#the series ain't ending here btw
winwintea · 14 days
secure that card! 20. crush = psychosis??
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Chenle stood outside the guest room door, quietly listening. He raised his fist and knocked a couple of times on the door in a rhythmic pattern. "Y/n? You up? It's been 3 hours."
He heard your voice from inside, "Yeah, I woke up 10 minutes ago. Come in, it's fine." Chenle hesitated, but entered anyways, ignoring the voice in the back of his head telling him not to. "How are you feeling?" You smiled up at him, "A lot better thanks to you." His cheeks flushed in response, before quickly coming up with something to say, "It was nothing really." Did you have to look so cute? "Um, Jisung's already left by the way. And according to the police reports we've been checking, they've already located and caught him.”
You don’t immediately respond, and instead stare at him for a couple of seconds. “Chenle?” you silently whisper.
“Can I kiss you?”
Chenle’s eyes raised in surprise. “Er- Now? What? Shouldn’t we have this conversation wh-“
But Chenle didn’t have time to finish his sentence before you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in, sealing the gap between your lips.
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
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boringkate · 2 days
That Girl was a sitcom that aired from 1966 to 1971 and followed an unmarried woman moving to New York to live alone and pursue her own career (as an actress) (uncommon stuff for tv shows at the time). Every episode began with someone saying the words "That Girl" and then the camera would zoom in on her or a photo of her. I watched it all a few years ago and I still think about it, so now you all have to put up with me telling you about some of the episodes that stood out the most to me.
S01E01 "Don't Just Do Something, Stand There"
A fun introduction to Ann and her new boyfriend Don. It also establishes here in this first episode that That Girl just keeps getting sexually harassed. And not in a "wow it's wild that old timey romcoms acted like behaviour like this was charming" type of way. Dudes are just creeps and she's straight up having a bad time. This will happen in more episodes than I can remember or touch on here.
S02E22 "He and She and He"
Ann (after being told by them that she has to choose between them) dreams about marrying both of the boys who love her. Simultaneously. And their throuple works amazingly. Everyone is happy. It's utopian. Untill the rain starts. Noah (the bible guy with the ark) shows up at her door to reaffirm that she has to choose. He's played by the same actor who plays her father (a conservative old guy and constant source of generation gap based conflict).
S02E24 "Great Guy"
Ann's gal pal Pete (bit of a boy name) (played by Ruth Buzzi who was a regular on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and is BTW a bit of a brick) gets her first boyfriend! He's a rough and tumble guy tho and he's always boxing and jogging with Pete instead of treating her like a lady. He even repeatedly calls Pete a "great guy" (he says Ann is more of a "girl girl" and a "pussycat"). Ann (thinking there's a problem) tries to meddle and gives Pete a femme makeover, but it was totally unnecessary and unwanted. They're happy together the way that they are. The episode ends with him saying "you meet a lot of pussycats, but it's only once in your life that you meet a great guy!"
S02E25 "The Detective Story"
Ann is scared because she keeps getting obscene phone calls from an unknown man (presumably threatening to rape her). It is not a misunderstanding. I swear this is an upbeat and breezy sitcom series.
S03E08 "A Muggy Day in Central Park"
It's a crossdressing episode. The cops are crossdressing. Her boyfriend Don is crossdressing (and I think I remember her dad catching Don crossdressing). All to catch some thieves in central park. They show a clip from it (as a flashback) in the series finale too.
S05E03 "I Ain't Got No Body"
A Playboy style porno mag features Ann's face edited onto another woman's body (she never agreed to her photo being used in this way). A precursor to the celebrity photoshops that were themselves precursors to modern deepfakes. Her conservative father sees it at his barbershop (because apparently barbershops stocked porno mags back then).
S05E24 "The Elevated Woman"
At some point the series finale was planned to show Ann and Don's wedding, but Marlo Thomas (the actress who played Ann) felt that would send the wrong message (suggesting that at the end of the day getting married is all girls should aspire to), so instead the episode is about Ann bringing Don to one of her women's lib meetings to show him what the movement is all about. He spends the whole journey telling her how ridiculous she is and saying that women don't know how good they have it. When they finally arrive it turns out that the meeting was cancelled because none of the other women could even convince their boyfriends to come. No growth occurs. There is no character arc. And no better alternatives exist within the confines of heterosexuality. He's sexist and they're engaged.
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etrevil · 2 months
hey!! I absolutely love the vibes of your blog! I’m getting into bungo stray dogs (or trying to :’) ) and since you seemingly write fics for it, do you have more recs?? I don’t really know what the main pairings are but I like to use fics as a way to see if I’ll like the fandom and pairs!! Thank you!!
you're making me crack my knuckles because DAMN AM I NOW EXCITED :DDD
terms used: bsd (bungou stray dogs), hp (harry potter), mha (my hero academia), soukoku (chuuya/dazai), shin soukoku (atsushi/akutagawa), chuuda (where chuuya tops), fyozai (dazai/fyodor), fyolai (fyodor/nikolai)
First and foremost is the widely beloved I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter, which is just a rollercoaster of emotions that grip you by the throat. Do note that the chapters are hella long, but enjoyable. The relationships are fleshed out beautifully.
Magic and Mystery by Allegory_for_Hatred is also a good start because it's a bsd and hp crossover that's just, amazing. Had me up at 3am until I physically could not read. There's an ongoing sequel too!
wtf, since when are you married? by xxalwayssofia is a short, quick laugh that, for me, had one of the best characterization for soukoku. Sofia's stories in general (check her account!) have got the character's personality traits down with little creative liberties.
Ne Chuuya, won't you marry me? is another one by xxalwayssofia, and I die of laughter because of this on a daily basis.
Now, I may be mean for suggesting this, but this fic is a diamond found within a gold mine that will eventually end you up in jail because some rich dude probably owned it first. In summary, it hurts. Like a gunshot wound (wink wink to the readers). And that is Ruiner by gev_ao3 (rated the E-est of E's)! The long-awaited consequence chapter is already out for this one, so when you binge read it the ending will hopefully be satisfying. Just be aware this is incredibly graphic, psychological, and angst-filled to the brim.
I read If the Far Side Saw You by birbleh a considerable time ago, but it both pinches and caresses my heart all the same. I haven't anything else to say other than give it a chance.
Ice Queen by TheHighQueen is a great ongoing Dazai genderbend fic, that follows canon with interesting diverging road stops.
This Color Ain't It by justcallmedude has Kenji, our lovable super strength-powered farmer, as a main character! Crossover between bsd and mha with a dash of angst thrown here and there.
For a shin soukoku pairing fic, I'd suggest Fair Ankles by spirallings (rated E) and love knows no boundaries by dangodangomilk; fun, interesting stories that aren't that long, the latter's a oneshot and the former's ugh, just around 100k words :>
One of the first bsd fics I've read, which is with a fyozai pairing, is Letters from the Underground by ktaem! The writing style has its own refined edge, with the exploration of a what-if scenario that had me by hook, line, and sinker. This fic is still in my tab group because I always keep rereading it!
Now if we're entering the explicit territory, I will forever recommend my favorite series (pairing is chuuda btw) Ineffable Partners by Ch_ee_rios. The eighth installment is currently updating, and I promise, you will cry- or at least feel a significant gut punch.
Head Full of Lies by AbsoluteNegation, as my friend one said, is where the good shit's at. The premise had me instantly curious and soukoku's dynamic is wonderful, messy, and DAMN I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH.
Mors Vincit Omnia by themadtree, an soukoku and fyolai fic that will have you bending over and dying of laughter and pain. The author's other works (akai!) are also very good.
The series all that is left by alaruya is a personal favorite of mine. The writing style is unique, with choppy sentences and tear-jerker lines. Was the first story that ever had me thinking, "god I need to bookmark this," and I did.
Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea by arkastadt is a filthy, guilty pleasure. (can you tell I'm an avid bottomzai reader?)
And that's it... I think? I'm also willing to suggest Leafing Through The Pages, I Found You by YunaYamiMouto, but letting you know it's an ongoing reaction fic of the bsd cast to Dazai's life (with the author's own creative choices and headcanons), so there will be a lot, and I mean a HECK TON of spoilers. Which, to be fair, the other fics do have in sprinkles, but this tackles novel events that maybe you'd wish to read at your own pace :D
also shameless plug I have my own fic, the heat of your orange, and I know there's only one chapter but I'm trying my best to update soon
Happy reading!
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roominthecastle · 4 months
so....... RA 301, "Lone Wolf"
high points:
• the two Greys (a middle manager and a trainee acc. to the end credits lmao) tackling human abduction logistics - "Well, you got the 'leave him inside the house' part right." LOL I'm currently in my UFO/UAP phase again, so this little moment (along w/ that hangar full of retrieved alien spacecrafts) was a treat. This whole abduction storyline continues to simultaneously creep me out and delight me to no end. It's an odd but good feeling, and I'm excited to see how it plays out. FINALLY they made me interested in Ben & Kate again -- already one major improvement over last season.
• Alan Tudyk. In a suit. Thank you.
• the interactions btw Sheriff Mike & Deputy Liv retain their golden status. I just love them.
Mike: Look, there goes a damn government drone watching us right now. Liv: I think that's just some mustard on the window. Mike: That's what they want you to think. You gotta trust no one, Deputy. Head on a swivel. You ain't never really safe until you learn to look behind yourself. Go ahead, watch your back. Go ahead. Do it.
• Kevin and her lil' kitty towel awww
• "I had to stop because of you. I will always have to stop because of you." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the stuff I'm here for. It reminded me of Hannibal: Tell me, Clarice. Would you ever say to me, "Stop? If you love me, you'd stop"?
The feelings, guys... the feelings I have are MANY and STRONG
In general, Harry's characterization continues to frustrate me. We get a reminder how "going it alone" is hard-wired into his DNA. Even the two Greys are a brief counterpoint to this, presented as a team, supporting each other. But Harry still has to keep re-learning -- or more like re-realizing -- the basic tenet that confiding in Asta is the way to go, and we're already in S3. It just feels needlessly repetitive at this point. And hand-waving his behavior w/ "oh he just has the amorality of a child" is so... thin, such a basic cop-out. I know that emotional maturation is built on a long series of missteps, many repeated ones, but please let some stuff stick already so it can be built upon and keep things fresh. We have seen just how much development Harry's capable of in the character of Goliath. He is the best (a future) version of Harry and I'd really like to see him start moving in that direction now instead of coloring over the same lines ad nauseam.
That being said, the glorious clusterfck that is his relationship with Asta remains to be so fascinating. His alien core keeps crashing against his feelings for her and amidst all my frustration these moments somehow keep hitting the right sweeeet twisted spot for me????? I mean, apparently, he violated the Galactic Federation Charter 3 times already - for her. He def betrayed his own species - for her. First he was willing to save Earth - for her, now he would let the whole planet burn - for her. He then contemplates killing her to stop the fracture of his very being only to screech to a halt by her bed -- all of which is just...... WOW. He is so torn and confused yet so viscerally attached to her. He first calls her his kryptonite, then his Lois Lane. His core instinct is to protect her now and then try to fumble his way back to his mission, which is a complete 180 to how he behaved originally. So we def have development, I just wish they stopped trying to drown this precious nuance in a caricature. We have gold here, writers, let it shine.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
a/n: Okay, so... Since I watched the series finale of TWD, I had to write a little something. I just had to. 😅 I'm still not over it, btw... 🫠
Warnings: Angst... quite a lot. This is very sad in general. Bittersweet.
Here's Part Two!
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Missed Chances
You watched Daryl from afar, sitting on the stone bench with Carol. A small smile was imprinted on your face, and yet you felt a hot tear running down your cheek. He was going to leave - and there was nothing you could do about it. Sure, you could go with him, but your heart couldn't take it. You couldn't take it. Everything seemed so easy and yet it was so complicated.
Carol bid her goodbye to the archer, just like Judith and RJ did. You watched the children run up to him - into their uncle Daryl's arms. It was such a sweet thing to watch. How soft and caring the once so stoic and seemingly cold redneck became over the years. How attached he got to those kids. How much they meant to him. He he would do everything for them - just like he would do everything for each and everyone of his family. "I'd die for you." It wasn't the first time you heard him say that.
Carol was the one who ripped you out of your deep thoughts, placed a gentle hand on your shoulder and gave you a soft smile - and a nod. You pursed your lips, smiled half-heartedly back at her, before your gaze glided past your friend and landed straight on Daryl, who was standing a few feet away, leaning against his bike; clearly waiting for you. Of course he wouldn't go without saying goodbye to you. You nervously bit your lower lip, before you made your way hesitatingly over to him. You didn't want him to go; but deep down you knew that you had to let him go... That he had to do this - and you'd never stand in his way to hold him back from finding his best friend and Michonne. Never.
You tried to muster a smile as you came to stand in front of Daryl, but it was in vain. All you could do, was swallow hard in order to suppress the tears. "So... This is it?" You asked, almost unable to look him in the eyes. "This is where our story ends?" The archer shook his head on an instant, giving you one of his beautiful smiles. You'd never get tired of seeing this man smile. "Nah. Ain't over. Nothin's over, Y/N." Daryl said, throwing his poncho over his head. "'S a new beginning." You nodded, knowing that he was right, yet wrong. For everybody else was this a new beginning... For you, it was an ending.
Once more, you swallowed hard and lifted your shaky hands to smooth out the fabric of his poncho, starting with his shoulders. It was a friendly gesture. One you always had done, since he started to wear them. One Daryl loved and appreciated. "You are going to come back to me, will you?" Another smile crossed the archer's face. "Of course, Y/N. Did I ever not come back to ya?" You shook your head, fighting very hard to hold back the tears. "C'mere." Without hesitation, Daryl pulled you into a tight hug, wrapping both his arms around you and not letting go for even a second. "I will always come back to ya. Ya hear me?" You nodded with silent tears running down your face and dripping onto Daryl's poncho.
Little did you know, that the man was fighting to hold back his own tears as well. Troubled eyes stared into distance, as he felt his heart break. What was it they always said? A hug is just a way to hide your face.
You pulled back from the hug - way too early for the archer's liking, but he let you go nevertheless. What was to Daryl's dismay, was for your wellbeing. The longer you held him in your arms, the more pain did you feel in your heart. Wiping away the tears, you saw him turn around and get on his bike. He hated to see you cry. Always did. Whenever it was out of grief or happiness. He couldn't bear to see you cry. His heart screamed at him to stop. To not go. To comfort you; to hold you in his arms - for now until the end of time; to say so much; to open up his heart and tell you how much he felt for you - but instead he turned around. Away from you - and got on his bike; and he already knew, that he would regret this decision for the rest of his life.
What was holding him back anyway? The fear of getting rejected? The fact that it wasn't easy for him to talk about feelings? Or to be not good enough for you? He didn't know - and he would probably never know.
You watched him with blurry eyes, almost physically felt, how the man you had loved for years and years slipped through your fingers like sand. You wanted to stop him; wanted to finally tell him how you felt. "Daryl?" He looked back at you over his shoulder. "Yeah?" The magical three words were on the tip of your tongue - "Be safe." - and yet they got stuck in your throat. As fast as the small spark of bravery hit you, as fast was it gone again. You couldn't do it. You simply didn't have the guts to tell him. Too afraid of destroying the wonderful friendship you had build up over a decade - and now it was too late.
The archer nodded, once again smiling. But the smile never reached his eyes. "'Course." With those word, he turned on the engine - and drove away, heading straight for the big door, which got opened for him, of course. You watched him for a second, before you quickly got up on the guard tower, joining Ezekiel, who stood on the wall. You and the new governor of the Commonwealth watched, how Daryl drove away, past the blooming meadows and fields. The further he distanced himself, the more broke your heart; and suddenly you had the feeling you couldn't breathe. Another tear rolled down your cheek, as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to somehow endure the pain. "You just missed your chance, Y/N... Perhaps the last one..." Ezekiel suddenly spoke up beside you; a noticeably sad tone in his voice. You knew of course what he meant. He knew. Everybody knew - except the man who should know it above all. "I know... I know."
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Tagging: @fictive-sl0th @in-this-minute @lokisgoodgirl @thefemininemystiquee @alexreadz07 @azanoni @fuseburner @hotgirlsshareaccounts @goobysgoobers
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acescorazon · 7 months
Hiiii not really a question, just wanted to say that I discovered your fics recently on Ao3 and they're all my absolute favourite since then, I'm always looking forward to receiving an email saying that you posted something!!! I just joined Tumblr today and I have no idea how it works ahah but I'm so glad I can follow you there now, because you truly are one of my fav fic writers. Your Buggy is always absolutely perfect and he did not help with my obsession over his character eheh. Anyway, thank you for your good work, and know that the way you write Buggy influences me a lot on how I perceive him and how he acts in my AU (not actually writing anything, just creating little world in my head eheh). Oh and also: it's thanks to you that I now ship Buggy with Mihawk and Crocodile! Since I've only seen the live action, I didn't really know enough about Mihawk and, obviously, nothing about Crocodile; but because of your fics I now ship them SO much. Thanks to you, Buggy has 3 boyfriends in my AU and he's very glad ahah. Anyway, it's a long message for nothing but I guess the most important thing here is: thank you, keep your amazing work <3
Hiiiiiiii bbyyy :((( Thank you for writing me something so nice! I really appreciate it!!! Nice comments and asks like these really make my day and i mean that!! Thank you!!! Tumblr is shit (derogatory) but it could be worse, it could be tw- Jk it's not that bad here and i think you'll like it :) Also ofc thank you for the follow :) Thank you for everything really! I could write an essay on Buggy alone but i won't...not today at least kljlsdjksdjlakjsdasdas. nobody asked but i'm obsessed with the idea of Buggy being a brat and or just a little shit in general which is why i often write him the way i do LMAO. He's a funny little guy, and i love him in the live action as much as i love him in the anime/manga but i think he could be a little more pathetic. i do remember seeing the trailer tho and being like "lol" but two seconds later being like..."Idk...WHY'S HE KINDA..." LMAOOOOO. i don't know if you write or draw but if you do, then you should cook something up. ((We support and encourage others in this household.)) also bestie. B E S T IE. Best friend. i ain't telling you how to live your life but if you have access to the Shounen Jump app wherever you live and you got 2.99 (some of us don't, no hate here.) and if you got some time, then i recommend you read a little story called one piece LMAOOOO. I ain't one of those people who will tell you it gets good in ch/ep 80938423984023984023948 lol. i've liked it since the beginning but thats ME. You ain't gotta read or watch all of that shit to know if something's good and if you like it lmao, or at least that's how i feel. anyways it seems like it takes 80 years to get through but that's really only bc of the pacing in the anime lol, it comes out weekly and ofc the animation studio wouldn't want to catch up with the actual manga sooooo they act a lil sily in terms of pacing LMAO. it's still that bitch in my opinion though, but that's my opinion and you can see that it has 1000+ episodes and be like ..."i aint watching all that shit." LMAO FAIR. IT'S GOOD THO. BOTH THE ANIME AND MANGA ARE GOOD!!! and they both have their pros and cons when it comes to consuming them. ANYWAYYYYYYS. yeah if you have like, time, 2.99, And the shounen jump app is available wherever you are (also u can go to like Viz's official website and your shounen jump subscription will carry through there too :) ) THEN I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE PIECE!!! (btw you can read 100 chs A DAY of op or they have other mangas too bby YEEEEEE) or if you have time then i also recommend watching the anime its... it's that bitch, i don't know. If you do end up liking it then netflix can help you take a nice bite out of the series, there's also like funimation/crunchyroll... or... *whispers* there are other...ways...to watch the anime....*whispers* ...are you a cop? LMAOOOOOO.
It's really good though with a whole bunch of lovable characters that the live-action doesn't even begin to be able to get into. you didn't ask, you didn't ask, but me personally, my favorite arc is Alabasta, which is the place they should be going to next season in the live action!! it also introduces one of my favorite little villains: Crocodile!!! idk i love it and i love him LOLLLL which i shouldn't bc he's...he's not a good man but i'm 26 i'm allowed to like toxic anime men, i've earned that right. (also you can like things and criticize them/acknowledge their flaws.) ANYWAYS, ANYWAYS, I'M RAMBLING, but yeah, it's good eating, and i highly suggest you get into the actual series if you liked the live action because the series itself is more in depth. Plus, P L U S, there's more Mihawk, Crocodile, and Buggy content AND THATS A WIN TO ME. lajsldajskdajsdlasjd. it's fun and as an added bonus there's a sense of community and you can always come back here and scream your thoughts to me (and everyone else) if you like it. Like i'm honored by your compliments but nothing i write could ever compare to the actual series itself LOLLLLL.
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Drizzle Season 2023 is out for Splatoon 3. You know what that means?
(Long post warning)
It means me having the totally normal immediate reaction of, "what new ingame content can I use as inspiration for Humanity's Endling and it's side stories?"
This post is gonna sorta double as both a very surface level analysis of new stuff in Splatoon 3 (mainly the new maps) and a brief look into my creative process for how I go about taking what's shown in the game and applying it to the canon of the world Kaleb finds himself in. One of my goals is to keep what happens in HE as close to the canon as presented in the game as possible, while still making very healthy use of the blank space that is things the games nor extended lore don't necessarily address, and quite obviously bending the rules a bit here and there to make the story... well, happen? 'Cause if I were 100% dedicated to preserving canon, the series would look something like this.
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they wasn't lyin, them humanitys really do be endling
Jokes aside, basically what all that means is I enjoy filling in the blanks to make the game world feel more full. Like, if possible, I wanna have the series written in a way where you could easily headcanon it as something that's happening in the background of Splatoon 3 as you are playing it.
...At least until we get to the later acts. HE ain't just a slice of life. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here :)
But as that statement ominously implies, I have a general idea of the overarching plot for all five acts, and the process of writing is basically me ironing out the details and stringing it together into a cohesive narrative. Luckily for me, details are sometimes filled in for me by Nintendo. Speaking of which, let's look at Crableg Capital!
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You can kind of already see it just barely peeking from behind the crane on the right, but Hagglefish Market is visible from up here, and they actually added this stage into the background of Hagglefish as well, so you can actually see it from down there, too.
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From up here, you can more or less make out the exact route Kaleb came from in Act I, Ch7
I know for certain Crableg wasn't there before; I spent a frankly weird amount of hours doing recon on Hagglefish for Act I. Can't wait for this to become some New Mandela Effect meme or something. Anyways, you can see from up here that there's a lot of green grass in this city that's meant to be in the middle of a desert, so I kinda have this feeling that an ungodly amount of the city's water supply is fed right into keeping that greenery. I can see Kaleb drawing a comparison to Dubai, or maybe even Las Vegas to a lesser extent. Speaking of Vegas, you know what it has? Tons of ads. You know what this stage also has? Tons of ads!
shoutout to the paragliding jellyfish btw
Okay, well, obviously it's nowhere near as bad as Vegas. But I needed a segue, dammit. Now to be fair, I can't read any of these signs, so they might not actually be ads. Like, clearly at least a couple of them are company logos on the bigger skyscrapers. But the concrete building at the end of the clip? I don't know what those signs would be otherwise.
Like, who are they advertising to? The people in the neighboring buildings? The ads face outward, so it couldn't be that. Maybe it's extremely cheap ad space because basically nobody would see it, but then whatever in-universe powers that be decide these stages decided, "yes. of course. the actively under construction highrise. the perfect spot." I'd imagine that ad space probably skyrocketed in value, because there's no way these ink sports aren't televised to at least some capacity in canon.
Speaking of absurd spots for stages...
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Shipshape Cargo Co. At first, it looks like you're on some platform underneath an oil rig or something to that nature. Then you realize that you're somehow moving. Then you notice the bow of the ship on the far end of the stage, then it's like, "Oh shit I'm on one of those half-submersible cargo ships!"
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So not only did the folks running these ink sports decide that an active construction zone was a good spot for a stage, but they also decided to set up a stage on the back of a presumably en-route freight ship. And it's far enough north for there to be goddamn icebergs floating around. If anything, this season's maps have convinced me that an organization equivalent to OSHA does not fucking exist in the Splatoon universe. I'm aware that culturally, turf wars were at first backstreet sports and very unofficial/disorganized, and also there were stages in Splatoon 1 and 2 that would raise the same concerns (i.e. old Hammerhead Bridge, Saltspray Rig, Piranha Pit, etc.), so I really shouldn't be surprised by all this, but... I dunno, it's almost 4 am at the time of writing.
I don't have much more to say about Shipshape, though. Like, it's a very cool concept for a map, and if for whatever reason I need Kaleb to freeze to death, I'll have it in mind. Crableg is... very helpful, though.
Y'know, isn't it interesting that a lot of stories end with the hero scaling a huge tower?
Just a thought. 🙂*
Oh yeah, I also spotted this in the catalogue!
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Lola got to be a model! I'm so proud of her! 🥰
I don't have much else to say right now, though. I might do a follow-up for Big Run if Um'ami Ruins has a cool enough atmosphere to warrant it; otherwise Undertow Spillway having that alarm blaring during the last Big Run was the coolest shit ever and I can't believe I accidentally predicted it as a stage w/ it being half flooded in Act I.
By the way, I am going to be grinding the shit out of this upcoming Big Run for that gold helicopter figure, so if you wanna play with me, I'm still in the 'Endling' pool. Again, if you spot Lola herself, that's me! I tend to go pretty hard in Salmon Run though as it's actually my favorite mode, so uh... if you're not EVP and you join me, it might average out the hazard level to something a lot harder than you may be used to. So fair warning!
*all ominous foreshadowing is subject to change
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scintillyyy · 1 year
okay @captainragtag i re-watched the first two episodes of the firefighter show for you because i was just that bored.
okay. yes. of course the call ends with dispatch once help arrives?? that's the point. dispatch is busy. you gotta keep the lines free for all the other panic attacks calling in. and they're no longer needed. they have a job they do and staying on the line once the first responders get there ain't it.
weird how this series ended right away in the pilot episode when buck got fired immediately for taking a truck out for a joyride and having sex outside of the firehouse while on shift? also he is blatantly breaking the law there lmao you can't have the sirens on just to break traffic laws. biiiiig no-no.
oh fuck this firehouse kitchen design lmao.
there's only one dude here who looks like a firefighter and it's the bald extra.
"what if we had a call" like that's the only problem with buck taking out the truck unauthorized for a non-emergency. i cannot stress that this is probably not a write up situation. this is probably an immediate firing situation. there's not many, and the union will fight for a lot, but this is probably one of them.
they're all going on the call they got at dinner? bullshit. truck guys get to stay and eat dinner while the ambo goes out. who's on engine? who's on ambo? who's on truck? inquiring minds need to know.
oh god, i forgot about the premature baby in the drainpipe. 1) that's the pinkest, largest, non-breathing premature baby with the roundest features in the world that would not survive this ridiculous situation 2) if that baby dies it is in fact the fault of the paramedics. they just held it the whole time and took forever to even put a pulse ox on it? they had a baby they resuscitated and they didn't run a line? they didn't put oxygen on when the O2 was 59%???? the hospital hates them btw
buck is in fact going to get the city of la sued for trying to deny service to someone he doesn't think deserved it. and then written up and probably fired.
okay, even if we did just write up buck for the first fireable offense instead of firing him, the second time would in fact be a fireable offense and buck would be fired. but you know who would not do his firing? his captain. because the captain is not his employer lmao lmao. buck works for the city of la. the city of la, the fire chief, and the hr department would be involved in his firing. and the union would probably be like "that's a fair firing bro".
"we work with women, we have to respect them". very idealistic, but listen. on-department/on-shift affairs and having sex with their female coworkers on the job is actually kind of a...not insignificant problem in that line of work, so.... (also, it depends on department but sometimes it happens that it does go against the rules pretty severely to bring someone in from outside to have sex on shift with, but there might not be a rule against having sex with your coworker on shift)
okay, buck pulled out the sex addict thing, which actually is a smart move. because if you admit to an addiction, sometimes you get one more chance as long as you get an eap set up. (usually happens when drunk on the job)
weird how this series ended in the first episode when bobby got fired for going outside his job responsibilities and firing buck. the city would not be happy with him for this. because once again. bobby is not buck's employer. he's his superior officer. it's a different thing.
they should do a far more exciting dispatch story like "dispatch sends them to the wrong house (again)".
he really wasn't right to fire you, buck. he does not have that power. but you should have been fired. it's about the nuance.
nobody uses poles anymore, bless. too much risk of injury. and it sucks compared to the stairs.
okay there probably would be more than just one station here for this rollercoaster call. and someone higher on the department than bobby would probably be in charge of the scene.
buck. you do not comment on calls on television. in fact, they probably would not have a private do that at all. one of the chiefs will let out a press release, it's fine.
i really feel like the city would shut down buck talking to the press so hard. especially if there's a chance someone could try to sue because someone died.
wait. buck's only been on for 4 months????? so he should be a probie still lmao lmao. bless him, he probably hasn't even had his final burn down yet. there's no way he didn't get fired immediately for any of the bullshit he pulled in the first episode. they have no protection. the union would definitely have laughed his ass off the department in episode 1. where's his giant neon probation tag that goes on his uniform :(
also, buck really needs to have a minimum 70k red truck. that's exactly what a hotshot who's been on the department for 4 months would buy.
where are the lieutenants. they just staying away from it all? i bet the bald guy from episode 1 is one. he's probably like "hm, not touching this mess with a 10 ft pole". good for him.
wait, is this buck's first job as a ff/pm? did he go to medic school before he got on the job? did he go for his medic after he got on? those usually take at least 6 months and may take up to a year, so how is he a medic? i am fascinated by this timeline that makes no logical sense.
i love the extras who are doing all the actual work in the background lmao. i think i see my bald lieutenant there <3 i will name you bill. bill, thanks for doing maintenance and checking medication counts while buck just sits around and works out outside of the designated free time hours on shift. you're the real hero <3
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fluffomatic · 8 days
Just remembered I had this account
But yess! I am reading a Gus/Spectra fanfic that is canon compliant at the moment, and while it doesn't use different ages it does point out the weird timeline, especially for Spectra's goals and planning and stuff! So they have it set 2-3 years earlier than in canon iirc
It's all from Gus' POV and I gotta say, the portrayals are pretty fun to see play out
(I always thought Spectra was a 20 y/o with a god-complex, only to find out by the end of the entire OG, he was 19 in New Vestroia and 21 in Mechtanium Surge? And Gus is a year younger than him, ending the series at 20 y/o)
Omg same, my brain latched onto Darkus, Pyrus, and Ventus and has never let me go. Every OC idea I've made for a bakugan or a brawler has been Darkus I swear (even now). I have been a loyal Hydranoid fan since the first series, close after is Skyress for me, then Gryffon (Griffon? Gryphin?? However the creators spelt it)
I apologise for the spamy-ish asks btw, I have not met or spoken to anyone who likes Bakugan like I do, esp not in the community ;;
(no, bestie, please I am literally begging you not to apologize, I have been wanting this for so long!!)
Ah!!! I'm glad you're a Gus/Spectra shipper, too! They are so queer coded in the show, and there is no heteros explanation for what happens in season 2, episode 16. That's gay shit. (Affectionate)
Pyrus, Darkus, and Haos were my faves! Though I do like em all. Subterra is underrated, and the same as the subterra brawlers. (Haos, too, really)
But, here are the canon ages of the Vexos, and then I'll tell you mine and my sisters headcanon ages.
Canon Age: 19
Headcanon Age: 32
Canon Age: 18
Headcanon Age: 26
Canon Age: 17
Headcanon Age: 25
Canon Age: 19 (s2) 21 (s4)
Headcanon Age: 21 (s2) 23 (s4)
Canon Age: 18 (s2) 20 (s4)
Headcanon Age: 20 (s2) 22 (s4)
Spectra and Gus are still fairly young because I wanted to keep Spectra close to Mira's age, and I think the ages of the kids, except Barons, are fine. (There ain't no way that Baron is 12 years old. That's stupid, and I refuse to acknowledge it)
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etes-secrecy-post · 6 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Dec 14th, 2016
Title: Cuteness Girl Member - Claire
Here's another female (5th Harvey Beaks) character who joins the "Cuteness Defender Academy", and her name is "Claire". 🦊 And this ain't from the original customized mobile suit, these came from the customized Gunpla which is convert it to a "Cuteness Mecha Armor". 🤖😁
BTW: There's a line shadow behind her, something combining a mobile armor and herself into one. So maybe I'll be drawing for that by some other time. 😉
Amethyst Victory Claire Based on: LM312V04 Amethyst Victory Gundam [CLICK ME!]
Beam Rifle • One of two handheld ranged weaponry used by the suit, it is the same beam rifle as the one used by the original Victory.
Beam Saber • A sword-like beam weapon that is used for close combat, the Amethyst Victory is equipped with four beam sabers stored in forearm recharge racks when not in use.
Beam Shield • The suit's main defensive equipment, a pair of beam shields are stored in the forearms. The beam shield generates a plane of energy similar to the blade of a beam saber, but uses it for blocking both beam and projectile weapons.
Beam Smart Gun • The other handheld ranged weaponry used by the suit, it is a high-powered beam rifle and the same weapon as the one used by the V-Dash.
MMI-710 "Excalibur" Anti-ship Laser Sword • The Amethyst Victory Claire's main close combat weapons, the anti-ship laser swords are large physical swords with a laser blade along their cutting edge and are effective in cutting up ships and mobile suits. A pair of these swords are stored on the β Sword Silhouette Pack, and they can be joined at their hilts to form a large dual-bladed ambidextrous form.
RQM60 "Flash-Edge" Beam Boomerang • Stored on the β Sword Silhouette Pack on the suit's back, the pair of beam boomerangs are throwing weapons that emits a short beam blade on one end, and can return to the owner after throwing, often catching enemy units by surprise.
Special Feature(s):
Hardpoints • An attachment point for weapons, shields, spare ammunition, or optional mission-specific equipment. Hardpoints can also be used to store carried weapons when a mobile suit needs its manipulators free for other purposes. The LM312V04 Amethyst Victory is equipped with eight hardpoints, four on the arms, and two each on the side skirt armor and legs.
Claire - Harvey Beaks © Nickelodeon Armor (Gundam Build Fighters Try) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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noblechaton · 10 months
so. the ml movie huh. hm (big ol post with spoilers under this cut btw)
so after almost 10 years of being on this bug and cat train they finally get a big ol expensive movie and I think it was. fine? maybe? there's a lot going on here and while I don't think I can call it good and mean it I don't think it was the worst thing ever. a 6? out of 10 feels kinda right for me. got a lot to say here fwiw so buckle in if ya wanna read it all lol
main issue I feel is obviously them trying to adapt 5 seasons, each of which was dozens of hours at least, and a near decade of storytelling into a movie that doesn't even hit two hours. no idea why - I imagine the money ran out tbh - but running through the entire thrust of the series in ~1h40m movie just. was never gonna work man. feel like there had to be better options out there, like just adapting Origins with some episodes from S1 thrown in between them getting their miraculous and Hawkmoth revealing himself or something. idk. I ain't a writer
but then also I felt despite the short runtime that it sorta dragged on at times? like it got stuck spinning wheels here and there. Marinette constantly needing her confidence boosted even after being Ladybug for so long was weird. it's so strange bc they flashed through a dozen akuma - some of which looked kinda cool btw, be neat if they made the jump to the show - and yet it felt like there'd been no progress made? like the flow of time in the movie just. didn't work. a lot of stuff just sort of happens at you and you gotta hang onto whatever ya like and hope it doesn't just vanish in the river of events
voice acting in English was like. pretty solid honestly. maybe the best performances I'd heard from that side of the dub tho I have no idea what they were thinking with the singing voice for Marinette at least. couldn't really tell if Adrien's was still Bryce (I don't think it was but it wasn't as jarring) and I know Keith sang for Gabe's songs but whoever they got for Marinette just. wasn't even close to Marinette's normal speaking voice and it's super distracting. really weird choice. no shade on the singer tho she was solid imo just like. no connection to Marinette's normal voice really took me out of it
also the songs were kind of nonsensical most of the time and there's way too many of them. some are kinda good - Gabe's, Chat's and tbh I kinda liked the one over the credits to name a few - but like. they were not good enough for there to be what felt like 6-7 different songs in a movie that doesn't even crack 2 hours lmao
they made a ton of changes in terms of the story and general world and I actually kind of liked some of them - Ladybug learning to swing through the yoyo (which had a neat redesign) and doing so using that Ladybug vision was cool, I appreciate that we get a reveal and how it's done even if the end card was brutal, the miraculous seeking them out felt more like nice compared to just having the weight of the world dropped on them by some ancient man lol - but then there's others I didn't. Ladybug just never uses the cure until the end? I guess? she also doesn't purify the first akuma I don't think and like. nothing happens? Adrien's just sorta out and about? going to the school already? he gets a really understated intro imo. Gabriel sort of doesn't get an ending. I'd assume he's in jail? we get almost none of Adrien's perspective on getting the ring which is really weird
and that sorta extends into my feeling that somehow we did not get enough Gabriel in this. really weird saying that after having enough of that bum for the last 4 years of my life but his motives are carried hard by my knowledge of the show, and even then they're not really shown enough - he's not shown enough, and I don't feel Adrien is either. neither is the school setting or side characters, heck I'd say Adrinette gets kinda shafted overall since most of the development they get is in a montage sequence. there's a lot chopped out of this for the sake of a brevity that doesn't feel all that brief?
there's some good stuff in here for sure. the animation is undeniably pretty and slick even if some models are kinda wack. most of the action was fun and cool, the final sequence with Chat running up the tower and such was neat. I loved the Ladynoir something fierce honestly, the bantering and the sparring and the getting closer and closer. missed them being like that a lot tbh, someone on staff clearly did too. couple of jokes got me too like the opener with Chloe getting a single drop of coffee on her shirt lmao
but then there's a lot of stuff that really didn't work for me. Plagg being reduced to a fucking fart joke kind of made me mad lmao. them being super inconsistent with their powers was so weird. no lucky charm?? WHAT?? did I miss something?? no side character getting any focus beyond Alya was disappointing too and even Alya just dips out of the story after a while. breaking out into song once every like 15 minutes got old kinda quick too regardless of song quality (tho it was funny that Marinette seemed aware of the fact that she'd just participated in a musical number at one point lol)
Fu opens the movie with some really weird monologue and basically dips after the first akuma and they just. never find him again? he plays zero role beyond that point? Adrinette's first meeting is kinda cute in an understated sort of way but it's also sort of nothing and doesn't feel like a lingering thing for long afterwards - it ain't no umbrella scene dude. also Chat Noir seemingly drops the "my mom died btw" thing on Ladybug like she'd know that and she just sort of goes "Ah. Sorry, Chat." and that was. super fucking weird lmao
like I said. there's a lot going on - tho I gotta say for sure the writing was not consistently good. there were moments, flashes, Ladynoir is the strongest thing in the movie imo but there's so many fucking craters in terms of quality that it makes me so happy we get what we do in the show
on the whole I felt the movie was somehow way too condensed and yet too long at the same time. it felt like it was made by someone who really likes the surface details of the series but not the whole thing and like that's fine but I wouldn't say it was a good representation of the show. like the things I like about the movie are kind of all things I've liked about the show, and I like them more so because of that but also like I can't say the movie was good just bc I like the show lol
shallow is a good word for it I think. a flashy, expensive hour or so with little more beneath the surface which I feel sorta betrays the show it's based on where it's cutesy on the surface but has more going on under it. which like this feels very much made for the younger demographic and those that aren't into the show, like sort of an ad for someone's ideal version series even if it sorta strays really far from the show itself. as if someone perhaps in charge of this movie was clinging to what elements of their flagship series that they thought were keeping their company afloat and foolishly believed they could do it better than the creator or any other actual writer. wonder who that could be. anyway
as an adaptation of the show I don't think it was good overall and as a movie on its own it was like. fine. imo. wouldn't sway people into picking the series up but definitely not the worst movie ever made. super safe and super shallow, really messy with a few bright spots thrown in. a cluttered Ladynoir reveal fic where the Ladynoir bits are good and the rest is not. etc.
I like it but mostly bc I love the show - I would not introduce someone to the series with this and might not even urge casual fans to watch it either tbh. real mixed bag imo
also what happened to the "Awakening" subtitle? I kinda liked it and it's just gone. weird
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the name's CakesInOil, aka theguyinthemathproblems, and i'm that one person in your fyp that takes nothing seriously and also the one that you'd realized has the mental capacity of a squirrel and a very very messed up, and an essentially non-existent sleep schedule the longer you get to know me :))
though, in all seriousness, i'm an ongoing genshin writer and yes, lowercase is intended whenever i write, excluding brainrots, drabbles, and possible future fanfics :DD
if you want to request anything, then go ahead :D
(more utc :]])
just note, tho, that the things I won't be doing are:
nsfw (which, yes, does include suggestive themes)
heavy themes of violence (angst ain't just my cup of coffee tbh, but i will try and experiment with it in the coming future),
anything,, yk, disgusting, which i won't be listing as i'm sure you know what i mean by what i said,
and overall ships that just spell "..why on god did he even allow people like you to exist here on earth??" and "i wonder how god hasn't smite you yet" for your entire mindset and existence.
and if you have any questions regarding my "do not request" limits, just dm me or send an ask. don't worry, i won't bite :))
if you don't want to send a request or an ask and just want to send something random, then go ahead, i won't mind :DD
A few things about me!
i may curse here and there but i'll try my best to tone it down a lot ^^""
i like to do little faces like :D, :), >:(, and etc. so that people can somewhat guess the sentence's context/intentions a little better :>
i'll wake up in the middle of the night and write random stuff that i would have no memory of doing (and tumblr will now have to hear every single end of it :))
i considered drabbles as brainrots bc i didn't know what it was called before
i'm under your bed :) /j
i use any type of pronouns (excluding neopronouns) but mostly use they/them to address myself :D
Custom tags :D
# collective reigning recipes ° : cake's everyday quotes (use them if u want lmao)
# fool's flour ° : cake talks/rambles about things that are mostly irl experiences
# sparkling wheat ♪ : cake talks/rambles about things that are related to fandoms, mostly containing content about genshin and hsr
# perilous eggs ° : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from anons or readers/viewers :>
# moonlit hens ♪ : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from their beloved moots :D
# obsidian-hard sugar ° : cake draws stuff :D
# "titan's wrath" frosting ° : cake... vents about stuff. *silently opens and closes vent on the floor*
# spoiled milk ° : cake spoils stuff, mostly about genshin and hsr
# sunlit cows ♪ : cake makes shitposts whether random or fandom related :)
Fic types :DD
# cherry waterfall * : cake makes a fic series
# scaled vanilla extracts ° : x reader fics
# suspiciously shiny mint chocolate ♪ : character x character fics maybe?
# gold coated cocoa powder ♪ : drabbles/short fics, might turn into cherry waterfalls if motivated enough
# silver lined strawberries ♪ : posts about/fics explaining aus, mostly from genshin and hsr
# stellar-borne cookies and cream ♪ : brainrots/headcannons that are more or less gonna turn into gold coated cocoa powder if braincells go boom boom big and loud enough
# sun-kissed sprinkles ♪ : cake reposts about stuff hehe >:]]
if i missed anything, don't hesitate to tell me about it :D
btw, yes, i will post very very very slowly, like even more slowly than a snail or tutrle bc i've unfortunately been very very busy as of late :((
"no no no no no BB by be in the na na na na BB I'll buy by by by" - my goofy ahh autocorrect, nov 15, 2022
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beepbeepsheet · 2 years
I watched the most recent episode of the Pokemon Journeys anime, then went to Tumblr to see posts from it. (Mostly since I don't have mutuals or friends to talk about it with)
And I am heavily disappointed with some of you.
Spoilers and a big rant below
A lot of people are excited for Ash's Victory and rightfully so.
But others are complaining about 'plot armor' and that 'Ash is inexperienced/10 ect and shouldn't won'
First off, who put the stick up your ass?
This anime has been going on for 25 or so years, and considering the experiences of each season carry over, you can't call Ash inexperienced.
And yes he's '10' but no the fuck he ain't.
The anime refuses to acknowledge that more than a year's worth of episodes has passed by, so if it had ACTUALLY counted that Ash would be at least 13.
And that's only counting the individual episodes and not any in-show timeskips that could exist or possible time passed between seasons (games).
And you know there's some time between the seasons of Pokemon.
Second, Plot Armor? Seriously?
A lot of us have had that extremely lucky moment in our lives.
Who says Ash can't have something like that for himself?
Yeah Pikachu shouldn't of beaten Leon's Cinderace so easily, but why are we calling Pikachu not being wrecked Plot Armor?
We all know he's dealt with worse.
And if the anime ends here, is that really such a big deal?
Shows need to come to an end eventually, and as much as I (mostly) like Pokemon Journeys...
I would've been happy if the anime had ended at Sun+Moon.
(Btw, my defenses are only for Ash.
Goh is luck-Plot Armored and I cannot defend that fucker.
Go ahead and complain when he catches Mew, I'll be right there with you.)
But in the end, you gotta remember.
You're complaining about 'being realistic' from an anime.
An anime from a game inwhich 10-year-olds beat poweful champions and catch gods in pokeballs in almost every game.
And in others?
A human can travel to another world, be turned into a pokemon and save the world with no shown adaptation to being a pokemon beforehand. (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)
This sorta argument of being 'realistic' is just plain stupid, especially in this series.
It'd be like complaining about Looney Tunes being unrealistic because someone got squashed with an anvil and came out (mostly) unharmed or running off a cliff but only one person actually falls.
Cut it out you lunatics and if you're really gonna be upset about all this, then maybe you should just stick to the older episodes/seasons of the pokemon anime.
(Goh is not immune to this, especially with his catch ratio and how long ago he started being a pokemon trainer it's so fucking stupid-)
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sunny6677 · 2 years
SUMMARY: The following are real audio tapes of tapes left by an animator at the forgotten studio Joey Drew Studios. Please ensure that you are ready to listen with these with caution, dear listener. What you may hear may cause you to never want to hear again. What you may picture may make you never want to see again. Please be aware of the consequences you may have if you do not have permission to listen to these tapes. If not permitted, then [REDACTED]. You have been warned.
(This is fiction btw, so no worries-- I know some people with anxiety issues might think this is real so this is just a clarification.)
TAPE #14
A: "And that's when I said— 'What do ya mean stop playin' the guitar in the middle of a birthday song? It makes it fuckin' cool!' And, boy, oh boy— she stared at me like I had just told her the most offensive thing in existence!"
W: "Gee, Andy— I think yer right about that— I dunno why the wouldn't let you play guitar for a birthday song. Ya didn't tell me ya could play guitar though. What'aya doin' in the animation business if ya can play things like that too?"
A: "Eh, my folks didn't like the way I sang or played things. They said I played it too loud, said I played songs too fast and moved around too much. Personally, I just think they didn't know the meaning of havin' fun."
W: "Oh, I getcha. Get this! I was dancin' around to a song or two that was playin' on the radio here once, and this guy comes in and tells me to stop movin' around 'cuz I'm causin' racket! Then I went in and asked one of the employees who worked in his department 'bout it. Said they didn't hear a thing. I tell ya, people are after me in this place!"
A: "Jeez man. Heh— guess we're both lucky we have eachother then, hm? We're the only real happy people 'round this place."
W: "Yeah, I'm lucky ta have ya. I dunno what I'd do without ya."
A: "I dunno what I'd do without ya either, bud."
A: "Oh, hey! What's up, Big S? Ya lookin' for somethin'?"
S: "...oh great, not you two."
W: "Aww, cmon, Sammy! No need for all the gloom and doom, we didn't even do anythin' ta ya! And what a'ya lookin' for anyway? Ya didn't answer—"
S: "Its none of your concern. I don't want to talk to either of you, so could you please—"
A: "If your lookin' for spare paper, it's probably in that Henry guy's office. So don't go lookin' through anyone else's desk, they probably won't give it to ya."
S: "...how did you know I was looking for that?"
A: "Can't think of any other reason your going towards the art department, so I just assumed that."
S: "...whatever, I'm just going to go to Henry's office then. If you two end up messing around here one more time, I am personally going to Joey and telling him to fire you both."
W: "...well that's just rude ain't it! We ain't ever do anythin' to you, we just two guys hangin' out!"
S: "Your 'hanging out' makes my job harder, now goodbye."
W: "Yeah, buzz off, party-pooper! Not like we wanna see more of ya anyway!"
W: "Jeez, that guys a real jerk. I don't get what ya see in 'em, Andy. Ya sure he just needs a lil' lovin? Lovin' might not even be possible for 'em."
A: "Course it can, all i have to do is try. No worries 'bout it, bud. It's possible for everyone to be a good person, some people just don't wanna try. I can bring it outta 'em, I know it's in 'em somewhere. In the mean time, let's finish chowin' down on these here sandwiches. We've been talkin' so much we ain't even eatin'."
W: "Oh yeah— well, yer right. If I don't eat somethin' soon, I'll be outta here."
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daily-winbo · 7 days
~ Wind Boys! content, once every day (on queue!) ~
Hello tumblr universe! Just a small homage to Wind Boys!, the music/band-themed mobile game that's...uh, about to be out-of-service... (3 days from the time of writing this post)
This game has had a main story, as well as event stories, all of which can be viewed on the translation site, >> Kuttsuriya <<
...which most of us should be quite familiar by now, but putting it up here just in case anyone's actually joining the bandwagon after the game ends! (Not my site by any means, though I know the wonderful translator behind the translations. OP of this post is just a random person who thinks it will be a waste to not share the link to the best way to keep the series alive in our hearts.)
The best part is that even after EOS, our dear translator intends to continue translating, so keep your eyes peeled please! :D
This Tumblr exists merely to try and prevent the Wind Boys! algorithm from 100% dying on Tumblr, because 99.9% dead is still better than 100% dead! Hopefully our future ain't this bleak..
In the same vein, most reblogs on the queue so far are reblogs of Tumblr posts by the same person behind Kuttsuriya, who has also astutely mentioned that >> it really only dies if everyone forgets about it <<
So far, this blog is nothing but a 1x a day queue of Winbo content, that might/will in fact run out at some point. ;~; And here's a gentle reminder that, *starts to rap* ♪ fanwork can exist and make it kind of subsist; so don't hesitate to create!!! ♪ 
On this note, if you've got fanwork you hope to feature, you can contact OP as well!! After some moderation, it might be placed into the queue too :)
BTW, if anyone ever notices that the queue hasn't been running for a bit, it probably ran out - during such times, please inform OP (via message or ask links!) and OP will try their best to feed the queue ASAP! 🙏 thanksies!
Thank you for reading this long long post - here's to you potentially falling in love / more in love with these 26 angels!
~ some random human, the one who created this tumblr called daily-winbo
0 notes
insertdragonpun · 27 days
This is part of the apocalypse series, but is also not.
Long story short: This is an au where the only difference is that Dim isn't the main character
Here she is, pre-tutorial
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Her name is Dimity aka Dim
She's a grad student studying dendrology (study of trees). A good chunk of her classmates (and professors) are convinced that she photosynthesizes since she rarely seems to sleep. Her apartment doesn't even have a bed! (It does. It's just a very well hidden Murphey bed)
She works at the Zeus lab (the same place as Kim) and is writing her thesis on the local flora and how they're affected by the Zeus Phenomenon.
She has a major crush on the haphazard meteorologist who works in the same lab. She doesn't know how to flirt, but she always gives the scientist some of the prettiest blossoms and/or the best tasting fruit she grows. (Kim absolutely loves it and also doesn't know how to flirt. She responds in small gems made by the Zeus Phenomenon. The entire lab is just waiting until one of them finally confesses)
During the tutorial, she used a poison extract from one of her trees (she called it the Persephone blossom, and yes, it grows a pomegranatelooking fruit. You can'tactually eat it, though.) on one of the griffins attacking the lab (it's a necrosis type of poison, so it died pretty gruesomely)
Kim was the only survivor at the lab in the story which means that it would've been only Dim and Kim in this AU.
With Kim not being alone, [REDACTED] wouldn't have happened, and the pair would just live in the lab, never following any of the questlines and just being some self-sustaining lesbians living out the apocalypse.
Dim would still be a dryad but would be a rogue instead of a knight. Her general design would also be a bit darker since she used a different plant with a much different method. I'm thinking her white hair and her soft green eyes would be the only matches from her real design. I'm thinking her antlers will be wilder as well.
I think in this AU, Kim and Dim would be like a safe zone for this world's version of the main group. A friendly couple of scientists who look Hella scary and could rock your shit if you dared to mess with what they have going for them. They may be relevant in [REDACTED] like Vee and [REDACTED] are for the [REDACTED] questline, though they wouldn't actually be participating in any of the questlines as players even though they still count as some. In fact, the [REDACTED] will occasionally just pop in as a spectator whenever it wants to watch cozy gameplay.
In other news, the main group wouldn't have really gotten together. Natasha would escape [REDACTED] with the aid of the twins. Vee and [REDACTED] would still be working for the [REDACTED] group for longer than in the original story and would only escape during the [REDACTED] event. [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] would still end up in a group with the twins and Natasha, though they would now be the only adults in the group.
Only 1 from the main group would meet Dim and Kim in this AU, and no, I ain't saying their name. But the girls would've adopted them like the group does during the [REDACTED] questline, just a bit after they team with Vee and [REDACTED]
Maybe I'll draw her after the tutorial later, along with the Kim of this AU.
Btw I only came up with this because of my art final. We're putting everything we learned into one piece, and I decided to do Dim's iconic chilling under a tree. Except for this one she's reading a book and doesn't have her necklace.
I'll post it when I'm done.
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