#it's gna be fun i promise ^^
boyfhee · 17 days
QUESTION if i hosted a mini collab would anyone join :›
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
I…I was in the middle of a re-read of your next Gen fic and it’s gone??????? 🥺
& like a phoenix from the ashes it will be back & even better (and also actually proofread this time). i'm waiting until i've got all 13 episodes written (the first half of season one) before i start to reupload, just to make sure i'm properly foreshadowing everything lmao. i've already got 8 episodes written and plots mapped out for the rest, so i'm thinking it'll be back up in a month ish? as a little sneak peak, here are the episode titles <3
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judeswhore · 5 days
u and jude not being able to stand each other but still hooking up on the dl bc no matter how annoying the other is, u can’t deny that the sex is amazing. but one thing that u promised yourself is that you’d never boost his ego bc u already think he’s cocky enough, so u always try to refrain from letting him know how good he makes u feel cuz it’ll go to his head🫢
so one time u guys are going at it and you are literally going dumb from how good it is and he can tell that ur liking it so he’s being all annoying and teasing you. and eventually when ur close to the most intense orgasm of ur life to pull out and he’s like why and u don’t wanna admit the real reason so ur like “cuz i said so” and he knows why ur asking him to so he’s winding u up until eventually u blurt out that it’s cuz ur about to squirt. so after you guys have finished, he is being the biggest pain in the ass and ur annoyed bc there is nothing u can say or do to even convince him that the sex was mid
the two of u have just never gotten along despite having been in the same friend group for so many years and everyone has just accepted that the two of u have this weird hatred towards the other and love bickering and arguing over literally everything so they barely even bat an eyelash anymore. but despite always arguing and saying how much u hate each other the tension and attraction has always been obvious until it got to a point u couldn’t deny it anymore and after a few drinks one night u ended up sleeping together and after that it just became routine. but u still maintain the fact u dislike each other and it kinda makes the sex hotter bc you’ll both constantly tease the other abt “thought u hated me? why’re u begging for it then” and for some reason it just makes everything a lot more intense and even a little more fun?
but u hate letting jude know that he’s the best person you’ve ever slept with and that he makes u feel so good so ur always acting so nonchalant afterwards, leaving straight away and acting like it’s no big deal and like the sex was mediocre. or you’ll slip in a comment abt how “ur effort was poor this time it was kinda disappointing” even tho ur lying through ur teeth. then one night after you’ve spent a little while apart ur making up for that lost time and hes already made u cum a handful of times on his fingers and tongue so ur completely fucked out and so overly sensitive. he’s got u spread out on his bed, up on his knees a little between ur legs so he can watch the way ur whole body shakes and he’s got one hand pressed against ur lower tummy to apply pressure while he rubs his thumb over ur clit and he’s teasing u so much abt how ur crying and the mess you’ve made and “babe, c’mon ur squeezing the life outta my cock what happened to still hating me?” and ur just whining a little, nails biting into his forearm in retaliation. but the way he’s fucking u and the angle and his hand on u has ur pleasure at its peak and u recognise that it feels different than usual and u know ur abt to squirt and u really don’t want to give him that satisfaction bc you’d previously told him he’d never be able to get u to. so ur gasping a little and telling him to pull out, trying to push his palm away from ur tummy to ease up on the pressure but he’s just cocking his head a little and asking why w this shit eating grin bc he knows ur body better than u do and he can tell this orgasm is gna be a lot stronger than ur others.
he’s just leaning down over u, pace never faltering while he’s all “stop being stubborn and give it to me. let go, baby” and in between he’s mumbling little things to wind u up abt how he knows he’s fucking u good and that there’s no way u hate him as much as u say when ur creaming all over his cock and those little mocking phrases paired w the way he’s fucking u has u tumbling over the edge and u end up squirting a little and he’s just so cocky and full of himself over it, continuing to wind up up over how badly he effects u. and then afterwards ur going through the usual routine of acting like it wasn’t the best sex of ur life while getting ready to leave but ofc he’s having none of that and he’s just teasing u abt the mess u made and how u ruined his sheets and that u got so loud he’s sure the neighbours heard and u just know he’s never gna let it go
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delcakoo · 10 months
i’m sure most ppl expected this so i’m not gonna make a big deal out of it but!! yes i am going on hiatus for an unspecified amount of time.
it’s honestly quite simple, i’ve just been losing interest in most aspects of kpop aside from the music, which makes writing for it a lot harder than before. i also dealt with a lot of burn out for months and still forced myself to write which only made it worse. lastly, i’m an executive of two clubs at my school this year on top of all my classes, so finding time to write would be even worse than it was before :’) !
YEAh that’s kinda it! for now my works will stay up, moots can dm me for my disc/spotify!! even if we’ve barely spoken pspsps i wanna stalk ur music cmere 🤲 a special shout out to my emoji anons too, you’re all amazing people ilysm, especially those that have been stuck with me for so long <3 (u know who u are!!)
i’ll try and check in here every so often to chat, esp if a new comeback for enha/txt happens!! love u guys and stay safe <3 you may send an ask if u have any questions!
extra stuff i wanna say to moots below! (it’s all word vomits i’m sorry)
RAVEN. MY WIFEY. my BELOVED blr wont let me tag u but you already know i adore u sm playing roblox with u is so fun even if that one banana game was kinda ass!! 💖 thank u for being so so sweet when putting up with me all the time and raising our fav corgi daughter with sm love <3 i hope u get more confidence in ur writing because your fics are always so creative and well written, and in yourself too bc a certain mf thats name starts with J and ends with N is MISSING OUT. 🙄🙄 ok im still gna be annoying u all the time so. bye ig….. smooches
@seongclb katto u deserve an award for putting up with me in dms ilysm 😞 watching the promised neverland together brought me so much joy and i still have a ss of you calling gilda a tractor ok i love u!!!! i would read your fics all day any day u are so talented and ur photography skills are amazing, i hope we get to keep in touch WE SHOULD FIND ANOTHER SHOW TO WATCH TGTHER !!!!! i need to fix your lack of anime knowledge ‼️ PLS KEEP WRITING AS WELL ENHABLR NEEDS U!!!!
@soov reirei my gf i aspire to be as confident and funny as you, you’re literal sunshine and always make my day better even with just one interaction <3 thank u for being so welcoming my first days in walmart enha and raising sushiwon with me!! as well as entertaining me by dying in genshin every 3 seconds <3 (WE NEED TO PLAY AGAIN) oh and KEEP WRITING BB. i will rise from THE DEAD WHEN IT COMES OUT OK U CAN DO THIS ML!!
@haknom kangaroo karaoke keys we may have had only a few convos but they were all so fun like PLAYING BRAWL STARS WAS HILARIOUS we ate the house down in duo showdown idc. and beta reading ur fics was such a treat esp while watching u plan new smaus every other day 🫶 also your music taste is MUWAH gimme some more recs pspsps !!! KEEP WRITING OKKK?!
@kynrki kimmy kimmy kim one of my first ever moots <3 your writing is always such a joy to read and your energy is amazing, thank you for giving me a chance when i was too shy to ask anyone else to be moots LMAO 🫶 plsplss keep writing you’re so gifted and deserve the whole world LOVEE UU
@bitehee cavvy my big sibling :((( i love u sm kshsdknd its been a while but i really hope everything has been well since you moved and you’re still being as cool as ever <3 im gonna replay a pokemon game in ur honor perhaps mystery dungeon 👁️ ? anyway i look up to u and think u are so cool, one of my fav hee stans ever ever!!! remember u have my disc if u ever wanna chat 🫂 !!!
@sunoksunny sunny <3 my other gf. i remember our first vc u had this goofy pfp i cant remember what it was but like u are so easy to talk to and funny?! and PRETTY??? your fits are always stunning and your singing is beautiful ugh the whole package fr… and. we need. to play. genshin!!! I REDOWNLOADED IT FOR U OK WE WILL DISCUSS THIS SOON!! ILY
@slytherinshua ZANNY. u are so easy to talk to we match each others energy so perfectly?!? I HOPE U AND TUALHA CONTINUE BEING THE COOLEST EVER and ur writing is top tier so pls keep going‼️ thank u for being so sweet to me as another one of my very first moots i appreciate u sm <3333
@flwrshee riri !!! we haven’t even been moots for long but i had to add u in here because u need to know that ILYSM. you’re like an adorable energetic little sister that always makes me smile T-T thank you for taking time out of your day to reblog my fics with so much sweet feedback and i wish u the absolute best always!! if u ever need anything pls dm me on disc i would love to chat with u more, and make sure to keep writing bc u have SO much talent!!!!
@wonieleles sia SIA i genuinely miss talking to u sm i NEED to come back to walmart enha :(( we don’t talk much besides our little interactions in the server but each time you make me smile. you’re so so smart and admirable, i hope you keep up the hard work bc i know you’ll go so far and HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE!! you’re so beautiful okay ily 😞🫶
@sultrybaby kel 😭😭😭💖💖 you’ve literally been a day one THANK YOU for always checking in on me even during your ridiculous NONSTOP EXAMS. 💀 another one of my big siblings on here fr you are such a real one and i care for u sm!!! i hope everything has been well for u?! pls feel free to message me for anything okay <3 I LOVE U SM thank u for sticking with me all this time 🫂🫂
i have so many moots so i can’t write smthn for everyone but i love u all okay <3 AGAIN if u wanna keep in touch thru spotify or discord dm me muwah
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ineffabildaddy · 4 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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i23kazu · 8 months
WAIT ARE WE MTUUALS NOW WOWOWOWO FHFKDNNSNS AHHHHH hello now I shall you annoy with me screaming over Baizhu!! >:33
Day 2 is okay!! //silly
Fjdjbsks IM HYPED 💞💞💞💞💞
HI DEARESTTT YES WE R MUTUASL NOW !!! u r so so sweet i always see u everywhere AND HELLO FELLOW BAIZHU KISSER <3333
AHHH im so glad i can be your first :"))) WE'RE GNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN OKAY I PROMISE WE WILLLLLL ebg has always been so so so fun + it helps to increase interactions alot!!! YIPPEEE IM HAPPY UR HYPED !!
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twinkinspector · 1 year
ALSO mutuals i’m gna be doing readings later if anyone wants one!!! tarot is fun i promise
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awek-s-archived · 2 years
i’ve never liked this stan culture behaviour where you have to essentially devote yourself to the thing you’re a fan of. like of course i spend some of my free time watching/listening to my fav artists. i love them and i want to support them and help them succeed. but i don’t want that to consume my life, that’s so unhealthy, especially considering i don’t know these artists irl
for me, streaming my favs 24/7 isn’t a productive use of my time. and that’s not me saying that i’m not streaming. my favs will be at the top of my spotify wrapped, don’t you worry. but in 5 years time i don’t wanna look back on my life and see that i just spent my time inside on my phone or laptop dedicating my life to an artist, who might not even still be making music anymore. i want to go out into the real world and make fun memories
and the fact that people get mad when i say that, and that i’m not a real fan?? when people talk about people being chronically online, this is what they’re talking about. i’m not having other people, who are complete strangers to me, telling me how i should be a fan of something. i have a job. i’m at uni. i want to have fun with my friends, go to cool places, etc etc. AND i can still be a fan of something as well, but that’s not gonna be my priority. I’M my priority. i want to live MY life. and i’ll do that however i want to
and i promise you, x member from x group doesn’t give a fuck. they don’t want their fans to dedicate every waking minute of their lives to them
a simple rule of life: as long as you’re not harming yourself or others, you do what you want with your life and let other people do what they want with theirs
exactly!!!! you’re 100% right. at the end of the day you only got one life and you gotta live that however you want (or however you can) and frankly i DID spend my teen years completely devoted to strangers on twt before i began living my actual life and discovering that all of that is actually meaningless and didn’t bring me any genuine joy. i like studying and being with my friends and learning from my mentors first and foremost and as you said i’ll enjoy artists and media however i can at the time. i obviously listen to music and buy it when i can but im not gna dedicate my entire existence to people who don’t know me or care about my existence.
i rly don’t know why this entire thing is so controversial .. no one is saying people can’t have their own interpretation of stan culture, just don’t force it upon other people who have better things to be doing with their lives.
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amesscott · 2 years
Portwell are clearly still together by Color War which is episode 6 which is when they sing “It’s on” during the Color War they are sitting so close to each other through out the song it’s obvious they are still dating by that point. Whatever problems Portwell has before the Color War is clearly resolve by then. This is a good sign that we know that Portwell has survive over half of season 3 it’s still possible they could be together all season long. I think Val will likely help Portwell. 1/2
Here is how I picture Val helping Portwell since Val is EJ’s childhood friend from camp this means she knows about some of his past relationships at least with the girls he has dated at camp. This is super important because Val might notice that EJ’s relationship with Gna is different than his past relationship. Val might end up being the one that points it out to EJ that he is truly in love with Gina which could lead to a love confession at some point in Season 3. 2/2
Hi, Anon! Yep, I’m definitely thinking along the same lines as you! Before we discuss though, I just want to put it out there that all the information I have is really just from online sources, like the HSMTMTS Wiki and my own personal theories/interpretations of the clips from the trailers and cast interviews, so we really won’t know anything for sure until the episodes air. So, let’s just have some fun and discuss the possibilities 😊
“Color War” is said to be the 6th episode of the season and where the music video of “It’s On” takes place.
I took it the same way you did Anon, in that Portwell seems fine (they have no sense of personal space gosh) and they’re definitely giving off power couple vibes, like it’s great to see their competitive natures again and, this time, they’re on the same team with the same goal to win, so you know the other team doesn’t stand a chance 😉
Now, the episode that takes place before this, entitled “The Real Campers of Shallow Lake” does seem to tease that potential obstacles could come in their way.
The summary of the episode says, “After promising juicy drama for the Frozen documentary, E.J., Carlos and Val come with a Real Housewives-inspired plan: to turn rehearsals into "The Real Campers of Shallow Lake," complete with fabricated storylines and staged vignettes. But when the fake drama pushes some very real buttons, E.J. realizes that he may have gone too far.”
That last statement makes me wonder if the love triangle will be at the forefront of this.
On one hand, fabricated storylines and staged vignettes, sounds about right up the alley of a love triangle plot and a very thin line that can easily be crossed is made. Just how Portwell went from “fake dating” to “real dating with very real feelings”, EJ feeling jealous and taking the fake scenes to heart could very well happen in this situation.
If this is the way the story will go, I agree with you, Anon, in that Portwell will get through it, given how well they seem to be doing in “Color War”.
I am, once again, manifesting that EJ will be honest and vulnerable to Gina about this ugly emotion that he wishes he didn't feel, but does and explains clearly why. Then, Gina would comfort him by being just as honest and vulnerable about her feelings for him in return [x].
On the other hand though, the last statement makes it seem that EJ is going to offend someone and he will regret it—  not the other way around. This honestly would be so much more interesting for me, ‘cause I’d love to see what else this season has in store, other than the very tiring love triangle.
Anyway, just to summarize where we are so far, I’m assuming that:
“The Real Campers of Shallow Lake” (3x05): Portwell will run into some problems (possibly this is not their first obstacle of the season, but we’ll see!), and will get through it, hopefully through some good and honest communication.
“Color War” (3x06): leads me to further believe that Portwell will be okay after whatever happens in 3x05 and anything prior to that, given how they are acting in the “It’s On” music video.
Now, I’ve already given my thoughts about Val and Portwell in this post, so I really do love your take as well, Anon!
Val might end up being the one that points it out to EJ that he is truly in love with Gina which could lead to a love confession at some point in Season 3.
Oh, I would absolutely love that! You see, 3x07 is called “Camp Prom”, and, given what we’ve talked about so far, I do believe that this episode could have a confession scene!
Additionally, in a snippet of Matt Cornett talking about Portwell in season 3 (seen in this post by @livelovecaliforniadreams), he says, “I think they’re might be a little something that the people are gonna be happy with, in the first episode and maybe later on. We’ll see.”
I think he may be talking about the kiss we saw in the trailer in regards to the first episode, as he knows we didn’t get to see their first kiss in the end of season 2.
However, the “maybe later on” line, might imply even more Portwell goodness later in the season, with a love confession possibly being one of those things to look forward to.
But, again, this is all speculation and we won’t know anything for sure until the episodes air, so let’s just keep having fun discussing over our mutual love of the show and Portwell 😊
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1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger?
9.) what is your favorite environmental season? why?
16.) what’s your favorite form of flattery?
17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel?
19.) what was the last concept that inspired you?
32.) favorite piece of memorabilia you own?
oh THEO. y would u give me that first one. im gna tell alex to do it for me
ooh ok. hi i'm alex & chaos made me promise not to embarrass them so i. might just do that
oh chaos? well you see they have the most wonderful smile. and an even more beautiful laugh, and when their eyes light up at getting questions right its like nothing else in the world exists. i don't think they realise how endearing they are when they get excited about something - emphasising their points with hand movements and pausing to think before launching into new spiels. you wouldn't think they'd be so loud, but i suppose its always the quiet ones who surprise you.
9. spring spring spring!!!!!!! i adore spring it gets my depression away :-) well. not completely but its SO much easier to have a better outlook on life when the trees are going green!! the plants are growing out the sidewalk again!! there's FLOWERS. and BIRDS. and SUNSHINE. fucking superb
16. oughhg. well flattery i am very .?? about. um .compliments that aren't surface level? like ones about my personality rather than my appearance. one person said i looked like a physicist which was. fun & exciting kgkfjfk. also a big fan of being told i could get away w murder
17. im not rly allowed to say anything except starry night am i. well i love paintings that have any sort of night sky in them so these two of van gophs are my fav
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but monet also paints sooo beautifully like look at THIS
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thats. gorgeous. ive seen the second one in person its so so pretty i just.oufghg
19. oooh interesting question!!! i guess that historical dances post u related to thasmin. that keeps spinning round in my head. concepts r so so fun kgfjfk
32. memorabilia.... i have a bunch of cards from old teachers. one from my mentor that never fails 2 make me cry. ohh that means. so much to me i love letters. i don't really keep many things but i have like. soap bars. from hotels from holidays i went on when i was younger. bc they had the logos and stuff jgkfjkf and u get a new soap whenever the room staff clean up. so one time i saw towards the end of our trip we had 14 little soap bars. they just kept coming
kgkfjfk ty for the ask !!!
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jihyoruri · 3 months
I JUST CAMS BACK FROMM MY FIRENDS BKSUE AND MY FRIEND SAID I GAVE MY OTHER FRIEND THE NASTIEST LOOK WBEN SHE SAID "ya" (she stole that fron me and jts not js the word its the way she said jt) AND THEN AFYER THAT INSTEAS KF SAYING YA I JS STARYED SAYING YEEHAW INSTEAD AND THEN THWY JS SAID "hwyd u become a cowboy" then i was like "RIDING ON MY HORSE" but i wqs singing it also my friends youmger sister was like constantly shouting and daying "play with meeeee" "lets play hairdresserrrr" and when we were actually gna plsy hairdresswr w her she js siddenly didnt want to and then my driwnf sais "you do not want to have sinlings teust me" like girl you dont know what i want if my sibli g was shouting at mr to llay with them i wld play woth them befor ethey even start shouting also my friene said that me and my other friend r do dtraighrorward woth children(the 'children' being her sister cus instwad of sayung 'no thank youuu!' or smth lilr that we js said 'no' (dw we were stoll nicd to her)) also when we ate we js kept soing mukbangs and then my friends younger sister asked me to dk a mukbang witb cucumbers and then i did and then i told my friend i was gna tell her a secret with thr cucumber still in my mputh then sje leaned in so i cld yrll her then i js bit the cucumber to do asmr then she alughed and then did it to my otehr ffienf and honestly yhis was more fun then my cousins house (alao my cousin called me a betrayer for going to my friends hosue like stfu i go to ur house every single thursday i can hsng out w other friends plus i js come most of the timr for my other cousin and she called me someone who makes plans then cancels last minute its one word in my lamguage but idk if theres a word for it in english and what that word is and i never even promised id come today i js said 'another day')
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
Ok but Paige and co are raising the baby of the evil enchantress & the prince would he absolutely hilarious!!!! Like they go back to the future and everyone’s like like 👀 ? Now what? Uhhh Paige you get to be a mom now and shes probs shrug and be like ? Cool :) probably just rolling with the punches!!!
Like imagine this kid finding out their origin many years later and being so confused because like is the enchantress technically her mom? Yes? Is Paige also technically her mom? Also yes? So she’s got two moms and a dad technically 😂
Her and Dency (or any sources heir kid if they exist) would get along swimmingly 😂😂😂
i think it would be a lot like in crazy ex girlfriend when heather was the surrogate mom where very early on she's like haha this is so cool and then like once she's like about to pop the hormones are flowing her feet are swollen to shit she's like aaaaaaaa holy fuck!!!! where i think paige would be like haha yeah. i can do this. i have a whole ass family now and sisters and stuff i can do this. and then you know the baby starts doing magical tricks and paige cries every time she sees a really cute dog and she's like uh oh. this one's gna be a doozy.
as for like halli growing up i think she’d just kinda be blissfully unaware of how weird her circumstance was growing up until about you know ae 5 she’s like what do you mean you weren’t raised in a big house with a mom two aunts and one uncle?? i think she’d like you know be aware of her story because paige would tell her the fairy tale all the time as a kid and then when she got slightly older would go no wait i think that was just a fairy tale and then when she got older still she’d be like okay mom cards on the table that fairy tale real or not and paige would be like oh no that’s 100% real and she’d just be like !!!
as for her relationship w dency i def think that’d be fun as hell i think halli would definitely have a weird relationship w the concept of “dad” bc like. well one she was kindaaa conceived thru rape which is just uncomfy i’m sure paige would try to wipe that from the narrative she told her but it’d def be recorded in the history books so she could find that out and then secondly no one really knows shit about the prince. we don’t even know his name. paige doesn’t really have any solid love interests until a lot later so it’s not like halli necessarily had a “dad”. like. it’s just weird. but we can assume the prince was essentially a magical amplifier and that’s why he was needed. but it’s so strange. and dency would be like haha yeah lemme let u on a little trade secret rite as the devil’s daughter who was essentially conceived through some really weird quasi-roofieing on the part of a seer and then my momma had to kill my dad you know how it goes and halli’s just like yeah, totally [does not know how it goes; what the fuck???] dency’s like yeah. point is. it doesn’t really matter. the biology, sure, it’s where you get your powers and shit but uh. it doesn’t really matter. what matter is who’s here, who loves you and all that. that’s about damn near the only thing that’s real you know. love. and halli’s like damn that’s p deep. and dency’s like my dad, not bio dad, the guy i call my dad, he’s a cupid. which i think only further proves my point. i also think the girlies could have some nice heart to hearts about the sins of the parents and the promises of destinies of darkness finally catching up to them you know dency’s foretold to rule the underworld, halli’s foretold to plunge the world into darkness, but all these gals wanna do is vibe. so i think they could have some nice conversations about that.
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judeswhore · 1 year
wanna go to alton towers with jude and hold his hand on all the rides and he promises to keep me safe cos I'm scared. bonus if we bring jobe and his gf (gna have to pretend he has one for this 🤭)
i hate rides so this is a big fat no for me he’d be going on his own👎👎but it wld be so fun and he’d just tease u all the time if u were afraid of rides and wld be all “don’t worry babe i’ll keep u safe”
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maiverie · 11 months
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bye why was that a ramble
I hope you have a good day though chii I have to go to tennis now 😵‍💫😔
HAHDHAH OMG yes ofc PLS DOOO i love being tagged in ask games 😭 just kinda lazy to do them myself tbh HSJDJSJSJA BUT I LOVE READING EVERYONES ANSWERS I PROMISE 😭🫶🫶
AND IVE BEEN GOOD BFF OMG those photos were fucking crazy 😭 also i’m currently crying bc one and only is so good ?? WHAT DID U THINK??? are we gna talk ab heeseung in the mv BC?? HES SO CUTE ?? the domestic vibes were crazy i lost it 😁
and OMG STOPPP URE GOING VN??? WAIT PAUSE I’m actually going too 😭 but next year ! AND NO ITS GNA BE SO GOOD ok i get u like the family part is sooo awk but u should go get ur nails done 😽 also the lì xì will be crazy for new years 🤭
AAA TYSM i actually did have a good day hehe I HOPE U HAD FUN AT TENNISSSSS 😽💖💖 MWAH MWAH
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legofbicuriosity · 3 years
19 doesn’t quite feel like what you imagined.
19 feels like grief. don’t you remember who you used to be? rosy cheeks and footsteps running wild, honey-stained lips and hope-drenched impossibilities. don’t you remember? sometimes 19 feels like mourning. it echoes with everything you’ve lost and everything you never had, finds you desperately wishing for more, fresh bruises blossoming beneath your fingertips like the first glimpse of spring. you are a sparrow in a ribcage. you are a flame doused with the sins of honesty. a supernova screaming before its final breath. 19 feels like repeated endings, like a rainy day relived, like a carousell that never stops turning. 19 doesn’t quite feel like home.
but maybe home is just a fraction. your best friend’s laughter on a warm summer day, the way the sunlight slants through your bedroom window at dawn. fleeting, foolish. maybe home isn’t something we’re meant to hold, the ghosts of belonging washed away with the red from the eggshell embedded soles of your feet. they say home is the first place you learn to run from, but can you ever truly escape it? maybe, somewhere along the way, you tripped, and never pulled yourself back up. your rope-burned heart stretched translucent, one foot out the door and the other cemented in place. maybe you were running without ever really moving.
maybe 19 is a life ready to be left behind, and another one waiting just out of reach.
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steelycunt · 2 years
thank u for giving us a groveling sirius i am so excited. giggling rn!!! i wanna see him on his knees .
OFC OFC its coming its gna be so fun ! the REAL groveling is yet to come in terms of what im writing but even now... this whole thing is so embarrassing for him i love it. he is desperately trying to talk to remus imagine him like psyching himself up beforehand rehearsing it in his head and he is just getting absolutely blanked. he is getting ignored like he is not even there. he is having to beg james for cigarettes from remus on his behalf. he is sitting on his own in divination because his desk partner never turns up because remus doesnt want to see him. promise you now post-prank there's no eyeliner there's no grinning there's no sing-song 'hahaha you think i'm good-looking moony :-)' that's all gone. theyre both so so embarrassing the only one coming out of this with any dignity intact is james to be honest
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