’m afraid.”
The shameless flirting on Calum’s part somehow gives you the confidence to take your own up a notch. “Well that’s very presumptuous of you to think I want to be pressed that closely to you, Hood.” You ensure that your smirk is evident in your voice, though, not wanting him to feel as though he’s overstepped a boundary.
“I’m sorry...” Calum mutters, gently pulling you closer so they your head is resting on the pillow he’d deliberately dislodged you from. “I definitely don’t want to be presumptuous, I guess I was just hoping you wanted to press that hot body against me.”
Your tipsy brain struggles to comprehend that Calum Hood just called you hot. The difficulty of that small task is further intensified by the sudden realisation that the very tip of Calum’s nose is touching yours. The two of you are practically breathing the same air as Calum reaches up to touch your cheek gently. “I was really hoping to finally kiss you tonight.” He whispers. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that Michael owes me. Tonight was supposed to end with me having at least asked you on a date, not trapped in Luke’s tiny living room with you and being unable to do anything about it because of my stupid drunken friend.” He tacks a tiny giggle on the end of his sentence but you can tell he’s a bit frustrated by the turn of events.
You drape one arm over his waist to pull his body closer to yours. “I don’t see any reason why tonight can’t end with you kissing me.” You whisper gently.
The inevitable kiss that follows is surprisingly soft and gentle. You’d always imagined that Calum’s kissing style would be much more lustful and urgent. The sweet way that his lips move against your definitely doesn’t lack passion, though and it’s every bit as mind blowing as you’d imagined it would be. He tastes of beer and there’s definitely a faint hint of smoke from the cigarette you’d seen him smoking out of Luke’s kitchen window a few hours ago. It’s just so ‘Calum’ and you’re already intoxicated by it.
When Calum finally pulls away you find yourself chasing his lips, not ready to end the kiss yet. He chuckles lightly as he gives in, pecking your lips gently with his own a few more times.
“I really hope that next time we do that, it’s not to the sound of Michael’s fucking snoring.” Calum smiles, stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb again.
“You’d better ask me on that date then.” You prompt, tracing your fingertips lightly over the skin of his bare back.
Smiling even wider, Calum asks “do you wanna go for dinner with me sometime?”
You nod, trying not to betray just how eager you are to accept the invitation. “I’d like that.”
Calum grins widely into the next kiss he pressed to your lips before he settles down into his pillow. “I promise that it’ll end better than this.” He giggles.
You humour him with a casual “I’ll hold you to that...” even though you can’t imagine anything making you much happier than being this close to Calum.
Make a request - 200 dialogue prompts
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
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reblog with a calum gif that comes up <3
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
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Heather Demetrios, Something Real
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Not that anyone cares but....
I will post the next part of “it’s a small town” soon. School has really been kicking my ass but I’m picking it up again so it will be out soon!!
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Any person who reblogs this will get a nickname in their ask box.
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Calling All 5SOS Blogs!!
Hey guys! 
If you’re a 5SOS blog or mainly a 5SOS blog please reblog this so we and other blogs can follow you!!
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Its a Small Town part 1- Luke Hemmings
The halls were filled with students, from the senior pot heads, to the sophomore cheerleaders, and the scared freshman. They were all there. She walked the halls with her head down and headphones in hoping to make it to AP Biology without pissing someone off. It was the first day of the new school year, and Junior year was going to be hell for her and the other 100 kids in her grade. College applications were to be completed this year which means you have to be on top of everything. She made her way in to the classroom and immediately migrated towards the back. She wasn’t a loser, but kept a closer circle of friends none of which were in this class.
The bell sounded and more kids made their way in until all the desk were full. She didn’t even take notice of the boy next to her knowing it would only be a couple minutes until they were moved to their assigned seats.
Mrs. Mugally stood up, she was a small lady with short orange-gray hair and bangle bracelets lining up her left arm but none on the right in addition to a large floral kimono on over her striped dress. Thus began the classic first day of school speech about how her class is not a joke and no out of line behavior will be tolerated.
“Now I hope you have all chosen seat wisely because that is where you will be stuck for the first semester. Your first assignment is to turn to your partner and discuss what moved you to select my class.” 
shit shit shit shit
That was all that ran through her mind as she turned to her right and saw the Luke Hemmings sitting next to her.  Now if it was any of the other boys in the class she wouldn’t of cared but for him she did. 
“Hi I’m Luke.” He stuck out his hand to shake hers as the other raked through his hair.
“Charlotte.” She responded, quickly shaken his hand. See it’s not specifically Luke that she has a problem with it’s his girlfriend, Melissa. If she found out they ended up next to each other, technically, by choice then she’ll ruin Charlotte’s life. Again.
“So” Luke started dragging out the o’s, “What made you take this thrilling class?” She could practically taste the sarcasm that dripped from his question as he shoots her a smirk.
“I wanted the AP credit, colleges like that. Plus I want to be a doctor one day.” Charlotte looked him in the eyes as she answered, the first time she has all morning and noticed how they lit up when she mentioned being a doctor.
“Thats so cool that you know what you want to be,  I have no fucking clue what I’m going to do.” He let out a dry chuckle and looked down almost as though he was embarrassed. Until Charlotte let out a small giggle and knocked his shoulder playfully with hers. 
“Oh come on Mr. Football Star you really have no clue what you want to do” She asked referencing him making Varsity as only a freshman years ago, he was predicted to go all state. Best player their small town has seen in a while. 
He shook his head, “Nah, Iove football and I would love to play in college but it can get kinda crazy ya know?” Again he ran his hand through his hair and shook it out. “Like going from a town like this to some big shot university, on top of the stress of playing?” He slowly shook his head and migrated his gaze back to the desk where he focused on picking at the letters somebody had carved in years ago.
Charlotte eyes also drifted away from him, except hers was to the whiteboard at the front of the room. She never would have guessed that the popular football captain was scared to go to school, him and the people he hangs out with seem as though they have it all together. The sound of students zipping up their backpacks pulled her from her thoughts. 
As she followed their lead and shoved her still empty bio binder back into her bag she felt a tap on her shoulder. After sealing her bag shut Charlotte turned her attention behind her to Luke. He nervously played with his fingers and took a deep breathe before looking her in the eyes.
“Look, I’ve never really talked to anyone about the whole college thing like today. People seem to think they’ve got me figured out, but you didn’t make any kind of comment when I told you so thanks, I guess. Do you um think that I could like get your number?” The nervous boy watched as confusion washed over the young girls face “You know, for this class. We sit next to each other now and it might be useful.” 
Luke began panicking, it took a couple seconds until Charlotte grew a smile on her face and he really thought that she was going to make fun of him. Instead she grabbed the pen and binder out of his hands and opened it. After quickly scribbling down the seven digits she closed the binder and handed it back to him as the bell rang.
“See you around Hemmings.” She said over her shoulder as she made her way out the door and blended with the sea of students.
Im sorry I know this part is short but just bare with me this was the first meeting was important and a lot of things will rap back to thing. 
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Blonde lip ring guy from 5SOS has some gorgeous genes lemme tell ya congrats on your face dude
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Calling All 5SOS Blogs!!
Hey guys! 
If you’re a 5SOS blog or mainly a 5SOS blog please reblog this so we and other blogs can follow you!!
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5secsofsomewhere · 5 years
Alright y’all, im pulling for Auburn in the first game.
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5secsofsomewhere · 6 years
Praying that $1500 randomly comes to you when you need it the most this year.
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5secsofsomewhere · 6 years
Cal and his girlfriend that has a little boy (jagger) from a previous relationship? Literally anything? Thank you so much
let’s say you got pregnant at 18 and Jag’s dad wasn’t in the picture from the beginning, young and scared and just not ready to be a dad and left you with the responsibility of being a parent all by yourself and you were terrified in the beginning, scared to fail as a mom and doubting your ability in being a good mother at such a young age, but when Jag was born and you saw his dark curly hair and his big brown eyes and soft chubby cheeks, even though he resembled his dad more than anything, you were head over heels for your little man and knew you had to do right by him.
and yeah, you struggled, a lot, it was hard to raise a little boy all on your own, having to leave him with your parents or your siblings most of the time so you could work and you worked hard as hell, wanting to give Jag a good life and destined to give him the world, even without a dad, your main priority was your son always. that being said you never really had time to date, never really even had the thought of being with anyone else after Jag’s dad left and honestly you were scared to bring another man into not only yours but your son’s life, scared of getting intimate with someone new and your son not getting treated the way he should by them.
and then you met Calum, the beautiful man coming into your life when Jag was only 4 years old.
you were skeptical at first, a good man coming into your life that was not only very successful but also willing to accept your son into his life with open arms, it was almost too good to be true and you had let him know from the start that your son came first always, no matter what, you wouldn’t hesitate to end a good relationship if you felt like your son wasn’t getting the same amount of love and treatment as you were, you two were a package deal.
Calum was over the moon when he first met Jag, he had showed up to your apartment with a gift box that instantly caught the 4 year old’s attention, his big brown eyes widening in wonder and his little voice asking you -’mommy, who’s that? is the present for me?’- while tugging at your pants and you’d answered with -’Jag, this is Calum, mommy’s boyfriend, introduce yourself bubba’- and oh my gosh, your heart completely melted at the sight of Jag walking up to him, extending his little hand towards him for a shake -’hi cawum, i’m Jagger and i’m 4 years old’- , Calum had squatted down to be at Jag’s height, his big tattooed hand engulfing Jag’s little one, the man’s face gleaming with adoration at the little guy in front of him as he introduced himself to the boy, reaching out and giving him the present, making Jag go nuts as he opened it to find a whole collection of toy cars and your heart tightened at the thought of Calum remembering how you said that Jag loved cars and Cal couldn’t hide the joy in his smile when Jag asked him to play with him and his new toys, leaving you to watch the two bond.
and a year later, Jag turned 5 and Calum had gone all out for his birthday, taking him to Disneyland and spoiling the hell out of him. the three of you wearing mickey mouse ears while Jag was on Calum’s shoulders, the little boy full of joy and giggles at the view of all the characters and rides and you’d admire how him and Calum bonded so good, the two were inseparable and not to mention Calum’s friend’s accepted Jag and you with big smiles and open arms, they loved the both of you and always showed it. Jag would always want to spend time with them and if not them, he’d always want to be with Calum and it felt damn near amazing to see Calum treat Jag like he was his own, anyone could see the love he held for the little boy and could see just how much Jag loved him back as well.
you’d get pulled out of your admiration by a loud squeal from your son, his little face pulled into pure shock at the sight of mickey and minnie taking pictures with other people, but you weren’t prepared for the words that left his little mouth -’look it’s mickey! daddy can we go take a picture? pleaseee’- both you and Calum freezing in place, neither of you expecting for your son to call him his dad and despite knowing how much Cal loved Jag, you got scared, panic overtaking you, ready to tell Jag to not call him that because you didn’t know how Calum was gonna respond. 
but then you’d look over at him, his eyes glossy with tears as he pulled Jag down from his shoulders and pulled him into his chest, his voice soft and cracking just a little as he said -’of course bub, let’s go take a picture’- making the little boy squeal in excitement as he wrapped his little arms around his neck and bursting into a fit of giggles as calum peppered kisses all over his little face and you’d still be in shock, frozen in place, while tears overtook you, until the sound of your little one saying -’mama! are you coming?’- and you’d wipe away the tears, a smile taking over your face as Calum turned to look at you with the purest look of love as he said -’yeah mama, you comin?’-
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5secsofsomewhere · 6 years
so disconnected and out of my limit stans are superior…. sorry I dont make the rules
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5secsofsomewhere · 6 years
“So far, you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’re doing great.”
— Norm Kelly
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5secsofsomewhere · 6 years
Reach For You [Dad!Calum AU] Ch. 11
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Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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