#ayyy guess whos BACK
writeyourdarlings · 7 months
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steve would love 1989 tv💕
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lilislegacy · 4 months
don’t get me wrong i love jason grace very much, he’s a doll, but i think the difference between how the camps reacted to the exchange of leaders was SO funny. i think it just goes to show that no matter how amazing other characters are, percy is just that guy
camp half blood: who the hell is this guy? you said your name was jason? where’s percy? have you seen percy? you’re not percy. yeah yeah yeah, son of zeus and whatever, why don’t you just sit down while we all keep looking for percy. good job on your quest i guess but now our camp’s mission is to dedicate the next 6 months to building a ship that will help us go find percy
like even the female leaders react that way lol
annabeth: jason is nothing compared to percy. why is he even here? i don’t trust him. i want percy back. someone find percy goddammit!
reyna: i love and miss jason but now i’ve got percy! this is great im so happy! i wonder if he’ll be my boyfriend…
CHB to jason: CJ with their new percy:
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temozarela · 3 months
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-> miss you already
GETO X READER MDNI, smut, slow burn, fluff, angst, soft geto, comfort, mutual pining
geto finds you after his defection to say goodbye
inspiration (@ayyy-pee)
part 2
ao3 version
The beginnings of dusk settled over the mountains, soft lavender clouds blushing as the amber sun settled behind them. You were settled at your desk, pen loose in your grip as you stared out of your window. The breeze was cool on your cheeks and you knew that it was probably time to pull the windows closed since the remnants of Summer were scarce, only obvious through the very last of the green leaves, of which were tinged red at the very tips. You could see the main courtyard of Jujutsu Tech from your room, meaning that you often knew who was present and where they were. Previously that day, you had watched Geto leave at 7am, then Nanami at 2pm, and Shoko and Gojo- presumably to the bar- at 5pm. You didn’t get offended about the lack of invite, after all, you often said no these days. Since Geto didn’t choose to go out much, you often chose to stay back with him instead. It was nicer than the sweaty noisiness of the bar Shoko liked. It was her special discovery in second year- a bar that didn’t ask for ID. The others quickly adopted it too, and despite them now being of age, they never grew out of it. You guessed they were emotionally attached to it now, despite the poor quality of the drinks. Geto and you often read together on those quieter nights, or you watched shitty horror movies. You had a tendency to be shyer around bigger groups, so being able to have time alone with Geto was nice, and you felt a lot closer to him because of it. You weren’t an idiot though, you knew he got a lot of female attention. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get glared at when you went out together, and there were occasions where girls had come up to you for permission to ask him out. Truthfully, these girls were often stunning, and part of you even resented Geto for being the one who got their attention, especially since he always politely apologised with a bow- or on his lazier days, he gave them Gojo’s number instead. What a waste.
You had been expecting Geto back at 4pm, but you hadn’t seen him come back yet. In an act of desperate boredom, you’d even checked his room, the training areas, the vending machines, and even the classrooms. Nope. No Geto in sight. It was a shame that he wasn’t there for a ‘just us two’ evening, but that concern was long gone by 6pm. Where was he? You had tried texting and calling him. No response. You had even texted Gojo about whether he’d contacted them.
Nah but u sure he isn’t stuck in the toilet or smth? xoxo
And Shoko.
not since tues soz
So there you were, sat at your desk, anxiously watching the school entrance. For a second, you had wondered about reporting him missing, however you shook it off. What could the police do that a special grade sorcerer couldn’t?
By the time it was dark, your back ached and you hadn’t made any progress on your homework for at least 3 hours. 9pm. Something was definitely wrong. You tried not to fret, you had noticed how tired he’d been lately- maybe he had chosen to stay in the city for a while to get his mind off things. You groaned, burying your head in your arms. You really missed him, and the worst part was that you were the only one.
See, Shoko and Gojo had the mindset of ‘if it was something he couldn’t handle, it’d be all over the news’, and you were more sensitive than them- you knew that- but it hadn’t stopped you from turning the news on anyway, letting it drone on in the background. Just in case. However, after a while, the hours of constant murmuring about war, murders, a girl being kidnapped, and heavy rain forecast for the next few days wasn’t doing much for your emotional state, so now you finally reached for the remote, turning it off, and by consequence, plunging yourself into deafening silence.
It was late and you were still in your uniform, you noted. You were tired too.
With a hefty sigh, you collapsed onto your bed, staring at your ceiling. The wind whispered, lowly outside, causing goosebumps to rise on your arms. You idly chided yourself for forgetting to close the window, but you couldn’t find the energy to do anything about it.
Finally, after a few deep breaths, you found solace in sleep.
You narrowed your eyebrows as you felt your body being jolted, large hands gripping your face, and then your shoulders. Groaning softly, you turned in your sleep, trying to make sense of the voice fading in and out of your brain. It didn’t sound like it was from your dream… It was hushed… low… soft…
It sounded like your name.
Cold hands touched your face again, turning your head. In response, your eyelashes fluttered open. You were surprised, in your groggy state, that you couldn’t see your room. Was something blocking your view? Then, regretfully, you noted that your uniform was sticking to your skin, and that you never did change.
Also, it was freezing.
You jumped.
“What the fuck.” You croaked, squinting upwards. “Geto?”
“You fucking stink.”
“Ok, just-”
“No seriously, it’s rancid. Hang on, let me get the light…” You mumbled, blinking sleepily.
“Wait, first I should tell you-” Your numb fingers found the light switch, and you flicked it on.
“Ok, ok,” You paused, eyes widening as his figure was illuminated, and suddenly you were very awake. “What the fuck.”
Geto was dripping with blood. His face, his shirt, his trousers- drenched. You studied his face, head cocked. He thinned his lips, looking… mildly unimpressed.
“As I was trying to say,” He started, “I’m leaving.”
“You… just got here.” You muttered, squinting at him.
“No, I-” Geto sighed, running his dirtied fingers through his loose hair, “I’m leaving Jujutsu Tech.”
“I want to create a world of only Jujutsu sorcerers.” He swallowed, hands clenched by his sides. You stilled, mind buzzing.
“How…” You rubbed your temples, looking around, “How… did you get in here?”
Geto stared at you, dubiously. “That’s what you want to ask?”
You nodded. “I have other questions too, but I lock my door at night and now I have safety concerns.”
“Your window was open.”
“Oh yeah.” You mumbled, running a hand over your face. “Fuck.”
“I’m tired of the higher-ups avoiding the root of the problem, so I’m leaving.” Geto continued, carefully.
“Oh.” You said, struggling to find words. “Right now?”
Geto looked at you strangely, then nodded.
“Do the others know?”
Geto shook his head.
You stared at him for a second, eyebrows furrowed, a pensive frown fixed on your face.
“Holy shit!” You sat up, eyes wide with realisation. “Whose blood is that?” You raised your voice, gesturing at his shirt. You were so used to seeing gore as a sorcerer, it hadn’t even occurred to you that the blood on his clothes was anything strange at all.
“Don’t be so loud.” Geto hissed, “It’s just from some non-sorcerers.”
With a raise of your eyebrows, you scrutinised him, “Just some non-sorcerers’?” You scoffed. “Just? How many?”
He swallowed, “112.”
You blinked at him.
“Just… 112… innocent people?” You replied, slowly.
Geto breathed, deeply, “I had to.”
“What would’ve happened if you didn’t?” Your voice climbed as you gestured frantically.
“I wouldn’t have solidified my resolve.” Geto’s shoulders tensed.
You almost wanted to laugh.
“It’s always you and your fucking resolve, isn’t it?” You muttered, dryly. Geto watched you, uncomfortably, his arms hanging uselessly by his sides. A heavy silence hung in the air like a toppled vase, microseconds away from shattering on the floor.
You sighed heavily, crossing your legs, “So… what now?”
“Come with me.”
“Excuse me?”
Geto crouched to your level, hands reaching for yours, “I don’t care if you hate what I do, just come with me.”
You froze, fingers twitching between his clammy hands.
“You’ll have a home, an allowance, I’ll try to give you the best life possible. I don’t want to leave you here to work 50 hours a week and then to die at 26.”
He had a point.
It was a good offer.
Your eyes darted between Geto’s dark ones. “Why me? Shouldn’t you take Gojo?”
“I couldn’t, even if I wanted to.” Geto squeezed your hands tightly. “Satoru enjoys it- fighting with the higher ups and spending his free time exorcising curses. It’s who he is. It’s not who you are, though.”
“It’s not.” You agreed, softly.
Geto moved to perch on your bed, but you swatted his shoulder, silently gesturing at his bloody clothing. He nodded, an amused glint in his eyes, as he moved to politely kneel on the floor. You climbed out of your bed to sit next to him, shivering slightly at the iciness of the wooden floorboards. Stretching your legs in front of you, you slowly exhaled.
At least he was safe, right?
To be honest, you still didn’t really know what to think of it. It’s not something you had even thought to prepare yourself for. You’d miss him if he left, you knew that. He knew that you didn’t enjoy being a sorcerer, and you were a little pissed that he had used it against you, but he wasn’t wrong. Being a curse user with him didn’t sound half bad, either. It wasn’t an easy decision to make though and he had to understand that.
“We need to get you out of those clothes.” You murmured.
Geto looked at you, “Do you even have anything I can change into?”
You shook your head, “I can stop by your room, I’ll get a bath running.”
“We can’t.” He replied, “I don’t want to be seen.”
“It’s 2am, Geto.” You said shortly after sparing a glance at your clock, “We’ll be fine.”
Geto looked hesitant as you stood up, offering him a hand.
The walk to the bathroom was silent as you snuck past the dorms. Gojo and Shoko were long asleep, so being caught wasn’t too much of a concern. After retrieving a few bits from Geto’s room, you crept into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. The tiles were cold under your bare feet, but you paid it no mind as you turned the bath tap on, waiting for the water to run hot. Behind you, Geto changed out of his ruined uniform, and you willed yourself not to look. Silence settled over the two of you again, but you knew this time it was because you were deep in thought. Once the tub was full, you turned the tap off, stepping back to allow Geto to climb in. He thanked you softly before stepping in, but your eyes were fixed on the floor as your cheeks heated. When you looked up again, you saw that he was mostly submerged by the water, the ends of his inky hair soaked and curling as it floated in the crystalline water. He watched you expectantly, his gaze sweet and warm, like honey, as you rolled your sleeves up.
Carefully, you poured some of the water over his hair using a cup. You then reached for the shampoo. After pouring a dollop onto your palms, you massaged it onto his scalp. He leaned back, sighing softly as you washed his hair, fingernails gently scratching his skull.
“Where are you going next?” You started, continuing to wash his hair.
Geto hummed pensively, “Who knows… Where do you want to go?”
Your hands froze in place. “I never said I’d go.”
“Right,” Geto said, “but you will, won’t you?”
“No.” You replied, defensively.
“No?” He sounded amused.
“In that case, maybe I’ll go abroad…”
You swallowed, “How far?”
“Maybe somewhere pretty like Croatia.”
“…That’s far.”
“It is.” Geto agreed.
“Can I convince you to stay?”
“Ok.” You frowned, resuming the movement of your fingers in his hair. After a moment you stopped again, “What if I promised to join you later?”
Geto sat up.
“I have too many loose ends,” You added, “I don’t want to regret this.”
“How long?”
You exhaled, slowly, “Maybe a year or two?”
Geto looked at you over his shoulder, his stare dark, “That’s long.”
“Well,” Meeting his gaze, you raised an eyebrow, “I hope you’re willing to wait for me, then.”
“I am.” His response was quick, maybe even too quick as it took you off guard.
“Ok.” You nodded slowly, “That works.”
The rest of the bath was quiet, the two of you in contemplating the decisions being made. Only the lulling waves of the water, lapping against the white porcelain tub, alongside both of your soft breaths filled the otherwise silent room. Geto’s hair was silky as you ran your fingers through it. In the light of the bathroom, you noticed how the finer strands looked more chocolate than black, notes of hazel glittering amongst the glistening, dark locks. You squeezed the excess water out of his hair, then dried your hands on your trousers. Afterwards, you moved to stand in front of the bath so that you could see his face. He looked elegant. It seemed that he had either lost, or chosen not to wear his gauges as his gaping earlobes hung, empty. You realised then that you had never seen him without them before. It was different. Previously, you had brushed his hair away from his face, allowing you to see him without obstruction, and you thanked yourself for it now. His face was chiselled, everything about him seeming so sharp from his cheekbones, to his jawline. There seemed to be more colour behind his tanned skin, at least more than there used to be. The purple blotching under his brooding eyes was still there from months of exhaustion, but his facial expressions no longer held that lingering fatigue anymore. He looked healthier, happier even, than he had for a while. Geto’s thin eyebrows were raised as he stared at you, no doubt because you were staring at him. You couldn’t help it though, the way droplets tumbled down his broad shoulders was hypnotising and you almost wanted to condemn the water for concealing the rest of his body under a thick layer of bubbles.
“Are you done?” Geto drawled, sounding equal parts charmed and bored.
You cocked your head, furrowing your eyebrows, “No, not quite.” You muttered, absentmindedly.
He really was beautiful.
In that moment you understood every girl who had given you death glares for standing with him, and every girl who had boldly asked for his number. God knows, you’d be too scared to. You pitied that they were never able to see him like this. Every girl deserved this at least once, you thought, it was definitely more therapeutic than anything a psychiatrist could offer you.
Lethargically, you stretched your arms above your head, yawning. “Ok, yeah I’m done.”
For a second, it seemed that Geto was trying to glare at you, but starting with the slight twitch of his mouth, he broke into soft, flustered laughter.
“Fuck,” He ran a hand over his face. “You really are something, aren’t you?”
Suddenly unsure of how to respond, you looked at him, wide-eyed, your cheeks burning.
Geto smiled at you affectionately, “Just pass me my towel, please.”
You nodded, reaching for the white, fluffy towel you had left out for him. When Geto made a move to get out, you covered your eyes.
“I was meaning to ask,” His voice sounded somewhere behind you, “how come you’re still wearing your uniform?”
Oh yeah.
“I didn’t exactly intend to fall asleep like this, you know.” Your hand moved from your face to pull at the creased fabric, self-consciously. “I was kinda distracted yesterday.”
“Oh?” The rustling of Geto’s clothing paused. “How come?”
You scoffed, “Because you went missing? I had the news on and everything.”
“You did?” He cooed, teasingly, pulling a shirt over his head, judging from what you could hear.
“…Yes.” You scowled.
The way he said your name after that was far softer than you had ever heard it before. It made you feel warm in every nook and cranny of your body, like fire spreading from your cheeks, and flickering inwards to consume your beating heart. When you felt his hand land on your shoulder, you tensed, chewing on the inside of your cheek with anticipation.
“I’m sorry.” He said, voice low and smooth.
You turned to see him changed into a white t-shirt and grey joggers. “Really?”
Geto nodded, “I didn’t realise that you’d worry.”
“Of course I would.” You looked up at him, carefully studying his face.
“I know it’s selfish but… I’m glad you did.”
His confession made you smile warmly.
“Stay the night.” It wasn’t a question, you knew that he wouldn’t be able to find a hotel room at this time.
Geto shook his head, “You know I can’t, my room is directly next to Satoru’s. It’s too risky.”
You rolled your eyes, fondly, “Stay in mine, then. Shoko won’t wake up until 3 in the afternoon.”
He opened his mouth to protest.
“This is non-negotiable, by the way.” You added.
His mouth closed.
By the time Geto had tucked himself into your bed, you had changed into pyjamas. It was cute seeing him snuggled next to your plushies, it just seemed so… right. You climbed in next to him, unable to close the gap between you, despite yourself. Admittedly, you had been expecting some kind of argument over who would take the bed and who would offer to sleep on the floor but end up taking the bed anyway, but much to your relief, Geto seemed too exhausted to care. You weren’t going to complain. For a while, you just watched each other, wordlessly, eyes half-lidded.
“Will you be gone when I wake up?”
You knew the answer, but you asked anyway.
Geto shifted under the covers, brushing his hand against yours. “Probably.”
He watched you for a moment, moving his hand to cup your cheek. Like many times that night, you met his gentle gaze, leaning into his touch, gingerly.
“A year is a long time.” Geto murmured.
You agreed.
“It’s a long time to wait to do something I’ve been wanting to do for months.”
Fuck anything you had said before about being tired, you were wide awake.
“Excuse me?”
Geto smiled at you, lopsidedly, “Sorry if I read you wrong but… I like you. I really do.”
“And…” You swallowed.
“I want to say goodbye to you… properly.”
“I’d like that, Geto.” You whispered.
Before you knew it, he was on top of you, muscular thighs hugging your hips. You sat up, hands reaching to pull him down by his collar. When your lips crashed into his, you felt euphoric. As his warm lips moved against yours, your hands moved to his hips, slipping under his t-shirt to trace the ridges of his abs. You felt his muscles tense as you touched them, paired with a low ‘fuck’, whispered into your mouth. When Geto leaned back to peel his shirt off, you instantly missed his body, but the sight of his torso in full was… jaw-dropping. Without doubt, you knew that he was the kind of man that the Ancient Greeks erected temples for. Everything about him was beautiful, from the dusky areola which orbited his nipples, to the trail of hair below his navel. You swallowed, running your hands up his torso. In response, Geto leaned down, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
Next to go was your shirt, which ended up on your floor next to his. Geto’s hands were quick to cup your breasts, fingers brushing the sensitive nubs as he gently squeezed them. You whimpered, softly, looking up at his focused face.
“Please…” You arched your back, pushing your chest towards him. He swore under his breath before pushing you down so you were horizontal. In an act of fleeting tenderness, he brushed your hair from your face, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, before attacking your neck with bites and kisses. You gasped as his hands roamed downwards, grazing over your stomach before his fingers strayed under your waistband. He paused his work on your neck to look up at you, silently checking on you with a sweet smile. You nodded, slipping one of your hands into his damp hair as you guided his head back to your neck. Without hesitation, he started pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin, no doubt leaving a myriad of marks. When his hand breached your pyjama bottoms, cupping your cunt with excruciating affection, your stomach erupted with butterflies.
“How- do you- want- me?” He asked you between kisses, nose buried in the crook of your neck.
You swore, hips uselessly pushing against his touch, “I’m really not picky.” You rushed, becoming more and more desperate for his touch.
Geto snorted, pressing a gentle kiss against the column of your throat, “That’s not very helpful, sweetheart.”
“Just- touch me!” You whined, impatiently, your grip on his hair tightening. As you tugged, Geto made a low noise at the back of his throat.
“Whore.” You laughed breathlessly as he playfully bit down on your neck, his fingers finally slipping between your folds.
Geto smirked into your neck and you could feel it. “I wouldn’t be getting so cocky, if I were you.” He warned, circling your clit with his fingertip.
“Do your worst.” You grinned, pulling his face back to yours to make out with him again. When you pulled his hair again, he moaned against your lips oh-so prettily, fuelling the burning lust inside of you. You were hyper-aware of every graze of his skin against you, somehow his fingers against you felt 10 times better than you own and it made you insatiable. You could feel the coil in your lower stomach begin to snap as Geto’s tongue fucked your mouth, shamelessly moaning against your tongue. You were so close, soso close…
Geto pulled away, watching you with a grin. “Sorry, sweetheart.” He kissed your cheek, apologetically, “I’m impatient, and I really fucking need you right now.”
Despite your initial frustration, his words set your heart alite as you whined. He grunted as he lifted his hips, enabling you to kick your pyjama bottoms off, hastily. When you spread your legs for him, he sat back, using his middle and index finger to spread your dripping folds.
“Fuck.” He breathed, pressing his thumb against your entrance, “You’re soaked.”
Your hips involuntarily jutted into his touch, desperately searching for more.
“Geto, please.” You begged, hands clenching your sheets. His eyes flickered up to yours, his gaze dark.
“Suguru.” He muttered, starting to palm himself through his joggers, “Please. Call me Suguru.”
In the moonlight, the outline of his cock looked more impressive than any Renaissance painting you’d ever seen. You needed him so badly it hurt.
“Fuck, Suguru…” You pressed your thighs together, needily, as you watched him pull his joggers down, his cock hard and heavy, springing to stand against his lower stomach.
He was big.
No fuck that, he was massive.
You knew you had never even tried anything that big in your life, but maybe it was the way his precum dribbled down his thick shaft, you didn’t feel nervous at all.
Geto leaned in to kiss you softly, uttering gentle praise as he pressed his leaking tip to your entrance. Your fingers found purchase around his neck, fingernails digging in at the ache of the intrusion.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Geto groaned against your lips, “Fuck, you feel so good, so fucking wet for me…”
Once he was halfway in, he slowed to kiss your cheek. “Such a good fucking girl.”
Impatiently, you rocked your hips against him, making him slide in further. You moaned, gasping at the feeling of being so full.
Geto wasn’t faring so well either, letting low whines slip as he inched in a little more until his hips were flush with yours.
His eyes met yours desperately, “You ok?” He swallowed, watching you carefully as you adjusted.
“Mhm.” You uttered, weakly, “You can move.”
Geto nodded, cheeks flushed, as he experimentally fucked into you, the steady slapping of your skin speeding up as you begged him for more. With a groan, he buried his head in your neck, releasing soft pants and grunts against your bruised skin. You cried out, nails raking down his back as his pace bordered on lethal as he pounded into you, forcing your body up and down your bed.
“Mhmm, ‘Sugu!” You whined, arching your back as he pressed inside of you. Geto nipped your neck, hands securing your hips as he changed his angle, hitting that sweet spot inside of you that made you drool.
“Right there- right there- please-“
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he abused your cunt, the wetness soaking the insides of your thighs and no doubt Geto’s crotch as well.
“Right there?” He teased, but his voice was husky and it was clear he was approaching his peak from the way he grunted after. One of his hands moved from its position on your hips, instead pressing down on your lower stomach. You wailed, thrashing against him as the burning pressure in your lower stomach climbed. You were so close.
“Fuck, please- Suguru I need you-” You were cut off by Geto’s lips as his hand moved to where you needed it the most, his fingers rubbing your sensitive clit. His pace sped up as he chased his own orgasm, the heat of your core irresistible to him.
“Fuck.” Geto groaned, “Can I?”
Your thighs tightened around his waist against your will. “Fuck no.” You hissed between kisses.
It was too good, you didn’t want him to pull out, and you knew sure as hell that he didn’t either. You couldn’t risk it though.
With a final pinch of your swollen clit, you came, legs shaking and fingers tugging at his hair as you cried out. Geto wasn’t far behind, swearing as he pulled out despite your legs trapping him in.
With a few final tugs of his length, he came on your stomach, panting as he watched his spend dripped down your thighs.
You closed your eyes, basking in the sleepiness of the aftermath. Somewhere next to you, Geto moved, leaning over you before you felt soft fabric on your lower stomach, cleaning up his mess on your body and your own mess between your thighs.
“Thanks.” You muttered, sleepily.
When Geto finally lay down next to you, he pulled you into his arms, kissing your forehead tenderly.
“I’ll see you again one day.” He whispered against your skin.
“You will.” You murmured, ignoring the lump in your throat, “One day.”
Geto released a content hum which vibrated in his chest and throat.
“I miss you already.”
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Ayyy I'm back with another request
No hurry on this, though, because you wrote me an amazing one not long ago and I want you to have some well-earned rest.
Anyway, can I please request a poly!marauders where the r has glasses and they see her without her glasses for the first time. I wear glasses and am mildly insecure about wearing them and taking them off. It's a vicious cycle😭 I'd adore having some lovey-dovey boys fawning over me regardless of my eyewear
Thanks a million
Here you go my love! Thanks for requesting <3
modern au
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 925 words
You touch your middle finger to the bridge of your nose, pushing up frames that aren’t there. You feel immediately silly. How long will it take to kick that habit?
You have to admit, it’s nice to not have to worry about your lenses fogging as you stir the boiling water, or your glasses slipping off when you peer into the pot to check on the pasta. Still, this new freedom feels oddly like it’s come at a cost. It seems a bit ridiculous to miss your glasses, but it’s been years since you’ve been without them, and you feel sort of naked. Your face looks different in the reflection of the microwave, nothing obscuring the area around your eyes. It’s odd to see yourself so clearly without anything in the way. 
The door opens, Sirius’ voice booming. “You’ll never believe what happened on the way home.”
“What?” you call, and you can hear him kick off his shoes in just any direction, the thump thump thump of them bouncing on the floor. Later, Remus will straighten them with a patient sigh. Sirius’ footsteps head for the kitchen.
“This guy stopped me to ask for the time, and I told him, and he said—whoa. Hey baby, what’s new?”
You smile down at the pasta. “He called you baby?”
“I…what? No, you’re baby.” Sirius shakes his head before you look up and he realizes you’re messing with him. Never one to lose the upper hand, he fixes you with one of his suaver looks, eyes narrowing until they’re mostly gray and a smirk twisting his lips. “Don’t play coy with me, pretty thing. You think you can distract me from all this?” Triumph sparks in his eyes as you feel your face warm, and he presses on. “Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”
You roll your eyes, opening a cabinet door between you to grab the olive oil. “It’s my Clark Kent plan. You’re not supposed to recognize me, so I guess it’s not working.” 
“Takes more than glasses to fool me, sweetheart.” His voice is silky smooth, but when you close the cabinet, he’s studying you. “It’s a good look. I like you both ways, obviously, but variety is the spice of life or whatever. Maybe we should get James to switch it up every now and then.” 
Remus emerges from down the hall, drawn out by your voices.
“Moons, have you seen this?” Sirius asks. “Someone’s replaced our girl with one who has working eyes.” 
“Not working eyes,” you correct him, self-conscious as Remus comes over, his eyebrows lifting slightly, “an old glasses prescription. I’m switching to contacts until I can get a new pair.” 
“You look nice,” Remus says, that mild, effortless kindness in his tone. “Does it feel different?”
“Weird,” you agree, taking the pot off the stove. Remus anticipates you, bringing the colander to the sink, and you give him a smile of thanks. “I feel like Velma from Scooby Doo, you know? Like my eyes look like tiny little dots without them.” 
Sirius scoffs, and Remus' voice is lightly chiding when he says, “They’re not. You look just as lovely now as you did with them on.” 
You barely have time to blush before Sirius is upon you, stepping into your space. “And,” he says, “let’s try this.” He kisses you, and you can’t claim you weren’t expecting it but you’re far from ready, grateful for the support of his hand at your waist as you feel your knees go a bit wobbly. Sirius presses his mouth into yours heavily, nose pushing at the skin of your cheek. When he pulls back, you feel like you’re reeling. “See? Much easier without those wide frames in the way.”
“You’re the worst,” you say, and Remus chuckles as James steps into the kitchen. You hadn’t even heard the door open. 
“What, without me?” he asks, taking in you and Sirius’ proximity and the wetness of your lips. Then hardly a beat later, “You’re not wearing your glasses.” 
“She needs a new prescription,” Sirius says, stepping away from you to pour the strained pasta back into the pot like nothing’s happened. “She’s wearing contacts for now.” 
“Whoa.” James moves closer, looking at your face like he hasn’t had the chance to really inspect it until now. “So when you get your new glasses, can we help you pick?”
Sirius whips around in his excitement, and Remus moves him aside before the pasta can start to stick, adding olive oil and the herbs you’d cut up to the pot. “I hadn’t even thought of that,” Sirius gawps at you. “We have to, it’ll be so fun.” 
You try to imagine it, your boyfriends focussing intently on your face as they assess which frames suit you best. It’d be the peak of flattery and awkwardness. “Okay,” you say, busying yourself with getting water for everyone. “I could use the extra input.” 
“I’m sure whatever you pick will look great,” James promises, taking a couple of cups from you with a kiss to your cheek. “If you want, you should pick up some more contacts while we’re there, too.”
“Maybe,” you muse. “But which do you like better—with, or without glasses?”
“Either way, dove,” Remus hums, dishing out his helping of pasta. “The differences are tiny, and it’s still you.” 
“Yeah, I can’t pick,” Sirius agrees, getting in line behind Remus. “You can do your Clark Kent bit all you want, but you’re gonna look like our gorgeous girl both ways.” 
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chellestrash · 11 months
Birthday Girl
Mikey Berzatto x Female Reader 
Summary: You show up at The Beef on your birthday, a bit earlier than Mikey was expecting you. But that's alright, you'll still get your birthday gift, dont you worry.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex, unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, teasing, praises, pet names
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: Hi hellooo! So, this is a late birthday gift for my sweet @chelseasdagger because I know how hard she fell for Mikey, especially with how he looks in season 2? The beard?! I mean we all love it right? Thank you @suitsofwo3 for proofreading this mess and I hope those of you who choose to read it will enjoy it. This is my first time writing for Mikey so I hope I did him justice but if I didn't...dont tell me, thank you. 
@chelseasdagger Pea I hope you’ll like this, this is all written with you in mind, and I know we talked about a lot of different ideas for birthday fics over the year and this is I guess a bit different but I hope its still okay. I love you, happy birthday!
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You straighten up the dress one last time and clear your throat, mentally preparing yourself for the chaos that's about to ensue the moment you step through the door of the Berzatto restaurant. You loved The Beef, of course you did. You enjoyed most of the time you chose to spend helping around the sandwich shop, but you also knew how overwhelming it could get.
Pushing the designated staff door on the back of the building, you step inside.
You jump at the sound and smile at Richie, waving your hand as he sets down the tray of dirty dishes and makes his way over to you the moment he notices your presence.
“Well, well, well, look who it is.” He starts, his arms spread open and a big, welcoming smile on his face as he looks you up and down quickly, nodding his head in approval. You can't help but smile, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.”
“Thanks Richie! I look okay?” You ask, after he hugs you tightly, quickly getting rid of the jacket to fully present your outfit.
“Well, I'd say, fucking great actually, not okay. Okay is not…” He steps back, gesturing over your body, and you shake your head slightly amused, waiting for him to finish the thought.
“Okay is not…doesn’t do it justice, actually.”
You let out a chuckle, rolling your eyes at the compliment.
“What doesn’t do what justice?" Marcus pops his head in from around the corner, and you watch how his face lights up the second his eyes are on yours.
“Oh shit, look who it is!”
“I said that already.” Ritchie points out, and both you and Marcus breathe out a soft laugh.
“Good to see you.”
You step further into the restaurant, meeting him halfway, before he pulls you into a big hug. Brushing his hand over your back, he holds you there for a little longer before finally letting go.
“Happy birthday, that was a special birthday hug.” He announces, and you nod with an impressed expression.
Marcus agrees, doing his best to look completely serious before you ask.
“What makes it special?"
Your eyebrows pull together as you watch him attempt to come up with some serious explanation before he shakes his head.
“Can't tell you.”
“And why is that?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.”
You blink, not knowing what answer you were expecting, but it obviously wasn’t anything along those lines. He winks, a big smile on his face as you both step into the kitchen now and you’re left with no other choice than to just accept the explanation.
You walk past the stoves, careful not to disturb the somehow chaotic but still functional ecosystem the Berzatto brothers managed to create within the restaurant.
“Behind.” You rest your hand on Tina's shoulder, and she turns around quickly, her whole face lighting up, her arms almost immediately wrapping around you as she pulls you into a hug.
“Ayyy my Love, happy birthday!” She cups your face, kissing your cheek before letting go.
“Thank you, Tina, thank you.” You hug her back, and she nods, the smile never leaving her face.
“How are you, how's the birthday girl, huh?” She asks, glancing over your outfit, clearly impressed.
No one here has ever really seen you dressing up like this. Today was…a bit of a special occasion.
"Weird. Tina, Richie, gave me a compliment. Richie! You believe that?"
You hear the man's voice from the other side of the kitchen, and both you and Tina turn in the direction of the sound.
“I'm being nice!”
“I know!” You shout back, ducking under Ebra's arm when he walks past you. Smiling from eye to eye once he notices you, the man stops for a moment.
He nods, showing you he means the dress and the way you look in it.
You nod with a smile, thanking him for the compliment, before he quickly wishes you a happy birthday as well.
Walking around the restaurant, you quickly greet everyone working today. Passing by Sugar and Syd you stop to talk to them for a little bit and they both give you their best wishes and compliments on your outfit as well. Stepping away after a moment, you look around the place with an intention of eventually finding your boyfriend out there but bumping into the rest of the crew you’re unable to complete your mission.
Fak, in a typical Fak fashion, stands in front of you with his mouth wide open the second he sees you, clearly impressed by your chosen look for this special evening.
“Oh my god, you look so pretty!”
You feel your cheeks heating up, not even trying to hide the way the compliments got to you any longer.
“You think so?”
Twirling slightly, you show off the way the dress moves with your body, the silky, soft fabric contrasting with the harsh, industrial interior of the restaurant kitchen. You feel out of place but at the same time, somehow they all make you feel like you’ve never fit in better anywhere else.
“Yeah, you look like a freaking princess!” He continues, walking around you in a circle before turning to face the rest of the crew. “You guys seen this?”
They all nod, smiling and glancing in your direction, and you feel so thankful for all of them in that moment.
“Seen what?” You hear the familiar voice behind you and quickly turn around to face Carmy. Stepping into the restaurant, most likely after a smoke break, he sees you for the first time that day.
“Hey!” You smile.
“Heyyy, yo…you look great, holy shit!”
Pushing his hand through the mess of blond curls, he scratches the top of his head, quickly glancing up and down your body before shaking his head softly.
“Sorry, happy birthday.”
You both smile as he pulls you in for a warm hug.
“Thank you bear.” You mumble quietly, your hand rubbing up and down his back a couple of times before letting go.
“Course! You need anything?" Carmy asks after you two step away from each other.
“Oh right, yeah. Office.” He points in the direction of the small room right by the “employees area” and you nod, thankful for the help.
You turn back and wave at the few people still looking at you before crossing the hall in a couple of quick steps.
You push the door open and step inside the small, mostly dark room. It's messy, very busy and there's hardly any rhyme or reason to the way the space is ‘organized.’ It screams ‘Mikey’.
You watch the older Berzatto brother while he talks on the phone for another moment, before turning to face you at the sound of the door closing behind you. You wave, not saying anything as you do not wish to interrupt any, possibly, important business. A quiet laugh still slips past your lips, when you watch his eyes open wide at the sight of you.
You gesture over the dress, pushing your hip out to the side before posing. Mikey sinks his teeth into his lower lip, nodding his head to the quiet words on the phone as if the person could somehow see him.
“Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back, man.” He finally speaks up, and you glare at him with a confused expression.
“What? Yeah, emergency.” He lies before hanging up and quickly throwing his phone onto the desk.
The way his eyes shine when he looks at you makes you feel like your insides are doing jumping jacks. You try your best to remain looking completely unphased but the way his eyes skim over the dress, the way his expression softens and his body slumps slightly, simply just from seeing you there, makes your knees weak.
“Holly Fucking SHIT!” He looks away but quickly turns back to you, squinting his eyes with his head tilted to the side, he attempts to take in the whole picture one more time.
“You like it? Looks good?” You ask, your cheeks aching from the constant smiling, as you feel, possibly, the best you’ve felt all day.
“Good?!” Mikey almost shouts, offended that you'd even try to use such an underwhelming word to describe yourself.
“You fucking-” He starts, taking a step in your direction before you push your leg out, the dress lifting up your leg slight, and he lets out a whine and a grunt before kneeling on the floor right in front of you.
“Oh Mikey come-” You try to stop him, but he doesn't move.
“Holy fuck baby what-you're tryna kill me here i-” He asks, hands already reaching up, longing for the feel of your body against his palms.
You feel yourself getting warmer, the excitement making your heart pound harder in your chest when you glance down to see your boyfriend, Mikey Berzatto, on his knees for you.
“Can I touch you, babygirl? Hmm?” He asks, and you nod, somehow managing to keep your cool and not completely lose it over the way he acts when it comes to you.
“Oh fuck, yeah? Can I touch you here?” His rummbly voice rings out in your head when you feel his fingers brushing the sides of your hips over the fabric of the dress.
“That okay?”
You nod quickly, quicker than you'd like, quicker than a completely composed and not freaking out at the moment person would do.
He hums quietly, tracing over your body for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. Tilting his head up, he stares at you in silence for a couple seconds before speaking again.
“Don’t think I can do it.”
“Don’t think you can do what Mikey bear?” You ask, pushing your hand through the thick dark hair, and you watch him hum quietly after he leans into your touch.
“Don’t think I can wait…till after dinner.”
You pause, pulling your hand away, and fight back the smile when he looks up at you, completely serious.
“Mikey.” You start, but he continues.
“You look too fucking good baby, how the fuck do you expect me to keep it together for another.-" He glances back at the small, long broken clock on the wall of the small office before turning his face back to you. “Couple hours."
You breathe out a quiet laugh, shaking your head in disbelief, and he wraps his arms around the top of your legs, right under your ass. Pulling you closer, he rests his head against your lower stomach, following the action up with a theatrical sigh.
“It's too good.”
“I mean you told me it's a fancy dinner Mikey, you shot yourself in the foot.” You talk back, and he thinks it over for a moment, ultimately deciding that you're probably right.
“Yeah well…" He mumbles under his breath, pushing his face against your body again, he leaves a kiss right between your legs through the soft fabric of the dress.
“Fuck baby.”
You feel his hands again, feel how they slowly travel lower and lower down your body, his fingers tug at the hem on the bottom of the dress before you feel his touch on your skin. Brushing his fingers up and down your skin, Mikey keeps his head up, watching your face for ques and indications, a confirmation that this isn't something only he wanted.
You agree, encouraging him with a small nod and a quiet hum, the gentle feeling of his fingertips on your skin makes your body relax, and you take a deep breath in, closing your eyes for a moment before leaning back on the door.
The sensation of the soft silky fabric grazing over your skin as Mikey pulls it higher up your body makes your hips inch forward. Pulling the dress the few last inches up, he stops suddenly.
“Shit.” He whispers, his warm breath glides over your skin, and you glance down to check on him.
“Hey baby? Remind me please…is it your birthday or mine?”
The question caches you off guard, and you bunch up the dress, looking down at him slightly confused.
His eyes are fixed on the cute pair of panties you chose to wear, they were new, he hadn't seen them yet, it was going to be a surprise…later.
He pulls the fabric a couple inches away from your body before suddenly letting go, the waistband snaps back in place, and he looks up at you with a sly smirk.
“Lucky me, huh?” He teases, and you feel your legs pushing together, the way he was able to turn this whole thing around, to get you wet in a matter of seconds was basically like a special skill of his.
Mikey ducks his head under the fabric of your dress and after a moment you feel his warm kisses press against the skin right above the waistband of your underwear.
A gasp slips past your lips when his fingers hook over the hem, and you reach to lock the door behind you.
Both of you knowing what's about to happen.
"Mikey.” Your attempt is unsuccessful, and he chuckles, seeing your efforts after popping his head from under the dress.
“Yeah no that doesn't—it's busted baby, can't do shit about it now, you'll have to be quiet. Think you can do that?”
You nod, eagerly waiting to feel him on you.
“Yeah? That’s my girl.” He smirks, holding you a little tighter before he ducks his head under the fabric again.
You feel his lips on your skin again, the kisses travel from your lower tummy, over your panties and down to your thighs. The familiar warmth between your legs feels almost burning hot when you feel his fingers brush over the fabric in the most sensitive spot.
He has your full attention, all your senses focus on him to the point where your brain tunes out your surroundings. The small room feels darker now, somehow more secluded, the background
noise of the busy restaurant disappearing almost completely as you let your body relax into your boyfriend’s touch.
Mikey slowly gets rid of the cute pair of panties, pulling the fabric down your legs, following with a trail of small kisses before finally letting go, allowing them to fall to your ankles.
A quiet moan slips past your lips when he pushes your legs open slightly, his face so close to your core now, his warm breath feeling almost electric on your skin.
Mikey works around you for a moment, his tongue following the path his lips create with the kisses over your pussy, on your highs and right under your tummy. You feel his fingers digging deeper into your thighs and ass before he finally pulls you even closer. And with a satisfied hum, he pushes his tongue against you.
You whine quietly, and he breathes out a little laugh, continuing to work you over and over again while you pull the skirt up and off of his head, so you can bury your fingers in his hair again. Your hips buck forward, working as a cue for him to keep going. Your head falls back, and you bite your lip in order to somehow attempt to keep quiet like he instructed you. The sweet combination of licks, kisses and Mikey sucking your clit into his mouth making it almost impossibly difficult, and some part of you keeps telling you Michael Berzatto was fully aware of what he was doing.
“Mmmm-mikey-“ You start. Feeling your body slowly giving into the pleasure, despite you trying to last longer.
“Mmmhh” He hums gently against you, the rumbly sensation causing another moan to slip past your lips. Mikey knew what he was doing, he knew you, he knew your body and most importantly, he knew what you liked, he knew how to make you feel good. You’ve explained it to him before, and he proved to be a great listener.
With your clit in his mouth, his tongue flicking against it repeatedly, Mikey looks up at you, watching the expressions on your face change, your body move as you start to feel yourself getting closer.
Your breathing shallows and you can feel your heart pounding faster now that he’s gotten you to this point.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp, gripping his dark hair tighter when you feel your body twitch at the feeling.
“Yeah?” Mikey pulls away finally, his beard wet from you, shining in the dim light of the desk lamp, the only source of light in the small room at this moment. His fingers fill in for his mouth as he continues to work over your center as he talks.
“Yeah? You want it, baby?”
You nod, closing your eyes and biting down on your lip when he pushes his palm harder against you. Rocking your hips back and forth you add onto the feeling and when the heel of his palm hits your clit you whine out, louder than you would’ve liked.
“Shit, you sound so pretty baby, you know that.” He praises, not trying to tease you in any way anymore, clearly wanting this as much as you do. Your little sounds of pleasure making his jeans feel so incredibly tight, he could swear he feels himself getting lightheaded.
“You wanna feel me, baby?” He asks, slipping one finger inside you, but you both already know the answer.
Nodding energetically, you feel yourself clenched around his two fingers.
“Oh fuck, you're so perfect.” He mumbles, his voice almost breaking when he realizes if you keep this up, he most likely won't last much longer.
“Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you need.”
Unable to fight your own body, you lower yourself on his fingers, the wet sound filling the room for a second before you somehow manage to speak.
“I want to feel your-, Mikey, I need-”
The whine bounces around inside his head when he slips his two fingers out of you. He stands up quickly, his hand on the side of your face as he tilts your chin up and his lips press against yours.
Led by him, you stumble towards the desk, not wanting to break the kiss, you lick over his lips, tasting yourself on him for a second before he spins you around.
“This what you want? Hm?” He asks, already bunching up the fabric of the dress, and you buck your ass into the bulge in his jeans as a response.
“Fuck.” He grunts, gripping onto the edge of the desk to hold himself back for a second. “Fuck, that’s my girl, so fucking perfect.”
The repeated praise makes you feel lightheaded, you can barely hear him unbuckle the belt and pull the jeans down before pulling himself out of his boxers.
You look over your shoulder watching him work over his length a couple of times and reach back to do it for him. He grabs your hand, moving it back to the desk before holding both of your wrists above your head while you bend over the wooden counter in front of him.
“No, baby, today is about you. Got it?”
You nod, feeling the tip of his cock tease your entrance.
“Good girl, hold tight.”
You do, you grip the edge of the desk, digging your nails into the wood just as hard as Mikey's fingers dig into your thighs.
The table moves with the first thrust, and you feel your mouth falling open when you feel your body push forward on the wooden counter.
“Oh fuck” You whimper and feel his hand immediately on yours.
“I'm here, I'm here baby, good job.” He praises again, and you grip his hand tighter, feeling his hips begging to rock back and forth, his cock moving inside you. The pace is steady but slow for the first moment, and it doesn't take you long to adjust yourself properly to his size. He speeds up only after your little whines, when he knows it's your way of asking for more.
“That’s it baby.”
He continues to guide you, holding onto your hand, pushing inside you deeper and faster now. Your eyes begin to water and your legs push together, your body's way of telling you it's almost time. You hum, attempting to let your boyfriend know, and he reassures you.
“I know, I know, I can feel it.”
He speeds up the pace one last time, grabbing onto your hips tighter in order to help you move back and forth on his cock, just to make the feeling a bit more intense.
Your lips part and you pant loudly, hearing the pounding of your heart in your head and feeling it against the wooded desk under your chest.
Unable to fight back the sounds anymore, you whine and moan loud enough for him to hear them over his own grunts. Feeling your body tensing up, you cry out his name and when he slips his free hand between your bodies to touch you, your body tenses up one more time before relaxing completely after you come undone around him.
He makes sure you ride out the orgasm, that, or he just can't really stop himself at this point, trying to follow closely after you. With a loud grunt and a couple of swear words, he pushes deep one more time before coming inside you. The thick, warm liquid fills you up just how you like it, and you push your hips back one more time when he attempts to pull himself out.
“Woah, easy.” He laughs, his hand on your ass now as he holds you in place before taking a step back. You feel the cum leak out, dripping down your leg for a moment before he finally speaks again.
“I can't fucking look at that, or we'll have to go again.”
You laugh, still attempting to catch your breath before pushing yourself off the desk. Mikey steps closer, offering you his arm to hold onto as you try to stand up straight, while he lets the fabric of the dress fall back into place. His own clothes already pulled back up, looking somewhat presentable.
“What if…,” You start watching him grab some paper towels from a shelf. “What if I wouldn’t mind going again?” You ask and he snorts quietly, gently pulling your clothes back up before wiping most of the thick white liquid off of the sides of your thighs.
“I know you wouldn't sweetheart.” He starts, glancing up at you with the most genuine smile, the love and admiration in his eyes almost making you blush like he didn’t just fuck you over his office desk.
Placing a kiss right between your legs, he quickly stands back up.
“But-” He continues, holding your hand up to help you step out of the panties still stuck around your ankles.
“We have a reservation."
He reminds you of the actual plans for today before bending over to grab the panties off the floor and shoving them into his pocket.
“We can't be late for that, huh?”
You shake your head, knowing he’s right.
“Yeah, c'mere.” He sits down on the desk chair, pulling you into his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
You sigh loudly, and he lets you rest your head against his chest. Pressing three gentle kisses right at the top, he holds you even tighter. His thumb bushing over your skin, his breathing helping your own slow down.
“You felt good?” He asks quietly and you nod with a smile.
“You know, I always do.”
“Well…I gotta make sure you know? I mean, if there's room for improvement-“
You laugh, looking up at him and cupping his face with your hand.
“I mean I gotta know baby! It’s the law, you have to tell me.”
“Yeah, they just made it a law this morning.”
“Oh, oh well, that’s wonderful to know.”
You cuddle up into him some more, letting your eyes close for a second.
“Yo Mikey, what the fuck are you doing, we need you in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!” Mikey shouts back, covering your ears before he does so, just to try to not disturb you as much. You both laugh at his choice of words before he leans down for one last kiss.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.” He whispers, his lips brushing over you when you nod softly. Your arms now wrapped around his neck.
"I ain't done with you yet."
You smile softly at the promise.
“Thank you, Bear.”
He winks, walking over to the door.
"Rest up, baby. I love you."
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justcallmesakira · 4 months
HIII OMG I haven’t had a good laugh in a while until i came across your fyodor’s sis dating dazai hcs IT GOT ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR 😭 can i request for dazai’s sister dating fyodor if you’re up for it? fluff crack make it silly if you want i’ll enjoy anything from you for sure!!
"Dazai with a sister dating Fyodor!"
Sypnosis: Uh oh! Looks like Dazais one and only sister he grew up with is dating a rat who the entirety of yokohama is after!
Genre: crack, suggestive? (idk sth is wrong with me)
Warning: More blasting, bombing, terrorrist, rizz,
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nahhh like brother like sister :/
NO BCS i feel like fyodor just wanted to temper dazai by using his ugly breedable charms on you
But it backfired terribly! (like his posture)
Though you were his one and oNlY eNeMyS blood relative he just couldnt help but flirt with you and perhaps ykyk do those romantic stuff ppl do
This is so ooc rn ;skull emoji 69x;
However you were extremly LIKE extremly careful to not let your brother know
You literly sneaked off the house as if you were sneaking inthe kitchen to cook a whole buffet at 3am!!
Except you were sneaking off to EAT a whole buffet😏😏
Even the rat himself helped you to sneak to his rusty ahh apartment
Wow! The first thing he actually did for others!!!!!
Honestly dazai would be chill though-
Like oh his sister is dating someone? welp sure! i have exes all around the city hope its not one of them though hehe...HeHe
You took the risk of rizzing fyodor up infront of him though like:
"I am crime, I am punishment" you: "I know something else you can punish :3"
Dazai woke back from the dead with em bones fish eye when u said that
When he find out though.....oh god hes going to give you that light skin stare, with his eyes turning into nothing but a pitch black void
One day you met up with fyodor and you were so excited that you nearly threw his anemic ass to the ground
"Yaaaah fedya,!! we finally met! dont give me that face do u know how hard it is to come and meet you when my lazy ahh brother puts trackers on me!" "Malyshka, please calm down---''
All of a sudden u could hear shuffling which instantly cautions the both of you only for your eyes to be meeted with your brothers eye turning into nothing but pitch black like the face he gave when he saw mori
your getting grounded <3
"Out of all people...out of 8 billion people, sister😀" "I-i-i-i i can explain"
damn.. dazai become eminem
the shift mood between to u then to fyodor was so funny
fyodor honestly only glared at him with a smile that said "If they annoy you, go for their sibling"
dazai YANKED Your arm taking you back to you apartment and just stared at you as if you got a B in maths
uh oh...
So YEAH after hours of not being able to calm him down he finally accepted!
Dazai gifted fyodor a dead rat in a helicopter after he accepted you guys😍😍😍
No bcz i think u and nikolai would have matching energy--
Nikolai: "Dos-kun bites his nails!" You: "Real except he bites my neck!"
one day ranpo jolted up from his seat with fisheye and slowly turned to you as if you ate his (dead)mother
"Dazai Y/N, you did not..." "Oh yes yes i just did :3"
everybody was so confused like did you steal his snacks or sth???
"like brother like sister i guess...." -ranpo after finding out his bestie is doing unholy things to his enemy
Dazai acted so overdramatic omg- ugh hes so babygirl
dramatic gossip girlie fr
like its literly like
"I took your victory😈" "I took your sisters viriginty😈😈😈"
i am so sorry-WAHHHHHHHHHH- *gets shot in the head by reader for being so dirty*
during gatherings, they just smile at each other protesting in their minds who can take care of u better while your in a chair rollin around and going :3
kuro kuro kuro kuroooo kuro kuro kuro kuro ding luro kuro ding~
until your silly ahh falls! :D
And its just a second of time to see who can cath you first-
Dazais going to turn your wedding into an arson commitment!
"Breaking news!, Depressed man who half the fandom slanders burns down his sisters wdding venue with soy sauce!"
Well... its a funky ride! but hey its fyodor
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A/N: i know its short but i tried okay- ENJOY!! i love doing crack if i cant laugh or be happy i will make others happy!! <33
Divider crds: @nikolaismasquerade
tags! @silverbladexyz @riiwrites @chuuyasboner @heartsfourdazai @atlasnessie @atsquie @tojifile @biscuits-lovely-corner @darling--angst
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bbyhoneybee-x · 1 year
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering, I saw a post you did where they give their someone a black eye or something? And was wondering if you could do Michael, Vincent and Thomas? If it's too much I'm sorry! Thank you so much!
ayyy guess who's back from the dead! i would like to briefly apolgize for being in active on here for so long, i had lost insperation to write for a while but now im back to give it a second shot! hope you all like this
Michael Myers-
To say that Michael was a big man is an overstatement when he so easily towers over you without even having to try so there's gonna be times of where he might bump into you or knock you over without realizing that your there. By the time you had gotten back to your home sweet home it was late and you were just so very tired and all you wanted to do was cuddle up to Michael and go the hell to sleep, grabbing your keys you unlocked the house and made your way inside before you kicked off your shoes and called out for the masked man , " hey! im finally home" you said as you made your way upstairs to the bedroom you both share only to find Micheal laying on the bed his mask abandoned on the floor which has only been some recently that been been doing around you more often. With sleep filling your eyes you trudged on over to the bed and went to lean done to give him a small peak on his cheek. The thing you need to realize is that even though Micheal is a gigantic of a man and could very easily crush your or anyone's skull simply with his hand , without his mask on he feels very vulnerable , since he sleeps like the dead he didn't hear you come in and the gentle pressure of your lips against his cheek had him in a frenzy state where his fist had collided with your face sending you back on the floor in a ball of pain. His eyes widened as he stand up , his chest breathing frantically now , seeing you on the floor holding your face made his cold heart break softly. Without saying anything he gently picks you up in his huge arms and held you to his chest, even though he doesn't speak he tried to comfort you s best as he from what he knows [which isn't a whole lot] gently tilting your face up to meet his gaze seeing what damage he had cause. your eye had already swelled up and a dark purple color was filling the effected area quickly, sensing the panic in his eyes you gently held his hand in a way to not only comfort him but yourself as well " hey its ok mikey , i know you didn't mean to hurt me i startled you " you said as you gently squeezed his hand. Micheal shakes his head softly as he looked at your eye and a deep sigh had left his chest, he gently placed you down on the bed and gestured for you to stay there and he made his way down to the kitchen. after a few long minutes an hearing some concerning bangs downstairs he trudged his way back to you with item in his hands , an frozen bag of peas in one hand and in the other hand carried some ibuprofen and some Halloween candy. A softly smiles came across your face as he held the bag of peas to your eye trying to be careful of not wanting to cause you more pain then he already has , he placed the candy in you lap and open the bottle of the pain relief and place two in your hand before reaching over to the old wooden nightstand and handed you a tall glass of water. Micheal maybe be a stone cold killer and a nightmare to many people but for you he was soft and loving , he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for a while after the accident , his hands would tremble against yours every time you'd go to hold his hand as if he was afraid to hold you like you were made from glass but after a while he would start to com back around with the help of loving words from you and patience, soon enough he'd be back in your arms like the whole thing had never happened but the thought of it happening again is something that not only scares him but also you as well but with being able to put down rules in place and make sure that he knows that your there maybe this might just be a one time nightmare for the both of you
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Vincent Sinclair -
Making wax sculptures all day was a very tiring task for Vincent , usually by the time he was almost finished it was already dark outside and way past time bedtime. Normally you wouldn't go downstairs and try to bring him up since he was just a stubborn as Bo was, he'd shoo you off back to bed and he'd soon follow up after a few minute but tonight was different as you had not seen him once except for this morning when he woken you up by giving a small kiss to your head and it was down into the basement he went. He didn't even come up for breakfast,lunch or dinner which wasn't like him at all , it had worried a big hole through your stomach as you stood by the to of the step that led down to his workshop of sorts. You'd never really gone down there unless you really needed him since in his own way that space down there was a safe space for him and you didn't want to really upset him by barging in uninvited. But you were worried so he would come to understand that hopefully you thought to yourself as you started to ascend down in the darken basement. The sounds of your shoes echoed off of the stone walls as you make your way to the opening of the basement , " Vincent?" you called out as you stood by the door with your arms wrapped around your torso in a attempt to comfort your self . Without hearing any type of response you started to advancing deeper in to the room looking around when you finally spot the tall masked man looming over one of the wax figures , the sharp blade of his knife seemingly glows in the dark . you take a few more steps forward as you called his name out once more with no avail , this isn't like him at all . You approach him and gently places a hand on his shoulder and shook him softly " Hey vin-" your words were cut off as he spins around at a quick speed like you've seen before normally when hes trying to get his next victim , the tip of the knife had came across and gashes in to your cheek inflicting a stinging pain that cause you to cry out and fall own on to the floor. Vincent was in his own little world when he created these master pieces and normally he good about not getting to far into his head that much but today was different for him , Bo had given him a deadline to have these pieces down and out into the wax museum and hes not one to disappoint his twin brother he ended up blocking out the urges to eat and see you. His hands trembled as he drop the knife and falls down to his knees where his hand had cradled your face and his eyes widen with pure panic. He reached over to his work table and grab a rag which he held to your cheek , he might not be a man of many words but his eyes do all the speaking for him , he was sorry for hurting you accidentally. You gently placed your hand on top of his in comfort " You didn't mean to do it Vincent it's ok" you said as he began on cleaning up the gash and he could't help but be mad at himself for doing it but your words always had a calming effect on him. Soon the gash was cleaned and bandage up , he sat on the floor with you in his lap and you holding hi hands. In your eyes he's not a monster and you helped him see that from his eyes as well. Eventually you both have came up with a system to ensure that something like this wouldn't happen again , it was a simple belly attached to a string that led in to hr basement so you can ring it from upstairs and he'll know that you'd be coming down.
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Thomas Hewitt-
It's hot summer days like this that makes you want nothing more then to sit in the cool shade and sip on some fresh , ice cold lemonade with your beloved Thomas , but unfortunately today is a day where hoyt had thrown Thomas in to some hard bloody work. Normally he'd do it would out any complaint but the heat was starting to effect him, making him more irritable then he usually is. You stood in the kitchen softly sipping on the refreshing beverage as you heard Thomas grunt loudly in pain and slammed something hard down that caused the floorboards to shake from the forced behind it. Your heart breaks for him , he every rarely get anytime to himself or anytime with you since Hoyt made it his job to get his hands bloody and proved for the family , so you had made the choice to bring him a nice cool glass of lemonade in hope that it could help him feel better. "Poor thing must be suffering down there in the hot basement " you said to yourself as you carefully made your way down the old creaky stairs leading to the basement with the drink in on hand. Thomas came into your eyesight , he was hunch over the wooden work table , his shoulders moving up and down as he breathe heavily, one hand clutching onto the other seemingly had hurt it when he was working. Your eyes had widened a bit as you rushed over to him after setting the glass down on a different spot " Tommy? are you ok darling?" you said as you came over to his side trying to see what had happend to his hand , he grunts angrily and tuned his back to face you " Thomas let me see please" you said softly as your hand reached out to grab his arm but it didn't go to plan. The moment he felt the hand on his elbow his top had blew a fuse, reacting on pure instinct, he shoved you away from him but there are times of where he didn't know his own strength.Your head slammed into the wooden table behind you , black spot had filled your vision as Thomas had seen what his anger had done to his love of his life, any anger that he had immediately went away see you on the floor holding your head in pain. Thomas dropped to his knees and held your head in his giant hands looking closely to see if there was any blood coming out of it , he pulled your hand away from it to see some blood on it and he swear he could feel his heart shatter into million pieces , he picked you up in his arms and ran up stair to the room the both of you shared and lays you on the bed before he grab a basin ad filled it with clean water and grab some rags to help clean the wound. the time he took cleaning your head wound was spent in silence but you could hear his soft sniffles and you knew he didn't mean to ever hurt you on purpose. Once he was done wrapping up your head you turn to face him , he sat on his knee looking down at his hands , gently you sit up and wrap your arms around his neck bringing his head in to your lap gently hushing as he made soft sounds in protest afraid he was gonna hurt you again," Tommy is ok im gonna be fine i promise you said softly making his head rise up to look at you with silent tears in his eyes as his hands gently came up and brushed against your head , you gently grabs his hands and held them to your chest right over your heart, " im still here Thomas , i ain't going no where i know you didn't mean to hurt me me at all it was just an accident'' you said softly with a smile. Thomas leans his head on your chest and held on to you as if your gonna slip through his hands like sand. It'll take Thomas sometime to feel like his hands aren't gonna hurt you every-time he touches you, you can see the bit of fear in his eyes , but each time you reassure him that hes not a monster that he sees himself as, an that you love him regardless of anything that's happened. soon enough your Thomas start to come back around , now his hands are constantly on you all the time , but hey its not like either of ya'll have any complains at all.
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{ i hope you guys really enjoyed this! after not writing for a while it defently feels really good to be back! hopefully this is good if not better then my past works but let me know what you guys think!)
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Portrait done by the incredibly talented @apollos-coolest-child
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Oh, hi! Didn’t see you see there. I’m Kat Carter!
Okay, lemme think… I’m fifteen, daughter of Apollo currently at Camp Half-Blood with my homies <3
When I’m not at camp, NYC is my home base. You can probably find me in Apollo cabin: practicing monologues/songs, scrolling Tumblr for fellow demigods, trying not to pine over Ellis Wakefield, running from his insane brother (Sherman Yang), or making mug brownies.
he gets his own category:
@ellis--wakefield — my boyfriend <333
he’s really cute and he’s great at capture the flag and he’s nice to the newbies and damn he’s just idk how to even describe him ‘cause words cannot
Former… um… let’s just say people I used to know:
@lukemessedup — Good boss, bad business
@lieutenant-of-kronos — I regret letting him convince me to join up but he’s a nice guy.
@alabaster-c-t — Yep. You read that right. Bro is apparently not dead, nor has ever been.
@the-song-of-the-moon — We’re starting an ex-Titan Army therapy group together :3
@the-lord-of-time — Literally cannot believe I’m writing this. I’m working on making him a good person, hopefully.
@existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh — need I say more? He’s awesome. Case closed.
@the-better-castellan — new addition to the List Of People Who Aren’t Dead After All! They’re cool trust me
@peyton-is-cool — I missed him loads. Thank the gods he’s safe—he’s been in Texas? I guess?
Totally irresponsible pseudo-father to half of CHB (he does actually care about campers but he’s got a reputation to uphold):
My fellow campers, love y’all:
@thanatoss-favorite-demigod — best murder road trip buddy a gal could ask for
@thehadescabincounsler — I’ve adopted them into Apollo cabin. They’re now officially an honorary child of the Sun Dude.
@thatonebitheaterkid — my sibling. too many pets (affectionate)
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon — my absolute bestie <3
@poseidons-favourite-daughter — training together ⚔️! She’s so sweet and a year rounder so I won’t be alone come fall
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades — she just got back from Tartarus, so you know what that means!… binge watching everything pop culture. Phineas and Ferb say what?
@lady-ariadne-of-milan — my coolest big sister. Be nice, she’s been trapped as a flower since, like, the Renaissance.
@bill-son-of-boreas — Ayyy! My Norwegian bestie!
@internal-bloodshed — I’m like ninety percent sure he wants me dead. If I step a toe out of line and hurt Ellis, my body will apparently never be found.
@the-better-stoll-brother — If anyone messes with him one more time I’m throwing hands.
Shoot me an ask, camp can get kinda boring!
(Psst. My general tag is #kat carter on the case, and my lore tag is #from the archives of kat carter)
(Extra psst. Do you want more Kat Carter content without actually having to roleplay? Send me an ask by picking something from my tag #ask game!)
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enhagvrl · 2 months
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‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. enhypen and your favorite flower ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ୧⍤⃝💐
note: when the enha members bring you your favourite flower ୧⍤⃝💐
theme: bsf!enha x f!reader
a/n: I'll be using jasmine since it is my favourite flower :)
❀ lhs (이희승)
your guys class was on a trip to the local greenhouse for a biology project
everyone was busy finding out their research subjects and discussing with their partners/groups
you were going around the place on your own trying to find more plants you could take up for your project
when all of a sudden, heeseung aka your best friend and also your project partner, appeared in front of you out of nowhere
" here, you like them right?" he said handing you a few jasmine flowers
" How did you know?" " i'm your best friend for a reason idiot"
with a hue of pink and red on my face, i accepted the flowers while the both of us continued to look at the plants
❀ pjs (박종성)
you guys were out shopping for grocery since your friend group will be gathering later
there was this whole bigass mall you guys went to for buying groceries... because it's Jay ifykyk
you guys went your separate ways and agreed to meet at the counter 30 minutes later
you went to the counter after 30 minutes, but got a text from Jay saying he's already paid for his stuff and is waiting at the parking lot
you didn't think much of it and paid for your stuff going to the parking lot after that
he was there standing there in front of the passenger seat door
you went up to him while he opened the back of the car for you to put your part of groceries in
going back to the front, you are met with your best friend standing with a bouquet of jasmines in his hand
" I saw them while coming to the car so I just got you some since they're your favourite. Hope you like them~ " he said with his infamous smirking smile
you accepted it with a lil amused look on your face which made Jay chuckle while he stood holding your side's door open for you
❀ sjy (심재윤)
it was a fine evening going on a walk with your two puppies (jake is a puppy in a human form i will not let anyone disagree)
jake was running around with layla, playing with her, while you were sitting on a bench eating one of the ice creams you got for the three of you
suddenly layla came running to you with a eager look in her eyes
you understood and told her to sit feeding her her ice cream
soon after jake came running too taking a seat beside you breathing heavily from all the running around
you passed him his ice cream while you simply watch the beautiful evening unfolding itself in front of you
" pretty flowers for my pretty best friend " he said holding a few jasmines in his hand
" ...... oh thank you " you said after registering his words
" ayyy did I make you blush? Look at her Layla, she's blushing!! "
I turned my head away from him and looked at Layla who was very knowingly giving me smile
❀ psh (박성훈)
you guys were out in the ice rink cause of the scorching heat which was symbolising the arrival of summer
the music piece from chopin ringing through the roofs and walls of the entire rink
Sunghoon had just finished practising his routine for the upcoming championship and went to change into comfy clothes while you skated around the rink to the smooth melody playing in the background
Just as you were about to get out of the rink, he rushed inside the arena with both his hands full - one hand holding two drinks, which you guess was for you guys while the other held……flowers?
He put on his skates and skated to you holding out one of the drinks
“ oh these? I was just getting us something refreshing when I spotted a person going about selling bouquets. Jasmines are your favourite right? So I thought of getting one for you. Take it. “ he said, noticing your eyes constantly drifting to the bouquet held in his hands.
“ you…got me…flowers?” you questioned, slowly accepting the bouquet from him
He just nodded quietly, turning his head while sipping his drink acting all nonchalant 
But you could easily spot his red ears which made you smile to yourself
you thanked him by pinching his side and skating away
" aish this little- come here!" he screamed as he chased after you
❀ ksn (김선우)
You guys planned to go to this new cafe which had opened across the street 
Sunoo said he had to wrap up a few things at the agency and will reach around 10 minutes late
You did not really mind and got a table booked while you ordered drinks for the both of you
There were a few books displayed on the counter, one of which you picked up while collecting your drinks
You were busy reading the book when suddenly something covered your eyes - more like someone’s hands
“ yaa, I know it's you. No one has softer hands than mine other than you.” You said, as he took off his hands from your eyes, pouting a little. 
“ fine, you caught me but you could have at least pretended to be surprised...you know just to kind of delight me” he said, whining while settling down his bags 
“Eh no thanks.” you replied, to which he could only roll his eyes while taking a sip from his drink
“ anyways, I got you something on the way” he says handing you a small bundle of jasmines
“ oh damn where did you find them? I don't remember seeing any florist shop nearby here?” you said accepting the flowers, your tone a bit higher than usual trying to hide your flustered and blushing state
“ nowhere near here. I got them from near the agency. I was exiting the building when I spotted these on the window of the florist shop so I got them for you!” he said with his shy smile and rosy cheeks
You muttered a quite thank you, while changing the subject to your guys’ lives, making a mental note to get him something the next time you guys meet up
❀ yjw (양정원)
The yang siblings were play fighting again when his sister said something about getting gifts for her on her birthday and it hit Jungwon that it’s been a while since he spent her birthday together as siblings due to him being busy with his trainee activities
Hence you are sitting in his living room trying to help your best friend before he gets himself killed by his sister 
“ How about getting her favourite flowers? You said she’s never received flowers before so as her brother you should be the first one to do the honour.” I said  while trying to take my hand out of the vicious maeumi’s mouth
“ not bad ig…I should probably ask mom what her favourite flower is and get it. Do you wanna come?” he said, taking out his phone to dial up his mom’s number 
“ Nah i’ll get our ramyeon cooked by the time you return so hurry. Go!” you said to the boy who went out the door while simultaneously being on a call with his mom
“ I SWEAR TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YUKI TSUNODA THIS DOG IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME!!” I yelled loudly realising that maeumi’s playful bites were almost tearing up the stitches of my sweatshirt 
I yanked my arm off his mouth, heading towards the kitchen to cook up the ramyeon
A few minutes later, jungwon pops back into the house with a few brown bags probably holding the flowers and some more 
“ OKAY I got her favourite flowers as my mom said and I was just coming back when I remembered that there’s nothing in the fridge to drink so I also got some drinks and a few treats for maeumi. Oh and these ones are for you.” He concluded his talk making me turn my head at the last sentence
There lied a bouquet of jasmines on the counter of the kitchen table which jungwon referred to in his last sentence
I felt my cheeks heat up a little at the small gesture and turned back to serving our ramyeon and drinks - not forgetting to thank him for the gift once he comes out of the shower
❀ nrk (西村力)
“TIME OUT! Get yourselves a little rest. We’ll go over the formations for the last time then you all are dismissed.” your coach said resulting in the whole volleyball team to plop down on the ground, the court filled with the grunts and moans of pain coming from each one of your teammates including you
“ I know I say you look dead all the time but it really looks you’re about to die right now, dude” a deep voice said from above your face, for the source of which you didn't need to open your eyes to know
“Shut your japanese ass up and get me something to drink” you groaned while sitting up and moving to the stairs to take a seat
“Already got it dude. Such a caring best friend aint i?” he says handing you a cold lemonade
 “ shut up” you pretended to spit some of the drink towards ni-ki making him stumble a little
“ someone’s having a hard time today, I see. Anyways, i'm done with my practice so just came over to tell ya i'll be waiting at the gate for you to get done with yours……unless you want me cheering for you, then i can stay back and bust open my lungs for the dearest gi-” 
“ Shuck off! I’ll get to you in 15 mins so just go and wait while I try not to get myself killed.” you said slowly getting up and beginning to walk towards the court 
“ Oi! At Least wipe your sweat properly before you go.Nobody wants to be near a stinky shortie” ni-ki said, throwing your bag on your face while making a run afraid of you chasing him 
You shook your head in disbelief of the kid and zipped open your bag only to find a small bouquet of jasmines sitting on top of your extra jersey and towels with a note beside it saying ‘finish up quickly. Your boring ass is the only thing that’s entertaining to me’ 
You chuckled slightly, taking out the towel, wiping your sweat and throwing it back on top of your bag before running towards the net reminding yourself to tease the dork later when you guys walk together 
written by @enhagvrl, 2024
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writer-rubes · 6 months
Two Magical Friends
A FNAF:SB AU fanfic
Notes: Before I go in- hi. First writing piece on the page? Cool. Sorry to those who prefer AO3, but honestly I have friends there who don’t know about this fandom, so- Guess I’m putting my self indulgent stuff here!
Also, big thanks to @ayyy-imma-ninja for giving me the power to do this. Seriously, you have unleashed a monster /j I decided to start simple, with an AU that I’ve seen a lot on your page, and one that I love!
Anyways, enough stalling. Let’s hop in with a little bit of wholesome fluff!
The Fairy AU Sun and Moon belong to @ayyy-imma-ninja
Julia has always believed in fairies. She watched every animated movie featuring them known to man, she has countless fairy dolls, all she draws are fairies, and a lot of her clothes are what she imagines that fairies wear. She loved fairies, and always wanted to see one and become it’s friend.
The rest of her family kept thinking she was getting a bit too intense with her belief in fairies. She was six years old and her obsession has not died down. They would have thought it would have gone down a little, but no. Her obsession had only grown with her. Every day, she left a small bowl of candy outside in the backyard, thinking it would lure fairies in. Her mother kept telling her to stop since it attracted wasps, but she kept doing it. She was determined to lure in a fairy.
One afternoon, Julia was following her mother around, trying to convince her to take her with the family to the aquarium, which was where her mother and father were going.
“I’m sorry, Julia. But we’re going there to write a newspaper article on it, so we get free access. We tried to get them to let you come too, but they wouldn’t allow it. The only way to get you in is to buy you a ticket, and we can’t afford it right now.”
“But, Mommy!”
“I swear, I’ll take you once we get paid for the article. We’ll be back tonight. There’s leftover noodles in the fridge if you get hungry, sweetheart. I love you. Oh, and one more thing.” She bent down and kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Clean up that candy bowl you left in the backyard. It attracts wasps.”
Her parents left the house, and Julia watched with a sad expression as their car left the driveway, and disappeared down the street. She huffed, and sat on the floor. Why did her parents always get to go out into town and do a bunch of cool stuff, while she just had to sit at home? It wasn’t fair! Oh well, at least she could put on whatever movie she wanted.
But she remembered she had to clean that candy bowl outside. Maybe her mother was right. Maybe the only thing her candy bowl attracted was wasps, not fairies. But she couldn’t give up. Maybe fairies just didn’t like candy? There had to be something else they liked, or maybe they were just scared!
Julia walked to the door to her backyard. She wondered what she could to get a fairy to trust her, since all the stories she heard said fairies liked sweet things. She walked to the edge of the backyard, near her mother’s flower bed. She put the candy bowl there since fairies were also said to love flowers. Strange. It was summer, but she didn’t see any wasps. Normally she saw a few swarming nearby the candy bowl. Instead…
There was a faint glow inside the bowl.
She felt a rush of hope inside of her. Could it be? She bent down to the ground, trying to peek inside without potentially scaring whatever was in there. Her eyes practically began to glimmer with excitement when she realized what she saw.
Not one, but two fairies inside the bowl.
One of them was yellow, like a sunflower. They had petal like rays on their head, and two different colored eyes. They were wearing an interesting looking outfit, with ruffles along their neck, and fingerless gloves. Their wings were shimmering with gold, and had a sun mark on each of them.
The other one looked almost like the complete opposite. They were blue, and part of their face was covered in black. They also had two different colored eyes, and a hat with a star pattern, and a little bell at the end of it. They also wore similar clothes to the other, with ruffles on their neck. However, theirs looked more like a robe than the other’s. Their wings were a beautiful blue, resembling the wings of a moth.
“Brother, we should hurry.” The blue one whispered. “It’s nice that someone left this candy out here, but we can’t stay for long. I saw a cat in that house, and they might let it out, and it could chase us.
The yellow one just laughed. “Don’t worry, brother. That cat hasn’t been outside! Just the other day I saw it sleeping by the window! It can’t hurt us from there!”
Julia was practically frozen in awe. She had always imagined what fairies looked like. They never looked like the ones she was staring at, but she felt her dreams coming true, right then and there. It was then that the blue one finally noticed her.
“Uh… Brother?”
The yellow one turned around, and both made eye contact with me. Both of them yelped and backed away toward the edge of the bowl. They clung to each other.
“Oh my goodness… Real fairies!” Julia cried in excitement. Her family wasn’t home, so she couldn’t tell them. But now, she had the chance to befriend them! Two of them! She smiled brightly at them.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” She said, noticing their scared expressions. “I just wanna be friends! I love fairies! And I knew leaving candy out would lure one in, but two? This is amazing!”
Both of them seemed to calm down a little after Julia finished talking. They could tell she wasn’t going to harm them. She was just excited. The yellow one gently let go of the blue one, and approached the edge of the bowl, facing Julia.
“You left this for us?” The yellow fairy asked. His voice seemed to also be accompanied with the sound of bells.
“Yes, I did!” Julia squealed. “My mommy doesn’t always like it, since it lures in wasps, too.”
The blue one decided to follow his brother, and stood by the bowl’s edge as well.
“Who… are you?” He asked, still sounding defensive. His voice was accompanied with what sounded like the notes of a music box.
“Oh, right, you don’t know my name! I’m Julia!” She giggled a bit. “It’s nice to meet you two!”
The yellow one couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. Julia’s smile had a mix of adult and baby teeth, with a single gap from the most recent tooth she lost. She seemed incredibly friendly. It reminded them both of an old friend of theirs. Being immortal, they met many humans, but only two meant the most to them. A little girl like Julia, and a kind old lady… The yellow one cleared his throat.
“I’m Sun, and this is my brother, Moon!” The yellow fairy exclaimed, gently grabbing his brother’s shoulder. Julia giggled. She liked the names, and thought they were fitting.
Moon just waved to her. Though she was nice, he didn’t quite trust her yet. Or rather, he didn’t want to let himself trust her. She reminded him of that little girl they were close with, but… He didn’t want to feel like he was replacing her. No one could. Especially not this one.
Julia wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead. It was incredibly hot and humid, and there were a few wasps starting to congregate. She smiled at the two fairies.
“My mommy says I need to bring in the candy bowl. It lures in wasps… If you two need to go, it’s okay.”
Sun and Moon glanced to each other. Moon shook his head briefly, but Sun gently whispered something to him. After a minute, they both nodded. Sun turned to Julia.
“We can stay a little longer. If you want to go in, we could hide in your pockets or something!”
Julia’s face lit up. These fairies wanted to spend time with her? She could have sworn this was a dream. She quickly held up her arm and pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t. The prick she felt confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming at all. This was real.
“Oh, thank you! My family’s not home, and they won’t be until tonight!”
She gently lifted up the candy bowl, and rushed away from the flower bed, and the gathering wasps. She went inside the cool house, feeling her body temperature return to normal. She looked inside the bowl, and she smiled seeing Sun and Moon still eating the candy left in the bowl. Instead of walking to the kitchen, she took the bowl upstairs to her room. She paused for one moment, turning her head to look at the room adjacent to her’s. Her smile faded for a moment, but it perked back up when she walked to her room.
The walls were painted a light lavender, the floor had a heart shaped carpet in rainbow colors, there were glowing star stickers on the ceiling, and there were numerous pictures on the walls. There was a white desk in front of the window, with pink and blue curtains dawning them. Her bed also had those same color bedsheets. There was a toy chest by her desk, and a closet by her bed. It was a lovely room, perfect for a six year old.
“You have a really nice room!” Sun told her.
“Thank you, Sun! Daddy painted the walls, and my brother made the desk!” Julia frowned slightly when she mentioned her brother, but she smiled again as she set the bowl down on the desk.
Both brothers got out of the bowl. Sure, they could have gotten out at any time, but they appreciated the free ride. They unfurled their wings, and flew around the room, observing everything. Moon was fascinated with the doll Julia had on her bed, and Sun was interested in some of the books on her shelf by the desk.
“Julia?” Moon asked. “Where did you get this doll?”
“Oh…” Julia went over, and sat down on the bed. “My mommy made it. Well, the clothes at least. My brother got the doll itself. I had it since I was a baby.”
“Does your mother make clothes for dolls all the time?” Moon asked.
“No, not really.” Julia answered. “She used to make clothes for dolls, but stopped after something bad happened to her. The clothes for my doll were the last ones she made.”
“Hey, Julia!” Sun called, getting Julia’s attention. She and Moon went over to where Sun was.
“I noticed when you mentioned your brother, you got a little sad. Did… something happen?” Julia wasn’t expecting such a personal question, but she could answer.
“My brother was years older than me. He was my hero. But he disappeared a couple years ago to stop some really bad guys. A year ago, Mommy got a letter saying he won’t ever come back.” Her smile faded entirely. She missed her brother. Sun flew up to her face.
“Hey, it’s okay! He’s still here in your heart! Isn’t that what’s important?” He asked, trying to make her feel better.
“Yeah, but… he can’t hug me in my heart…” Julia whispered.
Moon frowned slightly, feeling bad that they opened a wound for her. They knew how it felt to lose people they cared about. Being immortal, they outlived many human friends, especially the ones they loved most.
“But we can hug you!” Sun assured her. “Here, I got the perfect cure for that frowny face of yours!”
Julia looked at him, and saw he was holding a little pile of golden dust. He took a breath, and blew it in her face. She squeaked, and coughed slightly, before she sneezed. What was that stuff? She then realized… she wasn’t sad anymore. In fact, the smile that Sun liked was back on her face. She started to giggle.
“What did you do?” She asked through her giggles.
“That’s my magic, silly!” Sun explained. “My fairy dust can make people happy! Sure, we fairies help nature in our own ways, but I love spreading my fairy dust and curing people’s bad days!” Julia let out a soft squeal as she felt Sun nuzzle into her neck. It felt incredibly ticklish.
“I agree with Sun.” Moon piped up, and he also nuzzled into her neck, liking the sound of her laughter. “Your brother is still here in your heart. As long as you love him, he’s always here!” Julia kept giggling as both brothers worked to make her happy again.
After a minute, they let her be, and the dust’s effect wore off. Julia’s giggles died down, and she smiled brightly at the brothers.
“That was fun! I always dreamed of having fairy friends, and now there are two of them right in front of me!”
Sun smiled at her. “You bet!”
Moon smiled as well. “I have a feeling we’ll be coming back here a lot more.”
Julia laughed a little. “My mommy and daddy still don’t come home for a while… Do you guys wanna play?”
A bright smile stayed on her face as the fairy boys nodded.
Julia had a blast playing with the two fairies. Though they were much smaller than her, she found many ways to play with them. Hide and seek, tea parties, drawing, and playing tag. Julia didn’t have any real friends, so having two fairy ones gave her happiness she couldn’t describe. Sun and Moon were also having fun. They hadn’t bonded with a human like this in a long time. They could sense that Julia was kind of lonely, so they wanted to fill that gap. Besides… She reminded them of that little girl they were close with. In a way… it was like reliving that.
It started getting dark after a while, and she could see Sun was getting tired. Moon also had to begin his duties soon, so they had to go home.
Julia seemed to understand, and she opened the window for them.
“Thank you for being my friends!” Julia told them. “If you ever wanna play again, I’ll leave my window open… with a bowl of candy right beside it!” Both fairies laughed.
“We’re looking forward to it.” Moon whispered.
“Bye, Julia.” Both fairies said at the same time. They both flew out the window, disappearing into the night. Julia kept her window open, smiling as she felt the cool summer air on her face. She heard the noise of a car pull up. She gasped, and ran downstairs to greet her parents. When they came in the door, she hugged them tightly.
“Hey there, kiddo.” Her father said. “How was your day?”
“It was amazing!” Julia cried. “I saw fairies! Real fairies! They were so pretty and nice!” Both her parents laughed.
“Sounds lovely, Julia.” Her mother told her. They didn’t believe her at all, but since she was a little girl, they played along. Her mother went to the kitchen to start making dinner, and her father went to finish their report.
Julia just couldn’t stop smiling. She looked down at her dress, and saw a little bit of gold glitter still on it.
“I knew they were real.”
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jvsons · 2 years
Hi! I love your blog so much
Can I request a Jason Todd x reader where the reader is pregnant and she tells Jason
⤐ jason todd x reader
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- masterlist
- wc | 627
- warnings | mentions of pregnancy, fem implied reader (can def be seen as gn), very slight suggestive comment at the end
- summary | jason todd is many things, but a stable man is not one of them.
- author’s note | ayyy guess who’s back from the dead, thank you anon for the request! apologies if you wanted this to be pure fluff, i kinda hopped on the angst train and got a little silly
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Trembling hands worked along damp seams, patching polar bandages to dewy skin. Each finished thread through bruised nerves projected all but a quiet sigh from the man below you, free hand mushed into freshly washed locks.
You hadn’t expected a response from him, dripping with fading adrenaline and frayed patience. Post patrol for his vigilantism was akin to a hangover, forcing his eyes shut to block out dimmed lights as his foot tapped relentlessly against the bathroom floor. Your eyelashes netted sweat as you continued to work, lips pursed into a thin line at the refusal of your fingers to steady.
It was just short of 4 in the morning. Jason had arrived at the same time he would every typical patrol night, reeking of downtown Gotham and riddled with injuries. You had learned to suppress the worry that carried along with each return, holding on to each promise that he would be fine. You believed him. Jason was a strong man. Physically.
And as stable as he was learning to become, you dreaded what would happen if he took the faintest of glances to the small trash beside you.
His mood usually began to lift an hour after getting home. Ever so slightly, the movement of his leg began to slow from what you could only assume was growing fatigue.
“Sorry that your hair smells like cherry vanilla.” You leaned forward, swiping a flock of wet bangs to the side of his forehead. “Your favorite shampoo is on sale at Batmart, I’ll go buy some after work.”
His uncovered eye peaked out from your gesture, unchanging in demeanor despite your smile. A few moments of silence passed before he reached down, swiping a package of bandages from the area beside your foot.
He effortlessly stretched past you, dipping a hand into the trash despite your efforts to shield him.
“The shampoo can wait.”
Your next breath swept itself dry in the depths of your throat as his hand retreated to your vision, spinning a two-lined pregnancy test around before lowering it.
“Jason, I-“
“Is this yours?”
You could only spare a partially audible cough before nodding.
A soft clack rang out as the test hit the floor, followed by an undistinguished noise from your lover. His hands found themselves rubbing slack against his face, running over sensitive wounds and premature tears alike.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” His breath rolled out as a shudder, slightly muffled by the hand cupped over his mouth. “I should’ve been more careful, I.. I didn’t mean to…”
You slowly reached forward, thumbs swiping newly forming tears from his ducts as choked sobs escaped underneath. Weighted with uncertainty, you took the hand he held over his face, clasping trembling fingers over your own.
“I can’t… I can’t be a father.”
His mouth molded into a thin line, eyebrows knitting firmly together as you ran your free hand over his jaw. The trace stopped at the shell of his ear, fluttering back to run free amongst now partially dried strands of raven hair.
“You can, love.” Your voice was small, adding in a small nod as his gaze rose to contest yours. “You can, only if you want to.”
If a single brush of wind had passed outside, you would’ve failed to pick up the “okay” he let out. Shallow nods followed his a rising flush on his face, eyes averting the next moment, followed by silence and a squeeze to your hand.
“What are you thinking?”
“Nothing bad.” His gaze flicked back to you, earning a ghostly smile along the way at the sight of your relief. “I’m just wondering how, you know,”
You snorted, lightly slapping his arm before he could finish.
“Alright, you need to go to bed.”
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ryeriy · 8 months
hockey and hoes
warnings: foul language, slight smut
navigation post
a/n: I'm slowly catching up on these lol anyways enjoy :)
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"Knock knock." I hear coming from my dorm door with the sound of knocking on the door. "Coming!" I say while walking towards the door and open it. My face lights up as I see Luca's face with a smile on it already. "You look so pretty like words can't even describe it right now." He says. I laugh as I hear him say that to me. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself," I say to him. "Aw babe, you're so nice." We both let out a soft chuckle as I let him inside my dorm as I finish grabbing my phone and putting on my heels. Luca invited me to a party that a few of the guys on the hockey team were hosting at their house. Apparently, lots of people are going to be there and Luca wanted me to go with him. It's supposed to be a Halloween party and he told me we needed to dress up and if we didn't we'd be lame. Don't want to be the lame one. Plus, it's one of the only times I can dress however I want for a party and have an excuse as of why.
We decided to be Daphne and Fred from Scooby-Doo. It was his idea to do it. I mean he already kind of looks like it so I can see it. All I had to do was buy a dress, the scarf, the socks, and the purple pumps. I love it. "I like purple on you." He said while putting his arms around my waist as I closed my dorm door behind me and walked out with Luca to the nearby parking lot he parked in. "Do you think we're going to be the hottest ones there?" I asked him while we both got into his car. "Hell yeah, we will!" I laugh and he looks over at me. I look over at him as he puts his hand on my face, giving me a soft kiss. Followed by two more before we decided to pull away from each other. We buckle our seat belts and make our way to the party.
We parked on the side of the road next to the house when arrived. Getting out of the car and walking into the party. "I feel so stupid. What if we're the only ones dressed up?" I say. Luca grabs onto me and wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him. "We'll be fine. Even if we are we can be dressed up together!" He kissed me on the head while we walked up the driveway that was packed with cars. We both walked in and all you could see was people in costumes. All of his teammates walked up to him. "Ayyy Luca!" Ethan walked up to him. They both gave each other a hug like how guys always do.
We walked around together before we found ourselves in the corner of the living room and I was standing in front of him. His hands wrapped around my waist as I leaned back behind him. I held his hands and put my head on his shoulder. "Why do you even come to these stupid parties," I say while looking at him. We've been talking to people for thirty minutes then we distanced away. "Because I like my hockey boys and the hoes." He says. "I better be the hoe you're talking about," I say while turning my head to look up at him. "Of course you are, but you're not a hoe to me." He says while he placed a kiss on my neck. I smiled at him. "Who are your hoes then?" I saw while looking up at him. "The boys who don't play hockey with me." He says while looking down at me. "Like Luke?" I questioned. "Yeah, I guess you could say Luke's one of my hoes." He says while laughing.
"What do you say we get out of here and go pick up some apple cider and donuts from the store and eat them in my car before I return you to you're palace?" Luca says while smiling at me. "Since when is my dorm a palace?" I say while laughing. "Is it a yes or no?" He said. "Yes, of course." I smiled at him as he kissed me before we decided to leave and go back to his car. Luca, can you be my hoe?" I say while walking out with him. "What?" He says while laughing. "Can you be my hoe." I repeated. "Yeah, I guess," I said while laughing.
31 days of Halloween
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crimebell · 1 month
MAGp - 011
Celia is... a sleepwalker? Periodically possessed? Who's to say!
Alice feels followed- perhaps by our good friend [ERROR]! Please be a friend and not like, Jane Prentiss. Or actually I changed my mind that would also be rad. Please don't be by Mr. Bonzo that would suck
Ayyy tattoo appearance! Remember that episode of TMA where you get on a ship, get paid a buttload of money to do nothing except hope you aren't a poor sod left floating alone at sea to die?
The tattooist themselves is back! God you're so off putting when are you free next? Also Oscar Jarrett is another evil tattooist- so many names, so little memory space
Whoever Sutherland Macdonald is, cheers! You get a mention and also I would've immediately forgotten you had I not written it down
"He's with the sea, now. The deep will care for his bones."
It is absolutely hysterical to be pissed at being told to be more professional after sending that shit previously
The Influencer Tattooist 'took it'? The body? Just the tattoo?
"Mr. Bonzo is one of our externals." OKAY big here guys confirmation these are the Not Good Guys! The existence of externals implies the existence of internals- we've got Helen distortion locked up somewhere, I just know it, tell me where so I can ask if she's free for dinner soon
"[Mr. Bonzo] is a valued asset." So actually Lena he eats people
Could Needles also be an external? The tattooist? The old movie theatre guy? Am I an external?
I guess if you can't beat 'em, monitor, assess, and feed people to 'em.
"[The Externals] usually like [screaming]." At least Lena is far more forthcoming than rat bastard Elias was, I guess
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oh-three · 3 months
Man, that shuttle is in rough shape.
"We have to land." / "A little hard to do when nothing's working." Ayyy, banter.
"Your future, however, is less certain." He doesn't trust her for a second and that's completely fair.
Omega thinking the Empire followed them, and Crosshair explaining that they were already there is actually really funny to me.
Is that a baseball cap? In Star Wars?? That helmet is horrendous.
Oh my god, Omega learned too much about seedy employers from Cid 😭
Omega and Crosshair barely know each other and have such a great dynamic already, I love them.
"And if you lose?" / "Well,...I guess we'll be in more trouble." 🤣
Oh no, Imp officer.
Something tells me this is where Omega loses.
"That shuttle looks like one of ours." How observant.
"Never seen you or your DAD around before." Crosshair is part of the Dad Batch now confirmed.
The captain took that loss well ngl.
LMAO. He was just trying to catch gamblers by breaking the law himself. Way to get back half his money. 😭
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. We know by trailers that Omega ends p back at Tantiss, and that Crosshair ends up back with the Batch. They can only afford to bribe the port guy for one ticket. FUCK.
Oh, nevermind. They still somehow have enough, she had a good day. It was a good theory, though.
I hate to agree with Crosshair, but...
"If you wanna go, then go." 😭
She's gonna get caught trying to get Batcher back. That's what's happening. The captain's not stupid, he's probably figured out who they are.
Ahh, Cross came back, I remain in fear.
Is Lau the town or the planet?
Crosshair's "finally" before he let out that first shot. My man is so happy for Omega to agree with him for once.
That's a hell of a stampede.
Ayyy, bye, Cap. You should've taken them in when you had the chance at the bar. Now, you're dead.
That went well.
The shot of the stormtroopers around the crashed shuttle reminding me of ants on an anthill.
Ayy, what an entrance, Hunter.
"I had help," and then there's Crosshair walking down the ramp, and my emotions are going crazy, and HE'S FINALLY BACK WITH HIS FAMILY. 😭
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saywhatjessie · 6 months
I'm just hoping for some mistletoe
Day eight of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 8: Under the Mistletoe Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie 1.2k[Ao3]
“Ayyy!” A cheer went up from all the greyhounds as Moe and Declan kissed in the middle of the dressing room, the team stamping their feet and pumping their fists.
“There’s no way this isn’t an HR violation,” Roy noted, glaring mistrustfully at the innocuous white berried plant hanging from the ceiling.
Beard’s expression didn’t change, standing next to Roy in the coach’s office and watching them through the window. “It’s not compulsory. Smooching is strictly up to player discretion.”
Roy grunted. “Yeah, but what about fucking peer pressure? This bunch of idiots would do anything for each other.”
“Well it’s all about mutual respect and trust, isn’t it?” Nate said from his other side. “They all trust each other to know it’s not that serious and respect each other enough not too push too far. I don’t think Isaac’s kissed anyone, nor Paul or Jeff, out of respect for their wives.” He shrugged. “The team seem fine with it.”
Roy growled, mildly. 
“I got caught under there with Jan,” Beard commented. “Surprisingly gentle.”
Roy turned to look at him fully, his face screwed up with outrage. “What, they expect us to participate?”
“Mistletoe is rated E for everyone,” Beard noted. “Consenting, of course.”
“Well I don’t consent. I’m not doing it.”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
“And too Jewish! Why should I subscribe to your Christian centric traditions?”
“Fair point, Mr. Kent.”
Roy glared at him. Beard’s expression still gave nothing away but Roy could tell he was amused. He turned his gare on Nate who looked back up at him innocently.
“Fuck off,” he barked at both of them before slamming into the locker room and yelling at everyone to get on the pitch.
Roy suffers through watching most of his team kiss under that fucking mistletoe over the following weeks. There was Richard and Thierry, Kyle and Dani, O’briend and Robbie, Colin and Jamie, Sam and Jamie, Will and Jamie.
Jamie spent a lot of time under the mistletoe.
“S’just fun, innit?” Jamie said one evening when Roy hadn’t quite asked about it. “I love the lads. Love kissing.” He shrugged. “Feels like a win-win.”
Roy grunted.
Jamie continued to hum, unbothered, as his feet kicked back against Roy’s cabinets. “He was sat on the counter next to the stove as Roy cooked, being a general nuisance. Roy doesn’t know why he doesn’t kick him out – he’d never invited Jamie over for dinner. Jamie just showed up one day and Roy fed him. And he’d kept showing up and Roy had kept feeding him. It was mad.
“I’m pretty sure Jack is Jewish,” Jamie said. abruptly. “and he definitely kissed Tommy the other day when they got caught in it.”
“Okay?” Roy said, flummoxed.
“I’m just sayin’” Jamie said, watching his finger trace idly over the counter next to his hip. “You’ve been avoiding it like the plague it seems like and Beard said you objected on religious grounds.”
Roy’s eyebrows hiked up. “You asked Beard? Why I haven’t kissed anyone?”
“Well, no. Kind of.” Jamie’s brows furrowed. “I was talking to Sam and Will overheard and said the coaches were talking about it and then Beard just kind of appeared like the creepy cryptic shit he is.”
Roy grunted. Yeah, that sounded about right.
“And then I guess I asked him, yeah. And he said you said you were too Jewish.”
“I did say that,” Roy told him, watching as Jamie nodded in disappointed understanding.
Roy paused, not sure if he wanted to ask the next question, but needing to know the answer.
“Why were you and Sam talking about me.”
Jamie’s cheeks went red, the blush going down his neck and disappearing down his collar. “Nothing, mind your business, grandad.”
Roy put down his spoon. The sauce could simmer for a bit while he dealt with this.
He leaned back against the island counter opposite the sulking footballer on his counter. “Jamie?”
Jamie sighed, turning his head to face Roy.
“Sam asked me why I hung out so much under the mistletoe. I told him I was just waiting for you to wander close enough.”
Jamie sat there, chin jutted out, defiant and scared. He kept full eye contact with Roy during his confession but, hey. no one had ever said the little prick was lacking in courage.
Roy took a step toward him, uncrossing his arms. “So you were just going to ambush me into kissing you?”
Jamie rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t gonna assault you or nothin. Just thought maybe you needed inventive or something. Plausible deniability or whatever.”
“Incentive,” Roy corrected, gruffly and automatically. He took another step forward, hand on Jamie’s knee. “You think I’d need mistletoe as an excuse to kiss you? Like I don’t know I could have kissed you any time I wanted?”
“Well you haven’t yet,” Jamie said, bitchily. “Not sure what you’ve been waiting for, honestly.”
“Well who says I want to, Tartt?”roy asked, his voice low, as he stepped even closer, putting himself between Jamie’s spread thighs. “What makes you so special?”
Jamie spread his legs wider, making room for Roy and smirked, challengingly. “Please.”
And then Roy had to kiss him. Just to get that stupid smug look off his face.
Jamie didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, his hands immediately coming up to pull him in closer by his shoulders and grip onto his hair. His groan sounded a lot like ‘Finally’.
It went on for long enough for Roy to become familiar with what the back of Jamie’s teeth tasted like but Jamie still whined when he pulled away.
Roy laughed, dropping his forehead against Jamie’s. “Did you really think I was gonna do that in front of the whole team?”
“Well how was I supposed to know you’d kiss me like that?” Jamie grinned his shark grin. “I knew you were obsessed with me but fuck.”
“Prick,” Roy said, maybe a little fondly.
“Yup!” Jamie agreed brightly. “You should kiss me some more about it.”
Roy did. The sauce burned.
A couple weeks later, they were back in the locker room.
“Coach, can you come look at this for me?” Dani asked, beckoning Roy/
Roy grunted, meeting him by the benches and everyone started ooh-ing.
He looked up at the, startled, and saw that several of them were gesturing at the ceiling, where a little white berried plant hung.
“Fucking hell,” Roy cursed, glaring around at them. “It’s the tenth of January!”
“Yeah, weird that’s still up there.” Roy whirled around to see that Dani had vanished and Jamie now stood in his place, face overly casual and hands curled in the bottom of his shirt. He shrugged. “Nothing for it, though, is there?”
Roy raised an eyebrow at Jamie. Jamie raised an eyebrow back.
“I hate you,” Roy told him.
“Yeah?” Jamie grinned. “Show me how much.”
And Rolled his eyes, pulling Jamie in to kiss him. The team’s hooting and hollering didn’t stop for five full minutes.
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igotkpoops · 1 year
Aquarium Date or Babysit?
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summary: at the last minute, sangyeon's older sister asked him if he could babysit her children while she attended an emergency meeting, unaware that sangyeon had other arrangements; going on a aquarium date with you. nonetheless, he brings them with him, keeping his love ones close to his heart.
the boyz lee sangyeon x fem! reader
genre: fluff warnings: none
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“i guess it’s you and us.” sangyeon smiled at your driveway as you walked towards them; opening the car door, you were greeted by sangyeon’s nephews kissing your cheeks.
“aunt y/n, sangyeon hyung said, will go to the aquarium!” the youngest said as he climbed on to y/n to sit on her lap, as the oldest too sat on her lap. as the three giggled.
before sangyeon started the car, he witnessed the three giggles and took a picture of them. delighted by the view, he didn’t realize the time and started the car. y/n put on music as they sang while going to the designated place.
“do you know noona, hyung always talks about how he loves you.” the eldest teased his uncle, as y/n laughed. “oh really?” y/n replied, as they began teasing sangyeon.
“enough with the teasing; we are here already.” sangyeon said as he parked the car; he grabbed the boy's bag’s in the back seat as he helped y/n open her car door. “boys, grab our hands, okay. so you wouldn’t get lost.” y/n told them as they nodded their heads “yes, noona~” they gleefully said.
in the point of view of others, they could be called a loving family. “wahhh, a shark and turtle!” the youngest said as he pointed with his lips and lightly shook y/n’s and his older brother's arms. “okay, okay let’s gooo.” sangyeon told as they went near the glass. as the boys were busy admiring and watching the sea creatures. y/n took a picture of the three and sent it to sangyeon’s older sister.
y/nie♡: sent a photo
unnie♡: ahaha they are so cute!! i miss them already TT
unnie♡: tell them i’ll be home before dinner!
y/nie♡: don’t worry unnie will be having dinner with them!
unnie♡: really? thank youuuu!!
y/n smiled as she reacted to the older last message before closing her phone. someone interlocked their hands with her, she was startled at first but knowing who’s hand could fit into her perfectly she smiled looking at them. “want to go sit somewhere near? they’re too busy watching the sharks.” as she nods her head. sitting near the little boys, a grandmother walked toward them so they couldn’t go far.
“hello dear, i noticed you when entering, and i just wanted to say you remind me about my younger days. i hope you two last long.” the grandmother said as both of them giggled, “thank you halmeoni~” y/n thank her, as they waved at her.
“so when are you going to put a ring on it huh?” y/n teased him as he blushed furiously; there’s no doubt y/n is the straightforward one in their relationship even though their mbti’s are different.
“in the meantime, wear my ring soon; it’ll be a wedding ring.” he said as he put a ring on her finger, “ayyy~ the lee sangyeon flirting.” y/n giving him the wiggly eyebrows, a way for her to hide her flustered state.
sangyeon was about to kiss her on her lip until his nephews walked up to them. “we're hungry.” they pouted, rubbing their tummies.
“it’s almost 6; what do you want to eat for dinner?” sangyeon questioned them as the three of them said in sync, “meat!!” as they laughed, the boys held y/n hands as the three of them were in front of sangyeon.
he smiled at them, patting the small velvet box at the back of his pockets, saying to himself, “next time, i’ll propose soon.” as he started running when he saw the three running towards the car, as laughter erupted around them.
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not edited lolol, this idea just came into my mind and i wanted to write hehe. hope you like this imagine! huhu sorry for not updating college and personal problems bee an ass lately.
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