#can't remember which is the ship for Danny/Dick but yeah
yourlocalcorviddad · 5 months
Saw a post about Danny calling Dani his little Comet, this one, and then I had an idea to and mix it with a favourite Hozier song, Work Song. Feel free to add or whatever if it strikes you!
"Ah, shh, shh little Comet, it's ok, I've got you."
The attempt at keeping his voice steady didn't really work, but he was sure he was keeping a good hold on his emotions at least, since Ellie was calming down in his hold. It didn't mean he wasn't panicking inside at the situation but he was managing. He only had to make it a few more weeks before the others could come, then everything would be safe.
He got her settled in his bed, sleeping and calm now. He had a crib for her, and Jordan too eventually, but he couldn't really stand the thought of them to far. So bed it was.
Both clone and future self had been deaged due to the damage taken, done at Frostbite's direction to heal and better stabilise both. Jordan's injuries had come in defence of both him and Ellie, and, like a weird mirror, Ellie's from defending him and the injured Jordan when he was to weakened from injuries to fight. Ellie had just been deaged from it Dan, who he decided was going to be called Jordan too give himself some separateness, was reverted to his core. In an effort to protect and give him time to heal, he has him inside himself, next to his own core. He'd been warned it meant that Dan would likely take on more of being like his child than his future self, but he just wanted him alive, not like he didn't have the risk of it anyway, at least this time it was under his control.
There was no hope of returning to his dimension, it had been clear at that point, but they had been trying to free all the ghosts they could and get all liminal people and their family rounded up to safety before the GIW got to them. Danny, as the heir prince-until he was of age for the throne at 100-was sent ahead to bridge trust with another dimension, this one in fact, to see it they could bring their people, his people, there.
Clockwork and the Ancients and Observants worked with his parents and the others from town, and other liminality touched people, to get everyone into the ghost zone, which he had leaned also got called the Infinite Realms, safely and cut off that dimension from it.
Apparently that's what most magical creatures had done to that one anyway, long ago. He'd even met the descendents of the witches that had been hunted by, and thus placed the curse on, his family back when Amity was a village.
They'd lifted the, severely weakened by then but still present, curse after apologies were made and explanations done. It was a relief, even though it is likely what had even held him tethered to life enough to become a halfa at all, but he felt more at ease now without it.
All in all, it led him to where he was now though. A new world, a new set of rules, similar but still so different, and two kids that were essentially his.
The sudden crash outside his window on the alley side had him rushing over, ready to defend as best he could, still healing from the injuries in the last fight with the GIW, in case it was a villain attacking.
Only to pause at the sight of the, now likely unconscious, blue and black clad vigilante in the dumpster below.
"Fuck... Well can't leave him, who knows who'd find him there."
It took a bit of work, and mild use of his weak but still present powers, but he got him up stairs and into his apartment onto the, comfortable if he said so himself, couch.
Once there, he checked him over for injuries, careful not to take the domino off and keeping him as clothed as possible, but tending to his wounds as best possible. Doing so, he realised the other was probably only about 20-21, close to his age at least. It made him wonder how long the other had been a hero, and made a thought to ask later.
For now he settled in to make some food -that hopefully wouldn't accidentally come alive again-and keep an eye on his daughter and the hero.
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d-lissa · 2 years
im pretty sure this is not all of your blorbos but it's the ones I can remember so: danny phantom, those kids from trc, i guess all the robins from the most recent(?) batman comics, luz from toh, jinx from arcane, buffy and spike from btvs, jude and cardan (is it from the cruel prince?), luffy from one piece (and law!)... i'm forgetting someone i saw recently... oh yeah that kid that has like all the gender from a manga I forgot the name (but I guess you and the rest of the fandom were freaking out about it lol), obviously allen from dgm, ahn... is it soma from kuro, or is it ciel? aaa.... idk which one is your blorbo, i- how do i not know. but yeah, those are some of them, pretty sure. (im definetly forgetting someone i should know lol)
Hmmm. Pretty accurate actually XD
I have so many blorbos, it's not even funny, I don't remember a third of them unless you mention their source material. And just today I started getting 4 new ones from 2 different fandoms, I can't keep up with myself 😭
Danny and the gansey are accurate, HOWEVER, if I had to chose a blorbo from DC, it would be Dick Grayson and I, unfortunately, can't stand any "new comics" from this century, or just the rare ones when it comes to him. By god am I salty about it. Fuck.
Luz, I told you already XD, Jinx obviously, Spuffy always comes in a set, to never separate in my heart and same for Jurdan (yes, it's from the cruel prince. Congrats on remembering the names XD), Luffy absolutely and while I adore Law, Luffy will always be higher level. However, the ship is OTP.
The kid that's got all the genders ... You mean Iruma ?? If so, then ABSOLUTELY, he's my perfect best human and I love him very, very much XD
Allen, yes, absolutely, as well as another character you haven't met yet, but I think you'll easily recognise who's in my heart considering how well you know my tastes. And talking about tastes, while I do cherish Soma from the bottom of my heart, Ciel is my blorbo.
From what I've mostly been reblogging, I'd say you're either missing Tsuna from KHR or Nico from PJO. Maybe. They're both blorbos that I haven't talked about nearly as much as I used to but that still creeps up in my posts from time to time because I'm hung up like that.
And here's an addition to the manga I'll make you read after, aka Pandora Hearts : My blorbos from this are Oz, Leo and Echo.
And I'm willing to bet, you are more than likely going to adore Gilbert.
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