#taking the risk of people going 'wth is he doing?'
o0anapher0o · 8 months
I also need a minute to go feral over Armand’s accent.
How is everyone on this show so good at those!?!
We don’t even need to talk about Jacob, but Sam and Bailey were doing a great job, too. I know Sam get’s some ribbing for his French (which is honestly not terrible, it’s just not as good as Jacob’s), but the way he does Lestat’s accent is actually really fantastic. The way it waxes and wanes  and changes throughout the show is very deliberate and effective.
And now Assad, too?
Because Armand’s accent is a mess. It’s all over the place and I love it! It makes so much sense. The guy hasn’t even spoken his native language in 450 years. English is probably Armand’s like 15th language, that he picked up reading the minds of tourists and soldiers from all over the world. Of course it’s a bit of this a bit of that with some French in it and some Italian and some whoever knows what.
And it’s such an obvious thing now that it’s there, it’d be so easy to say ‘yes of course that’s what he sounds like’, but how many actors would put in the effort to play with that and how many shows would give them the time and space to do that rather than just tell him to do a generic RP accent and leave it at that.
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donutwatches · 9 months
MHA 2.11 - Fight on, Iida - part 1
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Endeavor needs to stop talking about his son like the newest iPhone upgrade. Also, I just noticed that this guys hand is bigger than Shouto’s head, wth. 
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This is the best thing Shouto could have said to his Dad, who is grossly self-absorbed. Love to see Shouto having his Mariah Carey moment. Good for him.
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Meanwhile, an update on the official OTP of My Hero: Midoriya/Hospital Bed. They are 100% going to ignore her warnings, aren’t they?
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My heart stopped for a second thinking the secret was busted. That is, until I realized that they have no chance of recognizing him in this form. Aren’t they curious about why this rando is here? 
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Meddling is one word for it. Midoriya went out of his way to help his opponent and it has cost him. His Sports Festival journey is done and I am sad, but mostly proud of the kind of hero I know Midoriya is going to shape up to be.
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Heroes cannot hero without interfering on some level. An element of being a pro hero is stepping in to save people when they are strangers, or the situation has nothing to do with you. It is a specific kind of courage that Deku excels in. 
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What a terrible warning it is, a gnarly visual of the sacrifice Deku is making to be a hero. It drives home the risk he is taking every time he uses his quirk, and the risk All Might is enabling. 
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I am glad Granny Recovery is trying to put down some boundaries on this reckless behavior, but I worry that it will go to waste. There is no way Deku is going to stop if he thinks he has to go all out to save someone in the future. All Might needs to help him with finding smarter approaches to using the quirk.
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Quirkless! I should have known! I cannot believe that I did not see this coming, but this took me by surprise. If he was quirkless, how come he told Deku there was no way for him to be a hero in episode 1? I would think he would have been more understanding, but I guess Deku caught him at a cynical moment. 
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OoOoOoOoOh, All Might’s mentor! I demand flashbacks! 
click here for part 2
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shiny-jr · 1 year
Spoiler from diasomnia chapter
Yes From what you just said, take the 2nd Halloween event i was pretty annoyed with the fact that only ace sort of scolded mal, like wth no one cares? No one will speak their minds? So yeah I feel like it will end like that but on a bigger scale, 'poor him he didn't knew better ' huuu no, i don't think so
In general all OB guys have gone basically free, i don't mean expel them but ... Nobody is going to do something? The one I've seen more ' punished for his actions' is Jamil bc Scarabia sort of turned their backs at him (which later got fixed but at least we saw some consequences)
FOR REAL. I'm pretty sure I already talked about it here, but in case I haven't, the second halloween event ending was complete bs. I hate how the ghosts, Lilia, and Malleus basically kinda gaslit everyone into believing that everyone else was in the wrong when in actuality everyone was completely valid in their belief that they were fighting for their life. And everyone else just apologized? Nah, be fucking for real. The second halloween event kinda a flop for that. Ace was the only real one in that entire event because he didn't stand for that crap. Not only that, but he was genuinely so worried for the mc and Grim!
As for the overblots, they've been getting increasingly worse. Like, Riddle was bad enough and he was the first one. So let's do a review, shall we? Spoilers all the way from chapter one to what we know of chapter seven.
Riddle. At first, I used to think his meltdown was pretty tame. That is, until I read part of the fight depicted in the manga. The fight in the manga goes way more into detail. I skimmed over it, but basically Cater was stabbed (thankfully it was one of his clones) and I remember Riddle throwing one of the roses bushes at either Trey, Ace, or the MC. The manga shows the fights way better than the game, and it becomes obvious that Riddle tries to hit everyone lethally more than once. However, despite that and destroying his dorm's garden, he's let off with his only punishment being to apologize and to bake a tart. Really? He almost killed people and that's it? And that's just the first one! But, it's a lot more tame than the others.
Leona takes it up a tiny notch. From here on out, I can't go into detail about the fight itself because the fighting is best depicted in the manga and the manga isn't here yet, but we have the game to go off of. We know for a fact that Leona was ready to suffocate Ruggie and even turn him to sand. Hell, if I remember right, he even turned a tiny part of his skin to sand. And he planned to injure an entire stadium if necessary. But all that was done was "oh, because you nearly killed people and your closest friend, your team isn't allowed to play in the tournament anymore" BUT to make things worse, the other teams chime in like "nah, let them play, because we want to beat them." WHAT? People nearly died??
I think Azul stays about the same level as Leona, if not lower. Leona was ready to put innocent citizens at risk, while Azul knocked students around his dorm unconscious(?) after stealing their magic. But afterwards, he just changed his scamming ways to be more low-key and chose to return the photograph he had MC and their gang steal. That was literally it. Like, bruh. I imagine he nearly killed people too, but it wasn't specified so I can't say for sure. But really?
Jamil finally takes it up another notch. I think he was seriously hoping the fall from his hit killed Kalim and co when he sent them flying. That, or they just wouldn't survive when that far out into the realm, but I can't be sure on this one. Then he hypnotizes everyone in the dorm. Again, like all the other fights, I can only assume there were multiple lethal attacks that weren't depicted well in the game. Even though it seems like he faced the most punishment with his dorm turning their back on him, idk, it didn't feel like enough.
Vil is probably the one I sympathize with the least. Before he even overblotted, he tried to poison and murder Neige but Rook nearly took his place. I'd say it's very safe to say he nearly killed MC, Grim, Ace, Deuce, Rook, Epel, Jamil, and Kalim by how roughed up everyone was after the battle. He also thought if he got rid of everyone else then he'd be the most beautiful, insinuating that he would harm or kill others. Right after overblotting, he says, "The suffering won't last long. You'll stop breathing soon" and later "Do you really think any who look upon my ugly form is allowed to live?" Yeah, he was definitely aiming to kill. And if Jamil and others hadn't discreetly evacuated the stadium, people would've died. Afterwards he apologized and paid money to the team (the reward money he owed for the loss in the contest), but that was kinda it.
Idia... oh boy. I sympathize with him the most by far, but he didn't get the punishment he should have gotten. Where do I even start with him? To put it simply, if the other guys were fires with ranging heat levels, Idia was a fucking forest fire. This guy and his little brother almost caused the destruction of the world, and that's not an exaggeration. First his family's company basically invaded the school and planned to erase their minds of the event afterwards. Not his fault, but he did go along with it. Then he emotionally tormented the previously overblotted guys after the company kidnapped them by allowing those trials that showcased fights with their closest friends. Finally, he planned to release all of the thousands of phantoms on the island which would have caused world-wide destruction. But then he was somehow still allowed to attend school like normal after an apology or something? Honestly, it was such a shitty minor punishment that I actually forgot most of it, because then they were all in the living room playing video games with him like he didn't just nearly put the world on the verge of armageddon. This ending annoyed me the most so far. Emphasis on so far.
Malleus, oh god, I can already tell that his ending will probably piss me off the most. Like, how are you going to top the disaster Idia and Ortho nearly wrought? Well, shit is already hitting the fan in his chapter, and it is concerning considering how early it is for him to be overblotting. Honestly, like Vil, I can't say I sympathize with him too much. But based on the other chapters, it'll probably end with everyone being a-okay with the fact that Malleus cursed the entire island. Honestly, if it were me, I would not be able to forgive Malleus for that. And I know he's gonna get away with it and have little to no repercussions because he's even more influential than Idia.
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readychilledwine · 2 months
Hi girl!! I don't know how to say this, but I love your writing and your sooo creative. I just wanted to say, im giving birth in a couple of weeks and it just hit me that I'm going to have a KID, LIKE WTH??? I did my research so there's nothing to worry about and I'm financially stable, its just, WEIRD??? I'm going to pop a baby out??please give some advice bc my hubby seems really cool about it and I'm just WHAT??😭
Trigger warnings- baby, mom life, and labor talk. Super long post 💕
✨️Congratulations to both of you and welcome to the hot moms club✨️
I went through an induction that turned into an emergency c section, so keep that in mind when reading my advice since I am not sure what form of labor you are opting for.
During Labor/Your hospital stay:
Bring a comfort idea to the hospital for before "active" labor and after. I brought my own pillow, and that made a world of difference. It was nice having something so familiar afterwards.
Don't eat anything you don't want to risk coming back up. Some hospitals will allow you to eat. Try to stick to the ice, juice, jello, or pudding. Italian shaved ice was also an option for me. And do bring snackies for after. You deserve it.
Don't panic if your birth plan does not turn out to be how birthing goes. I had planned on natural labor, no pain medication. I went in to be induced at 9pm December 13, by 2am I was in a lot of pain, by 7am I had an epidural.
Not to scare you, but the epidural can cause a few different reactions. Don't let that stop you from getting it. You HAVE to allow yourself to be as comfortable as possible, and your birth team will handle whatever curves are thrown their way.
If you are physically able to, do golden hour. In case it is called something different for you, golden hour is a full hour where the nursing staff leaves you and baby alone for skin to skin and nursing time. Tell your man I'm sorry, but he can wait. That hour is essential for building breastmilk supply if you're going to be EBF or EP. He can have baby after.
And let him have baby after. Daddy needs his own hour where baby is getting skin to skin with him.
It's going to be hard, but try not be mad if baby daddy sleeps after labor. He's going to have spent the last how ever long you were in labor in a heightened state of fight or flight because the woman he loves is in pain and there is nothing he can do for you. It's painful and all the exhausting for us. It's mentally and emotionally exhausting for them.
Do not (under any circumstances) let them force you into handling feedings one way or the other. Fed is best. Period.
Do not allow them to force you to have a nurse who makes you uncomfortable in any way. I know it's hard, but if a nurse is making you feel like you aren't doing enough, aren't listening to them, are making a wrong choice, ASK FOR A NEW NURSE. They should be supporting you.
If you're at a hospital where mom and baby sleep in one room, don't hesitate to say yes if a nurse asks if you want baby to go to nursery for a little bit. You both will need sleep. You deserve sleep. That nap will be precious. Trust me.
For home:
During bathing, try a swaddle method. It uses two towels, but it helps baby feel safe and secure. Here's a little link to an article about them
Take. Time. With. No. Visitors. You and baby daddy deserve time to adapt to your LO. It's a totally different ball game. We had 2 weeks alone. 2 weeks with just our parents. 2 weeks with our siblings. Then we opened the house to visitors who messaged us first.
Establish boundaries from jump. I made a post about on SM with a picture of our boundaries. Baby daddy enforced it.
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Enjoy those 2am cuddles. They go away so fast 🥺
If you do not mentally feel okay, tell people you trust. Immediately. PPD/PPA can quickly become postpartum psychosis when left untreated.
Remember you're gorgeous. Even if you don't feel that way. You literally grew a human. It is the most selfless thing you could do for your family, and in my opinion, the closest thing to magic.
Remember to be kind to yourself and baby daddy. You're both learning. It's hard. So hard.
Never feel guilty for a few minutes of screen time. Sophia gets about 30 minutes a week spread out throughout the week. Ms. Rachel is a great help.
From my baby daddy to yours
Get her the food she's been craving that she "can't have" which also meant you couldn't have it for her first post labor meal. Lizzy wanted sushi. Baby momma got her sushi.
Take pictures of her with your kid. Constantly without her knowing. Those pictures will get you through the work day.
Get up with her at night. We helped make the baby. We help with the baby.
No yelling. No fighting. I said one thing to Lizzy I regret deeply, and I don't know if she's genuinely forgiven me for it. This is hard on your baby momma. If she needs to vent. Let her. Don't fight her. Just get her down for a nap, man. That's all you can do sometimes.
Never tell her to sleep when the munchkin sleeps. That statement is the most unhelpful thing anyone said to Lizzy. Tell her instead to lay down and try to get some sleep, and you will listen for crying. She needs the comfort of knowing someone else is there.
Don't allow anyone to shame her for anything. I learned I will throw hands over someone shaming Lizzy. Luckily, it was with my brother. We're good now.
Make sure she gets to shower every day.
Love her. Love her and look out for any signs of her not being okay. Lizzy's was staring off into nothing and crying way too much.
Make sure you schedule time for both of you to get away and let her enjoy said time.
Skin to skin. Daily.
Lastly, get her a pump if she's breastfeeding. Trust me. It will help build supply, and it allows you to feed the little one.
If you two need ANYTHING, message me. I don't have all the answers, but I might have advice. 💕
Here's a few products we love for Sophia, too. Some of them are pricy. We apologize.
Dreamland weighted Swaddle
Diaper cream spatula
Calmoseptine Ointment
Bums and Roses - softest pj's ever and you can get matching ones.
Momcozy nail file
Lizzy's favorite stationary pump*
Lizzys favorite on the go/work pump*
The bottles baby daddy uses to feed Sophia sometimes
*check to see if insurance will help*
Overall, just enjoy your time together and your sweet little baby.💕💕
Ps- thank you for the compliments! I was so excited to give advice I almost brushed over them 🥺
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hi. I have been reading your posts lately and got so much inspired. It was helping and suddenly it feels like I'm back to square 1. Also this boy I'm talking to online, he's literally a red flag with insecurities, defensive,kinda misogynist,andrew Tate's fan etc., and we had so many senseless arguments because he thinks I have opinions on everything,one time he called me dumb, useless, lame, a waste of time and that's bad so I thought he hated me. But 2 days back he was telling how he always liked me and he thinks I'm cute and he likes talking to me,like how is it possible like we have had arguments everytime we talked immediately after that he said he thinks I'm hot and he touches himself thinking about me. Like wth, like for some reason I'm attracted to him so I'm still talking to him. I don't like this. It feels like I'm going off track. And it's been distracting, his words. I don't know what to do. Feel so helpless. I have an important exam in 2 months, it's literally life and death for me. And I don't feel motivated. My brain is all scrambled it seems to me.
I want to emphasize the importance of taking care of your well-being and mental health. It's concerning to hear that the person you've been talking to online displays some red flags such as insecurity, defensiveness, and misogynistic views. It's crucial to remember that you deserve respect, kindness, and support in your relationships. Engaging in constant arguments and being subjected to derogatory comments is neither healthy nor productive.
I would strongly encourage you to reconsider your involvement with this person. It's not healthy to continue talking to someone who disrespects you and makes you feel helpless. You are not even dating this person, and there is already conflict. Conflict which shouldn't exist considering we date people because we have some level of compatibility. I think you might be addicted to the highs and lows, the challenge of the situation as a whole. Maybe even the attention they give you. The fact that he goes back and fourth from arguing to complimenting you in a sexual manner shows that he is not a great guy. A man, especially a man who is just starting to court you should not be sexualizing you and as a woman who would be interested in a romantic scenario would not allow disrespect from a man who she barely knows.
It's important to recognize that words can have a powerful impact on our emotions and self-esteem. When someone repeatedly puts you down or makes derogatory comments, it's natural to feel hurt, confused, and even distracted. But it is also important to remember that no one good for us is going to serve as a distraction. And someone who takes your focus from your own goals and studies, is doing just that. There is no added value or benefit in this scenario for you. No one who likes you is going to put you down, criticize you or do anything to risk their chances with you.
Be kind to yourself. It's normal to feel off-track and overwhelmed at times. Remember that setbacks are part of life, but what matters is how we respond to them. Take one step at a time and trust in your own resilience to overcome challenges.
Wishing you the best of luck with your exam and a brighter, more positive future ahead!
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jhonatheshiny · 3 months
DF Fanfic: Bite of the Living Bread
As she waited for Artix to arrive from above the Necropolis, Suut bounced impatiently, ready to fight whatever new undead awaited the both of them. Suut was never known for her patience, but she knew that Artix would get cranky, depressed, or both if she started fighting undead without him. That said, she had been waiting long enough that she was starting to get hungry. "I wonder if I can get something from the cafeteria...." She muttered to herself, as she eyed the Necro University student handbook. "No, then I'd risk running into a student."
Just as she was thinking this though, Artix trotted up, clearly excited to slay some undead.
"Finally! What took you so long?" Suut asked.
"Sorry Suut, needed to take care of some undead at Amityvale gate." Artix sighed apologetically.
Even though she waited quite a while, Suut couldn't help but feel bad for him. She knew better than anyone else that he didn't like to keep people waiting. She gave him a playful punch on the arm.
"Oh, don't worry about it!" She replied. "Let's just get to slaying some undead!"
At that point, she could plainly see Artix getting pumped up.
"So where do you think we should go next" Artix added with a beaming smile. "We've already broke the Build-A-Beast machine, so-"
But just as Artix was speaking, a loud growl emanated from Suut's hungry belly. She could tell it was wanting something to eat.
"Maybe we could try checking out the cafeteria?" Suut asked with a chuckle.
As they arrived at the cafeteria entrance, they saw that one of the students was standing guard. At that point, they knew he had to be guarding something, likely a necromancy experiment of some kind.
"Okay, so do we just storm in?" Suut whispered to Artix.
"Normally I'd say yes," Artix responded, with a clear hint of dissapointment in his voice. "But we need to figure out what they're planning first."
Suut took a second to ponder. "Here's a thought."
Artix looked at her, confused.
"Hey, you!" Suut shouted at the Necropolis student. "What's going on in the cafeteria?"
The student glanced over at the two of them. "Oh, they're trying ot make a soup that'll reanimate food! If it goes according to plan, there won't be a safe taco stand left on the surface of Lore!" he yelled back.
"Thanks, man!"
"No proble-" But before he could finish, Artix struck him down with his axe.
"Wow, you really are itching to slay some undead, aint'cha?" Suut joked.
"Do I even need to answer that?" Artix asked. "Okay, so now all we need to do is ruin the soup."
As they readied themselves to enter the cafeteria, another loud rumble came from Suut's stomach. "You think we'll have to fight some food?" She asked, half jokingly.
"Probably. Why?" Artix inquired.
"No reason." Suut said nervously. "But do you mind if I handle this one solo? Need to get some good exercise in!"
Artix sighed dejectedly. "I suppose you can. But just be sure to put this into the soup" As he said that he handed her a bottle, and she looked at it to read the label
"Y'know what? I'm just not gonna ask any questions!" And with that she stormed in.
Artix was beginning to worry. Suut said that she'd only be in there for 30 minutes, maximum. He looked at his watch.
"34 minutes" Artix muttered. "Should probably go in to inves-"
But at that moment, a huge noise broke his train of thought. A monstrous belch, the sound of which reminded Artix of a beast.
"I'm coming, Suut!" Artix yelled, clearly thinking the worst. But just then, a figure walked out of the entrance.
It was Suut. More specifically, it was Suut wth an engorged, rumbling gut. Artix had no idea what to say.
"Mhh.." Suut whimpered. "Sorry that took so long. Took me a while to get up after eating that last monst-UUUUUUURRRP"
She could feel the pressure ease slightly in her belly. It honestly was amazing she wasn't in a food coma after such a huge meal. "I got the soup ruined, though".
"You... you didn't eat it too, right?" Artix stuttered, only partially joking.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I definitely remember plot holes and continuity errors in the earlier books... but I can't recall there being nearly as many as there are in TSATS. Also (and I'll admit I haven't reread PJO and HOO in a while) I don't remember the main storylines in any other book being built almost ENTIRELY on plot holes and continuity errors. Those are the main differences for me.
Firstly, it seems to me that you’ve taken my post as a defense for TSATS’ errors - and I’m sorry if you did not - but actually, by saying ‘TSATS isn’t special’, I meant that it isn’t flawless, and people need to accept it instead of putting it on a nonexistent pedestal. Basically: defending the legit criticism it’s receiving, which is roughly the same idea as you.
With that being said, let see how I can dissect this.
- I’m aware TSATS has many inconsistencies. Though, I don’t consider it ‘built almost entirely’ on plot holes etc… Idk, I guess it’s still… acceptable to me? Except that part when Nico didn’t mention Hazel in Tartarus wth? True, the re-imagining of Tartarus is toned down quite… considerably, which is still on the table for debate. So that’s basically 50/50.
Nonetheless: Assuming TSATS makes a ton more inconsistencies compared to the rest of the series, I think I can make offer some plausible reason for the fact.
So far, I can think of three reasons:
TSATS is (currently) the last book of the series
TSATS is about a returning journey.
TSATS isn’t written by only Rick, but another author as well.
The first point is quite simple. TSATS is the last book of a widely expanded and well-built series. Logically, everything that preceded the book is considered canon materials and basically something you cannot change (plot twist is another thing we don’t talk about that here).
That is 15 main books, not mentioning the side stories. You have to admit that it’s a huge amount of information to keep track of. Everytime I write a fanfic, it’s hellish to go back and search for one specific paragraph or a certain description. Rick is just a human.
By the same logic, the younger the books get, there’re more things Rick needs to cross-check to make sure everything follows the right trail and doesn’t just lose some screws in the middle of the road.
The old books are less likely to have this issue - they still do! - but it might be less common, having less material to be caged in. Whereas, being the latest book - with 15 books preceding, TSATS is the most likely to have continuity error(s).
Half of TSATS is about the old.
Again. Re-imaging some old material meaning you have to have a good grasp of said provided materials to re-introduce it again without risking either ruining everything you’ve built or failing with adding the new elements.
- Generally, taking PJO as the starting point, the first 5 books revolves mainly around Camp Half-blood. The sequel - HOO - focuses on Camp Half-blood, Camp Jupiter, and their journeys in different lands, half of which is spent in another continent.
Obviously, HOO explores a new territory - in which Rick was free to make up as he goes. Because it was new ! There’s nothing Rick needed to stick to when there was nothing to begin with.
- The 2nd sequel - TOA - ok I haven’t read this 🥲😂 but I’m assuming with the emergence of Apollo, a god-turned-mortal. The narrator would be immensely different - again: new land, free will.
- TSATS is about Nico - an veteran character, so to speak - going back to Tartarus - a place we have seen, have watched, through the eyes of two protagonists, no less. Both we have seen very close. And the problem with exposure is that:
1/ There’re many things to stick to - as explained
2/ It’s hard to merge new things - because the same as 1/, people tend to go by what they alr knew in a familiar land. And it’s exactly what happened to Nico’s new character development in TSATS, which is still in debating.
Co-authoring. I suppose I don’t have to speak too much about this. The only one who has the best grasp of a fictional universe is its creator(s). Mark Oshiro isn’t the one who created Riordanverse. Of course there would be something they miss during the process of literally re-creating it.
These are what I managed so far.
With this being said, I want to make it clear that I am not defending the inconsistencies in TSATS. I’m merely explaining to figure out the reasons behind it.
IMO, as the author of a published book collection, Rick - more than everyone - is responsible for delivering his content the best way - which also includes the consistence and coherency and… everything else. As the creator, he (and maybe his team of editors in the editing and proofreading process, only if this is included in their job description) must keep track of the content he offered to the general audiences.
Who else’s gonna do it if not him? The readers surely won’t. They don’t pay money for this.
In the case of co-writting, good communication should be the key in guaranteeing the right undisturbed flow of work. Ofc, it’s only theoretical. I obviously don’t know how they work tgt so take this as a grant of salt lmao.
That’s pretty much it. Hope this helps anon.
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kusukixcrystal · 9 months
MM Classpecting: Jaehee
Zen Classpect
Yoosung Classpect
Personality/General Info: Kind and hardworking. Independent, serious, and caring. Has own sense of humor. Organized. Dislikes when things are not according to schedule, or receives extra work. She is responsible, so she deals with it anyway. Works at C&R with Jumin, her boss. She is Catholic. Likes Zen and his musicals. Likes coffee, to the point she develops a big enough passion to open up a cafe in her route. Hates cat hair. Is the most suspicious member of MC when she first joins the RFA. Becomes protective over Zen’s career. Jumin trusts Jaehee, but she gets frustrated with him. Still loyal though. Doesn’t like Yoosung’s game addiction, but cares about him. He sees her as an older sister. With 707 she respects his work abilities, but is exasperated by his jokes. Short hair and glasses due to her job, because Jumin is worried that his father would flirt with her otherwise.
Jaehee’s mom married her father, who was 20 years older than her. He dies, then her mother when she was in the 9th grade. She is sent to be raised by her aunt and uncle. Gets scholarship to university and graduated early. V talked to Jumin and proposed the idea of hiring Jaehee into the RFA.
Role in Narrative: She is far away from the main plot, due to her lack of connection to Rika/V/707. In her route, her character arc is taking a risk and following her dreams. Stability may be safe (Job at C&R), but it’s killing her. Following her passion for coffee is risky, but having freedom to do what she wants matters more. Her childhood led to this need for stability, losing both her parents made her want to not be a burden to her uncle and aunt. She tried to do everything right in life: study, get into a good university and a good job. She has stability but she isn’t happy, slaving away at a demanding job for both C&R and RFA. She is the player’s breather route between the madness that is all of Mystic Messenger. In main story she supports the RFA with tedious paperwork matters, helping in the efforts for the Mint Eye mission. A supporting role along with Jumin.
Active or Passive: She studied hard, got a scholarship and started working at C&R all for the purpose of supporting herself. This is a selfish act (not the negative connotation of the word btw). She defends Zen often and supports him relentlessly, buying tickets to support him, which is selfless. She does a lot for the RFA and C&R. She does alot in the SEs with the Mint Eye mission, not for her sake, but for the RFA’s. Purely looking at what she does in the main plot (DS, 707 Route and SE), she is passive.
Classpect - Sylph of Mind: One who makes Mind, or makes through Mind for others.
How this applies to Jaehee: Jaehee does want to know what is happening around her, being the one who is most concerned about MC joining the RFA, for example, or needling Jumin if he fails to show up to work, trying to figure out wth is going on. In Zen’s route, she pries into his business alot when MC and Zen start showing romantic interest, even though Zen’s relationship is up to him, and she should have stayed out of it. Constantly suggested to go over to Zen’s house to help him when he was injured, even though MC could go instead. She is passionate about his musicals, excitedly rambling about it if MC shows interest in it (its so cute when she does this in phone calls <3). This is in contrast to how she usually is like to people she is not close with, formal and rigid. Same goes for coffee, where she obsessively starts researching deeply into it. Compared to the other RFA members, her relevance in the main story is little to none, being the farthest from Rika and V. Still, she is an indispensable member of the RFA, keeping a lot of it running in the sidelines.
A restrained Sylph can fade from relevancy, and I think she is looking at the main story. Her full potential can be seen in her own route. Working for C&R doesn't give her the chance to shine completely.
This is what the Hiveswap Extended Zodiac has to say about the Mind Aspect:
“Those bound to the aspect of Mind are-you guessed it-the universe's great thinkers. But don't for a second think that means that they have all the answers. They are very concerned with remaining rational, and they have such a firm hold on the constant conjunction of their thinking that it's easy for them to see the multitudes of the choices laid out before them, which often leaves them frozen and unable to act. That said, when a Mind-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. Their identity is fluid-it can change from day-to-day, from thought-to-thought, from interaction-to-interaction. Remaining logical is more important to them than building up a solid foundation of "self." At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators. At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive.”
I think Mind is all about choices, thoughts, apathy and another way of viewing 'identity'.
How this applies to Jaehee: Jaehee is a logical and practical person. That is what lead her to where she is in the beginning of MM: working for C&R. She gets sick of all of the work she must undertake, but she she is frozen, afraid of quitting the stability of her job. When she does take action, though, she gets things done. Her role in backing up Jumin for the Mint Eye mission is indispensable. Not only that, but her management of the affairs of both RFA and C&R cannot be understated. She isn't easily replaceable either, as seen when Yoosung or MC tries to take on her role in some bad endings. She can be inflexible at times, an example being in Zen's route and her staunch refusal to let Zen date MC. She thinks its for his own good, but in this case she should listen to what Zen wants (traits seen in Sylphs as I've said before).
As the person furthest away from Rika and V, she has the least emotional investment in all this. This could be part of why she can make decisions without letting emotions cloud her judgement, like Yoosung. She encourages the other members to not be rash, to think through their decisions, even when everything gets intense with the hacker situation or Mint Eye.
Jaehee's Aspect is the opposite of Yoosung's, but both Aspects seem to focus on 'identity' or 'the self'. In Jaehee's case, her sense of self does fluctuate depending on who she speaks to. When MC brings up her love of Zen's musicals, her demeanor switches completely, absolutely elated to discuss her interests (attributes of Sylphs too). With Yoosung, she is gentle, treating him like a younger brother. With Jumin it is all professional, because he is her boss of course. It's difficult to tell which of these are the 'real Jaehee', when in reality her identity is just fluid like that.
Another point to how she acts based primarily based on logic despite her actual wants: Her wearing glasses and her short hair is all for the sake of her job. Jumin instructed her to do this so that Chairman Han doesn't flirt with her. She agrees to this as we see, because it is the logical thing to do. In order to have this job she must meet this dress-code, and she is willing to do this regardless of her real preference. And I do believe her REAL preference is having long hair and no glasses. We see this in her route when she stops wearing her glasses, since she never needed them to see. In her AE and Valentine's Day DLC we see her grow out her hair, showing that now outside of C&R this is how she prefers to present herself. She even looked like this in older pictures of her in-game, back when she was living with her aunt and uncle.
Looking at Jaehee's route, we see how she finally finds a passion for a coffee project, obsessively researching into it (Sylph). Jumin tells her to stop working on it and to focus on another project, but she has difficulty letting it go. For once, she is hesitant to just do what is asked of her, wanting to pursue this coffee interest. Her route focuses a lot on choices, and how Jaehee is at the cusp of making a big one: quitting her job to start-up a cafe. The logical part of her knows how risky it is, and struggles to decide on what to do. She is at a loss, but Zen and MC are there for her, helping her come to a decision. Zen gets her a coffee machine, and ultimately gets her to become less detached to her situation: the fact that she isn't happy with her current place in life. Jaehee reflects on all the choices she's made up to this point, thinking that that was what she was 'supposed' to do, according to society, in order to be happy. In a way, she thought that life was happening to her, when in fact she does have a choice. Her life was shaped by all the decisions she has made, and now it is no different. She gains courage and eventually does start that cafe with MC. In fact, it is successful. In the VD DLC, MC and Jaehee are constantly coming up with new menu options, and Jaehee looks at the recipes and logically thinks about the amount of ingredients, the ratio of them, etc, etc. She wants to improve on everything constantly by adjusting it. She is able to use the knowledge and experience she accumulated from C&R to her benefit.
Her route is less relevant to her role as a Sylph, since in her character arc she is more Active, where she is starting to become more selfish and less selfless. She is more of a Maid of Time/Maid of Mind solely based on her character arc. Though, her Mind Aspect is very prominent here, which is why I wanted to highlight her arc.
As a Sylph of Mind she is making, expanding, improving her Aspect. Since Jaehee is Jumin's assistant, you could say she improves Mind (I.e decisions for the Mint Eye mission). When she sees a lack of Mind somewhere, she will fix it.
Jaehee is a good example for why I think focusing on the character's role in the main narrative is so important. If you only look at Jaehee's route, you can easily gives her a different classpect. A Maid of Time suits the Jaehee we see in her route, making more Time for herself. Or a Maid of Mind, making Mind for herself, essentially making good choices for herself, which we see.
All in all, Jaehee Kang as Jumin Han's assistant is a Sylph of Mind.
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immortal-in-their-way · 5 months
I guess I'm doing a really bad live blog of The Purloined Letter now.
Omg, they actually went to a party!
Uhh, is the guy alive? I think he's alive
Holmes just being completely chill to confuse Lestrade but once Watson says he's also confused the man just sobers up and explains :D
This is giving baker street nursemaids vibes in terms of plot
Of course Holmes sees the men :)
Omg WHAT? Sir, WHAT do you mean he'll remind me of that??
Holmes, cool as a cucumber, walking in to bold-faced lie the the murderous theif guy holding him at gunpoint
Okay, what did you think the guy with the noose was about to do? Hang you?
Holmes just sitting in the chair in the corner of the dude's room when he gets back, all cryptid-like.
"It doesn't take a master theif to break that lock"
Holmes just smoking into that guy's face like: yes, I AM in charge here. Good noticing :D
Ahaha, blackmailer and henchman 1 just being like: bro, if I was gonna kill u I would have done it by now
blackmailer just being like: what do you mean you gave it to a friend? ... buddy Sherlock Holmes is not your friend
Blackmailer just being like: wth else did you give him? A CONFESSION? Oml u did.
Henchman 1 choking theif guy out
Watson: hmm, Holmes there are some sinister guys coming up to our flat.
Holmes: eh, I expected they would
Blackmailer: hey, give me the letter and the confession
Holmes: no
Blackmailer being one of the only people who actually realise that Holmes will burn worlds for Watson: Henchman 1 has your partner at gunpoint, he'll shoot him nonfatally if u don't give me what I want *fully expects not to have to threaten Watson further* *is right*
Watson: *quite chill about all of this* he's bluffing
Holmes who has a plan but mainly doesn't want to risk Watson being shot: no, he's not.
Holmes: *gives over both documents*
Holmes after blackmailer and henchman 1 leave: *secret smile he keeps just to smile conspiratorially at Watson*
Lestrade: *slipping out of the famous cupboard downstairs after those guys have left and going into 221b*
Wait, so nobody's gonna catch these guysyet? What is your plan Holmes?
Holmes and Watson why are you just smirking in the background while the guy reads out blackmail in parliament?
Wait you what? U switched the letters? He's reading out his own CONFESSION? Brilliant!
Omg, I need to make a gif.
The last scene:
Holmes: I opened the safe and borrowed the seal :)
Lestrade: You robbed his safe!
Holmes, the sassist man on the planet: alright, arrest me then :)
Lestrade in the most disappointed voice ever: I don't suppose he's gonna press charges :(
Watson, watching the exchange: *sips tea in the same way someone might get out popcorn a century later* :D
0 notes
geniusdonkey · 1 year
Personal opinion over Aggretsuko over the cut, read under your own risk. This is merely my own opinion and I completely respect if you don't think the way I do. That being said, I just want to express it because since the series ended, I need to put it out...
Alright, I truly finished the series with a bad taste in my mouth. Sure, Retsuko found "happiness" and got married with Haida, the problem is, I didn't find them to be cute together nor a good couple and my problem is because I just never understood when did they really begin a serious relationship. I remember Haida confessing to her several times and being rejected and being obsessed over her for 5 years at work without her even knowing (which was kinda creepy(?)). Then the whole season 4 issue.
I admit they made Haida a bit more likeable in season 5 but... I can't seem to see both Retsuko and Haida as a couple because I feel their relationship wasn't well explored or portrayed. Dunno, that's my view of things. I felt they showed more cute stuff and more chemistry when Retsuko was dating Tadano. Either way, that's one thing I really didn't like at all. The second one was that, Retsuko literally never really grew up as a character in my eyes. She always did what people told her to do. She was told to be an idol, she did it, she was told now to be part of a politician campaign and she did it! She never said NO. Heck, her coworkers were the ones pushing her and Haida to go out together... Wth? Honestly... I feel she was just told around what to do. From her mom to her coworkers. So yeah, I felt that bad too.
And of course, I know they did all quick because of the lack of time but they didn't even give the characters a proper ending. I mostly feel mad because Tadano was like an idiot the whole time, still calling her Retsy and being Haida's friend. I'm like: man, you're now your ex's soon to be husband friend? I feel he ended being a bad tertium and didn't like the relationship he got of being a friend of Retsuko and Haida. Idk. I think he should have just backed off from there. And also, I feel the whole script of the series was done on purpose so in the end Haida would marry Retsuko, otherwise Tadano and Retsuko would have been perfect. No, I'm not jealous, not even angry. I'm just feeling like... Why did they end things like that? Things could have been managed a better way?
Yeah, you can say already: relax, man, it's just a cartoon xD. And you're right. But again, I needed to take out this because aaaagghdjd they messed it all for me.
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Thoughts on “Stranger Things” season 4 part 2 under the cut. Read at your own risk, spoilers ahead.
1.) I absolutely loathed the Hopper/Russia subplot. What was the point? They kept escaping from (and then going back to) the Russian prison. Why? Genuine waste of screen time and it slowed everything down. Hopper should've died in the s3 finale. 2.) Hopper/Joyce felt way too forced. Didn't Bob die like a year ago? Cringe. 3.) It would've been better to have Joyce/Murray pull a buddy trope this season. Leave Hopper out of it. Have them form an, albeit weird, friendship without Hopper. (shout out to Zac for this one.) 4.) Vastly disappointed that One/Eleven weren't related somehow. I saw a theory about their similarities (re: how they use their powers; both using their hands as a “channel”) and it's simply what I've decided to run with and it's now firmly part of my headcanon. Even if they're not father/daughter, then they're somehow related. IDK, it makes sense to me. 5.) Speaking of which: who’s Eleven's father? It's been four seasons; I wanna know! 6.) I can’t remember what happened to Eight but I’d love it if they brought her back. Can we have an epic El/Eight reunion in s5, please? 7.) Argyle was the saving grace for all of s4. Somehow I've fallen in love with him. 8.) I don't think Max is dead. I think she's still alive somehow ... out there in the blackness. I knew they were gonna at least attempt to kill her off but I really don't think she's dead. Otherwise they would've done it in a more direct, permanent way. I really hope Lucas is responsible for helping to bring her back. They’re very cute together, I have to admit. 9.) WTH was the point of of Lt. Colonel Powell? Honestly? 10.) I think Will is, unbeknownst to him, being used by Vecna. There's still a connection between the two. 11.) Robin's one and only shining moment was visiting Pennhurst. Otherwise she's a wasted character. It felt like they were trying to recreate the El/Max dynamic from s3 just with older characters. 12.) And speaking of Nancy, she totally came into her own this season. I loved her take charge attitude and how she, honestly, thrived this go 'round. I'd love it if she pulled a whole "I'm a badass woman, I don't need a man, and I can take care of myself!" I have a feeling there's gonna be an ~epic~ love triangle going between her, Jonathan, and Steve. 13.) Eddie was fine. He wasn't great but he wasn't bad. He had his moment in the sun and had some funny lines. I did, however, like his redemption arc. 14.) Speaking of Eddie, there was ~that moment~ between Eddie/Dustin when they were preparing for the battle with Vecna and it was just ... mmmm ... a splash of awkward/cringe. I hope people don't start shipping a child (or at least someone portraying a child) and an 18/19/20 year old (29 in real life). 15.) Will is gay and I wish they actually had the balls to go there this season. They've been building it up since season one I feel like. 16.) I like Erica so much better this season. Definitely redeemed herself from annoying little sister/sidekick into full-blown main character energy. 17.) What was the point of Ms. Kelly? Why introduce her at all, unless you’re gonna do something with her next season. 18.) I love how the parents are still totally oblivious. Parenting of the 80's: either helicopter parents or oblivious. 19.) Overall I'd rank it 2.5/5 stars. It just felt like filler for season 5. I think they shouldn't have broken it up into two parts; it lost a lot of momentum between part 1 and part 2. 20.) Not really ST related but why does everyone fangirl over Finn Wolfhard? He looks like human spaghetti, I don't get it. 21.) Anyway, lemme know your thoughts!
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
Humans are weird: Libraries
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
 Alien: So you’re telling me…. Alien: That not only do you have centers scattered around your worlds containing the collective information of your entire species and planet… Alien: but that anyone can access it and obtain said knowledge? Human: Of course not silly. Alien: Oh. *chuckels* Alien: For a moment I thought- Human: You need a library card to get in otherwise they turn you away. Human: But most of them these days cost half of what you’d pay for a sandwich. Alien: …………….. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Are you not worried that having such free access to this much information would be a risk? Human: It’s not that dangerous. Alien: I read there was a human child that nearly built a nuclear reactor from what he learned at the library!! Human: Yeah; but he never finished it so it’s not a problem. Alien: ARgJJKNFSM!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Books are stupid. Human: They teach you to flay the skin off an animal to get the juicy meat. Alien: *suddenly more interested* Books are amazing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Do they have the naked picture books here? Human: WTH?!? Alien: What? Alien: You said they would have medical books here. Human: Oh… Oooh; phew. Human: Go look at the medical section. Alien: Thank you. Alien: I am most interested in the ones of human reproduction rituals. Human: Yea- wait, no!
Alien: This book says if I hit someone with a glove I can challenge them to a duel. Human: Please don’t do that. Alien: But it says it is a law. Human: That is a history book from the 8th century. Human 2: *Walks by and bumps into alien by mistake* Human 2: Sorr- Alien: *Spins around and slaps human 2 with glove* Alien: HAVE AT THEE!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Group of aliens walks into library* Alien 2: *Giggling* Alien 3: *Whispering voice* Shush! This is going to be great. *Group walks up to librarian* Alien: Hi, *snort* do you have any books on human fecal matter? Librarian: *Points without looking up* That would be in health and wellness, Row 17. Alien: *Surprised the human did not get upset* Alien 2: *Steps forward* Alien 2: What about stupid human fashion rags? Librarian: *Points opposite direction* Row 5 for fashion. Alien 3: *Pushes passed other* What about what human flesh tastes like? Librarian: *Stops and looks up at smirking alien* Librarian: *Looks them dead in the eye* Librarian: Row 28; we taste like chicken. *Alien 3 backs away from librarian and the group begin to leave* Librarian: Your people taste more like jam on beef. *Group stops and turns to see Librarian evil smirking* Librarian: Oh don’t worry; I’m sure I read that in a book somewhere. *Group flees from library* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Human: So what do you think? Alien: *sits down at table after exploring the library* Alien: It’s nice and all… Human: But? Alien: *Looks around and then leans in* Alien: *Whispers* I was hoping you could show me the restricted section? Human: Restricted section? Alien: You know; the one with the books with faces and bound in skin. Human: This is the last time I let you watch harry potter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Shakespeare sounds like an egomaniac. Human: Why do you say that? Alien: He loves the sound of his voice so much he makes his sentence run fifty words long when what he was meaning could have been said in five. Human: Comes with being English I suppose. Alien: Are your people any better? Human: Half our communication is either through memes or a stream of swears; so not really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: *Throws a book at a human* Human: What the hell!? Alien: Stand still. *Hurls another book* Human: What are you doing?! Alien: I saw you litter so the law states I must throw the book at you. Human: That doesn’t mean you can throw any book at me! Alien: *Stops* Of course, my apologies. Human: Tha- Alien: *Throws law book in human’s face* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Why can’t I read this book? Human: Because it’s in a different language. Alien: Can you help me translate it? Human: Sure. Human: *Hands alien *how to* book on translations*. Alien: This is why the rest of the galaxy won’t deal with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Why does that human keep making shushing sounds at me? Human: They’re trying to make you be quiet. Alien: Oh, well this is awkward. Human: What did you think it meant? Alien: That they were flirting with me. Human: Oh god what did you do?! Alien: I told them to meet me outside so we can continue more privately. Human: Pretty sure they’re going to take it as a death threat. Alien: Why do you say that? Human: Because I can see the police entering the building and walking towards us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: Books are so stupid and primitive. Human: Says the alien that can’t read. Human 2: *Walks over and hands alien a phone book* Human 2: You’ll want to turn to page 75. Human: Because you’ll need to speak to a doctor about that severe burn you just got. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alien: I don’t understand why you keep such antique forms of knowledge. Alien: You have computers no bigger than the size of your wrist watch that contains the sum total of human existence. Human: You just don’t understand. Human: *Cradles books in arms* Human: You don’t appreciate them the way we do. Alien: How so? Human: There is something magical about the feel of a book in your hand; to feel the weight of the stories and knowledge it holds within those battered pages. Human: You do not feel the sense of accomplishment when looking upon a fully stacked bookcase of novels you have read over the years; each one holding countless life stories. Human: You have not experienced what it is like to read the daring adventures of heroes and villains alike were the climax of a tale hinges on the turning of a single page and the mixture of dread and excitement as you finally continue onward. Human: *points at library* This is a place of knowledge the likes of which is not seen in the galaxy and all are welcome within its walls. Human: More than that it is a place rich with history as the legacy of some of the greatest minds of our time live on through here, waiting to be picked up and spark the next generation of curiosity and imagination with but the opening of one cover on a rainy day. Alien: …………….. Alien: It was a great speech but we both know you just love having books and can’t help but buy one every time you enter a book store. Human: Well why don’t you stop me then mr. smarty pants!?! Alien: The last time I tried to take a book from you at checkout you nearly bit off a finger.
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starkskypines · 3 years
I know everyone’s talking about Din’s facial expressions and body language during the helmetless scene and no doubt that’s amazing to look at, but I can’t stop thinking about Mayfeld in that scene. When they first sit down with Valin Hess, Mayfeld is acting the part of loyal imperial, trying to prevent him and Din from getting caught. And then Hess wants to make a toast and Mayfeld is again covering for Din’s inability to answer, but now all he can think of is the time when he knew Hess, so he namedrops Operation Cinder and Burnin Konn.
He’s still playing it casual but there’s an edge to his tone now. He’s looking for an answer from Hess. Maybe he wants to hear regret about Burnin Konn, maybe he doesn’t know what he wants to hear. But when Hess says the Empire will do worse than Burnin Konn, that’s when Mayfeld’s confidence falters. He’s no longer in control of himself. His mind is thinking of the past, of the things he’s done, the people he’s lost, what he gave to serve the empire. And then Mayfeld starts to nod. He breathes out through his mouth. He’s trying to mentally talk himself out of his emotions. He keeps his eyes off Hess for a moment while trying to regain his calm.
And then he looks back at Hess. Mayfeld’s angry and in despair. At first he was baiting Hess, looking for some sort of something, but then it gets too real for him and he can’t reel himself back in. Mayfeld’s clearly thinking so many thoughts, most of them angry, some of them sad. Maybe remembering his fallen friends, remembering what the imperials–this jerk in front of him in particular–did to him, did to his friends, to the guys he served with, to innocent civilians. And then he looks at Din and you can see him processing. Din took off his helmet, something that’s clearly very important to him (and he did it all for his kid.) He risked it all and if Mayfeld had just bucked up and walked in, Din wouldn’t have had to do that. He’s sitting across from Hess and he clearly doesn’t recognize him. Mayfeld would’ve been safe to go in there. Din had to lose his helmet for nothing. The imperials took something from Din that he didn’t want to give up, not just his child but seeing his face, and Mayfeld isn’t going to let them hurt “brown eyes.”
And there’s that point where Mayfeld’s just like no. No more. F that. Hess isn’t going to get away with what he did. Mayfeld makes that conscious decision to allow his anger to give him revenge. And right before he pulls out his blaster there is so much raw emotion on his face. And then he fires. Din looks at him like bro wth? And Mayfeld doesn’t have an answer. This was something he needed to do. He needed revenge. He needed to make things right, even if it was killing only one of many responsible for Burnin Konn.
And once it’s done, Mayfeld gets his head back and he’s able to think and act logically and he realizes the troopers in the room saw Din’s face and they will probably open fire in the next few seconds. So Mayfeld takes them out and we see his strategical mind at work. He grabs Din’s helmet and tells him, “I never saw your face.” Basically, “The empire didn’t win today. I didn’t let them. I did something good for once in my life.” And Mayfeld’s the one to lead them to the window, to the escape route. He may have shot Hess without thinking logically, but every other imperial in that room was shot after Mayfeld strategized a way out that protected both him and Din physically and emotionally.
I don’t know I just think it’s neat.
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vidalinav · 3 years
Headcanon #77
I had such a bad day... but it wasn’t even my worst day... so how bad could it have been really? 
Anyways, headcanons make me feel better. This is @dustjacketmusings headcanon idea of nightmares, food thieves, and who steals the blankets. So I’ve decided to combine them.  
Nesta has nightmares very often, but since she’s given up most of the cauldron’s power, she rarely has nightmares that are like breaking the window, calling for Rhys, the almost exploding type. For the most part, Cassian can never really tell. She’s very quiet. Most of the time she just wakes up and watches him while she calms down. Cassian unconsciously always reaches for her, pulls her closer, and she sinks into the warmth, tucks her cold feet in between his. I’m telling you they are a perfect combination of always cold mixed with always warm. Most of the time, she doesn’t even remember what time she drifts back to sleep or what the dream was even about in the morning.  
Sometimes though she just can’t stand going back to sleep, so she’ll go to the kitchen which they rarely go in, honestly, and make herself some toast and jam. She could ask the house to do it and the house is very ready to get her what she wants especially after she’s had a nightmare, but the routine of it, or doing it herself, just makes her feel better for some reason. She makes herself tea. Maybe some rice and warm milk and a bit of sugar. Maybe some honey milk (which is fantastic by the way). She always ends up reading at the counter. Either she brings a book or the House will supply one, and she’ll read until she feels well enough to go back to bed, or sometimes she just falls asleep at the counter, and Cassian will carry her back, and sometimes Cassian does wake up and usually he tries to gouge how bad the nightmare was. Nesta never tells him. But in all of my headcanons, Cassian is very receptive to Nesta’s moods, and when she’s quiet, he usually makes it his mission to just rattle her a little. He doesn’t want to make her mad or anything but he can’t handle the silence usually. He’s not a quiet guy. He’s one of those people who rambles if the silence is too awkward to the point where he’s annoying. So, he’ll keep pestering her with questions about the book she’s reading or making some strange noise or moving things on the counter until Nesta just sighs like wth. If she still has not talked by this, he will risk his life and steal her food. That is the surest way for him to lose an hand, but he goes for it, and he will take a bite of that toast with Nesta’s favorite jam, or bring out the chocolate cake from the fridge and eat it in front of her, and at this point Nesta is either ready for murder or just to laugh because he is so obnoxious that she doesn’t know how to process it any other way. 
At some point, they both get tired. Cassian always pulls out a blanket from somewhere and you know they just end up being the couple that falls asleep in random places. Most of the time it’s in the library or one of their numerous couches or up in the training ring if they look at the stars. If they’re in the kitchen, there are windows in there and they’ll be looking out into the city and fall asleep there with the blankets across them both. 
Nesta always wakes up with the blanket(s) around her though. She doesn’t know if it’s because she takes them or because Cassian wraps them around her knowing she gets much colder than him... 
I’ll let y’all decide that one. 
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
On Doriathrin Isolationism
I’ve seen a fair number of takes in the Silm fandom on the topic of either “the Noldor are horrible imperialists” or “the Sindar are horrible isolationists”, so I thought it would be interesting to take a closer look at Doriathrin policy.
Firstly, how isolationist are they, following the creation of the Girdle of Melian? They still have close relations with the Laiquendi of Ossiriand, and some of them come to Doriath. They still have close relations with Círdan and are in communication with him. They’re fairly close with the children of Finarfin: Galadriel lives in Doriath, the others visit, Finrod is close enough with Thingol to act as an intermediary between him and the Haladin, and Thingol is the one who tells Finrod of the location for Nargothrond. The dwarves continue travelling to Doriath, and trading, and living there for long periods to do commissioned craft-work, through long periods of the First Age, even after the Nirnaeth - the Nauglamír Incident could never have happened if not for that. All these people can pass freely into Doriath. So we’re not talking about Doriath cutting itself off from the rest of the world, not by any means. We’re talking specifically about its relations with three groups: 1) the Fingolfinian and Fëanorian Noldor; 2) the Edain; and 3) the Northern Sindar.
Every time I try to write this post it gets really long, so here I’m going to focus on Doriath’s relationship with the first and third groups, other Elves, and leave the Edain for a separate post.
Doriath and the Northern Sindar
Thingol’s attitude towards this group is the least excusable, and something I wasn’t aware of until I got my hands on a copy of The Peoples of Middle-earth (HoME Vol. 12):
[Thingol] had small love for the Northern Sindar who had in regions near to Angband come under the dominion of Morgoth, and were accused of sometimes entering his service and providing him with spies. The Sindarin used by the Sons of Fëanor also was of the Northern dialect; and they were hated in Doriath.
Now, to be clear, Thingol is wrong about the Northern Sindar being shifty. They’re the ones more commonly described in The Silmarillion as the grey-elves of Hithlum. They make up a substantial portion of the people of Gondolin. They include Annael and his people, who raise Tuor. (Presumably others live in, or moved to, East Beleriand along with the Fëanorians, as the Fëanorians speak their tongue.) 
Here is what I think probably happened. We have statements in The Silmarillion that Morgoth captured elves when he could, and that:
“The Noldor feared most the treachery of those of their own kin, who had been thralls in Angband; for Morgoth used some of these for his evil purposes, and feigning to give them liberty sent them abroad, but their wills were chained to his, and they strayed only to com back to him again; therefore if any of his captives escaped in truth, and returned to their own people, they had little welcome, and wandered alone outlawed and desperate”. 
If Morgoth also captured some of the Northern Sindar - who, living closer to Angband, would be more at risk of this than Doriathrim, Falathrim, or Laiquendi - there could, as with later Noldor prisoners, have been some who were under his control and attacked and betrayed other elves. The Doriathrin Sindar, living further from Angband, might have been unaware of their capture, conflated this with deliberate and willful treachery, and so mistrusted the Northern Sindar.
That does not excuse Thingol’s attitude. He is stereotyping, and he is claiming kingship of all Beleriand while writing off a substantial portion of his own people, and this is unacceptable. One cannot claim rule of a people while simultaneously disdaining them and forswearing respinsibility for them. It is little surprise than the Northern Sindar largely joined themselves with various groups of Noldor and would have been glad of their arrival.
Doriath and the Noldor
This case is more complicated. I don’t like conflations of Thingol’s attitude towards the Fingolfinian and Fëanorian Noldor - or the Edain, for that matter - with anti-immigration sentiment. The basic concept of immigration is that you want to go to another country and live as a member of that country. When you enter an existing realm, claim its territory as your own, set up your own government, and justify it on the basis of “you’re not militarily able to stop us” that is not immigration. That is called an invasion, or annexation, or something of the sort. (Even if the realm in question is currently under invasion by enemies! Imagine if the British, after D-Day, had tried to annex half of France.)
(I will also note here that Thingol did not abandon the rest of the people of Beleriand prior to the Noldor’s arrival. The First Battle was the Doriathrim fighting alongside the Laiquendi. When Morgoth’s invasion became too large to fight on every front, the creation of the Girdle was the right choice. When assaulted by an overwhelming enemy force, the best, and indeed only militarily possible, option may be to withdraw as many of your people as possible to your fortress (as Thingol does - many of the Laiquendi and as many as possible of the grey-elves of Western Beleriand are evacuated to Doriath) and buckle down for a siege.) 
And the Noldor didn’t come with the Sindar’s benefit in mind. (As I have noted before, they were not even away of Angband’s existence. The Return was focused on fighting one very dangerous individual, regaining the Silmarils, and setting up realms in - if we’re being generous to the Noldor - presumably unoccupied territory. If we’re not being generous, the aim can equally well be read as setting themselves up as the rulers of the elves of Middle-earth. If their goal, or even a tiny part of their goal, was “rescue the Sindar”, then they could have pitched that to Olwë to get him on board - “help us rescue your brother from Morgoth” is a way stronger argument than “you owe us, you cultureless barbarians”.)
So, given that they’re annexing his territory without even considering that it might be someone else’s territory, it’s very understandable that Thingol isn’t pleased by the Noldor.  
On the other hand, Beleriand does benefit from the Noldor’s presence. Maedhros is quite correct when he points out that Thingol’s alternative to having the Nolder in northern Beleriand would be having orcs there [ironically, the Fëanorians do more harm to Doriath than orcs ever do, but that’s far in the future]. So given that the Sindar and Noldor have a common and very dangerous enemy, Thingol should at least try to work wth them. His deliberate isolation from the Noldor even prior to finding out about the Kinslaying comes across as prideful and petty. I am thinking particular of the absolutely minimal Doriathrin participation in Mereth Aderthad, when Fingolfin was specifically seeking to build a Beleriand-wide alliance, something that was in all their interests; and, addtionally, of not allowing the Nolofinwëans into Doriath. It automatically precludes any high-level negotiations or, just as importantly, any amount of in-person interaction that could lead to greater understanding. I can understand Thingol’s attitude towards Mereth Aderthad on some level - Fingolfin is in effect acting as though he is High King of Beleriand, something Thingol would resent - but it is nonetheless shortsighted.
It’s also worth noting, though, that acting with more tact and treating Thingol as King of Beleriand - as in fact he was throughout the Ages of the Stars - would not necessarily have posed any great difficulty or impeded Noldoran autonomy in decision-making in northern Beleriand. Notably, Thingol is on good terms with Finrod, gives him the location for building Nargothrond, and has no problems with him setting up a realm governing a large swath of West Beleriand. And yes, being relatives doesn’t hurt, but what stands out in this relationship is that Finrod treats Thingol with respect. He understand that Thingol knows more about Beleriand than him, and asks advice; when the Edain arrive, he’s the only one of the Noldor to consult with Thingol on his decisions (and that willingness to consult is what gets Thingol to agree to the Haladin settling in Brethil). And none of this prevents Finrod, or Orodreth after him, from having autonomy from Doriath in their decisions as lords of Nargothrond.
However, another interesting point is that Thingol’s early attitude towards the Noldor is not driven only by resentment of their infringements on his authority, but also by outright mistrust that doesn’t seem to be clearly grounded. Note that, after Galadriel tells Melian about Morgoth’s slaying of Finwë and theft of the Silmarils (which is well after Mereth Aderthad), Melian and Thingol talk, and Thingol says of the Noldor, “Yet all the more sure shall they be as allies against Morgoth, with whom it is not now to be thought they shall ever make treaty.” [Emphasis mine.] Which means that prior to this, he was genuinely worried about the Noldor allying with Morgoth! To paraphase The Order of the Stick, Thingol took Improved Paranoia several levels ago. (But he always seems to be paranoid about the wrong things. The Fëanorians are a threat, but not because of any possible league with Morgoth. Likewise, he is hostile to Beren because of dreams of a Man bringing doom to Doriath, but Thingol’s death and the first destruction of Doriath is instead set off by the actions of Húrin in bringing the cursed Nauglamír.)
So on the whole, neither the Noldor nor Thingol are behaving ideally in their early relations. After Thingol learns about Alqualondë, I find his hostility - especially to the Fëanorians - very warranted.  These aren’t some distant, once-related group of elves, these are his brother’s people! And “willing to betray and attack their friends” is not a quality anyone is looking for in an ally, nor something that is going to lead to trust.  
This also carries over to everything relating to the Leithian and the Silmaril. (Again, it is important to note with respect to the Leithain that Thingol states outright, after giving Beren the quest that he has zero expectation of - or desire for - Beren to obtain the Silmaril.  It’s a combination suicide mission and “when pigs fly” statement, and most people who say “when pigs fly” aren’t aiming at the invention of animatronic flying pigs.) In a theoretical world where the Kinslaying didn’t happen and the Fëanorians had no involvement in the Quest of the Silmaril, they might have had  a good shot at negotiating for it! (A much better shot than they had at getting it out of Angband, which they never even tried.) But of course Thingol would have no interest in handing it over to the people who, on top of the Kinslaying, also 1) betrayed his nephew and sent him to his death [that’s kind of on you as well, Elu], 2) kidnapped and attempted to rape his daughter; and 3) attempted to murder his daughter. And there should not be any reasonable expectation that he ought to do so! By their actions, the Fëanorians have forfeited any right to demand anything at all from Thingol, or from Beren and Lúthien, or from their descendents. 
(This is, in fact, the very point made in the Doom of Mandos: their oath shall drive them and yet betray them. Every Fëanorian action driven by the oath is counterproductive to them obtaining any of the Silmarils.)
In short:
- Yes, the Noldor are imperialist in their goals, but in they end they’re not ruling anyone who isn’t willing to be ruled by them. And the Northern Sindar who are part of their realms are people who Thingol had explicitly written off, which doesn’t reflect well on him.
- Doriath is not as isolationist as it is often portrayed and has close relations with many of the peoples in Beleriand. It also does participate in the wars against Morgoth (I’ll go into that in more detail in my Edain post). And they have valid grievances against the Fëanorians. However, Thingol’s deliberate snubbing of the FIngolfinian Noldor (and even before he knew about the Kinslaying), despite the evident benefits of planning a common defense of Beleriand, is selfish and petty.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
some of the aot fans (probably just casual readers) don't see the parallels between EM and LH???? like the brunettes desire to live with their ackermans together in the woods? they call levihan shippers delusionals. their attacking levihans that they didn't read the manga well and we just want our ship to be canon??? WTH????
I keep wondering if it's just us, levihans, who see these parallels?
im sorry for this rant, it's just soooo frustrating. Basically the reason why i leave twt lol not yet, im still there bcoz of lh filo socmed aus
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I have so many things I wanna say about chapter 138 and I am so sorry I only got to it now. I think most Levihan fans already said what I wanted to say but either way, I’ll just give some thoughts I entertained when these came out. 
Coz first of all… 
As a Levihan shipper, I am obviously ecstatic about this but as most people know, I come from a household where everyone is not too enthusiastic about Levihan. They are so very enthusiastic about INVALIDATING LEVIHAN in particular that my sister and my parents who don’t even watch AOT just come up to me while I’m staring at Levihan art on tumblr and go… 
“What are you doing?” 
“Staring at art.”
“Oh, is that the one couple you like who don’t even love each other or smthg.” 
Cause apparently my sisters who watch AOT and my boyfriend have been SO vocal about invalidating Levihan that even my parents now are on ship that they aren’t even a thing and I’m just delusional but yes, since I live in a house where literally ‘shipping Levihan’ is on the same level as ‘the curtains are blue so the narrator is sad’ type of interpretation, I will start by mentioning a more pragmatic argument to this whole Levihan and Eremika parallel. 
While I am one of those who can definitely see that yes those were clear parallels, there are some louder people( mostly Eruri shippers) who think that LH fandom is just grasping on straws and trying to diminish their supposedly canon ship( because EL and EM ackerbonding thing) so I was wondering what is your view on this?
So, to break down the argument...
It’s a war story blah blah blah. And besides Mikasa loved Eren from the start blah blah blah. 
I think this is an argument I see a lot. Because Yams is writing a war story and I think a lot of people are suggesting that it’s a war story here is no way anyone can be canon or anyone can have romantic relationships. 
AND I HATE THIS TAKE. Relationships are human nature. Yes, being arromantic exists but I don’t believe that in a fictional space, romance can ever NOT exist. Because most---or scratch that--- I believe all humans will search for companionship and I do not believe it is ever reaching to jump from whatever companionship exists between people and contemplate the potential of romance, except incest but that’s another story. 
Yeah because if there’s no kiss or sex then it’s not a romance apparently. 
Well guess what, we’re all reaching then, cause only Eren and Mika got the kiss. But lemme drop some social experiment I did. 
I actually showed the Eremika and Levihan ‘Let’s live together scenes’ side by side to a colleague at work who doesn’t watch AOT and she told me, WITHOUT CONTEXT, that she prefers the scene between Levihan more than Eremika and the reason behind that is because there were undertones, specifically in the Korean translation’ that Hange was tired, and there’s this apparent romantic-ness to it when you dream of something when you’re tired and when you dream of a particular someone. 
Because here’s the thing, when you love someone, when you decide to be in a  relationship with someone, that person will be your HOME. And now that I think about it, it definitely hits for me more, because when Hange was tired, when Hange was completely exhausted and spent, she dreamt of a future with Levi. 
And don’t you think that it’s more romantic that ‘despite everything, she thinks of him’ compared to ‘she constantly thinks of him?’ Because I dunno, when someone is constantly thinking of someone, there’s actually no effort really needed for the feeling to grow, but when ‘they think of someone, despite everything.’ There’s this idea that the relationship can withstand more things and that means they thought long and hard about it. 
Their life is so interesting and eventful, yet at the end of the day, there exists someone who still shines brighter than life itself and that’s why ‘Despite everything, she thinks of him’ rings brighter than ‘she constantly thinks of him’ for me at least. 
Probably a personal preference thing but either way… Just my take. 
Western people don’t consider running away ‘romantic?’ 
This is something I’ve discussed with filo moots multiple times and this is something I’ve thought about reading the Japanese and English translations, reading the Filipino Soc Med AUs and having my friend read the Korean ones.  
The Japanese and Koreans are quick to see the romantic undertones, a lot of my Filipino moots are quick to see those romantic undertones too. But we have the western fandom on Reddit going ‘Yo Erehisu foh evah’ and people saying ‘Levihan not canon they didn’t kiss.’ 
But YO both of my parents are ‘tanan’ (runaway in tagalog) babies. My mom actually ran away with a man and wasn’t allowed to talk to her dad until she graduated. My dad disobeyed his parents to marry my mom. They were setting my dad up with another woman and they were going to have a big wedding and everything but my dad was like…
NOPE Imma run away and marry this woman. 
And can I just say, my parents are the MOST unromantic people but they literally disobeyed their parents, ran away together, literally risked their relationships with their parents to make it work. 
And my parents are one of the few people in their family who are still in a happy relationship even after 25 years of marriage. 
Okay, I admit, sometimes running away is a dumb decision and shouldn’t constantly be romanticized. 
But I don’t think a lot of people understand the gravity of what ‘tanan’ entails. Legit, it was emphasized in 138 already, if Eren ran away, Paradis could have been overrun by military soon. And if Hange and Levi ran away to the woods, ‘what would there have been left for them? 
And in real life, my mom literally gave up her relationship with her dad to try to make the relationship work. My dad gave up the comforts of marrying a rich woman in a lavish wedding to marry my mom. 
They literally had a civil wedding, went out to eat Chinese noodles and China town as a post wedding meal and 25 years later, they have one of the strongest relationships I’ve ever seen. 
AND NO ONE RUNS AWAY WITH SOMEONE FOR THE LELZ. So yes, running away with someone will always be romantic for me.
And the Ackerbond?
Something I always find myself asking. Why do people want the Ackerbond to actually be a thing? Because if the Ackerbond were real, then wouldn’t that invalidate all Eruri and Eremika even more since we know they’re just trapped in the relationship like Stockholm syndrome or something? 
And besides didn’t Yams debunk that chapters ago? 
Anyway, onto the next questions
hi sav! i have a question about the recent chapter. do you think the em and lh parellels were done on purpose by isayama? 
And to answer this question… I am not so sure actually. I talked to a Japanese friend who grew up in the same prefecture as Yams, apparently it was her acquaintance from high school who married Yams and they were childhood sweethearts. 
So maybe Yams got it from them?  My memory on that convo is hazy but it’s only possible that he built Eremika from there. And Levi and Hange’s development is just incredibly different that I don’t think Yams thought that far to do it. 
My theory here is that Yams is writing a war story and he only has one way he could have ever shown romance in a war story and that’s through ‘running away’ so I believe the parallels are unintentional but I genuinely believe that this was Yam’s way of showing romantic undertones. 
And I personally do not think that Levi and Hange would have ever kissed in that time in their life, at least intentionally and I hoenstly commend Yams for doing such a good job with the subtlety of the romance because I’ve literally seen so many great characters in other stories completely butchered by a poorly done romantic subplot so I aint complaining about these romantic undertones. 
But either way,
I hang in the Japanese fandom a lot and there have been lots of fandom discussion on Levihan becoming endgame if 132 didn’t happen. And there are actually articles on this putting Levihan as endgame along with Eremika so I’m kinda suspecting that invalidating Levihan is an anime-only fan and reddit fandom type of thing.
But anyway, thank you for reading, sorry for the long rant.
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