#like you don't get detail or resolution. BUT YOU GET. A TINY CREATURE
copper-skulls · 3 months
i love pixelart. you can just make a guy and usually it doesn't take an infinity and a half. you can also make really dumb sprite edits
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trendypestnews · 8 months
How To Get Rid Of Termites!
Simple Tips To Help You Manage Termite Infestations
The mere reference of these little, damaging creatures is enough to send shivers down your back. They might be tiny, however their impact can be ruining. So, how do you set about removing a termite problem? Well, all of it starts with performing detailed inspections. You need to rise close and personal with these pests, analyzing every space and cranny of your property. Once you've identified their hiding spots, it's time to release targeted treatments. These aren't your common insect repellent; they're particularly developed to remove termites at their resource. But the battle does not finish there. You should keep an eye on and follow-up on a regular basis to make certain those troublesome pests don't make a comeback. It's a continuous video game of pet cat and computer mouse, however with resolution and the right approach, you can win the battle against termites.
Get The Top Termite Pest Control Professionals In Sydney!
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To remove termite problem, it is essential to conduct detailed inspections. This includes meticulously analyzing the influenced locations, such as wooden structures or soil, to identify indicators of termite task. Once the problem is validated, targeted treatments should be made use of. These treatments might consist of using liquid termiticides or using bait systems to remove the termites. It is necessary to follow the guidelines supplied by experts and make certain proper application. After the first treatment, routine surveillance and follow-up are required to make certain the efficiency of the elimination procedure. This helps to identify any new termite movement and take prompt activity to avoid further damage. In the process of removing termite problem, it is essential to take into consideration industry-related semantic entities. This includes recognizing the actions and biology of termites, as well as the various types of treatments available. By acquainting oneself with these concepts, one can make enlightened decisions relating to assessment and treatment methods. Furthermore, remaining upgraded with sector developments and study can offer important understandings right into even more effective elimination strategies. By including these industry-related semantic entities, the elimination procedure can be optimized for far better outcomes. When performing detailed inspections for termite problem, it is necessary to take note of co-occurrences and associated concepts. This includes seeking indicators such as mud tubes, disposed of wings, or hollow-sounding timber. These co-occurrences are indicators of termite task and can help in recognizing the level of problem. Furthermore, recognizing associated concepts like termite colonies, reproductive cycles, and feeding behaviors can aid in locating the resource of problem. By taking into consideration these co-occurrences and associated concepts, inspections can be a lot more effective in recognizing and attending to termite invasions.
Here is some more termite treatment information that can be useful to you!
Using targeted treatments is a key aspect of removing termite problem. This includes using industry-recommended products and strategies to remove termites. As an example, liquid termiticides can be related to the influenced locations to develop a obstacle that wards off or kills termites. Bait systems, on the other hand, attract termites to a treated area, permitting their elimination. By making use of these targeted treatments, the problem can be straight resolved, decreasing the damages brought on by termites and preventing further spread. Surveillance and routine follow-up are essential action in the elimination procedure of termite problem. This includes on a regular basis examining the dealt with locations to make certain that the termites have actually been properly removed. Surveillance can consist of checking for indicators of termite task, such as new mud tubes or damaged timber. If any indicators are spotted, prompt activity should be taken to attend to the issue. Routine follow-up also permits modifications in treatment methods if required. By consistently keeping an eye on and following up, the elimination procedure can be fine-tuned for ideal outcomes, ensuring lasting defense against termites.
Tips On Pest Control Sydney Services
More links To Check Out ... https://howtogetridoftermites910.blogspot.com/2023/10/how-to-get-rid-of-termites.html Homeguard Termite Barrier Drywood Termite Damage Sydney Termite Control Termite Identification Carlton Pest Control NSW https://howtogetridoftermites86.blogspot.com/ https://howtogetridoftermites86.blogspot.com/2023/10/how-to-get-rid-of-termites.html https://www.tumblr.com/supertermiteguys/731414391853121536 https://www.tumblr.com/brisbanepromotional/731409772087230464 https://howtoeliminatetermites157.blogspot.com/
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ginger-and-mint · 3 years
Hey, I'm wondering if you have any advice on writing kink stuff? Basically, it feels like I'm writing the same story repeatedly. Coming up with stuffing scenarios that both make sense, and aren't just retreads, is really hard. It probably doesn't help that a) I don't have much writing experience, b) my interests are really narrow, and c) I have no imagination, lol. How do you keep stuff fun and interesting? (Jsyk, I sent this to Tiny as well, I love both your blogs 😊)
Hey, anon! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoy my and Tiny’s content and I’m flattered to be asked for advice! ♡ I have a lot of thoughts about this, so I’ll do my best to boil them down into something useful.
Since you mentioned being pretty new to writing, I broke up my advice into a few different “stages,” starting with things that are easy to implement and moving to things that might feel more manageable as you get more comfortable with writing. Under a cut because Real Heckin Long.

Stage One — Don’t Sweat It
This might sound corny and unhelpful, but I genuinely think that especially when you’re first starting out, it’s best not to put pressure on yourself to write the world’s most original stories. Write to please your inner fiend and nobody else! If repeated versions of the same story continue to light your fire, there’s no shame in embracing that.
Doing this will honestly help you with originality in the long-term anyway, because you’re giving yourself the freedom to learn more about what specifics you really enjoy in kink writing. Later on, you can use that knowledge to put new twists on those specifics and invent new scenarios.
Stage Two — Stuffing Scenario Cheat Sheet
I completely agree that believable stuffing scenarios are really difficult to invent. What’s realistic is a matter of opinion of course, but for me, this is a quick breakdown of logical reasons for a character to overeat. If you’re getting tired of using the same justification in your fics, try picking something new from this list:
Accidental stuffing:
Character is distracted by something during the meal
Character eats so fast they don’t realize when they’re full
Character has been hungry for awhile and overdoes it when they finally get to eat
Reluctant intentional stuffing (motivated by external circumstances):
Character feels social pressure to keep eating **
The food will go to waste otherwise **
Eating contests / challenges **
The character is trying to bulk up
Enthusiastic intentional stuffing (because the character wants to):
Character just enjoys the feeling of being full
Character and/or their partner(s) have a stuffing kink
Character has temporary access to good food and is indulging while they can
Fantasy Shenanigans:
Side effects of being a magical creature (e.g. a werewolf eating too much for their human form to handle, a vampire needing to feed all at once, etc.)
Magic that causes a character to overeat (e.g. enchanted food, curses, potions, etc.)
Magic that requires a full stomach and/or extra energy to work (e.g. my di-mage spell mechanics, the antidote in this fic of Tiny’s, etc.)
[free space because fantasy lets you set the boundaries of what’s realistic, so your imagination is really the limit!]
** If you’re aiming for realism, I would be careful of these scenarios. In my opinion, they can be done believably, but often are not. Some things I would look out for:
Most foods can easily be stored for later, so if you want to use the “avoiding waste” trope, make sure that you’re either in a setting without access to refrigeration or that the food is something that genuinely wouldn’t keep until the next day (or at least would be way less tasty after a night in the fridge.)
Social pressure works best in scenarios with people that the to-be-stuffed character 1) doesn’t know very well and 2) wants to impress or keep face around (e.g. formal events, business dinners, first dates that involve food, meeting their partner’s family, etc.)
Loving friends, family, and partners don’t pressure or guilt people into overeating! Characters stuffing themselves because their loved ones are really insistent that they have to taste-test everything or act so disappointed because they went to all this work on some extravagant feast always ring at best false and at worst abusive to me. What kind of loving relationship is it if you don’t feel safe to say “no thanks, I’m full?” That’s not to say social pressure with loved ones can’t be done well, but it usually indicates some kind of character flaw (i.e. an inability to say no and/or a steamroller-y personality) that in my opinion, has to be acknowledged by the fic’s end if you want the tone to stay light and fluffy.
Again, this may just be my opinion, but eating contests only come across as realistic with certain character personalities and in certain contexts. Like yeah, I can believe that a himbo with YouTuber Energy would take on a hot wing eating challenge in front of all his bros, but not so much that an otherwise self-respecting character would drop everything to eat themselves sick because a friend randomly challenged them.
Stage Three — Change Up Other Elements When Using Similar Tropes

Especially if you have narrow interests, it’s probably inevitable you’ll write same basic story structure over and over. I know I sure do! However, I would say that changing other elements of the narrative can give your writing an entirely different feel, turning it into a whole new story that will not feel like a simple retread to a reader.
One thing you can change up is setting. A lot of times kink writers will just plonk characters in the comfort of their own homes, which is valid — but setting hugely influences the atmosphere of a story, so the same Kink Plot will read really differently if it happens, say, at a campground or on a boat. Providing a rich setting can even become a feature of the kink itself. For example, setting your story at a lavish buffet could introduce an element of indulgence that hits you and/or readers differently than a story that involves casual takeout in the living room, even if the rest of the story is similar. Try bold settings! They’re fun!
Another element to vary is context. For example, the basic trope of “stress eating” would play out really differently if a character is about to go on an important mission vs. if they’re recovering from an emotionally difficult day; a story about about a character intentionally stuffing themselves will have a completely different flavor if they’ve been going hungry for awhile vs. they’ve been overeating all week; and so on.

Finally, consider changing up the focus. An easy way to do this is to switch up whether you’re writing from the POV of the stuffed character or a caretaker. You can also focus on different details of the stuffing — for example, lingering on how delicious the food looks and tastes vs. how the character feels as their stomach fills vs. physical details like whether they’re getting bloated or grumbly.
Stage Four — Connect to Character or Plot
The most surefire way to make kink stories distinct is to give the story an additional purpose besides just being kinky. This doesn’t have to be some big, extravagant plot (although it certainly can be) — it can be a simple as writing a kink story the way you usually would, and just finding something within it that you can use to reveal an aspect of your character.
Start with an ordinary kink scenario and try to dive a little deeper. For example:
Say you want to write a story about stress eating. Okay — what is the character stressed about?
Maybe you come up with something relatively simple and generic, like school. Okay, what about this character makes them so likely to be stressed out by school? Are they a perfectionist? Are they facing a lot of pressure from their family? Do they have a goal that requires excellent grades? Have they struggled with this subject in the past?
Let’s say you decide to go with perfectionism. Now, what scenes can you use to show this struggle? And optionally, can you give the character some kind of resolution by the story’s end?
And there you go! Your fic now not only has kink, but also shows how your character reacts in a certain situation.
Character especially is a treasure trove of uniqueness, in my opinion, because well-developed characters react differently to the same scenario. Stories feel more original because even if a reader has read this exact same plot before, they will not have seen how this particular person handles it. So one of the best ways to make fics distinct is to spend time developing your characters!
If the goal is to simply write solid distinct kinky stories, trying to create detailed plot is more work with lower return than investing in your characters, if you ask me. You have to enjoy the process of creating plots itself for it to be worth it. If that’s something you’re interested in, I have a whole load more thoughts about that -- but since this is already incredibly long, I’ll save that for a separate ramble if anyone is specifically interested.
I hope something in this huge infodump is helpful to you! Some of it may sound intimidating if you’re just starting out with kink writing, but it’s absolutely all something that can be worked up to. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions if stuff I’ve written doesn’t make sense. Good luck with your writing, anon, and thanks for giving me an excuse to just go off. ^^’ ♡
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Stranger Things season 4 release date, likely cast, and that amazing fan theory
By Henry Leger 06 October 2019
The Netflix hit is officially returning with additional cast.
(Image: © Netflix)
Image Credit: Netflix
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As ever with Stranger Things, the moment the third season has finished, the question on everyone’s lips is: will there be a Stranger Things Season 4 on Netflix? And, when can I get my tiny telekinetic hands on it? Well, we now know the answer to one of those questions at least.
 Netflix has renewed the hit sci-fi series for another season – although, there's no mention of a Stranger Things season 4 release date at this stage.
According to Engadget, Netflix has also signed the show's creators, Matt and Ross Duffer, to "a multi-year film and series overall deal". 
Does that mean the fourth is the final season? In an interview with Vulture, Ross Duffer suggested the series would be "a four-season thing and then out." Series producer Shawn Levy clarified that "The truth is we’re definitely going four seasons and there’s very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely" (via Entertainment Weekly).
While the mega-hit sci-fi / horror / adventure show was originally intended as an anthology series, much in the vein of American Horror Story, the popularity of its adorable child actors ensured that Netflix fans would get more than just one helping of the cast.
Read on below for everything we know about Stranger Things Season 4 so far, or check out our guides to The Witcher TV series (also coming to Netflix) and the Game of Thrones prequel show.
What is it? The fourth season of Stranger Things
Where can I watch it? Netflix
When will it be released? Late 2020 / early 2021 seems likely
Stranger Things first landed on Netflix in 2016, and has been one of the biggest Netflix Originals series ever since.
Steeped in 80s nostalgia, the show takes influence from countless iconic films and genres from the period, including the works of Stephen King, John Carpenter, and Steven Spielberg – with a killer synth soundtrack underscoring the action.
In a Hollywood Reporter interview, co-creator Ross Duffer noted that "With the kids it's more, yes there's the Spielberg stuff, but that's where it gets a little confusing, because part of it is the Spielberg stuff like E.T. – and because with adults, we really wanted that Close Encounters feel with Joyce and stuff, or Jaws."
Dealing with inter-dimensional beings, telekinetic teenagers, Dungeons & Dragons lore, and all sorts of out-there sci-fi that only gets more fantastic with each season, it's not hard to see how the show has gripped the public's imagination. 
Along with the renewal announcement, Netflix has released a creepy teaser video that proclaims "we're not in Hawkins anymore" – possibly referring either to the Upside Down realm or adventures further afield in the real world (Russia maybe?). As the teaser progresses, a sign saying "Welcome to Hawkins" is swamped by creatures from the Upside Down.
Stranger Things season 4 release date
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Stranger Things Season 2 was set at Halloween
(Image: © Netflix)
The Duffer Brothers' show tends to angle its release date around public holidays such as Halloween for Season 2, or the 4th of July for Season 3 – depending on the time of year within Stranger Things itself. 
We wouldn't rule out a Christmas edition, though we think a Spring season seems more likely – that is, if current plot threads end up leading the show's story to the Chernobyl disaster, which occurred April 26, 1986, which isn't long after the 1985 setting of Season 3. (Yes, this theory is from Reddit, but it's pretty legit, okay?)
There tends to be 1-2 years lead time between each season, so we wouldn't expect Season 4 to be released before late 2020 anyway, and an early 2021 release may be more likely.
Cast of Stranger Things: who's returning?
Brett Gelman plays Murray Bauman in Stranger Things
(Image: © Netflix)
Despite the face Stranger Things has now been officially renewed, there are no official casting announcements, but you can be sure you'll get a lot of the same faces as Season 3 – including Finn Wolfhard (Mike), Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven), Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas), Sadie Sink (Max), and Joe Keery (Steve Harrington). We don't expect to see Keery in a sailor suit for the whole season again, but it was wonderful while it lasted.
Maya Hawke (Robin), a newcomer for Season 3, also quickly became a fan favorite, and will almost certainly be a big presence in the season to come – while Caleb's younger sister Erica (played by Priah Ferguson) will likely continue to enjoy a larger role in the show.
Who won't we be seeing? Spoilers ahead (obviously), but we don't expect to see Dacre Montgomery (Billy) or Alec Utgoff (Alexei) again, though the showrunners could always surprise us. Heck, why don't you bring back Barb while you're at it?
David Harbour's character (Chief Hopper) may well return too – despite seemingly having been killed off in the Season 3 finale.
With the Byers family moving out of Hawkins at the end of Season 3, it may be that series regulars Winona Ryder (Joyce) and Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) decided to back out from a further season, or will have smaller roles.
However, that's probably not the case if we take Matt Duffer's interview with Entertainment Weekly as gospel, in which he said: “I think the biggest thing that’s going to happen is it’s going to open up a little bit, not necessarily in terms of scale, in terms of special effects, but open up in terms of allowing plotlines into areas outside of Hawkins.”
What are the latest rumours?
The biggest question is: what's happened to Hopper? 
Although it looked like he was destroyed by an explosion, there's a chance he managed to jump through the wormhole/portal to the Upside Down – it might be up to Mike, Eleven, Lucas and the gang to save him.
But even if he's not in the Upside Down, he might still not be gone for good. We also know an "American" is being kept locked up in a Russian jail somewhere, and Hopper is a likely bet.
Even though he appeared to have been killed off in season 2, some online rumours are hinting that the "American" might be Matthew Modine (Dr Martin Brenner), which is less likely but an interesting theory.
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One Reddit userhas been causing a stir online with a new theory: season 4 will be to do with the Chernobyl disaster. Sure it's an "out there" suggestion, but the thinking is that the past three seasons have followed a pattern: "‪Season 1: Winter 1983‬ (Christmas) Season 2: Fall 1984‬ (Halloween) Season 3: Summer 1985‬ (Independence Day) Season 4: should be Spring 1986 ‬(Easter and probably goes into spring break)." There's also another theory that causing a stir online with regards to this picture.
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(Image: © Netflix and daily express)
You are seeing two yellow circles pointing some hints. According to some fans it might be a new character or a return of a character.
The post-credit scene was in Russia and the Chernobyl disaster happened in the Spring of 1986. Is this going to be a huge fight between Eleven and the Upside Down that'll be covered up by a story of a nuclear reactor? It's bold, but we buy it.
For more evidence (both for and against Hopper's return), fans have been turning to David Harbour's Instagram account. He initially posted a photo about shaving his beard off, which had people speculating he can't possible by the "American" as he'd need a long beard. But then, as news broke about season four, he changed his profile picture to fan art of him and Eleven and they're upside down. What does it mean? Could he be trapped in the Upside Down?
Where can I watch Stranger Things season 4?
(Image: © Netflix)
Winona Ryder, back in Season 1
Stranger Things is one of Netflix's hottest properties, and, like the previous seasons, Season 4 will almost certainly only be on the Netflix platform.
Netflix is a paid-for online streaming service for browsers, TV streaming devices, and mobile and tablets apps. Even the cheapest Basic Plan on Netflix offers access to the whole catalogue of titles for £5.99 / $8.99 / AU$9.99 a month. However, you'll need the Premium Plan to watch the show in the highest video quality possible. You can see a breakdown of all the subscription options in our Netflix plansguide.
Which Netflix plan is for you? Every plan compared
Will Stranger Things season 4 be in 4K / HDR?
(Image: © Netflix)
The neon-lit shopping mall of Season 3 was a highlight of Stranger Things
If you're interested in Stranger Things' good looks as well – as you should be – you may be wondering what video formats the next season will be filmed in.
All three seasons so far have been filmed in 4K Ultra HD resolution, meaning anyone with a 4K TV and a strong enough internet connection will be able to watch in a huge amount of detail. Seasons 2-3 are also in HDR (high dynamic range), meaning an expanded range of colors and enhanced contrast – important for a show awash with bright colors, dazzling neon, and moody skies – though again you'll need an HDR-compatible screen to make the most of it.
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Netflix also uses the Dolby Vision HDR format, rather than the competing HDR10+ standard – we know this is a lot to think about with your next TV, but some only support one format over the other.
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