#order's up~! 📋⋆𐙚
bambisnc · 15 hours
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i'm like some kind of supernova [ft. u.ae]
⤷ pov : literally all of the clocks of your house stop working and a random girl falls into your house?? she says she's like .. a goddess?? and now you've agreed to help her find her colleagues that disappeared?? or else she might torment you for all your life???
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pairing : timekeeper!giselle x reader genre : serious codedish + crack cw/tw : talks about dying/not dying + giselle talks old timey-ish for a couple mins + lowk this is a fever dream + uneditted womp womp wc : 914 woooo !!
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the strange quiet should’ve tipped you off.
when you woke up from an (unusually) dreamless sleep, your first instinct was to fight the urge to look at your phone and instead focus on the digital clock situated to the left of your bed. 
you were trying to make a conscious effort to “stop being dependent on your phone” and metaphorically touch grass.
and, obviously, that was your first mistake. 
the flashing numbers of the screen looked back at you, almost defiantly. 00.30.
one look at the sunlight streaming in through a conveniently located window proved that incorrect immediately. 
the clock appears to be broken.
pretty normal occurrence, could happen to anyone.
but when you venture out to the dining room, another clock, one of the analog variety, proudly displays the hour hand at 1 and the minute hand at 8. 
the clocks in the living room, guest room and kitchen all respectively seem to believe it’s around 2.45, 3.06 and 4.58 am respectively.
you can no longer put this off to a coincidence and the realization that there may be some foul play at work shakes you to the core. 
until, of course, there is a loud BANG! and a girl falls right on top of you. 
by then, your only coherent thought is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
the girl groans, likely in pain from the fall (where did she fall from??? is she a neighbour and did your ceiling just … break down??). she’s quick to regain composure however.
“greetings mortal. be not afraid for i am merely a being that most humans desire to have control over, despite knowing how utterly unattainable it is.
i am giselle; the keeper of time, in its purest essence.”
“your name tag says uchinaga aeri though.” you gesture with your eyes as she still has your arms pinned down with just enough strength to render them completely immovable.
“and also,” your fight or flight reaction shows itself by a means of ceaseless curiosity, “isn’t time supposed to be .. an old bearded man holding an hourglass? wasn’t he called father time?
the time keeper/uchinaga aeri/giselle/ looks pissed. or is she just flustered??
“the name tag is just a slight error, okay?! and i actually DO have an hourglass. also assuming that time is “male” is sexist.”
“no that’s not what i meant-” you try to defend yourself, but she brushes it off with practiced ease.
“my colleagues and i recently faced a … misfortunate incident. they all disappeared soon after.  the thorough investigations i carried out right after lead me nowhere for quite a while. 
but now… my sources have led me to you, mortal.”
the way aeri giselle speaks is enough to show you that she would not hesitate to resort to any means necessary to bring back the people she’s lost. they are obviously much more to her than just “colleagues.” 
you admire that. but also … according to her “sources” doesn’t she think that you are the one responsible for the disappearances? 
giselle’s grip on your hands eases only slightly while your brain busily tries to make sense of the events; wondering if she perhaps terrified you into silence. 
you do not let that opportunity go to waste.
with a slightly awkward, not as suave movement as you would have liked it to be, you flip over so that the timekeeper is now below you. 
“mortal?!” she gasps out, “you dare manhandle one of the 4 Supernovas, the guardians of the universe?! why i should-”
“hear me out please, before you burn me to a crisp or whatever you’d like” 
giselle’s eyes twinkle. 
she snaps her fingers. and all the lights blink out.
you find yourself … in your bedroom? almost like you’ve been sent back in time to earlier the same day…
the time keeper sits at the edge of the bed, rather nonchalantly, for someone who looked like they were merely seconds away from..
“letting you age and age and age some more, until all that’s left of you is a shriveled husk and all you can think of is the sweet release of death; but alas you’ll never find respite, because i will simply ensure that you remain undying. i think that’s what i’ll do to you if you don’t cooperate <3 arson’s not really my thing, ningning however,-”
you interrupt her once more, probably not the best decision but you need to make your offer as soon as possible if you have any hopes of getting out of this alive, “i’ll help you.”
you ramble on about how all the clocks had stopped working and how you were 99% sure that this meant you were definitely a key part in helping to find the people who had disappeared.
it almost feels like an interview; trying to convince giselle to hire you as a helper and also, as a side bonus, not torment you for all of eternity. 
and surprisingly, it works.
as you’re ending your pitch, she suddenly leans forward so that her forehead almost touches yours. 
“rest up for now, then.” she says, “you need all the energy you can get for our mission. and if you even think of backing out…”
“i won’t!!” you affirm quickly, which makes her smile and
god she’s really pretty isn’t she? 
beep. beep. beep.
the digital clock on your bedside says it’s 00.30. 
you grab your phone.
the Contacts app opens up. the first saved number is of a certain timekeeper.
o giselle (NOT aeri.) xxxxxxxxxx
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notes : I HATE THE TITLEEE IM MIGHT CHANGE IT IDK THO + [m.list] song rec : man idk i was js watching danny gonzales videos/horror video game playthroughs + supernova - aespa???
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𐙚 . regulars : @skriri ⋆
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bambisnc · 27 days
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(u got me confused) u got me so satisfied
situationship!haechan who’s such an enigma; every single thing he does leaves you in complete awe. the way he’s able to enter a room and raise everyone’s spirits, the way he's able to initiate full blown conversations with complete strangers and have them swooning over him in merely seconds – he’s always the center of attention, knows everything about everyone; but somehow still manages to keep his own secrets hidden away..
like you’d be out to eat with a group of friends, and he’d be doing his own thing until he sees mark being a little too friendly with you.. his best friend shouldn’t have his arm around your waist and .. why is he resting his head on your shoulder????? it doesn’t even have to be anything huge – he’d be set off simply by the fact that your attention isn’t on him.
but haechan’s never been one to back down. he’d make it seem like everything’s fine; bide his time with all the calm in the world. when he finally gets you alone though, pulled away from the rest of the people in an alley nearby, you’re in for it.
before you’d even know, he’d have you cornered against the wall. looking up at him in silent question would be totally unhelpful; you’ve been trying to discern what that look in his eyes means ever since you first made his acquaintance at school but all you’ve been able to learn so far is that once they’re on you, you feel an inexplicable rush that never fails to leave your mind reeling.
you’d make some kind of show of checking your phone and mention something about mark having texted asking where the 2 of you were, so you should probably be heading back soon.. subconsciously trying to elicit some kind of a response from him..
..and boy would he give you one.
haechan would lift your chin with his hand, lips on yours so fast that you wouldn't be able to help but let out some kind of a muffled gasp – which he'd obviously take full advantage of, by allowing his tongue to slide in against yours; hasty movements and shared breaths as you loop your arms around his neck because you really wouldn’t want to let go of him.
he would pull himself away first; smirking at the way you’d attempt to chase after his lips almost as if u don't even know you're doing it and would instead shift his focus to your neck; peppering little nips and bites here and there - barely enough to leave an imprint. 
and when you’d whine out something about him being mean he’d just display that signature cocky grin of his because didn’t you say you had to go back to mark a minute ago? so why’re you still here with him?
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notes : helo <3 + [m.list] song rec : pado - nct u (hc's highnote got me SPIRALLING.)
𐙚 . regulars : @gyuvxx ⋆
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bambisnc · 3 months
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roommate!sungchan who stumbles into the kitchen where you stand making coffee merely minutes after he notices your warmth missing from his bed. with still heavily sleep-laden eyes, he approaches your figure from the back and rests his head on your shoulder; draping his figure over your completely, arms around your waist. him placing featherlight kisses on your neck as he mumbles out a soft "g'morning love.."
roommate!sungchan who literally doesn't even flinch in the slightest when you flick a few drops of water on his face (he'd shake his head like a lil puppy and uno reverse the water onto you), but instead simply choosing to tighten his arms around you and pout because you're so mean to him.. obviously he starts tickling you mercilessly like a second later
roommate!sungchan who refuses to stop clinging to you even while you're moving and going about your routine for the day, constantly trying to coerce you to come back into bed w him for 5 minutes? pleaaaase :(( because he's just soo tired but he doesn't think he could sleep without you :(( he tries to bribe you with kisses n hugs n whatever else you want pretty, jus' say the word i'll give you everything
roommate!sungchan who even follows you into the bathroom as you do your skincare. and when you try to tease him about how much you think the now slightly fading pink, light red n violet bruises on your neck suit you; his sleepy daze finally snaps a bit. with none of the earlier lethargy, he gathers away your products and scoops you up in a princess carry, peppering kisses over the previous marks on your neck with a whispered assurance of giving you as many more as you want .. <3
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old notes : beomgyu, eunseok n yunjin im so sorry + think i need 2 make a separate roommate!sc masterpost at this point,,, new notes : its a series now !11!!!! + [series m.list] [m.list]
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bambisnc · 3 months
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seatmate!anton who's the quiet kid tm of class, sitting at the back and rarely ever speaking out much to all the teachers' dismay; but when you get to really know and talk to him he's .. actually super fun and cute
seatmate!anton who draws tiny dinosaur doodles (🦕🦕) all over your hands, the margins of your notes - even scattering some all over your desks (he makes them have little speech bubbles like '🗨️🦕 hi ‹3')
seatmate!anton who's always there earlier than you (it's the early morning swim classes ykk?) and without fail always ensures that there's a little snack with your favorite beverage waiting there for you; he knows you skip out on breakfast sometimes when you're getting late
seatmate!anton who dictates out stuff to you when you're not able to see the board clearly. honestly, he'd even take your notes for you if you bribe him into it (he'd probably offer to do it himself actually, when he notices your not able to concentrate because of that headache of yours or because you're just not feeling too well that day)
seatmate!anton who'd pass cute little notes to you where you both would have whole conversations,, with him giving you all the tea because he always knows everything about everyone somehow ?? (it's the soft boy vibes people just straight out tell him stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
seatmate!anton who's surprisingly really physically affectionate? and in the oddest ways too.. he'd tuck bits of your hair behind your ear when he'd see them falling over your face as you struggle to look for something in your bag; bump his shoulder against yours when you tease him a little too much; casually rest his head against your shoulder in the middle of class to name some,,
seatmate!anton who's always there to bring you back, to centre you when your mind drifts away - zoning out to thoughts of him and his pretty eyes, and nose, and lips.. - during a particularly boring class. he'd slip his fingers through your hand, whispering a gentle "hey,.. you gotta focus" right next to your ear .. <3
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notes : dedicating this to yuvieeeee + [m.list]
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bambisnc · 3 months
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lie with you [or, how riize comforts you when you're crying bc of a nightmare]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : implied hurt n subsequent comfort cw/tw : hugging + kisses + food mention + possibly swearing? wc : idk ,,
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shotaro ,. ! - im a firm believer of taro heavy sleeper agenda - bro will be out like a log, no fire alarm is waking him up anytime soon D: - but! when you wake up because of the nightmare and end up moving a bit away from him as you process it - he knows. - he just somehow subconsciously knows that there's distance between you and just reaches out for your warmth and traps you in a big hug – all while he's snoring softly (in the CUTEST way ever) - ends up comforting you without even being conscious he's just skilled tm like that yk??
eunseok ,. ! - light sleeper!!!!! his happy burritos and cream pasta dreams stop the literal second he hears the slightest whimper out of you - mentally goes "who tf hurt my darling s/o." - when he finds out it's you crying bc of a nightmare i'm sorry but he might tease you (later ofc, when you've had enough time to heal from it bbg dw) - but rn he offers distractions in the form of bingeing cutesy animes (imagine you watch horimiya's toffee scene w him or any other anime romance cliche and he goes would u like me to do that to you. i'd pass awa y)
sungchan ,. ! - you may have to wake him up depending on how tired he is :/ - but as soon as he finds out, wraps you up in the comfiest + warmest clothes he can find and throws you over his shoulder like a potato sack/holds you in a princess carry -> depends entirely on which you prefer he can do both 💪 - takes you straight to his car (we're js gonna pretend he can drive for the sake of the hc my extensive research i.e. 15 mins on reddit led me nowhere ;-;) it's time for a midnight drive! - puts on you guys' shared playlist and takes you to a grocery store snack run followed by going to an open-ish place so you can watch the stars tgt :(
wonbin ,. ! - i think his waking up abilities are honed purely due to being w you (yk like what if you need him to hug you at like 3 am. and he's too busy passed out (dreaming of you) then what.) - feels you trembling and is lowkey upset that you didn't wake him up when you needed him :( - he gets that you might not want to face him tho, so simply presses his chest against your back and places soft kisses on your neck. probably drops in a couple "'m here for you love" "it'll be okay" "i love you so so much yk that right?" he's versatile w his sweet nothings like that :( <3
seunghan ,. ! - this guy scares me ngl /j - he probably knows you're having a nightmare before you know you're having a nightmare - wakes you up by shaking you gently, comforts you with many many many hugs as you're waking up - kisses your tears away .. (i'm so weak for him) - lays your head down on his lap and lets you vent to him just listening to you, dude's gentle presence alone is enough to calm you down - BUT ALSO. imagining him drawing you a warm bath and you ending up coercing him into wearing cutesy animal face masks w you :(((
sohee ,. ! - guy who must be facing his s/o while sleeping !! gets to know and wakes up immediately when you start crying - clings to you like a koala that's it that's the hc. has his head buried in your neck, hands tied so so tightly around your waist which greatly help to ground you - also probably cracks a couple of really cringey jokes something along the lines of "i'll be your silver knight, my princess" but says it w the softest, sweetest expression and in the sincerest, honey-like tone that you can't help but melting completely :( - when he feels you've calmed down enough prob also initiates a tickle fight sorry i don't make the rules acc to him you need to laugh after a bout of crying okay??
anton ,. ! - guy who must be facing his s/o while sleeping (2) except his ass is not waking up unless you physically shake him awake - you'd probably do that though bc what better way to comfort you from a nightmare than your half-asleep bf's soothing voice? - bro is probably so out of it that he just very eloquently goes "wh huh wha" or something of that sort - when he's coherent enough (not really) he would sort of kind of roll up on top of you forgetting his 6'1 stature - but on the positive side his weight over you is a lot like a really comfy blanket (that can kiss your forehead w the utmost gentleness) - if you ask nicely he'll even sing you a lil lullaby to help you get back to sleep <3
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notes : THIS WAS FUN !! ppl who dont know my current bias try guessing based on this 🤭 + [m.list]
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bambisnc · 3 months
- thinking about road trips where you end up sitting on sungchan's lap because there's just not enough space in the car and your group of friends all pulled straws but you both were the unfortunate ones to have the shortest ones :/
- thinking about him with his arms constantly wrapped around your waist; that's just to ensure you don't uh fall off obviously!! why would he have any other reason to do that haha? wdym he's blushing haha no he's not?!
- thinking about him taking advantage of this position to keep sneaking in kisses here and there when he thinks his other members aren't looking; you're pretty sure that glossy chapstick of his is able to keep your own lips rather well moisturized at this point..
- thinking about him placing his jacket around you when you fall asleep on him - head resting in the crook of his neck as he ever so gently cards his fingers through your hair; his content humming acting perfectly as a soothing lullaby - thinking about him placing his headphones over your ears when you feel a bit overstimulated and cramped due to the excess chaos inside the car and switching on the playlist he made for you
- thinking of him placing one final kiss on your neck as if placing a silent, secret promise into your skin; hey i know it's a bit much right now, but i'm here for you okay? just rest, pretty, we'll be there before you know it. <3
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notes : queue (2) idk if i like the repetitive starting thing but i dont have enough brain cells to think about any other sjdkldkjdjsldlsd + [m.list]
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bambisnc · 2 months
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operation : true love - how likely riize is to NOT confess!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : 2/10 - cutie would plan out eveyrhting the moment he sees you and has that italicised oh moment - i'm talking your favorite flowers delivered by hand followed by your ideal date + lots of fairy lights/candles. trust me.) and woo you exactly how you deserve to be wooed <3 would get a little anxious about making everything perfect for you tho
eunseok : 7/10 - he'd lowkey be such a tsundere ... thanks to my talk w mai i'm fully convinced he's the Only academic rival to lover to exist. would for sure pine after you silently and end up confessing in the middle of an argument. you know like "why do YOU care who i'm going out?" "BECAUSE. i like you. okay bye."
sungchan : 192830429283/10 - im biased sorry. but you can't tell me you don't see best friend!him being so obsessed with you - like all your friends know it, hell even you know it but the guy himself refuses to admit. is so "we're besties!! it's natural for us to hug and hold hands and make out between classes in the janitors closet :D i mean what. i didnt say anything" coded like c'mon
wonbin : a solid 13/10 - i feel like he'd be really conflicted. like on one hand he'd rather you be the one to confess but on the other he wants to do like a huge romantic gesture and be the one to confess to you. i can imagine there being this one phase of time where he'd kinda start ignoring you to get you to reach out to him or wtv tactics the insta/tiktok girlies (gn) teach him too
seunghan : 5/10 - okay but i see him either just randomly blurting it out of nowhere over a voice call or while ur ft-ing ("hey this cat reminded me of u" "aww haha im in love with you" "WHAT") OR doing it via a more traditional, thought out kinda way ... maybe like making you a gift or writing you a love letter/song :(( <3
sohee : 4/10 - bbg is confessing to you so fast. he'd only do it once he confirms (multiple times) that you both like each other though. is immediately planning the best way he could confess to you. does all his necessary research, books everything in advance - goes all out to ensure there's no hitches, basically. him and taro probably share notes
anton : 11/10 - bro is Not confessing. you can feel free to tho he'll say yes obvi! as soon as he gains back enough conherence after he (half) faints that is. for sure the type to get you soso many gifts and he'd try to be so casual about it too "hey i got u a customized acessroies set with the fav flower/colour you like" "anton wtf" "uh no dw i had an extra hahaha". def gets u guys matching stuff a lot too
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notes : imma not be online for at least a day (shocker) so queueing this!!!! -> well that was a lie <3 + [m.list] song rec : LOVE ME BACK BY FROMIS 9 WEEWOO WEEWOO
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bambisnc · 3 months
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fairy of shampoo [or, holding hands w riize]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluffiest fluff 2 ever fluff cw/tw : none! (some arent really hand holding im sorry guys ://) wc : 0.6k
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seunghan : he's a simple guy but he's also a hopeless romantic; big sucker for interlinked fingers and all the symbolism that comes w it <3 his grip would be so, so gentle though.. unless on rare occasions you happen to trigger his slightly possessive streak where his fingers would unintentionally tighten around yours.. wouldn't hesitate to show off him holding your hands to the source of the jealousy~
wonbin : hand holding patterns would definitely differ but mostly he'd stick to the simplest kind : your hand over his (or visa versa if he's feeling particularly babygirl/wants to be comforted by you).. he's the kinda guy who'd gently stroke your knuckles with his thumb all the time but the second you do it to him he ends up so flustered.. (side note he probably swings your hands tgt when you're out on a walk or something ;-;)
sohee : i saw this one twt post where they said that he seemed to not be that used to physical touch and was slowly getting used to it with his members ... so i feel like he'd maybe be a bit hesitant, shy to initiate proper hand holding straightaway; but would still want to feel connected to you .. hence, interlocked pinkies <3 also whenever he can he'd raise your hands to his lips and place a lil kiss right on the tip of your finger,,
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anton : hear me out - he gets kinda hyper excited when you're around him and because of both of you being busy with your respective works you don't really get a lot of time together.. but there's so much he wants to show you, to experience with you.. this is what leads him to grab ahold your wrist and almost feverishly drag you places + it gives him leverage to be able to casually bite your arm (it's his love language) once a while ._.
shotaro : prefers to keep his arm around your shoulder whenever he can rather than holding hands which is adorable but guys... he's a head bonker trust me..... likes to bump your heads together (like a littol bunny ;-;) when he has his arm around you. also it makes him feel overall really fuzzy and warm inside to think he's kinda "protecting you" and keeping your pretty head comfy as well,, adores the fact that this position more often than not ends with you having an arm around his waist >///<
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sungchan : he's an all or nothing guy and if it's you he physically can't go nothing; therefore he must have one of your hands in his while your other rests on his arm. yes he knows that means your hands won't be free to carry/hold on to anything else but hey what else is he here for?? steals whatever your holding and holds out his hand to you like oh you want to hold something too? here, hold this for me please ^^. yeah i know it's my hand and what about it D: ?
eunseok : he's different he's not like other guys huge fan of wrapping a hand around your waist because he's generally not a huge fan of a lot of pda but this provides him a secure position right at the edge of casual affection, intimacy and can we go to the other room and makeout :/ please :/ this probably started out as just teasing you but he actually likes how he's kinda subtly making it known that you're each others' <3 oh and loves that he can tickle you whenever he wants :p
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notes : haha. mai. mai hey if u see this im begging u to take away my motivation rn please the history textbook is calling out to me please </3 /lh... + the coloured text realllyy isnt visible on light screens huh. fml + [m.list]
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bambisnc · 3 months
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late night conversations [ft. j.wy]
-> pt2 of this [recap] -> you’re just about to point out that you are, in fact, just a fake girlfriend but before you can wonyoung interrupts you, tilting your face towards her in a way that leaves your lips inches away from hers (and leaves you completely breathless), her tone dripping with urgency, “he’s looking. kiss me now.”
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pairing : wony x reader genre : fluffyy/crack/angstish + fake dating trope! cw/tw : kissing + super lowk suggestive + u dont have to read pt1 but u'd get a lil bg so + uneditted oohf ;-; wc : 2! pages! in google docs yayay
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“well aren’t you just the best kisser ever~” 
“jang wonyoung do you want me to cry.”
your fake girlfriend’s arm drapes itself over your shoulder, “but yn.. i’m the one who’s sad.. you know, i’d asked my girlfriend to kiss me, but she ended up biting my lip. i think i even saw a little blood…” you try to push her figure off of you, only for her to loop another under your knees and position you to sit on her lap with astonishing ease.
“or should i take it to mean that you were just that excited to kiss me, hmm~?” she’s teasing you, trying to rile you up – you know that. 
but since when did fake dating involve.. this much intimacy? wonyoung is still whining about how much your action pained her, you panicked okay?!, but the casual way she rests her hand on your hip and her face nuzzles into your neck, placing kisses which seem to be dangerously lowering with every successive brush of her lips on your skin.., just seems a bit too real to be considered a show.
when you’d asked her, wonyoung had an answer ready at the tip of her tongue, “we need to practice; yn c’mon you seriously don’t expect people to believe us if you keep acting all stiff. we need practice.” and voila, she’d invited herself into your house.
you ignored the dull glint of .. something you couldn’t really understand in her usually bright eyes. you ignored how her rigid expression felt like a knife to your heart.
“hey.,” 2 hands press against your face, forcing your lips into a little pout, “pay attention to me.” you think she’s still being playful, but her expression is the most serious you’ve ever seen it.. 
and then, a featherlight touch of her lips on yours.
it leaves you a little dizzy, to be honest. you’ve kissed before, and this was barely even considerable comparing your past ‘practice’ sessions with wonyoung.. so maybe it’s something about this moment in particular. 
you’d long accepted that she’d only remain a hallway crush, an alluring daydream. because you knew there was no way you could get over her unless.. unless maybe if you got the closure you needed. that you and her could never happen. which was why you’d accepted her plea to be her fake girlfriend. 
you’d hope the way she was basically using you would be enough to knock some sense back into your love lost brain. but it didn’t. you realized if it was wonyoung, you’d be okay with her doing whatever, however, whenever she wanted.
and maybe.. maybe your feelings weren’t completely hopeless. maybe you had a chance.
“wah yn- c’mon do you want me to beg?” wonyoung asks, her arms now moving to pull you closer to her, embracing you ever so tenderly, “i’ll do it if you want, you know? pleasee~ tell me why you were late to the party? you said something about an issue?”
you sigh, “it’s..complicated. a really long story. and it’s 2 am..”
“so? we have all the time in the world.” 
it’s really hard to argue with her in your current position, especially when her fingers are tracing soothing, mindless patterns on your back.
wonyoung decides you need further convincing, mumbling a “i want you to speak your mind around me yn.. let that mask of yours drop now.. please?” to do so.
gods, at this point you’d even tell her all your banking information if she wanted you to.
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notes : honorary dedication to yuyu again n @elliesrosetoy ! (ily btoh) !! &lt;3 + [m.list] + lowkey thinking of a pt3,, lmk tho!
update -> [pt.3] !! [series m.list]
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bambisnc · 3 months
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midnight grocery store runs with seunghan where it's all fun, you're both goofing around, laughing at each others' antics, having a good time in general.
until you accidentally get separated from him at some point of time. you're not too worried though, it's a small enough store plus you could just call him if you're completely unable to find him. as you distract yourself with some desserts kept on display, you feel a hand grab your wrist and pull you towards them; it's seunghan. looking extremely shaken up. huh?
"i thought i lost you, what were you thinking???" he questions you rather seriously, but you can't help but find the worry lining his face so, so cute..
"aww, were you scared? did you feel your heart break at the thought of losing me for-ev-er~?" you tease, in a playfully lilting tone.
his grip tightens on your wrist, slightly before he raises his it upto his lips to .. gently kiss the inner side of it.. , "yes. but i wouldn't have let you leave. you really think that less of me? i'd have tracked you down even it meant scaling the entire galaxy."
oh. oh.
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a/n : yeah. yeah. gonna sleep now i'll edit this later idk
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bambisnc · 2 months
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sunny [ft. w.yx]
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pairing : bsf classmate!nicholas x reader genre : fluff :( cw/tw : kissing + a littol suggestive wc : 0.7kish !
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drowning under the weight of unsaid words and hidden feelings was something you'd made your peace with.
falling for your best friend, nicholas, who just so happened to be a classmate was not the best decision ever; but you have been dealing with it rather decently all these years.
so maybe it'll all work out just fine.
is what you thought, mere minutes ago.
everything was normal then, both of you were trying not to fall asleep in a particularly boring class. the harsh yet very welcome RING! of the school bell jolted you awake; and of course you wasted zero time in grabbing your bag and making your way out of the classroom.
but when has nicho ever let you leave just like that?
a "where'd you think you're goin'" and a sharp tug to the strap of your bag as you're pulled back by none either than your best friend.
he reminds you that you have cleaning duty that day with a much too gleeful expression..
..and that's how you find yourself leaning against a desk, zoning out to thoughts of him and how the afternoon sunlight streams in through the windows perfectly lighting his features aglow..
the loosened tie, the rolled up sleeves, the small smile playing on his lips as he says something.. wait he's talking to you.
"you're not exactly subtle you know?"
you find yourself unable to think of an appropriate reply, instead choosing to hide behind a simple roll of your eyes.
he lets out a laugh at that, making his way towards you, "i didn't expect you to be so careless.."
at that, you can't help but gulp because yeah it's not like you're not physically affectionate towards each other but something about this moment is.. decidedly not platonic.
nicho's hands rest on the edges of the desk, his face just a little too close for comfort. he's effectively trapping you against it; seemingly completely unaware of the effect this is having on you.
when he speaks up next, voice barely more than a whisper, you feel his lips hover just above yours, "or is it that.. you're just too distracted by someone..?"
something shifts right then. a certain obvious tension shrouds you and it's as if the two of you are the only people in the entire universe.
your hand reaches to tug on his collar, tentatively, with a considerable amount of hesitance; but the way his eyes meet yours - you swear you can see the sun, the moon, all the galaxies in those eyes - leaves you reeling.
you're not sure which of you closes the distance between your lips but you can't really bring yourself to care at all.
not when nicho's lips press against yours impatiently, eagerly. like he's been waiting for this. yearning for this, just as much as you.
especially not when your stomach is busily turning upside down like its life depends on it; all the while your best friend allows one of his hands to tangle into your hair, effectively deepening the kiss.
you'd do this forever if you could, but the unfortunate need for air causes you to push him away.
and oh the way his face looks the absolute picture of debauchery, of indulgence; what with his heavily lidded eyes, flushed face, and delicately swollen lips.
he looks like the prettiest mess ever.
you find yourself unable to deal with all the thoughts that suddenly flood your brain. this is what you've been dreaming of for ages. but nicho is your best friend. best friends do not do this.
his hand moves to gently cup the back of your neck, then; bringing you forward to capture your lips in another kiss, this one vastly differing from the previous.
tender, languid movements as if you have all the time in the world. his soft skin is hot to the touch but if it's him you wouldn't even mind burning.
you feel all your doubts slowly die down, a lingering warmth spreading in their place as you find his other hand on the desk and intertwine both your fingers.
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notes : @chiiyuuvv love youuu + ACCIDENTALLY ALMOST DELETED THIS ADN FR CRIED FOR LIKE 30 SECONDS + i lowk thought of sunwoo while writing but shhh + water related metaphors for reader n sun/fire related metaphors for nicho = symbolism loml ! + shoutout to this post and this post couldnt have done this without em + [m.list] song rec : sunny by rocco <3
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bambisnc · 14 days
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heaven and back [ft. k.mj]
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pairing : winter x reader genre : serious coded/angst but it's not suuper sad cw/tw : kiss + blood/reader gets hurt by glass + HEAVILY inspired by heaven and back mv wc : 547 !
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the harsh neon lights of the party blur together as you look down at what appears to be your own motionless figure lying on a couch. 
this is probably just a dream, is what you tell yourself to appease all the frantic anxiety bubbling inside, you can’t possibly have become some kind of a spirit out of nowhere right? 
why can no one see you? have you become invisible somehow? waving your hands in front of dozens of strangers is a task of no fruition, their gazes simply pass straight through you.
you desperately make your way through the maze of bodies; all utterly unaware and unperceiving of you, to try and find someone, anyone who could see you. 
it’s suffocatingly hot. the party you had been thoroughly enjoying a few hours ago feels cramped, stifling. but when you make your way towards the kitchen to get a glass of something cold you find your hands are too shaky to hold the glass. 
a crash.
you flinch slightly but immediately after you can’t help looking towards the nameless crowd around you hoping, praying that one of them hears the sound. 
you almost don’t feel the sting in your right palm, caused by one of the broken shards. 
but someone else does. 
“that looks painful.”
you whip your head around to find a girl staring at you with a carefully neutral face. but her eyes .. her eyes are lit ablaze with sweet secrets, as if there’s some kind of an inside joke between you. 
she speaks up again, “you look shocked yn. like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
you don’t question how she knows your name. you couldn’t care less about that as you focus on how she walks towards you.
her cold hand takes up your own, and only then do you notice the trickle of crimson dripping down your wrist. 
the girl wordlessly wipes the cut with a tissue and places a band-aid on it. she looks back at you then, fixing her unblinking stare to you as she places the lightest of kisses on top of the band-aid.
as if on cue, you feel your eyelids drooping. some kind of a spell washes over you, making it a struggle to keep your eyes open. 
you’re scared. scratch that, you’re terrified. 
what if .. this is it?
the girl, you still don’t know her name but you really feel like you should because why does her very being exude such familiarity and comfort?, stays right in front of you, holding your hand. 
and when you finally accept defeat and allow your eyes to close, you feel something cold yet .. soft brush against your lips, “i’ll see you later then?” 
you wake up with a start. your friends are gathered around you over the couch, worriedly talking over each other thanking god that you were finally awake and when you look down you see that you are now back in your own body. 
and your hand still has the band-aid that she placed on it. 
something stirs inside you. you walk away from your friends, ignoring their protests, towards the kitchen. 
there’s a window right by the fridge. and as you look, one solitary snowflake falls from the heavens. 
winter. her name was winter. 
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notes : i swear i was writing wony series epilogue but then i blacked out and this happened + [m.list] song rec : heaven and back - chase atlantic <3
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𐙚 . regulars : none yet! ⋆
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bambisnc · 1 month
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13.41 “yn”. a pair of hands slam down on the table where you'd been peacefully reading, the sound dully echoing inside the quiet library. “d’you know where they keep the romance books?” 
jung sungchan is always straight to the point, isn’t he? 
you allow yourself a minute to appreciate the ever present twinkle in his mocha eyes as his gaze fixes itself to yours, “...the romance books?” 
“yeah i .. i need them for scientific reasons – research, basically.” he looks almost shy as he moves one of his hands to rest over the back of his neck. “so if you could just direct me towards their general direction-?”
“i'm sorry but,, they keep their books alphabetically here actually...”
the way his face falls at that makes you feel guilty for some reason and you have the sudden urge to kiss away the pout on his lips but before you can offer any consolation to sungchan, he speaks up again.
“then… would you be willing to help me out? with my research?” 
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notes : im still on hiatus sobs BUT MY GOD SOMETHING LIKE THIS REALLY REALLY FR HAPPENED TO ME TODAY SO I COULDNT JS NOT + [m.list] song rec : what is love? - twice (a CLASSIC)
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𐙚 . regulars : @nicholasluvbot @gyuvxx @totheseok ⋆
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bambisnc · 1 month
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magnetic [or, riize when they have a crush on you <3]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : he would be SO chill you probably wouldn't have a single clue if he had a crush on you; ever so gentlemanly and charming on a daily basis, he'd probably flirt here and there but make it seem so easy and effortless </3 BUT on the other hand i totally also see taro going out of his way to impress his crush and have their attention on him by flaunting those extremely admirable performance skills of his (among numerous others!!)
eunseok : laid back king. (quote unquote) in his case also, you would not be aware of his feelings despite him dropping hints left and right but his expression is somehow always just so ... unreadable?!?! seems all cool and collected but he's secretly one of those people who'd ananlyse each and every word you say to him/text you send like "they sent me a heart emoji..... they want me fr......." he isn't wrong to be fair, but still-
sungchan : he'd be so !! enthusiastic around you !! hyperactive af, if he has a crush it'd be pretty obvious; he wants it to be known honestly. needs the person who has captured his heart to know it + would for sure do all that he can to spend as much time with you as he can, get into all the extra curriculars or hobbies you're into; basically the type of guy to watch one piece in like 2 days max if his crush is into anime yk?
wonbin : u guys remember the "he wanted to appear mysterious" comment from the official acc on that one tiktok ?? yeah he for sure would want to appear all distant, reserved and have and air of mystique around him + he's lowkey good with just admiring you from a distance (complete opposite of a certain someone, yes) + you would probably catch him staring at you across rooms rather often and blushing and looking away if you happen to catch his wandering gaze .. <3
seunghan : ah yes our resident hopeless romantic daydreamer extraordinaire 𖹭 i so see him lost in thoughts and fantasies, with a wide array of scenarios featuring his beloved (you) and him like 25/8 it's definitely obvious that he likes someone to everyone around him.. + the cutest when trying to interact with his crush, would pull out the most adorably awkward compliments and the cutest (slightly cringey) pick-up lines but the sheer earnestness he does it with is so swoon-worthy </3
sohee : the playful one !! think teasing remarks, a number of not so subtly implied ideas of verily not platonic acts but he's able to get away with keeping the crush a secret with how well established he'd ensure himself as being a "really good friend".. also definitely one of the clingiest ones; would want to be near his person as much as he can and if he can't you just know he's spam calling/texting them - he just wants to ensure that he's on your mind okay?!
anton : cutie is going to be such a bundle of nerves, the classic nervous, shy, blushy type !1!1 he'd lose his composure around you so often and end up tripping on thin air on numerous occasions; but on the other hand, him not being able to think very clearly around you would also mean that he end up doing rather bold things such as those which he'd never catch himself doing normally + wouldn't mind being in uncomfy situations to be able to support/comfort you ,,
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notes : we're so back (school hates me) + kyssing its been 2 days and i spelt THE TITLE WRONG + [m.list] song rec : this time i want you, you, you , you like it's magnetic - illit <3
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𐙚 . tags : @nicholasluvbot @totheseok ⋆
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bambisnc · 2 months
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he's the one that's livin' in my system baby! [03]
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pairing : roommate!sungchan x reader WE BACK GUYS genre : flufff cw/tw : food mentions + reader is sick and overworks themself :/ dont do this bbgs (gn) wc : 0.4k!
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you're sick. in the head, yes, but also physically.
maybe it wasn't the best idea to stand in the rain to buy a newly released mint chocolate sundae; which surprisingly had a lot of fans who were out for blood.
apparently though, they'd all been much better prepared than you - meaning that they had checked the weather app and brought along a plethora of umbrellas and raincoats galore.
you however, had not, and hence here you were. starting off spring and your vacation from uni with a cold.
the image of your roommate sungchan's butterflies in the tummy inducing smile as he noticed the green dessert was the only thing that kept you going.
through all the piles of extra credit work you'd brought onto yourself. through the aches and the tiredness. and through not having seen him since the morning.
and hence, here you are : in a feverish (pun intended) haze; hunched over your laptop, mindlessly slaving over a word document.
"wasn't there a saying which spoke about idiots not catching colds?" a voice startles you awake. you .. fell asleep? of course you fell asleep.
you mumble sleepily, "you're the idiot..."
the voice easily responds, "well you know, that may be right! it's not me who with a fever of 102.5 degrees."
"a ... fever?"
"mhm. oh and you're overworking yourself on top of that! that's obviously very helpful."
your attempt to defend yourself comes out rather weakly owing to your sleep addled senses, "i need to get this finished by today.."
"no you don't. i called professor hong - he's really such a sweet guy - who mentioned something about this not being due for 2 weeks."
you're left a bit speechless at that. you really need to make it a habit to double check things, don't you? weather app notifications, project deadlines, etc....
you feel your arms being moved gently. before you can ask when he came back or even display your slight shock at his appearance, you find yourself lifted up completely in sungchan's arms.
"i didn't want you to get me the ice-cream yn. nothing's worth your health," he says in a voice barely above a whisper.
you can hear his heartbeat from where your head rests on his chest. it's comforting.
"i wanted us to go there. together."
your sickness-hazed brain barely allows you to able to string together any words for an appropriate response before he reaches his room and lays you down on his bed.
"sleep." sungchan tucks his covers around you in a comfortable way. "you need more rest."
but when he seems to get up from the side of the bed, you can't help but grip onto the hem of his shirt, hoping it gets your message across.
it does, of course it does.
he smiles; and oh, you think, maybe this was worth it.
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notes : super inspired by irl events. i.e. im sick. in spring. vacations. cryinf. + [series m.list] [m.list] song rec : !!! BOX BY NCT DREAM yes ik this has nothing related to it BUT STILL STREAM SMOOTHIE
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bambisnc · 3 months
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dreams come true? i sure hope they don’t. [ft. h.yj]
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pairing : han yujin x f!reader <3 genre : so so crack. + lil bit fluffy cw/tw : uneditted + beverage mention + lmk if there r more sobs wc : 0.6k !! <3
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“wait so let me get this straight- you like someone.. and instead of doing anything rational, or god forbid even half-normal about it; you’re trying out wikihow rituals to manipulate her dreams?!”
yujin at least has the decency to look sheepish. yeah okay so maybe he did have a crush on a certain someone, namely you, and yeah maybe he was a little too anxious to approach you.
and.. yeah maybe he happened to come across an article which taught him how to alter your dreams via a simple ritual. 
writing out the name of your ~beloved~ along with a detailed description of the dream you wished for them to have on a piece of paper, place 9 orange and purple streaked moonstones on it and crumpling up the paper – was, as the site declared confidently, enough to be able to make yourself a constant presence in the dreams of whomever you wished.
as long as he remembered to loudly announce the exact minutes for which he’d known the aforementioned beloved before starting, that is.
well, yujin thought, it seemed harmless enough.
except some part of him did consider it necessary to do a couple of trial runs. he wouldn’t want you to start having dreams of, say, student council member ahn yujin or that new girl choi yujin who had been a little too friendly with you these past few days. there were a lot of yujin’s around weren't there..
which is what lead to you having a series of rather odd dreams. and the subsequent amount of time you spent lowkey freaking out about them. 
“gyuvin i swear i wasn’t even thinking about greek gods at all before i fell asleep,” you vent to him one day at lunch, “but i was somehow a mermaid god or something?? AND hades, you know, the god of the underworld, was kinda beefing with me for no reason?!”
your friend who is unfortunately sworn to secrecy by yujin tries his best to distract you, “c’mon dreams are contractually meant to be weird; stop overthinking it! and besides-”
“BUT LISTEN when i woke up the first audio i heard, i think some video that yujin sent me, was about greek gods!! this has happened way too many times for me to put it off as a coincidence!!”
“i think you’re just delusional (like some other people i know..)”
you simply sigh out, “sorry, what was that?” not too willing to expend more energy in trying to convince him that your problem is very valid; and he’s just being very unsupportive of you right now.
"..." you suppose you'll have to make peace with the fact that your subconscious was probably just in a silly phase.
distant sounds of students leaving after evening classes, rustling of trees with a gentle breeze.. and a flick to your forehead?!
your eyes flutter open, more than eager to chastise whoever had thought it okay to break your comfortable reverie. but when your gaze lands on him, han yujin, you feel your complaints dying down. he’s holding out your favorite beverage to you; a soft smile adorning his face. 
before you can let out a single word though, there’s.. another flick to your forehead?? what do people have against you..
your eyes flutter open (again?), more than eager to reprimand whoever thought it okay to break your .. wait had you been dreaming just now? 
you find yourself with your cheek resting against a table. the one who flicked your forehead yet again appears to be yujin. 
his eyes seem to twinkle slightly as he says, “i thought we were going to get our science assignment done yn? or did you plan on doing it while asleep? i so did not expect this from yo-”
“hey.,” you interrupt, “han yujin. you’re free now right? wanna go on a date with me?”
safe to say that you received a very positive response, especially with his now-flustered appearance.
gyuvin really should learn to keep his mouth shut, huh?
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notes : @mellowdyverse MAIIII here u go love <3 i hope this wasnt horrific im struggling tm w writers block + [m.list] + woah the coloured text is going crazyy js ignore that hehe <3 song rec : nightwalker by ten tho. it has nothing 2 do w this but its so yumi likee
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