#but i mostly giffed this bc i thought it was a funny deleted scene! and it goes on for longer than just this but i wasn't doing alladat!
dramatical · 3 years
content creator tag
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 10+ other creators to answer the questions! i’m finally getting around doing this after being tagged by so many wonderful creators such as @juliesmolina @stormbreaker @bicarols @miriammaisel & @damnthedark sorry it took me so long i kept forgetting the tags in my likes lol
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: first was this shrek 2 gifset i made for chewbacca and last as of the making of this post was this soul gifset i made for movie-gifs
one of your favorite creations from 2020: this julie + butterflies gifset
a creation you’re really proud of: this finally free gifset for jatp week!
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: oh! blending gifs and playing with typography! this julie/flynn gifset for jatp week has it and i’m really happy with how it turned out
your favorite coloring: this pacrim set i made for movie-gifs
a creation that took you forever: this julie/luke set for jatp week it took me ages and i wasn’t even happy with how it ended lol
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: overall this lilo and stitch set i made for disneyfilms and in my own blog this robots set
a creation you think deserved more notes: it’s hard to get anything over 500 notes these days so i guess this julie/luke set i made recently just bc i really like it and i don’t wanna see it flop so bad lol
a creation with a favorite scene/quote: this queen’s gambit one
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: i joined jatp fandom and i made lots of things for it lol but here is a random one
a creation you made that breaks your heart: this julie/flynn deleted scene one bc i was a wreck making it
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: this emma one just bc of anya taylor-joy’s gorgeous face
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!): this julie/luke set i said a few questions up, it was inspired mostly by @juliesmolinas style so i can’t link a specific post so i’m just mentioning her bc she’s queen and i took inspo of her whole work basically lol
a favorite creation created by someone else: i have too much love for content creators so this is going to be a bit long haha okay first: this julie/luke set by @oswiins bc i lost my entire mind when i saw it // this grand budapest hotel set by @kamalaskhans bc her big gifs are always to die for // this jatp set by @seance bc hello gorgeous typography??? // this perfect harmony references from @alexsmercer bc it’s gorgeous and i so well thought out *-* // this reggie + colors set from @miriammaisel pls lend me some of your talent // this jatp + christmas colors from @milesgmorales for @jatpsource bc honestly? rajan went off with that one // this jatp set from @steviebuds it just looks amazing, the blending, the colors, everything ♥-♥ // this tangled set from @ourteeth so so beautiful // this ghibli + colors from @nyssalance bc it’s perfect and so so good // this toph vs the earth rumble 6 fighters set from @ahssoka bc the comic style way in which it’s done lives in my mind rent free // this jatp +  beautiful ghosts lyrics from @madeline-kahn the legend herself // this hargreeves siblings set from @steviebuds bc i’m still in awe of it like queen spare some talent perhaps? // this pacrim set from @dindjvrins bc she didn’t have to go that hard with her coloring skills // this luke + food places reviews from @lilshitwayne bc it’s hilarious as fuck and so amazingly done // this alex + the signature okay™ from @stewart-booboo bc i just love the way she played with the typographies // this jatp alphabet set from @nora-reid bc it’s amazing and i laughed so much at it and i just really love it
some of your favorite content creators from the year: to name a few: @stars-bean @madeline-kahn @juliesmolina @juliesmolinas @chris-evans @timothyolyphant @miriammaisel @steviebuds @stewart-booboo @molinasjulies @merceralexs @hiraismomo @kieumyvus @goinesjennifer @ferrisbuellers @beccs @nora-reid @dindjvrins @ewan-mcgregor @thegretagerwig @rockyblue @jackmans @lucamarinnelli @iridescentides @coulter @bladesrunner @danslevy @montygreen @tennant @kamalaskhans @hollywoods
a for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: this julie/luke set, this jisoo gif bc angel™, this jatp +  reductress headlines bc it was funny as fuck to make and i have to make a part 2 soon, this julie/luke set where they mention each other, this beth harmon set i made for chewbacca bc i’m obsessed with anya taylor-joy’s face, this lisa set bc i love her and she’s so cute
tagging everyone i mentioned on the replies to the questions (ignore if you did it already tho!!) 
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