#daddy's baby
tony-baby 10 months
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Someone help me with my diapers please 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ. I already ran out
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bunny-feffy 2 months
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gumballavocadoharry 1 year
Harry teaching his baby; Headcanon:
Ik I haven't done these in awhile, but last night, I wrote out a bunch of ideas for several and this is one of many!!!!
Compassion. The first person alongside you to show them compassion and understanding. That would be evident in their teen years when they start making more serious mistakes. Harry would always be there and make sure his tone, words and expressions were all in tune with his deep concern and love for them.
Intelligence. Harry is a very smart and wise man. No doubt, common sense is essential for him and making sure his children have it is one of his goals.
Kindness. Is a big one for him! Treat people with kindness is his motto and what better example than to treat his own child with kindness. Spoiling them at times, but speaking kindly, mildly, generously and patiently and acting on it is what he knows his child will look at.
Patience. When he needs to repeat things over and over, or when they're throwing a tantrum....he tries hard not yell or scream or say something irrational. When disciplining them, he's mild and reasonable and firm.
Humbleness. He listens to his children and takes their feelings into consideration always. He'll ask their opinions and will make choices with them.
Boldness. Harry has a natural outgoing personality, but when he notices his child lags behind in courage, he's right there to guide them and give them that self boost.
Affectionate. Harry's a HUGE example in this as he loves to smother his child in kisses and hugs, especially when they really need it. Words of encouragement and "I love you's" are always said daily and so are notes of what his child likes for their meals or as a present. He is vocal and physical about his love and his children never have to wonder.
Thankful. Harry does this by telling his children that he's thankful for them everyday and that they are the best gift he could've ever asked for. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so grateful for you and you make me so proud to be your daddy everyday."
Positive. He teaches this by being positive about the little things in life. Like the flowers or a sunny day.
Classy. By having manners and showing courtesy to others, he sets an example of being a gentleman.
Silly. Harry's a natural goofball anyway so it comes easy for him when he makes funny faces or blow raspberries on their tummy. He jokes around and it raises their spirits on a bad day.
Free expression. Harry wants his children to express themselves and never feel hindered to keep things inside. He especially wants them to come to him and talk about their feelings.
Honesty. Harry makes a point to be honest and truthful with everything, so he expects the same from his child.
Self-aware. He's been through honest self reflection of himself and no doubt wants his children the have the same thing. To know and discover who they are and what they expect from themselves.
Loyalty. Harry keeps his promises and so when his child promises something that they can't keep, harry teaches them how to make it up.
Self-control. As hard as it would be for Harry in keeping them in check, he would have to let them see that they need self-control in their emotions, wants and needs. So despite them screaming or crying they're heads off for a toy, he's calm and reserved in showing them that they can't always get what they want.
Ethics. Harry has strong morals in certain things and he sticks to them even in the face of pressure. So he would teach his child how to be strong and firm with theirs.
Strength. In times of pain or pressure, Harry no doubts wants his kid to be strong enough to stand up to the trails.
Love. The most important lesson of all Harry teaches them. To love themselves, others, animals, flaws and all. He teaches them to have respect and kindness towards people and to be humble and sufficient in holding onto meaningful relationships and their dignity. To be happy, healthy and mature topped off with character is what makes Harry the most proud.
The best teacher he could be is their father in showing them that there is NO ONE in this world he could or would love more than them.
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athenepromachos 1 year
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DADDY 鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍鈾ワ笍
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gumballavocadoharry 10 months
Harry and River;
Bedtime routine:
It was striking 8:00 and River was dancing around to Spongebob episode, mimicking off Patrick doing a silly dance. "Alright, Rivie it's bedtime now." "But I'm not-" River was then cut off by a yawn. "Yes you are," I forgot yawns are contagious, "And so am I." I turned off the Tv and picked River up and took him upstairs. "First it's bath time, then we brush our teeth, then story then-"
"Milk and cookies!" River cheered. I gave way to a small giggle. "And maybe some milk and cookies."
I ran the bath, adding in extra bubbles and toys for River. He was in his room getting undressed before coming into the bathroom. River was wrapped in his teddy bear towel, holding it close to him. "Come on baby, let's get you into the bathie," I took the towel and tried taking it off him, only to be fought.
"No daddy! I'm a big boy," River turned away, "In fact, I can get in the tub myself." My heart broke a little more than it should've. "Are you sure?" He nodded, "But I used to change you!" I cooed, I gently pinched River's cheeks, "I changed your diapies!"
"Daaaad!" I was cut off by. And I thought River's threenager stage was over. I turned around while River helped himself into the tub. The splashes made me turn around. "Okay, how about Mr. Bubbles gets in on this?" I made the already overflowing bubbles in the tub, spill over as the mixture of watermelon scented shampoo and body wash only added to the chaos of the tub.
"I'm splash man!" River coupled that with a big splash in the tub that pretty much soaked me. He spotted my unamused look as I was drenched in 'Splash man's' splashes. "River, you're the one taking a bath," I upped my tone as not to sound testy. "Sorry daddy." He contrited. "Oh, I could never stay mad at my pooh bear." I cooed, while rubbing his head.
"No daddy, Imma big boy...." I pouted a little, "You don't wanna be daddy's pooh bear?" River pouted a little too. It was only then I could see just how much our reactions were alike; we shared a puppy dog pout. "I'm no baby!" He squealed. I sat my elbow on the edge of the tub and put my hand to my cheek.
"I know...." I drifted a little, "It's just.....this world can be so harsh..and keeping you a little baby is my way protecting you." Of course not really, but I did nudge my nose to River's own one. "I love you."
"Love you too dada." He flashed this toothy smile that gleamed innocence. "What harsh world daddy?" I gulped a little, eyes wondering towards the floor. "Mean people who'll hurt you for no reason....bad things....crooks, robbers....like the bad guys on tv except much worse."
River looked worried, "Will they eat all my cookies?" I couldn't help but gasp an awe. "No sweetie, daddy will make sure they don't....I'll protect you...forever,"
"Forever and ever?" "Forever. And that's a promise. With every living being and breath!" I smushed my puckered lips into River's chubby cheeks before getting him out of the bathtub and wrapping him in towel. "Go get into your pj's while I empty the tub."
My mind still flickered over the conversation with River I had. I cleaned the tub just....worrying, worrying about the dangers of the world; now and in the future. When River wants more freedom....I get scared. I want him to grow of course into this capable human being, but at the same time I worry about what might happen to him and how I don't want anything to hurt him.
Everytime I think of teenage River, all I can see is those big green eyes who look up to me, asking for a "cookie." I just can't help but kiss him all over his face and just wrap myself around like a thick shield that would defend him to the death of necessary.
After draining the tub, I met River in his bedroom where he was in his pajamas. I lotioned his body and then dried his hair off before plopping River into his snuggly bed and moving rexie in with him. "Who's ready for a bedtime story?" River raised his and rexie's hand/claw. "We are!" River climbed out of bed and snuggled next to me, making me wrap my arm around him.
"What do you think this story's gonna be about?" River scanned over the cover; a duckling, a cat and a goldfish all had umbrellas in their hands. "Playing in the rain?" I smiled, "Well, let's see."
River sucked his thumb through the whole story, eyes glued to what would happen next. "The end," I closed the book and turned towards River. "Wasn't that a great story?" He nodded looking sleepy. "I know what would help....how about some warm milky?" I cooed a little in my baby voice. I brought River up some warm milk in his favorite green and blue sippy cup with triceratops on it. "Are we all set?" I softly said.
"Yeah," River smacked, taking a break from drinking his milk. "And rexie has his milky too?" Rexie nodded. "Okay, well then that means it's time for my big ferocious dinosaurs to get their goodnight kissies." I pressed my lips to River's cheeks before pressing another one to rexie's. "Goodnight my little dino...." I softly trailed off, watching as River gently closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
I went back to my bedroom and silently sketched before my eyes became heavy and found myself drifting to sleep as well.
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athenepromachos 2 years
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August's happy face when he sees his little princess 馃拫馃尮
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gumballavocadoharry 1 year
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Daddy's boy; Jack Chambers
*Jack's father (or any other character beside the cast) is NOT in the don't worry darling movie franchise at all! This is a made up character to add to the plot and I don't want anything to be confused or taken out of context! Also small menton of daddy issues.* *Also extreme FLUFF!!!*
There he was. The cloying baby boy that had been awaiting them for months, was now in Alice's arms while her and her husband stared down at their bundle. Despite the baby now being visible to them, he always was in their hearts as they anxiously waited for him. His soft dark brown rich locks, and his opulent, elysian emerald, shamrock colored eyes that resembled glint diamonds.
He had watermelon blush lips, that curved into a small heart figure. The name chosen for this beautiful doll baby was, Roger. Roger Chester Chambers. His appearance was no accident despite his scarce features. Roger took after his father, Jack who had the same alluring green eyes and lavish brown hair was rather dapper himself.
The deep pumpkin dimples that indented the lad's cheeks were identical to his son's. But despite the sentimental feelings that decorated the room from the outside, it was incomparable to the caprizant feelings of cherishment, besotted lovesick the couple felt for their new baby. Jack especially locked eyes with his mini twin; watching the baby take soft yawns and smacks with his toothless mouth and twitch his pocket sized nose.
Love at first sight was just a euphemism for the rationale of Jack's very being of existence euphoria he felt that night once he held his son for the first time. It was surreal, yet a reverie of what was happening. Holding Roger close enough to hear his heartbeat was captivating to say the least, but it wasn't until he booped his nose with his, that sealed in their lifelong bond.
"I'm your daddy, little guy. You're so special and we're so proud of you," Jack continued, "I love you." He said softly, holding Roger close to him and savoring every moment of his purity pouring onto his son.
Fast forward to a few months......the newborn was now 4 months old, bouncing away in his crib, animatedly waiting for his bedtime story. Jack came into the sapphire colored bedroom with a pep in his step and heart eyes. His heart ruptured with love, upon seeing Roger's hands reaching towards his father to pick him up and hold him.
Roger looked with effervescent eyes upon seeing Jack's big hands reach for him under his arms gently and pick him up above his crib. Jack's unapologetic deep cooing accompanied by precious smacks of kisses to his chubby bubble cheeks. Jack sat down in the custom made seafoam green rocking chair and grabbed one of Roger's favorite books from the shelf.
He gently rocked along rythmatical, as he flipped through the pages of 'Hey diddle, diddle' reading with a slightly cartoonish voice much to Roger's amusement. "Okay little guy, the story's over so that means bedtime now," Roger gave way to a little whine, that moved Jack's heartstrings a little. "I know my little baby bear, but you need your rest so you can grow big and strong...like me." Jack was proud of himself for such a charming metaphorical use of an example.
He set the book aside and carefully picked Roger up and flew him over his crib. "Super baby is ready for a landing!" Jack's voice sounded of a radio announcer. Jack 'landed' Roger into his crib and looked in awe at the copy cat of him, squirming and gurgling.
"You really are something special Roger......and I know me and you are going to be best friends. And we'll tell stories and play together....and we'll be able to tell each other everything." Jack said the last line with feathered buoyancy. He looked into Roger's eyes; starry sparkles sparking in his eyes mixed with abyssal pride and intimate affection. Such contentment in this moment, is what sent Jack's finger into Roger's little hand. Roger played around with the large finger, sucking on it and squeezing it, sending a rippling effect of adoration through him.
It wasn't until Jack pulled his finger away, that he leaned his face in closer, lips puckering, inching closer to the baby's rosette cheek that he pressed a soundly, loud kissie onto. "Muah!" He pulled back to see Roger looking up at Jack, wondering what it was his father had just done. "Kissie kisses for my little bear." He said, in that pommy twang of his. "Goodnight....I love you. Very, very much." Jack's voice turned into a whisper towards the end his goodnight.
He casted a small gentle smile with a cheek pinch before walking out of Roger's bedroom for the night.
Fast forward a few years later.....now that baby boy, is an ornery but compassionate little boy. At 8 years old, Roger made his autonomy well known around the house. Jack, Alice and Susan all had the bear the brunt of Roger's echoing of him being 'Mr self-sufficient'. But of course no one really took it serious of Roger being mature, because he contradicted himself with his pranks and schemes.
And for awhile, it didn't really mean anything to Roger because...well...as promised he grew close with Jack. Jack never minded his barmy pranks as long as they weren't blatant foolish or insensitive. Roger loved crawling on Jack's lap and listening to his stories, or his head or foot rubs because of a 'headache' or 'sore foot'. Roger was still little enough to be held in Jack and Alice's arms and on occasion.........Susan. Something to his dismay.
But whether Roger liked to admit it or not, he loved when Jack held him in his arms and would carry him to bed and gently lay him down and tuck him in. Something Jack cherished as well with both his children.
After all, he was there for the first steps, first word, first boo-boo, first failed test, first nightmare and so on. Even Roger couldn't deny he was a daddy's boy, while Jack would twist it to daddy's 'little' boy. His reasoning was it was engraved on one of Roger's bibs as a baby.
This was something Jack never had as a child. His father was more of a tough, never had time for much fun type parent. His standard was a mangled, degenerate zealotry of what men should be like in his eyes. Jack could count on his fingers the time his father gave him compliments, he never received hugs or kisses from him; badgered about little incompetent things that were deemed 'feminine' gnawed at his father's pride.
It was his mother that showered him with the affection and softness. Jack always appreciated that, but still had a narrow tender gap in his heart that was for his father. He could be cold an though never violent or physical, and his advice at times was solid, his confined emotion didn't vapor into Jack's hypersensitive, empath persona. Like gasoline and water.
But Jack had made a promise to himself after one particular argument with his father, that he would be totally different. He would show his children love and affection, especially his son. To Jack, tears weren't just reserved for the girls, sobs weren't for the weak, and love was never a read between the lines....it was evident and it was gonna be there for his children to see......and believe.
So, when the bond that he formed with Roger at birth happened, he coddled it and nurtured it like he did with Susan as a baby. He played with Roger, fed him, changed him, kissed him, hugged him, tended to every boo-boo or tummy ache, rocked him to sleep in his arms and told him he loved his boy.
Even Roger could sense the feeling of love, shimmering down his spine whenever Jack would smile at him or share a laugh together.
But at school, Roger wanted things different. Roger wanted a straightforward handshake or pat on the shoulder. But today, things went a little sour. Brian and Max, the most popular boys in school had set their attention on Roger because of a prank he needed them for. A water balloon catapult. But Jack's cosmic love, reared itself when Roger accidently left his lunch in Jack's car.
"Roger!" Roger turned around to see his father running to him olympic style. "Baby bear, you forgot your lunch." Roger could sense his cheeks stinging the minute his father's presence entered the school yard. "Baby bear?" Max chuckled. Roger's face grew a darker shade of pink. Jack's gentle papa bear smile wasn't budging, despite Roger's manifested body language that wanted Jack to leave.
"Now, am I forgetting something?" He said with honeysuckle in his voice. "I don't think so, bye da-,"
"Your kiss!" Jack was trying to be jokester, but this situation was anything BUT funny to Roger. Jack cupped Roger's little face into his hands and kissed his forehead with sound. Pulling away, Roger had modest frown on his face, hearing the rippling effects of laughter being shared with Brian and Max before they walked away with a haughty patronizing tone.
"Daddy's boy!" Brian laughed, "His little baby bear couldn't survive without his lunch!"
Max joined in with kiss noises. "Is he gonna bring you your bottle and diaper? Daddy's baby needs his kissys, ha!" Roger's face became a raspberry color as he walked away from the two boys, completely side swiping the prank. Roger was sour the entire rest of day, and became sorer at Jack, for treating him ignominious in the company of his fellow peers. The chasten feeling that stained Roger once Jack had left and his 'friends' had mocked him ferociously was inordinate.
The entire school had eventually found out about Roger's run in with his 'daddy' and so that left everyone, with the partial exception of Susan to tease and mock him. "Daddy's boy," was a newfound nickname, everyone seemed to enjoy calling the boy.
It was like a giant D and B were ironed onto his shirt. "Don't focus on them Roger," Susan tried to comfort her brother. "They're probably just jealous." Roger kept his head down the entire day. His catastrophizing thoughts are what imagined him in a bonnet, pacifier and bib. He was in crowded assembly and everyone was laughing their heads off. The final nightmare was Jack swooping in, and kissing his face all over for the entire school to see. "My little baby." He cooed.
A scream erupted from Roger, in absolute terror of being undignified in public. "Mr. Chambers?" Roger shot his head up to reveal the concerned teacher standing above him. "Can you tell us what the answer to question 5 is?" Roger scanned the chalkboard, desperately ignoring his trepidation.
"Uh, 8?" To his surprise, he was correct. "Very good,"The teacher wrote the answer on the chalkboard. Roger thanked his lucky stars that he wouldn't have to suffer ant detentions due to the offence of not paying attention.
Once school was out, the fireworks started up again. Jack was standing right there, waiting for his kids to come scampering down the concrete hill, so he could squish them in paps bear hugs. Susan trotted down with ease, falling into her father's arms after the long rugged day at school.
Roger came in second, mind ruminating over other things, that he didn't feel the firm shove of Max, who had pushed him down the hill, tumbling as he went. As if his face wasn't already blushed from the prickly day at school, this last straw is what drew his sensitive side out.
This is what made Roger stream torrents of tears. He raced past his father and sister, hoping to make it home before he would just push himself down on the ground and cry like a fussy one year old. "Roger?" Distress took over Jack's voice as he looked to Susan for an explanation. The sun beat down on Roger's eyes, making the way home seem like a journey through the desert. Sniffles and spare tears ran through his cheeks, heading off on his chin as his tears dripped on the dry sidewalk.
The domestic green bel air pulled up beside Roger, slowly matching his walking speed. "Roger, what's wrong? I know you fell down.....but....why are you so sad?" Jack's baby voice protruded a little on the last ink of the sentence.
"Everyone was maki-" "Susan honey, let Roger tell it okay?" Jack gently reminded his earlier child. "Everyone was making fun of me...."
"Why?" Roger shrugged. Susan bit her lip to keep from spilling the beans. But it was Roger who looked to his sister for help. "Because....well....all the kids were calling him a daddy's boy," Jack's head shot back over to his sullen son.
The embarrassment took over Roger, which sent him running home at top speed. He ran upstairs to his bedroom, dashing so fast, that he couldn't even hear Alice greet him. She suspected something once she didn't see Susan or Jack follow in behind him, only a couple minutes later.
"Hey hon," Jack kissed Alice. "Hey mom," Alice kissed Susan. "Hey,......what's up with Roger?" Jack glanced towards upstairs, "That's what I'm trying to figure out." Jack followed pursuit on Roger's trail to his bedroom.
"Roger?" Jack's knock alerted the boy. "Can I come in?" Noise of sniffles came closer and closer until the door opened and Roger was standing behind it. "It's allergies," But Jack knew better. He escorted Roger to his bed after closing the bedroom door.
"What's up bud? Tell me," Jack smushed Roger's cheeks with his hands. "When.....you kissed me after bring me my lunch today at school, a bunch of kids started teasing me and calling me a daddy's boy. "Oh Roger....I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get teased." Roger put his head in Jack's lap.
"I am a daddy's boy aren't I?" Jack giggled. "Well, we do have a special bond!" Jack rubbed Roger's head softly. "I remember, when you were just a baby....that little nose.....little chin.....but these vivid green eyes that were just so alert to everything because it was all so new...." Jack went into a nostalgic sentimental daze.
"And I made my goal with both of you kids that I would always be open with my love. I didn't have a father who would tell me 'I love you' or give me hugs or kisses....or foot rubs," Jack said with giggle and tickle to Roger's midriff, making him cough out a laugh.
Jack wrapped his arm around Roger. "I promised myself I wouldn't be like that. When you and Susan were born, it was the happiest day of my life. You both were pink and perfect, you smelled brand new....and that's when I knew I had this one shot to be one the most important people in your life to show you what unconditional love truly meant.....but I didn't mean to embarrasses you Roger. I respect that at your age, you want to have a certain image.....so.....if you want....I won't kiss you in public anymore."
Roger's stomach did cartwheels, not knowing whether this feeling was satisfaction of being treated like an adult, or unanticipated deflation of racked compunctious that kept him from enjoying his victory. He was now faced with a decision that he wouldn't be able to complain about with whatever pill he swallowed.
"I don't mind dad.....after all, it's not a huge deal." Jack's face brightened at the fingers crossed answer. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Roger. I love you so much and I want to clobber you to death in my sappy, mushy love.... Jack's thoughts ringed.
But instead, he expressed his gratitude in a papa bear hug that lasted for a long time. "I love you my bunny," Jack cooed, "I love you too daddy." Roger's heart fluttered at being a subject to Jack's closness.
It wasn't as smothering as he thought, it was still the same old warm blanket on a cold winter's day and breeze of cool air on hot summer day. Everything Roger needed.
To Jack, he would still always be that baby boy Jack met in the hospital one summer night, that changed his life forever.
And that baby boy.....didn't mind it so much like he thought he would.
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athenepromachos 2 years
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Daddy is here and he's a bit cross with his baby girl......
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